The Confession

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

#48 of Miscellany

I hate transcribing... Takes seemingly forever. But here you go. The Confession.

As a bartender, I tend to hear all

kinds of stories, most of which I wish I could forget. There is something about

the lubricating quality of alcohol that seems to loosen everyone's tongue and lend freedom to their souls. So,

seeing as I'm a captive audience, I get to hear everything that folks just can't

keep to themselves. If priests think they have it bad, they should try hearing confessions face to face. They really should.

Anyways, there are times when I can see it coming

and other times when it comes right out of the blue.

Like Sam.

Sam had been coming into the bar

for like, oh, six of seven years. He's a handsome enough wolf, though a little

on the non-athletic side, but he keeps his fur well groomed and his nose well

within the scope of his own business. He's as average and unimaginative as they

come, which I happen to like. He comes in, has his beers, makes small talk if

any talk at all, and goes home without me having to break a sweat or lend an

ear to his troubles. He was the epitome of the married wolf.

Or so I thought.

I had noticed a slight change in

his mood and behavior, but I wasn't too worried about it. He was an adult and

quite capable of handling whatever stress life was throwing at him. Folks

hardly ever needed prompting to tell me their troubles, so there was no way I

was ever going to ask. I mean, I have my own problems, and who do I have to

listen to them?

Sam came in on a Wednesday, a bit

unusual for him but not so strange as to be unnatural either. He wasn't like

those regulars who had their favorite barstool and arrived at six and left by

nine. He sort came and went as he wanted, and that was the end of it. Until

that Wednesday. But then on that day it wasn't as he wanted, but as he needed.

He wasn't feeling too chatty at

first and I was alright with that. I get a little tired of all of the talk

about religion, sports and politics. I'm not normally too fond of gossip


Not normally anyways.

Sam, as I just said, remained quiet

for a while, contemplating the bubbles running up the inside of his glass or

the myriad of stains on the counter. After his fourth beer his mouth started

working, and after his fifth it didn't seem to know how to stop.

"What's morality Bill?"

My name is William, in case you

needed that tidbit. Everyone calls me Bill.

"Morality? A standard you set,

hoping to be able to achieve it but often rarely coming even close to the


"You know, I think I can agree with

that. I used to think I was moral."

I chuckled.

"You've never struck me as the

go-to-church-on-Sunday type."

"Yeah, but I still have my

standards. Or I guess I should say that I did once."        

"Have a lapse of conscience did


"Big time."

"That's too bad."

Note that I did ask him to tell me

about it.

"Not really. I almost feel glad

about it."

"OK then, good for you." Then my

brain went stupid and I said, "Do tell."

Never, ever give them an opening.

"It all started about seven or eight

weeks ago."

"I see."

He could tell that I was only going

to listen with half the attention I should have been giving him. I had heard

countless tales of woe and mishap. One more was just going to be like reading

one of those romance novels. Same story, different characters. They were

interesting only to those who had nothing better to do than read them. But I

was at least trying to be polite.

"Her name is Regan."

A she meant infidelity, and

infidelity meant sex. Sex was usually interesting.

"Uh huh. Go on."

"She's really nice you know."

"I'm sure she is. I'll tell you

what Sam, you talk and I'll work and listen at the same time. You've got my

attention now so don't lose it."

Sex is always a good topic to keep

my interest. I have to admit a bit of curiosity as to how everyone else is

faring in bed.

"No, I mean it! She is really very

nice, very sweet, and actually a little shy."

"Sounds like she's a teenager Sam.

And you with a family and all!"

"She's not a teenager! She's about

the same age as me."

"And you still nailed her, didn't


"You make it sound so crass!"

"Sam, I've heard it all before.

Males like you need to sow some wild oats now and again to prove your


"That isn't what it was all about

at all."

"Fine then. How did it go?"

"She came to me. You see, we work


"Not surprising. By all means,


"We've worked together for a couple

of years now. She's not the prettiest wolf-bitch at the office. She's a bit too

tall and a bit thick around her hips. But where she might not have the best in

the looks department she's the nicest lady I have ever met. She's even nicer

than my mate."

