The Fight is Over (Anthro Fox TF/TG/AR) [COM]

Story by Vinomath on SoFurry

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commission for selenesiegel on DA who requested a mother wish for a daughter after a fight with her son who ends up turning into a little fox girl.

Jack lived with his mother Diane in a quaint little home in the countryside. It had been just the two of them since Jack graduated High School, and his "vacation from school" had lasted for much longer than Diane had ever anticipated, meaning it had been years since then, Jack now 20 working at a minimum wage job with little hours. This was an arrangement Jack was fine with, but Diane was far from fine with it.

The two had a few small arguments, nothing too major. It was more of Diane making a "casually persuasive" comment to try and get him to go back to school to get a better job. This was usually met with Jack shrugging it off and going on with his life, much to his mother's dismay. He may think that it's her trying to push him down, but all Diane wanted was the best for her son.

Eventually, things became heated and would stay that way. It seemed like everyday was an argument between the two. They spent most of the time they were together shouting at each other and when they were at work, venting to their co-workers. It was exhausting for both of them. None of them wanted to fight so often but it was just one snide thing muttered would lead to it.

One day, the two had their most heated argument yet. For the most part, they only lasted a handful of minutes, but this one didn't seem like it was ever going to end. It just kept going and going for hours and hours. There was some shouting, some breaking, and some tears from both parties. Jack was the first to realize it probably wasn't ever going to end. At which he just took a deep breath and left mid-shouting. Diane was going to go after him but gave her own deep breath and decided it was best to drop it. The two were just tired of it all.

Diane retreated to her own room and threw herself on the bed. It was so exhausting. She couldn't connect with him the way she wanted to as she didn't know much of anything about raising a boy on her own. If Jack had been a girl things might of been different. Diane could of taught her everything she learned how to do that ended up giving her a rather nice source of income, but Jack where it is now would refuse to learn because it wasn't "masculine." She lifted her body up and looked out the window, muttering the words "I wish I had a daughter..." before going back to bed.

Jack in the other room, tired from all the fighting just thew himself face down on the bed and drifted into slumber rather quickly, making it impossible to see what was his body was about to go through. Jack's body began to sprout red fur over most of his body, white fur going down his front while black fur covered his arms and feet; the fur pattern of a fox! Jack's bone structure, namely at his legs began to alter vastly and if he were standing up, he'd have a digitigrade posture and be forced on his toes. On top of that, his legs shrank making him much, much shorter now.

While this was going on at Jack's lower body the top of it was going through a transformation as well. His eyes became larger while taking on a triangular shape, moving higher up his head. Not only that, they would now move with his emotions, drooping when sad and perked up when happy or excited. Jack's hair grew longer, reaching to his back. It wasn't saying too much since his body wasn't that big to begin with anymore. His nose became black and wet as his whole face pushed outward into a muzzle, jaw growing with it. Jack's eyelashes grew out ever so slightly as his adam's apple became almost non-existent. If he spoke it would sounds much more high pitched than before, especially since his age had decreased a good dozen years, now no more than eight years old.

The changes would meet in the middle of Jack's body, where there was more preparation for the future if anything. As per changes occurring now, Jack's shoulders caved inward losing their broad, masculine look as his arms slendered out greatly. Jack's hands became smaller and took on a dainty look as well. From behind him, a bushy red tail with white tip emerged, which would idly sway every now and again but if Jack was awake, he'd be able to control it somewhat. Lastly, his manhood slipped away into nothingness as his sex flipped. Jack's insides re-arranged as well, setting up for puberty's "gifts" in all regions making Jack a full fledged fox girl.

The changes didn't stop at just Jack, the room around him, now her began to change. First off Jack's pants were gone entirely, leaving only a shirt behind. Since it was from her former body, it almost covered her whole body, reaching her knees. Jack's tail peaked out from under it. In this altered reality, it was a hand-me-down from her older brother who gave it to her when he moved away. It was simply a blue T-shirt with no design.

Jack's collectibles that sat in the corner of his room vanished, to be replaced with stuff animals, dolls, and even a few toy cars. The once powerful PC was reduced to a Leap Frog one. The gaming consoles she had her gone as well, but unlike her computer they weren't replaced with anything else. Jack's new room had a corner with a lot of art supplies as well, even drawings she had made hanging up around them. They weren't masterpieces or anything, but weren't too bad for an 8 year old fox girl.

