Furries university chapter 15: A wet day

Story by Kitsune Warui on SoFurry

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#21 of Furries University

Chapter 15: A Wet Day (September 22nd 2019 A.D. - Monday 6:00 AM)

Kitsune lay beside Ozwot, softly breathing as he slept peacefully. Ozwot shook awake, he lifted his body up and looked at the fox sleeping sweetly beside him. He could hear the sound of rain hitting against the building as he rubbed Kitsune's head fur softly as to not wake him. He crawled from the bed, still only moving slightly so he would not wake Kitsune. He picked up a pair of jeans from the floor, put them on, zipped them up, and then he walked into the living room. He opened the door to the outside and walked out slowly and shut the door.

*** (Fifteen minutes later)

Kitsune awoke, he lifted up slightly and looked about.

"Hun" he said rather loudly, trying to find his mate "Hun". He got out of the bed and then rubbed at the collar around his neck. He sat up from the bed and walked over to the window, he looked outside, the rain was pouring down heavily, mud was all over the grounds. Suddenly something caught Kitsune's eye. Far off was a shadow in the rain, he couldn't make it out well, his eyes had not adjusted and only large things were easily perceptible. Slowly the shadow grew larger as it flew towards the window. Kitsune tried to focus his eyes, it grew closer and closer. He opened the window quickly and stuck his head out. His eyes were still failing him. The shadow flew closer and then lifted up. Kitsune looked directly up, and the shadow flew over top the building.

Kitsune stepped back from the window and closed it slowly. He could feel his heart pound and his arms shake slightly.

"Am...I dreaming?" he asked himself "What was that?"

He looked around, and then down noticing he was in his normal sleeping outfit, a white over shirt that covered up his sheath only slightly, his balls still hanging out below its length. He walked over to the bag lying near the door, and unzipped it. He pulled out a pair of blue jeans and put them on. He suddenly heard the living room door open, then his head lifted quickly and he backed up slightly.

'Oh no...is it that shadow? W-why would it be coming here...it must know I saw it...oh no...where is Ozwot...oh no oh no' thought Kitsune. He saw the door knob of the room start to move. The door slowly opened, Kitsune's eyes still had not adjusted completely, he saw a figure and pounced into the air towards it. He landed on the figure taking him to the ground with a thud.

"Whoa, it's too early for that hun" came Ozwot's voice. Kitsune pulled his head back and rubbed his eyes. Slowly they focused and he could see his mate under him.

"S-sorry" apologized Kitsune.

"It's alright" replied Ozwot "but can you get off my stomach, you're just getting yourself wet". Kitsune crawled off of Ozwot and stood to his feet. Ozwot did the same and then looked at Kitsune.

"What was that all about?" asked Ozwot.

"Over active imagination" answered Kitsune blushing.

"Oh, alright" Ozwot said smiling.

"What were you doing?" questioned Kitsune.

"Umm...Walking in the rain" answered Ozwot "just around the building, it felt hot in here and I wanted to cool off".

"Oh, okay" breathed Kitsune walking close to Ozwot and laying his head into his chest.

"Oh. Did I scare you?" asked Ozwot as he put his arms around Kitsune "you're shaking, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing, I thought I saw something earlier" replied Kitsune rubbing his cheek into Ozwot's chest.

"Alright foxy, you need to calm down" Ozwot smiled "Go sit on the couch and I'll make you some food okay?"

"A-alright love" Said Kitsune. Ozwot took a paw and lifted Kitsune's muzzle up by his chin and stared into his eyes. He pushed forward, making there lips meet, then he closed his eyes softly. He pulled his head back stroking Kitsune's cheek.

"Whatever you saw I'm sure was just your imagination" spoke Ozwot letting go of his mate. Kitsune nodded and walked over and sat on the couch.

*** (30 minutes later, he and Oz ate their breakfast together on the couch)

Kitsune picked up his bag and put it on his back, feeling the heavy weight of his books and materials. Ozwot Walked out of the room, wearing a black long sleeved shirt. Kitsune winked at him and giggled.

"What?" asked Ozwot confusedly.

Kitsune walked up slowly and then slipped a paw into Ozwot's pants and began to rub at his sheath gently. Ozwot murred slightly and then backed up, pushing Kitsune's paw out of his pants.

"You need to wear underwear, hun" smirked Kitsune pecking a kiss on Ozwot's nose.

"How'd you know I wasn't wearing any?" asked Ozwot.