"Sounds like a real catch."

"She'll make someone a great wife!

Just not me. I already have one."

"Ok, ok, I'm not trying to judge.

It's just I've heard similar tales from other customers. So what happened?"

"It all started with her asking me

for dating advice. She figured that since I was married, I had all of that

stuff figured out."

"And do you?"

"Hell no! What works for one couple

bombs out with another."

"Too true."

"You see, she was interested in

connecting with this guy she liked, but was too nervous to give it a go."

I had a few words on the tip of my

tongue. I wisely left them there. When it was evident I wasn't going to say

anything he continued.

"Yeah, I know what you're thinking.

Why would she have an affair with me when she was seeking someone else? I'd ask

the same thing if I didn't already know the answer. That was the really funny

thing about the whole thing."

"Funny ha-ha or funny strange?"

"The latter. You see, with her

actually being about a year older than me, she was very self conscious about

her lack of experience in sexual matters."

"An old maid? Really? This girl is

still a virgin?"

"Woman, not a girl. And was."

"Either way she was an old maid, but

probably more to the point, how the hell did she go so long without having her

cherry popped? Wait; you got that honor didn't you?!"

"Yeah, that particular aspect isn't

a matter of contention anymore."

"You lucky bastard you!"

"Not all that lucky. This whole

thing has been touch and go from the start."

"Isn't that generally the way any

affair goes? You touch a little and then you go..."

"Ha ha. I mean, I didn't want to

get involved."

"Then why did you?"

"Because she was my friend."

"A friend with benefits


"A bit I guess. Let me elaborate."

"By all means do! This is just

getting interesting. Ignore my towel as I clean because I'm all ears."

"You see, it all started when she

mentioned liking this guy, some dark haired wolf from out of state. From what

she told me he sounded like a nice enough guy. I told her as much."

"I'm afraid he'll think I'm stupid

if we start dating and he finds out I've never done it before."

"Uh, I hate to tell you this but

guys love that sort of thing."

"She frowned a little. Maybe when you're eighteen or nineteen, but

not when you're my age."

"I tried to be encouraging; there's

not a thing wrong with that. It just goes to show you have good character."

"It makes feel like I'm nothing more than a prudish old lady."

"Hey! You're fine just as you are!

And you're only thirty five years old!"

"You're only saying that to make me feel better, she shot back at


"Yes, but I also happen to mean


"I see now it was then, with those few

words, that I managed to get myself into this whole mess."

I waited for him to continue but he

seemed lost in thought. I hardly wanted to break his concentration so I just

kept wiping the bar and waiting. Eventually he remembered he was telling a


"You see she got a look in her

eyes, and rather causally asked me if I wanted to get a drink after work. I was

a bit surprised by that, but I figured she just wanted to pick my brain for a

while. So I agreed. But I did express my surprise that she used alcohol. She

just didn't seem the type."

"Wine mostly. And alone always."

"She sounded so sad."

I had to interrupt him here. "So

you two got drunk and did the nasty?"

Sam was offended. "No, we talked.

We talked a lot."

I was growing bored with the story

already "Sounds nice."

"It was actually! We talked about

ourselves and how we felt about our respective lives..."

I felt the need to be funny; "...the

universe and everything?"

Sam ignored my jibe.

"Not quite that involved. Her

biggest question was whether or not I was happy in my marriage."

"And are you?" I asked, actually

curious about that point.

"Yes I am, thank you very much," he


I stepped back in mock alarm. "Just


"I know. Well, we got a little

friendlier after that, right up to the point that she talked me into "helping"

her get something from the supply room. I went after the box of copy paper

without paying much attention to her closing the door. Before I could retrieve

it, she tapped me on the back and as I stood to see what she wanted, I turned

upwards right into her waiting lips. I sure as hell wasn't expecting that!"

"I have to admit that I was

shocked, but not overly dismayed. I kissed her back, maybe a little too

intensely then was proper or called for."

"It took her a minute to disengage.

When she did, there was a little fire lit in her eyes."


"Yes Regan?"

