Part 7 – Moving on

Story by starbtle on SoFurry

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#7 of Reincarnation: Dragoness

Recap - In part 6... Well let's go back father than that

This story is about Anna, a dragon who has the magickal ability to take the shape of a winged human. It is an ancient magick, which not all remember they have. Her uncle, who attacked her and her friend Gwen the Faun in part 5, has this power as well. He used it to get his human friends into the magickal forest and hunt down Anna and her father. Anna escapes, killing her uncle, but her father is caught. Anna stayed with the faun family for a while, finding a cave of her own... but always looking for a way to leave the forest, to move on and not have to worry about anyone looking for me hurting the ones I loved.

The morning sun hit the spring, sending a sparkling rainbow of light into the air.

I groaned and rolled over, I didn't want to get up. Stupid sunlight, every day... that's probably why dad chose a waterfall for our home instead of jut a spring. I stretched rushing. I looked out of the cave at the spring and then beyond. I shook my head a little and slid into the spring, washing my self.

I sat up hearing a voice I had never heard before.

"I didn't know there was a dragon in this spring."

"Who are you?" I asked the man, he looked human, but with wings like mine when I was in human form... "Are you a dragon?" I asked cautiously, backing up a little.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. I am a dragon as well, traveling through this forest to the town where I live. How did you know? Not many can tell a dragon in this form, even others of the same kind."

"Your wings look like mine when I transform." I smiled, I felt very comfortable around this dragon person. Looking back, I was very stupid to be so trusting, but well... that's the ignorance of youth.

"I see, so you can transform as well? It's rare now to find someone who can."

"My father was teaching me about dragon magick."

"Your father? Is he here as well?"

"He was killed by humans who ... snuck in and killed him. They tried to get me and my friend as well... but we got away." I looked away.

"I see. What about your mother, or brother and sisters..."

"I'm alone here. My friend lives nearby, but I like being on my own. It's safer if any of the humans come back. I'm thinking of leaving the forest myself soon."

"You could always come with me? It's against the law to kill a dragon in our kingdom. I'm sure you would find it very comfortable, no matter which form you take. Though I suggest traveling in human form."

So that's how it was decided. I should have taken more time to think about it, make a plan and all that good stuff, but being half asleep and eager to leave, I went to say goodbye to Gwen, and borrow a traveling dress and then I took off with the mysterious dragon.



"Yes?" I looked up from my dinner.

"Why did you come with me?"

"I needed to get out of the forest, I wanted to explore."

"Why now? Why with me? I never even told you my name."

"I just feel comfortable around you, like how I felt with my big brothers, or my dad before they were killed."

He nodded and I felt his hand pat my head. "Good enough. I'm going to go hunt, make sure the camp is secure. You get some rest. We need to move early in the morning. By the way, you can just call me Green for now."

We had been traveling for about a week, and we were in a scary part of the world. There was little love for anything magickal. Green left a lot to make sure that no one was following us, or that we wouldn't run into anything unexpected.

The journey wasn't too long, a month at the most. We mostly camped out, some times staying in inns, but never fore more than a few hours. We came through a forest to a walled city, and he stopped. We camped again, and entered in the morning.

It was like any city, an inn, a blacksmith, a baker, and a castle. The King was away, on a quest or something. There was a festival planned to celebrate his return and his marriage to the princess of some other Kingdom or something. It was all really cool, but I spent more time following green around than listening to the locals.

After three days, Green entered the castle and didn't come out again. At fist I didn't think anything about it, but after night fell I worried. I went to the castle gate and asked if they knew what happened to a dragon named Green. No one seemed to know any one by that name. They also wouldn't let me in, because of the preparations for the festival and the wedding.

I went back to the inn, and I found a letter waiting for me, it was from Green.

~ Anna, don't worry about me. I'm going back to the castle to help prepare for the wedding. I have included an invitation for you to come to the wedding if you like. If you go to the dressmakers you will find a Gryphin who will help you with a dress. I hope to see you there. Green ~

I shook my head; the stupid innkeeper must have been testing his supplies again. I took the letter to the dressmaker, got a suitable gown, and hoped every thing was all right.

There was no problem entering the festival with the invitation, but I didn't see Green anywhere. It was having a lot of fun.

"Wings? Interesting, is the rest of the creature attached to them interesting as well?"

I turned to see a tall, tanned man. He wore a loose robe, and his hair was held back with a band. His dark eyes looked back at me, in surprise almost as I looked back at him.

"Hello, I haven't met you before. My name is Edge." He took my hand kissing it. "It is a pleasure to meet you.

"I'm Anna, it's a pleasure to meet you as well."

"If your not doing anything later, do you want to visit my friend's Dojo? I think you would have fun there." he smiled.

If I had known more about him I never would have left the festival, but also with what happened next... well I wanted to leave.

It was time fore the wedding, we all moved into the chapel. I couldn't see the groom very well from my seat, but the bride was lovely. I believe she was a mermaid. It wasn't until the reception that I saw the couple together.

"Green what are you..."

The new Queen laughed. "Green? That was your traveling name? Green dragon? Like that old pub in that land you visited long ago? How cute. You must be Anna. It's a pleasure to meet you."

I smiled back and said something I can't remember. It was a shock, the dragon I had traveled with for a month was actually a King, and he was now married to this stunning mermaid. Where did I fit in then? I wondered, and as I wandered around the party, I ran into Edge again. I decided to go with him.

If I regret anything, it's talking to Edge, but you can't change you past. Besides, if it weren't for him I wouldn't have had the adventures in my life that I have had. The first being my trip to the Dojo, the first of many and meeting his friend...

To be continued...