"How did I know? Hmmm a good guess really" spoke Kitsune "but I wasn't sure until I rubbed". Kitsune giggled again and then licked Ozwot's nose.

"Let's get to class love" spoke Kitsune. Ozwot nodded and blushed lightly. They walked out the door together, Kitsune's tail wagging happily as he rubbed his cheek against Ozwot's shoulder.

(Meanwhile, with Ryu)

Ryu put his bag on his back as he looked at the door leading outside, Kagome walked up and stood beside him wearing a long black sweater.

"TV says it will be raining all day" spoke Ryu "Glad you're wearing something to cover yourself". Ryu rubbed her shoulder lightly. Kagome opened the door and walked out. Suddenly they heard shuffling from the room and Ryu turned about and saw the door quickly open, Sakura standing there huffing and puffing.

"You guys weren't gonna leave me were you!?" she asked hurriedly.

"No" replied Kagome "We were gonna wait at the bottom of the steps".

"Oh" breathed Sakura, then she shrugged "oh well, dressed now". She walked through the door and opened it. They all walked out, and down the steps.

Kitsune sat there, hugging at Ozwot's arm, as the rain poured down. Ryu walked up towards them followed by Sakura, and Kagome.

"So you guys ready?" asked Ryu. Kitsune quickly turned around and smiled.

"Heya Ryu, yeah we're ready" replied Kitsune.

"Are you ever gonna sleep in the dorm?" asked Sakura.

"I'm so sorry, I'm trying, I mean it" spoke Kitsune "Just to tell the truth it's been hard to get to sleep without him".

"Whatever you say" spoke Ryu "you paid for the thing".

"Let's get to classes before we're late" spoke Sakura walking out onto the grounds as Rain continued pouring down. Kitsune and the others followed behind.

*** (10 minutes, Ryu, Kitsune, and Ozwot walk into the anthropology class).

Kitsune sat in his spot, beside Ozwot, as Ryu sat in his spot.

Shadow calmly walked into the class room.

"Hey guys, Yosh is sick and caught some bug that's going around" spoke Shadow as she sat down.

"Okay" spoke Ryu.

"Wonder where Ryan is" Kitsune said to himself.

"He's probably staying in his dorm, he was really sick yesterday" assumed Ozwot.

"Oh yeah" breathed Kitsune Reaching into his bag and throwing his stuff onto the desk as did all the other furs. He looked about the room calmly. Suddenly the sounds of echoing footsteps could be heard walking down the steps. He looked and saw Mr. Jefferies in a very cheerful mood. The bell rang and the entire class grew silent. Mr. Jefferies leaned against his desk and smiled, looking quite happy.

"Alright, let's see if I got a good class" he spoke happily "What happened to the human civilization?"

Only a few paws went into the air, including Ozwot's.

"Yes you the white furred wolf" Called Mr. Jefferies, pointing towards Ozwot.

"Oh yeah, well, the human's were creatures who always started wars among themselves, in the end, they destroyed themselves with nuclear weapons" answered Ozwot as he stood up "human's always claimed to have superior intellect but no other species has wiped themselves out before".

"Very good" clapped Mr. Jefferies smiling "Humans left many things behind, so they are easy to study, many of the things you will discover may be unbelievable to you, but humans were cruel and undignified people....well a large sum anyways, they weren't all bad. But today we will be learning quite a few things, now take notes as I explain this and if you have any questions please ask, after my lecture we will watch a video and you will see the anatomy of a human being".

"Ewww gross a human penis" came a voice from the back.

"Amazing, you are correct it is the male anatomy you will be looking at" Spoke Mr. Jefferies "The reason we look at it first is because humans were more so lead by men, while in our culture both men and women can become rulers, if they match requirements". Moments passed and Kitsune's eyes grew heavy as he struggled to scribble down notes then he felt a paw on his thigh, he looked over to see Ozwot smiling at him, Ozwot leaned towards Kitsune's ear.

"Don't fall asleep, hun" whispered Ozwot "you'll miss something great".

"Therefore, the cats, dogs, monkeys, rodents, snakes, lizards, and even the birds of old were pets to the humans" spoke Mr. Jefferies "Got it notarized?"

"Okay, now I will begin the video, and in this video, The human is a simulation, but as you know with the technology we have today, this is exactly how they looked. Oh and who can Tell me what the time period was called when humans walked the earth?" asked Mr.Jefferies. Few paws flew up for this one, but Ozwot's and Shadow's were in the bunch that did.