"I really want to hit it off with this guy and I don't want to appear to

be a total dunce at what guys expect from a girl. You know, when it comes to

getting into bed together. Will you please be my teacher?"

"I didn't take that as she meant

it. I guess I didn't see her that way at first. So I had to ask her what she

had in mind."


Look, before you say anything, hear me out. You're married, so I don't have to

worry about you getting too emotionally involved with me. Secondly, you

obviously have the experience necessary for what I'm asking for. And lastly, I

trust you implicitly. "

"I felt my cock stir a little when

she said that. I knew that was a bad sign. I mean, I was technically going to be

helping her out, but boy oh boy, in such a manner as could get me into deep

shit if news of it ever leaked out. I had to clarify her intent even more."

"Let me get his straight. You still

think that being a virgin is a bad thing?"

"Ultimately...maybe. That would come last I think, or maybe not at all.

But I would like to experience everything else possible leading up to it."

Again I had to say something that

was riding on the tipoff my tongue. "Just like that she wants you for a sex

toy? How lucky are you?"

He wasn't amused at my tone. "Not

as much as you might think. I had to start lying to my wife, making up stories

of staying over late at work, and trying to make time for my new adventure."

"Was it worth it?"

"In the long run, I'd like to think

so. There have been a few humps along the way."

I couldn't help myself. I

snickered. "I would certainly hope so!"

"That's not what I meant and you

know it!"

"Of course I do, but I'm not wrong,

now am II?"

He ignored me and carried on like a


"The first night at her place was

pretty tame as you might expect. I wasn't in a hurry to get too physical in

part because I was still nervous as all get out that we would get caught."

"I assume you never did, otherwise

we wouldn't be having this conversation. So what did you two do that evening?"

"Mostly kissing and necking and the

sort. We did it without clothing of course, for we weren't a couple of newbie

cubs doing this."

I snorted. "Still sounds a bit like

backseat of the Oldsmobile sort of stuff."

"A bit maybe. She was pretty clumsy

about it all. She told me that everything she did know came from watching a few

porn flicks."

"That's not all bad is it?"

"No, it wasn't. There were things

she wanted to try; things she was curious about."

"Such as?"

"Giving head."

"Was she any good?"

"I'm coming to that."

"I would have thought you already


"Shut up or I'm going to quit

telling you about it."


"You should be. Now just listen.

She was just like nay newbie; too much teeth and not enough finesse. Once I got

her to ease up on those pearly whites, she was pretty good at it. My cock is

pretty normal in size, so she didn't have anything to monstrous to tackle."

"I was on the couch when she

started. In no time I had a grip on her ears as she hungrily tackled her fist

ever cock. I was so turned on by the whole thing; from sitting on her couch to

watching her go at it between my legs. I tried to hold out but the hell if I

could. One thing she had going for her was the amount of suction she was

putting into it. Never had a gal that could suck like that!"

"I was so lost in what I was

feeling that I forgot the give her fair warning a load was on its way. I mean,

heck; one minute I was totally enjoying myself and the next my balls just

exploded without warning. Since she had managed to get the tip of my cock all

the way to the back of her throat, my cum splattered her tonsils. She pulled

off too late and ended up with the rest on her face. As she sat there

sputtering and wiping the cum that was dripping down her face, I got the

sharpest look I had ever gotten from her."

"The look she gave me was a bit

reproachful and while I couldn't blame her, I was flying too high at that moment

to truly care. But she ended up licking her lips and smiling.


taste. I suppose it's acquired?"

I shook my head and shrugged my


"I haven't a clue."

She went to the bathroom to gargle

before coming back and drinking a glass of wine. I could only assume it was to

wash the taste down. Then again, I could be wrong. When she had finished it she

winked at me and said;

"A bit salty but not as bad as I thought it might be. How did I do?"


"Her face fell."

"Well, yeah."

"You can suck me off any time you

like. Once you got passed not doing the don'ts, the rest was pure bliss."

Her smile at my honest assessment

said it all. I could see the inside of her ears turning pink, probably a

combination of embarrassment at having done what she did and pride in having

done it well.

