Um dia de Renato.

Story by Yure16 on SoFurry

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A story I wrote for a friend.

After a good night of sleep, Renato, the skunk sage, wakes up in his cave. He stretches and wiggles a little, before sitting up. He looks at his nappy, which is damp. He sighs, whining to himself a little, because he hates his bed-wetting problem. Once he is standing, he decides to walk around a little; maybe his nappy dries while he looks for food. He steps outside of the cave and goes into the forest, recently made golden by the first sun rays of that morning.

He walked for a good while, looking for grains, fruit or even preys, but it was hard to find food in times of need. The leaves were falling off the branches, the trees looked terrible, maybe winter was coming. Indeed, if it wasn't for the few layers of fat that Renato proudly nurtured, he would be freezing. The snow didn't fall yet, but winter was sure coming. As such, Renato had not only to find food for that morning, but also find food for the whole winter. It was just when he saw a lonely tree in the middle of a glade, giving black fruit. Renato knew that he wasn't supposed to eat from that tree, or so his father said, unless he really had to. He walked closer. The fruits not only were black, but they also had small red dots. They looked juicy and appetizing.

While Renato had a decent amount of willpower, his stomach was speaking louder. If he didn't eat something quick, he could faint. Plus, he had to bring food home. He had no choice, but to eat from those fruits. He climbed the tree and took some fruits down by shaking a branch. Soon enough, all fruits of the branch fell.

He gave one bite on a fruit. The juice dripped on his lap, thighs, diaper and belly. It tasted very sweet. He gave another bite and another. Each fruit was almost as big as a melon and the taste was reminiscent of prunes, but with a sour hint of tangerine. He swallowed the small seeds it had as well. He had to get more. He got more fruits that he managed to take down and ate one after another... His belly bloated with the fruity fiber and dark juices. With a sloshing belly, he climbed the tree again to take more down.

After eating the fruits he took down, he decided that it was too much work to climb the tree to come down and fetch the fruit, so he decided to eat on the very branches. He forgot about taking some fruit home, enjoying them right away. His belly began to feel a little upset, but Renato casually pat the white-furred gut, that was becoming rather plump. The small upset quickly became a major concern, as his belly began to feel taut and painful. There's no mistake on that sensation: he was gassy and his body needed to get rid of the wind that was starting to gather up in the rectum.

"No one is here.", he thought. He gave a light push and closed his eyes, holding his breath to push. His face contorted a little with the effort and a loud fart came out. It was long and it smelled kind of weak, a bit nauseating, like spoiled sweets. When the fart ceased, his face relaxed again. He had more, so he kept pushing, again and again, each fart was longer than the previous and it was worrying Renato: it meant that he was producing gas faster than he was farting.

At first, he thought about holding it in, but holding back that amount of gas while having no one around would be both unhealthy and unnecessary. He rubbed his belly some, trying to let go without making noise. Indeed, he managed a few silent farts, warming up his cloth diaper, which now felt uncomfortably warm. He was sure that only gas had to come out, not poop. He began to let go less quiet farts, coming high-pitched at first, as his sphincter contracted to hold back the noise. He was a bit flushed under his fur, because of how inappropriate it felt, but was it really? No one was there. And, even if he wouldn't admit, the wind rushing through his rectum and the relief that came right after felt good. He looked around yet again. He relaxed his paws on his belly, farting loud, pushing, feeling the belly deflate, but inflate again with more gas. He was enjoying it, farting again and again, it felt harmless, even though abnormal.

Since he was at it, he could at least have some fun. He looked around again, now much less nervous, yet a little paranoid. Once he was, yet again, sure that no one was there, he spread his legs and pushed, farting loud and low. "Oh, what a smelly skunk!", he thought to himself, giggling. He clenched and began to contract a little, while still pushing, managing to make a loud, but high-pitched fart. He noticed that he could make it sound higher and higher if he clenched up. He relaxed his rectum suddenly, losing control over the wind, making a long one. It felt good and Renato pushed, contorting his face and holding his breath, eyes closed, gritting his teeth. It was really long, leaving Renato catching his breath after that. The scent made him a little disgusted, but, at least, it was smell. "Disgusted", he thought, "because I lost my gust." He laughed at the pun he made in his head.

The smell was different every time. First, it smelled ripe and horrible, then some good farts began to come out. The smells varied from spicy, to sharp and then to sweet. Some literally smelled like flowers. The clouds of gas mixed, providing different scents. In the end, the air was smelling really funny.

Finally, after a long while, the gassy feelings began to diminish. Renato felt tempted to eat more of the fruit, but he decided against it: all that gas wasn't normal, so he would better not abuse. Once the last fart came out, Renato tried to push more, but felt that there was nothing else to push. He sighed, rubbing his belly to better enjoy the feeling of relief, while breathing on the funky smells he produced.

He hopped off the branch and collected the other fruit that was on the ground. At first, he wanted to take just two home, but his craving for more fun got the best of him and he stuffed several fruits in his diaper, while carrying six on his arms and balancing one on his head. He carefully walked back home.