"Yes you, the female cat near the white wolf" spoke Mr.Jefferies.

"The humans walked in a period called, B.A. Which stands for before anthropomorphism" answered Shadow "right?"

"Correct, very good, it seems I do have a good class, now Time to start the movie, on the human anatomy" spoke Mr. Jefferies.

"Woot!" shouted Ozwot "Free porn".

The entire class chuckled and Mr.Jefferies turned around calmly with the video in his paw.

"I'll let that slide, but you had best be careful, I don't stand for that kind of thing" scolded Mr.Jefferies as he turned back around, and then slipped the video into the VCR.

'Thousands of years of advancement above humans and we still use their viewing devices' thought Ozwot, he slowly moved his paw over Kitsune's thigh lightly as he thought this. Kitsune looked at him with a blush over his face. Ozwot only smirked as he removed his paw, and picked up a pencil.

*** (1 hour 35 minutes later)

The bell suddenly rang, as the human's erection began to pre on the video and then it was shut off.

"Okay, okay, we didn't really study much I just hope you wrote down the body parts, and noticed the similarities between anthro furs and humans" spoke Mr.Jefferies. The group stood and walked for the door, Kitsune's paw was being held by Ozwot.

"Time for lunch sweetie" spoke the wolf, as he smiled "come on, let's go eat".

Ozwot took lead and began to pull Kitsune forward, He lead him into the crowd of furs. They went outside and Ozwot put Kitsune to a wall. Kitsune blushed slightly as the furs passed through the doors watching them.

"We ate already an hour ago" spoke Ozwot giggling "so I think I'll have something sweet".

Ozwot held Kitsune's arms, and leaned forward, pressing his lips into Kitsune's. Kitsune closed his eyes, as his lips met with Ozwot's, slowly the wolfs' tongue entered his maw, it slowly ran against his own tongue.

Kitsune murred slightly into the kiss, as Ozwot's tongue rubbed all around his muzzle, before he began to rub his own tongue against his mates. Ozowot pulled away and then nipped Kitsune's nose.

"Mmm, thank you love" spoke Kitsune.

"Oh no, thank you" spoke Ozwot rubbing Kitsune's arm softly. Kitsune giggled and licked Ozwot's nose.

"Fucking queers!" came a shout, Kitsune and Ozwot both looked to the right, to see a male Coyote, pointing a finger towards them, he had a badge on his shirt. Ryu walked out of the entrance door not but a few inches from the coyote with Kagome behind him.

"You're kind is pollutin' this great country!" shouted the coyote.

"Leave them alone" spoke Ryu "They haven't done anything to you".

"You just stay out of this, or are you one of them too?" questioned the coyote.

"Just butt out, those are my friends you're talking about, and I'm not just gonna sit here and listen" spoke Ryu.

"Whatever, you two pricks had best get out of here before I kick both your asses and your friends too" spoke the coyote. Suddenly the coyote was jerked up by the collar of his shirt and slammed into the building wall.

"Don't threaten my friends" Growled Ryu as he pulled a fist back.

"Let him go" came Kitsune's voice, as he slipped through Ozwot.

"W-why?" asked Ryu.

"Because all he can do is talk" spoke Kitsune "that's no reason to hurt anyone". Ryu sighed and let the coyote go. The coyote quickly dashed into the school.

"He's gonna go get friends, and probably come back and pester you two" spoke Ryu.

"I know" spoke Kitsune, looking at the ground. Ozwot put a paw on Kitsune's shoulder.

"What's wrong hun?" asked Ozwot. Kitsune turned to look at Ozwot and then hugged him tightly.

"I always looked forward to the day we'd be together...but now that we are...there are people who want to tear us apart" spoke Kitsune placing his cheek into Ozwot's chest.

"Awww, hun it is okay" spoke Ozwot Rubbing Kitsune's back "What matters is that they can't tear you from me, and that we are together".

"Yeah, you're right" said Kitsune pulling back slightly.

"Now you get to your classes, and we'll meet right here" spoke Ozwot "I don't want you heading back to the dorms alone".

"Okay...thank you" said Kitsune leaning up and kissing Ozwot's cheek.

*** (12 minutes later in Creative writing class)

Kitsune sat down in his seat, beside Ryu and looked at Mr. Leonard whom was leaning against his desk.

"Look Kit, you shouldn't let people talk about you two like that" spoke Ryu.

"It's alright, all he can do is talk" replied Kitsune.

"Well whatever" said Ryu pulling out a stack of five papers "Did you finish that story?"