"I suppose the next time I need something from the supply room at work, I'll

know who to call..."

I replied with a smirk and a snort.

"That'll work right up to the day

someone discovers what we're doing."


until then..."

"We'll see. You have less to lose

at this game than I do. You might lose your goody two shoes reputation, which

might not be all bad. Me, I have a family that I could lose. I'm sure you


She smiled.

"Then we'll just have to be careful, won't we?"

"I didn't have an answer for that.

Half of me craved the excitement and the other half was totally against it.

Despite what you think, I was really happy at home and anything that I did that

endangered that status made me nervous. I won't go so far as to say what I was

doing was wrong, but it was stupid. Yet, I felt it was for a good cause. And

damn was it fun! It was the sort of care-free fun you had as a kid; the type

where you played and then went home. No strings attached. I know it's a bit

self-centered, but I think we both saw it that way."

I nodded. What could I add?

He continued.

"We were very careful. Mostly we

restricted ourselves to her house, seeing as mine was largely out of the

question. Besides, her place was conveniently located between my house and our


I was getting into this now. "Go


"Well, we played around a lot. She

got used to the intricacies of the male anatomy and in turn she became more

comfortable being seen and touched by someone of the opposite gender. She was

pretty self-conscious and like I alluded to before, she wasn't precisely

someone you'd ever see on the cover of PlayBitch. She's damn nice though, and

that more than makes up for it."

I guffawed. "Not like you're ever

going to get a prize for being the most handsome hunk in the pack either."

"That's a truth I'll never deny,

but I can look past the skin and the fur."

'I'm sure you can..." implying more

than I was saying.

"Yeah, well if you're that shallow,

too bad for you. This fine female learned to suck me off like nobody's

business.  It took me longer to figure

out just what buttons to push to get her off, seeing as she was still pretty

repressed. The first time I ever made her orgasm she howled so loud my eardrums

hurt. My ears in general hurt seeing as she had a death grip on them."

"Muff diving?"

"Oh yeah! It was mostly tongue

work, for only a single finger would fit inside, thanks to several decades of

cherry buildup. Whomever was granted the task of bashing down that barrier was

going to be challenged with a major undertaking. The one curiosity due to that

puckered little opening was the fact that it made her quite the sprayer."

I made a face. "Urine?"

"No, Love juice you idiot. Whenever

I was down there licking her out and she came, I got a face full."

"Good lord, it sounds like this

girl needed it bad."

"She did then and she still does

now. She needs a male to satisfy her on a regular basis."

I gave him the old eyebrow


"Then why are you here and not


"Because she's on a date with the

wolf of her dreams."

I was intrigued. I was partially

inclined to this that part of the story was made up.

"Seriously? How do you think that's

going to go?"

"She promised to let me know when

it was over."

"So he gets the cherry then?"

"Ah, no. That was me."

"You lucky dog you!"

"Wolf. And yeah, that was something

let me tell you."

"Please do!"

He gave me a look. "Not a word of

this to anyone; right?"

"Bartender Confidentiality Rule

Number One."

"Good! So you see, it wasn't that

straight forward. She wanted to get to that stage incrementally. It was going

to be the last thing to go, but anything else was open to investigation."

I nodded for him to continue.

"So one night, after a bit of

alcohol and a lot of talking, the matter of anal sex came up. I so love tapping

the back door, but finding a willing partner can be a bitch. I didn't think

she'd be into it but she surprised me by wanting to give it a try. She said

that she couldn't comment on something without knowing about it firstpaw."

"You can guess that I was willing

to comply with her wishes."

I have to admit I was feeling a bit

of a stirring in my loins. It wasn't often you heard a story this good and knew

it was for real. I waited impatiently as he wet his whistle with a fresh beer

(on the house) before he continued with his story.

"She was a bit hesitant at first,

as I guess you can imagine. She had apparently watched a few pornos online and

the faces of those receiving said attention had varied enough to give her pause

for thought. I told her that it made sense, because not everyone was into in

the same degree as others."

"She then asked me my opinion of

it. What was I going to say?"