Jack slept comfortably, blissfully unaware that he had just turned into a little fox girl and the room around her reflected that fact. She twisted and turned with a smile on her face, seemingly having a pleasant dream, her tail wagging in her sleep with ears reacting. However, Jack was in for the quite the awakening when she rose from her slumber.

Jack began to twist and turn during the night, her subconscious could tell something was amiss on the outside world, but not enough to wake her up. Her newly acquired ears and tail were going crazy with emotion. Up and down, side to side, she moved them more than anyone probably ever should. All of it was of course, completely out of control. The possible negative effects of the transformation were in her head before she could make a final verdict for herself.

In Jack's dream she was just trying to get away from...something. She never saw exactly what it was. All she truly knew was that she didn't want it to catch her (albeit still in his old body in the dream). It somewhat felt as if something was trying to eat away at his whole persona. From his person to his body, as if he was trying to be erased. It was quite the odd sensation Jack was feeling, but whatever the reason she didn't want it to overcome her.

The seemingly never-ending dream finally came to a close, as Jack's eyes shot open in a cold sweat. She panted heavily, catching her breath just glad to be awake from the nightmare. However, upon looking around her now vastly different room, she wasn't entirely sure if it was over or not. Where Jack was now it certainly wasn't her room. There were dolls, stuffed animals, all kinds of stuff that perhaps a young child might own. Gone were his former collectibles and rather expensive equipment with things you'd find in a little girl's room replacing it.

Jack looked around her completely different room with her long jaw hung open wide. She couldn't even begin to find any words, noises even for what she was seeing. The walls were painted purple, formerly a navy blue. She looked on the other side seeing her computer completely gone with some kind of bin, a stuffed animal sticking out from it and mostly likely there were more inside. She started to get up from her bed slowly, stopping herself as she sat up. Why was there an odd pain?

When Jack's head turned and she made contact with her tail she almost let out a squeal, managing to hold it in just giving out a small whimper. That's when her eyes looked down in front of her face and saw the muzzle sticking out. She brought her hands up to it nervously, feeling the length of it along with the slight dampness of her nose; of which now was rough to the touch.

After taking a moment she stood up from her bed, almost falling over as she was not used to walking with digitigrade legs. Not only that, she felt a certain "something" between her legs gone, confirming what she had already somewhat suspected; that being that she was far from male anymore. This confirmation made her blush right through her fur. It was as if she was learning how to walk again, having to catch herself with her hands because she was still getting used to her new bone structure and center of balance thanks to her tail.

Curious as to the contents of the odd bin in her new room, Jack made her way over there, finally getting used to her new legs. She opened it up and there wan't much of anything aside from a small handful of small stuffed animals. Jack couldn't quite put her finger on it, but there was something calling to her in her mind. Telling her to go inside of it and pretend. It's a thought Jack would have if she was still a very young child, and those thoughts seemed to be re-emerging inside her brain. Thoughts of wanting to play with the stuffed animals, and ask "mommy" if she could play with her.

Jack tried as best as she could to fight off the thoughts rushing threw her head and she could feel them get stronger and stronger and her usual ones getting weaker and weaker. She was much more calm about the whole situation now, as if that's how things had always of been. The slivers of Jack's old mind were getting smaller by the second, barely in control by a new personality by the name of "Jenny." A very carefree and under-developed one (it did belong to an eight year old girl after all) was taking over. Jenny was a very excitable one who loved to pretend, quite creative she was.

However, as Jack was starting to become more and more like Jenny, the sliver of her former self was trying to find any kind of solution to stop it. The only issue with this was that "Jenny" was taking over at a rapid rate, and more advanced ways of thinking were slipping away with more childish answers and unhelpful thoughts. It was distracting her to, and in her childish mind Jack decided if she listened to Jenny and got into the bin things would go away.

Jack opened up the lid of the bin and got in with her tail curled up and closed it. The darkness made her quite sleepy, and her eyes began to flutter closed. As she drifted back into sleep, her body went through much more subtle changes compared to last time. The red fur on her body began to change into a light purple color. Her hair became a darker purple compared to her fur.

Once the fur had changed, Jack was finally done transforming into the eight year old fox girl Jenny, who lived with her mother. All her worries, all the fighting, wiped away with the happiness only a child could have. She opened up the bin with gusto and practically hopped out, her tail wagging excitedly. Jenny changed into a pretty blue dress and ran out of her room to greet her mother. Jenny couldn't quite put her finger on it, but it felt like she was reinvigorated, and she was ready to show the world!