"Over the weekend" replied Kitsune pulling out a stack of twenty papers and setting them on the desk "It was hard though, for reasons I can't share".

"I'm quite sure" spoke Ryu "My god...How much is that".

"An average size for a chapter" spoke Kitsune "It's not small print so it's not as much as you think".

"More than me" Spoke Ryu.

"Well whatever, it's mainly just a lot of description, but I may have just overworked on it, but this is college no?" questioned Kitsune.

"I guess so" spoke Ryu "Kit..."

"Yes?" questioned Kitsune.

"Would you have hit him?" asked Ryu "That guy outside".

"No, he was just talking" spoke Kitsune.

"You sure?" asked Ryu "you take after your dad....anyways.....about your dad....he was put in jail...I was watching the news and it was on there". Kitsune's head perked up and he looked at Ryu seriously.

"That's not funny Ryu" spoke Kitsune.

"I only wish I was joking, the reporter said that, Renard Warui was put in jail for starting a fight at a bar" spoke Ryu "He caused, two broken arms, three broken legs, a seizure and one of the men entered a coma after suffering a heavy blow to the temple. Your dad was brutal to them, but the light post camera caught them trying to mug him, so he's going to get in trouble for his brutality, but it shouldn't be too severe". Kitsune sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"Why didn't he just walk away from them, and fight if they chased him?" asked Ryu.

"Once, when I was a young kit, these boys tried to beat me up and I ran to my daddy, and they backed off and afterwards my dad said he was disappointed. He said that even if you can't fight back and you know you'll lose, it is better to keep pride, running away is not the answer" spoke Kitsune "he doesn't believe in running away from problems, he faces them head on..."

"Well now I know you're his son" spoke Ryu smiling.

"What do you mean?" asked Kitsune "I don't face all my problems head on, I think out strategies and take it from the sides".

"Is that what you think" smiled Ryu "yeah you think it out more, but none the less...that guy out there, it was very possible, that after I let him go he'd come straight at you. But you didn't waver a bit, you may not truly be fighting...but you keep your pride".

Kitsune just looked at Ryu for a moment.

"Your full of it you know that right?" spoke Kitsune.

"You just don't like admitting when I'm right" spoke Ryu "you never have and you probably never will".

"Whatever, makes you shut up" spoke Kitsune laying his face into his arms.

"What's wrong?" asked Ryu.

"My dad" spoke Kitsune "I never told him I had a boyfriend...or in fact...I haven't told him I'm gay....I told him...I like guys...not that I don't like girls".

"Oh well" spoke Ryu "Not a big deal right".

"Wrong" replied Kitsune "keeping a fact out still makes the truth a lie".

"Your father said that right?" questioned Ryu.

"Indeed" breathed Kitsune.

*** (two hours later)

Kitsune sat in the Japanese class room, with his head in his arms, feeling tired. He closed his eyes, as the bell rang only to feel a slap to the back of his head. He pulled his head up quickly to see Ms. Gray.

"You will not sleep in my class boy" she spoke quickly "next time you will be punished".

"Yes Ma'm" spoke Kitsune rubbing his eyes with his paws.

"If you need sleep get it in your dorm, rather than staying up all night playing games, and what not" spoke Ms. Gray.

"Awww but that's so much fun" spoke Kitsune smiling.

"Are you getting smart with me?" asked Ms. Gray.

"No ma'm" replied Kitsune "just telling the truth".

"Ah, I see" spoke Ms. Gray moving back to her desk.

Kitsune could still hear the sounds of rain, through the window in the room, he looked over, Ms. Gray had already started teaching, but the fox, had no intention of listening in his state of drowsiness. His mind wondered slowly about, seemingly out in the storm, his mind separated from his body, a state not so new to him, it's how he so easily thought so keenly and quickly. It wondered about, the figure he had seen this morning, the winged figure that landed on the roof.

'what was it? Why did it come here? Was it just my imagination? Is it good or bad?' thought Kitsune. His mind continued to wonder about the figure. The class slowly progressing, and the professor speaking but the words didn't break through Kitsune's thoughts. This figure was just so scary, to Kitsune, that it consumed him, but slowly he pushed it out, each though getting less meaningful until finally it had left him.

'It's just foolishness, it's all in your head Kit' thought Kitsune as he pulled out his notebook, finally hearing the teachers words.

And slowly the class progressed, Kitsune now taking down the notes, his thoughts only on the teacher and a specific white wolf.