"I told her that from my

perspective it was just another nice warm hole to delve into. But that being

said, I was going to enjoy it no matter what. It was the one receiving it that

might take exception to the act."

"Damn if she didn't go out and buy

a tube of lubricant. That tells you her commitment to an idea once she set her

mind to it."

 "The next step was picking a day and time.

That was easily arranged. The final decision was whether or not she intended to

face me, laying on her back, or handle it facing downward on her stomach. I

jokingly told her that if she was face down, she could always bite down on her


He paused and grinned sheepishly.

"She ended up biting a hole clean

through it."

I choked a little, not knowing if a

little laugh was unwarranted. I held it in.

"I really wish she would have said

something to me instead of suffering through it. As it was, I was careful not

to knot up inside her, for what it was worth. If I had done that I think she

might have come completely unglued."

I had to ask.

"So how was she?"

"Fucking awesome. I took my time,

working some lube into her ass and slathering it on my cock before even trying

to insert it. Once I thought she was ready I lifted her tail and pressed

against that tightly puckered hole until I slid in. I could she her dig her

nails into the mattress but she didn't say a word."

He licked his lips.

"God was she tight! I mean

tight-tight! It was likely a combination of her being a bit nervous about the

whole thing and the fact that this was the first time her exit had served as an

entryway. It was definitely in my top ten sexual experiences."

He sort of sighed and yet had a

look of mild sorrow on his face.

"Like I said, I really rather wish

she would have said something to me. I was so into it at the time that I didn't

think past my own pleasure. It didn't really dawn on me that while it was great

for me, that maybe it wasn't the same for her. Luckily for her I couldn't hold

out for too long."

"But it was long enough. That

cinched up, puckered up, tight-as-they-come ass of hers was a wonderment to

behold...and to be in. I could imagine all sorts of things being in that hole,

and all of them were enough to trip my trigger. I was sadly in there less than

ten minutes before I erupted forth in great gushes of manliness."

I choked. "Great gushes of


"Sorry. Something she said once.

Ignore it."

I tittered, which was very unmanly.

"Go on."

"I was feeling pretty damn good

after blowing my wad. I still wasn't considering her point of view, because as

of that moment I wasn't yet aware of it. I still wasn't quite aware even when

she brought her head up and spit out fabric and feathers."

"I sort of

fell down on top of her, and as a "wow thanks!", I nibbled on her ear and

pressed down against her."

"She lifted her head higher, still

spitting out bits of cotton and down before she found her voice."

"I assume it was good for you. At least that makes one of us."

"I carefully pulled out and rolled

off of her and did my best to act contrite. It was damn hard, let me tell you,

for I was feeling pretty good about the whole thing. She got up and went to the

bathroom, taking mincing little steps and holding a paw against her backside.

She didn't come out for about ten minutes. I left her alone, not wanting to

make matters worse with fake apologies."

I guess I could feel for the poor

woman. All those years without benefit of having her rear loosened up probably

meant the first time was quite a shocker. I said as much.

"I take it she wasn't a fan?"

"That's putting it mildly. It was

too bad really; for me that is. I could have dumped a thousand loads into that

snug little hole without getting the slightest bit bored."

"But you're married; remember?"

"Yeah, and my bitch isn't all that

into that either. It would have been nice to have someone on the side to share

that particular kink with."

"Just having an affair is too blasé

for you?"

"I haven't thought of it as having

an affair. I have thought of it as helping a friend."

"With benefits of course. Well,

suit yourself, you can call it what you want. So how about the front? How did

that go?"

"With the back door close and

locked, the only remaining option left was to try the front one. I left that

decision all up to her. I didn't want to push it and make her mad, and it took

a few weeks before anything more happened that I could call significant. Then

one evening, after she had about twice the normal about of alcohol she normally

imbibed, so got pretty darn wild. IN the end, I guess she made the decision to

get the matter over will, kind of like pulling a tooth for something. I hardly

think she was thinking of it as something loving and sexy. Still, she took the

initiative, and so it all rests of her head."

I nodded. "So she decided against

saving herself huh? I find that little surprising."

"Oh, I'd say she was torn..."

"Heck, at her age I'll just bet!"


His look went from confused to

mildly amused as he realized what I had meant.

"No! I mean she was torn between

letting him do it or just getting it out of the way. I guess she had been

emailing him and from the sounds of it they were beginning to hit it off."

I acted appalled.

"And despite that, she still gave

it to you?"

"Yep, though she was pretty drunk

at the time. Moreover, and somewhat surprisingly, she hasn't come to regret her

decision. Well, all except for the damage to the chair."

"Chair?" I asked.

"Yeah, the one I was sitting in,

naked of course, while she was on her knees giving me head. I was totally into

it and then, all of the sudden she was on her feet and climbing on my lap. Her

arms went around my neck and her body was pressed tightly against mine. Without

a word, and with a well-placed lift and drop, she split herself wide open. Talk

about letting out a howl!"

"You or her?" I asked


"Duh. Mine wasn't a howl precisely.

It was more of a "oh yeah!" kind of groan."

"Go on," I said.

"I thought her ass had been a

confined space, but her front put it to shame. It was going to take several

month's worth of dedicated pounding to loosen that baby up, and I could only

imagine the fun whoever the lucky bastard was who was going to have that

privilege. And I mean that; she couldn't even consider having pups until that

hole was tenderized properly, and that's a fact. My cock was only inside her from

the sheer force of her weight on top of me, and I would never have had the

courage to attempt it had I been in the dominant position. Then again, the

initial rupture was nothing compared to when I knotted up inside her."

"Did she get pissed?"

"Oh, she pissed herself alright.

Between the red and the yellow, there was a growing puddle of multihued liquid

accumulating on the floor. Not that I noticed then of course. I was way too

preoccupied with the sensation of her losing her virginity.  As it was, I was in heaven and she was in

hell. Things where pretty damn tight for a few minutes.

"No room in the inn?" I queried.

"What? Oh. Very funny. No, there

was definitely little to no room inside her as it was, and me swelling up the

way I do left absolutely none whatsoever. She didn't react too well and making

it worse was the fact that she kept trying to pull off. That just wasn't going

to happen any time soon. A knot means your committed to the act until it's

done. I thought she would have known that."

"Ouch! That doesn't work so well."

I said with a touch of sympathy.

"No it doesn't. She tried to stand

up and fell back down on my lap, howling like the wind. As it was, she nearly

jerked me off the chair. I doubt landing in a heap on the floor would have been

a good thing considering where we were attached."

I winced, understanding the

problem. "What did you end up doing?"

"I held onto her, putting my arms

around her neck and hugging her until she relaxed. The alcohol had to help

some, but even then I was pretty sure the whole thing was not the most

pleasurable action she had even engaged in. It took a while but eventually

things calmed down enough to make a stab at actual lovemaking. I didn't rush it

thought, for I could sense she was crying."

"What's the matter Regan?"

"I'm going to get pregnant now and it's just going to ruin everything!"

"Here I thought she was crying from

the pain. I know I would have been."

I was taken a bit aback. "She

didn't think about that before hand?"

"Not really. As it turns out, she

had nothing to worry about. I hadn't discussed it with her before, because it

just never came up in conversation, but the fact was I had had a vasectomy. SO

she was safe as safe could be. That didn't mean I couldn't twit her a bit about

the whole thing."

"What did you say...?" I asked


"I said to her; you don't want to

have a child with me?"

"No!" she wailed. "I just

wanted to be less uptight and well, naïve!"

"I felt bad immediately for saying

such a stupid thing. "Regan, I can fuck you a hundred times over and you'll

never get pregnant."

"What?" she sobbed.

"Don't you remember me talking

about how I wasn't going to have any more kids? I had a vasectomy. I'm pretty

sure it came up more than once last year during office conversations."

She brushed back her tears. "I guess I remember now. So I'm not going to

get pregnant?"

"Not from me dearie. Maybe from

someone else, but not from me."

She hit me on the shoulder, a mere

glancing blow, and then planted a kiss on my lips.

"You're an asshole, but I guess I

sort of deserved that. I didn't think about it until it was too late."

"I am an ass, but right now, I

think thinking is out of the question and that we ought to get busy and fuck.

My knot isn't going to go down anytime soon. And I do have to go home


"So did you?" I asked.

"Go home? Eventually. Oh... Hell yes

we did. She was so thankful that she wasn't going to get pregnant that she put

her relief into action. The chair didn't survive long under the stress and the

groaning and creaking finally told me that we had best vacate it for the bed.

Hefting her up from that position was a minor challenge and making it to the

bedroom just as tricky, but in the end I made it. I lay her down, nearly

falling on top of her due to us being pinned together rather intimately. She

was much more relaxed now and totally into what we were doing."

"Go on," I said, my interest in his

story rather apparent.

"What's to tell? I fucked her for a

good half an hour and no one did that hole of hers loosen up, just as I

predicted. Holding out that long was tough, but well worth it. She came twice

before I did, and that made me feel pretty good. Sometimes you have to put

forth extra effort - not that I'm begrudging anyone extra time - but it's nice

to have someone who can get off almost as easy as you can. Am I right?"

"Sure. Go on."

"Well, we screwed three times that

night before I was able to get my knot back down, and she came multiple times

as well. Even after we were done I had to wait, which meant I got home late and

had to make up more excuses, but I felt pretty good as a whole. And Regan; well

she felt pretty damn good too. We didn't see each other outside of work for a

while after that. I think we both knew that things were getting a little too


"So what happened after that?" I

asked, curiosity getting the best of me.

"Nothing much between us. However,

she did finally scrape up the courage to ask this guy out on a formal date."


"And he accepted. He was just about

to lose his patience and ask her out when she beat him to the punch."


"And he was all for it of course. Apparently,

he had already decided that he liked her and wanted to know her better. He was

just so polite that he didn't want to ask her. I guess he was relieved when she

did it instead, because he didn't want to alarm her by being too forward. And

he was under the false impression that she was already dating someone."

I choked. "Too forward? He'll be

getting a shock, now won't he? And dating? Good grief, how did he find out

about you?"

"It was a roundabout thing. And no

one knows it was me and I hope and pray they never do."

I nodded knowingly. Doing the deed

was one thing but when people found out, that was when the real trouble would

begin. "So your friend; what happens with her now?"

"Tonight's the night of their

second date. She said she and he talked a lot on the first one, neither one

feeling comfortable making a move. She's hoping for a little more action this

time around. I guess I'll know how it went tomorrow morning at work."

I smiled. "You know, that's about

the best story I've heard in ages. Thanks for telling it."

"I didn't make any of it up, if

that's what your insinuating."

"You know the rule. Pics or it didn't


Apparently I struck a nerve with

him, for he pulled out his cell phone. Before he could flip through it though,

a call came through. He glanced at the screen, looked a bit surprised and answered

it. I could hear a female voice on the speaker, but it was too muffled to tell

what she was saying. Sam however looked up and then turned on his stool to look

towards the door. There was standing a female wolf, well dressed and quite made-up,

looking a lot prettier than he made her out to be. She smiled and came towards

the bar, her eyes on Sam. He turned his head in a questioning stance and said,

as mildly as he could manage;

"Hello Regan, what the hell are you

doing here?"

"I knew you came here a lot, so I was hoping to find you alone."

"I take it your date didn't go very


"Oh no! It went just fine!"

"Uh, then why are you here?"

"I wanted to thank you personally for all you did for me. I don't think

I would be where I'm at with him if you hadn't helped out."

"And where are you precisely?"

"I'm heading home to wait for him.

He's stopping at the store."

"Store? For beer?"

"No stupid, for condoms. If it weren't

for you, I'd never have thought of these important things. And if not for you,

I might not have a shot at true happiness. Thank you."

She leaned in and gave me a kiss,

ignoring the fact that they were in a bar in front of the bartender.

"You're welcome. Go get'em tiger!"

She turned and was gone. Sam turned

to me.

"Still need pics?"

"No," I said matter of factly, "but if you're willing to

share, I'm willing to look..."