Whos the predator?

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#2 of Jerle & Quin

Who's the predator?

The lone white gray wolf ran along the muddy trade road panting softly. It was a long way from his packs village and the port city, and night was swiftly falling. Night did not frighten the big wolf, there was little one such as he had to fear. However, the night would be long and cold, clearing skies meant frost by morning, and he was soaked from the afternoon rain's that had muddied the road. Just then, his keen lupine eye's caught the flicker of light ahead. His wet nose twitching as

wood smoke tickled it. A lonely unfrequented hostel loomed up out of the twilight's growing gloom. The big wolf slowed to a walk, moving up to the old stone building cautiously. Knowing most any fur would be no match for him, Kurrgurr had only one worry. Bandit gangs sometimes

targeted travelers alone the road. Silently he crept up to the doors, noting that they were unguarded. Opening one of the doors slightly he slipped in, seeing the light coming from the main room. The big wolf moved up and peered around the corner, then snickered softly at his own

paranoia. Two small jackrabbits stood together within the main room, tending a bubbling pot that hung over the blazing fire. Moving back to the door's Kurrgurr opened and closed the doors loudly, then strolled down the short hall and into the main room. Almost chuckling as he saw the

two rabbit's looking up at him in shock and maybe alarm. "Hail fellow travelers." The big wolf greeted as he moved up to them and dropped his pack.

"Errr... goodeve'." One of the small rabbit's greeted, as the two looked him over appraisingly. The wolf returned their looks, noting that they had stripped down to loincloths themselves, and so slipped his wet tunic off. He was a large wolf, twice as big as either rabbit, and from his broad shoulders down to his muscular thighs bulged with virile masculinity. It was one bulge in that masculinity that their eyes seemed most drawn to. He hung the wet garment besides the rabbits clothing near the fire.

"Do you mind if I...?" Kurrgurr asked as he unbuttoned his trousers.

"No... no not at all!" The two said together, watching as the big wolf stripped himself naked before them. Kurrgurr smiled to himself as he noticed the rabbit's admiring looks. Obviously the pair liked the male form, fact was he could smell their arousal. The wolf himself was not one who cared much about gender, he was more than happy to mount anyone who wanted it male or female.

"The names Kurrgurr." He growled holding out his huge paw.

"Err... I'm Jerle and this is my... friend Quin." The larger of the two jackrabbits replied as he slipped his small paw into Kurrgurr's, watching it vanish in the much bigger fur's huge paw.

"Well met Quin, Jerle." Kurrgurr growled softly, as he dropped to lounge naked before the rabbits, amused and more than a little sexually stimulated by their flattering starring it his bulging sheath and hefty lupine balls. He teased them, shifting so that he sat facing the fire, the warmth of it bathing his heavy nuts and helping them sag low in their pouch. The red tip of his lupine meat gleamed in the flickering light as it bulged from his promising holster.

"So... errr what brings you out onto the trade roads." Jerle asks, his large rabbit eyes glancing up at the wolf's muzzle for an instant; before dropping back to his naked crotch. "I...I mean your obviously no merchant!" The rabbit stammered.

"No... of course not." Kurrgurr agreed. "I'm a warrior going to the city to seek my fortune."

"A warrior huh." Jerle exclaimed smacking his forehead. "Should of known I guess, big strong... powerful..." His voice trailed off as he looked over the wolf's muscular body. Quin moved past to tend to the stew. "Yeah.. you shouldn't have any trouble making a fortune in the city." Jerle assured. "In fact I think we know a few who will pay very well for you!"

"That so?" Kurrgurr asked interested. "So you've been to the city before." The wolf nostrils flared as vapor from the boiling pot waffled over to him.

"Oh yes we live there now." Jerle explained. "We're just coming back from visiting some old friends."

"Damn that smells good!" Kurrgurr grunted sniffing the air hungry. "What is it?"

"A bit of this and a bit of that." Jerle answered vaguely, as Quin stirred the pot. "Supplied by our old friends mostly!" Jerle snickers. As Quin moves up to whisper softly to his larger lover, smiling Jerle nods. "Quin says you can have some, if you let him touch those." Jerle explained pointing to the wolf's male organs.

"Hahah." Kurrgurr laughed. "He's welcomed to do a lot more than just touch'em!" The big predator assured spreading his furry thigh's slightly. His balls slid down further, almost resting on the weathered floor, as Quin ladled a large round chunk of meat into a bowl. "But then... so are you!" Kurrgurr chuckled.

"Why don't we eat first then we can see about other things!" Jerle upped the ante, offering the bowl to the handsome wolf.

"Sounds good to me!" The wolf growled, taking the offered bowl of chunky stew, licking it up, finding it full of meat and vegetables, the taste of sweet organ meat making his mouth water! "Damn you make a fine stew, richer than I'm use to; that's for sure." Kurrgurr gulped down

the vegetables, pausing to savor the meaty chucks. Surprisingly the rabbit's seemed to be enjoying the meat as much as the wolf. So the meal didn't last long, Jerle broke out a couple of ale's to help wash it down. When the food was finished, and the ale drank down to the dregs,

the big wolf half reclined on his bedroll grinning at the pair as they looked at him. "Come on over here little rabbit." Kurrgurr growled his voice low and husky with arousal. His pointed red wolf bone began to peek from his sheath as Quin hops over. Slowly the small jackrabbit knelt beside the big wolf staring at the bulging sheath.

Kurrgurr watched and waited for a long moment then snickered. A flex of his hips sent the sheath wobbling like gelatin, flopping heavily towards the rabbit. "Come on now... it won't bite ya!" Slowly Quin's soft furry digits began exploring Kurrgurr's warm, thick sheath. His paws make Kurrgurr growl with pleasure, especially when the rabbit's fingers curled gently around

his full sac. He closed his eyes and reclined further, causing his sheath to become more exposed to the rabbit as his member starts peeking from its furred home. The opening stretching widely as his thick sheath disgorges the red member within at the gentle coaxing of the rabbit's fingers as they pull and tease, causing shivers of pleasure to run up and down Kurrgurr's spine. Soon his wolf hood was fully erect, more than eleven inches, not counting the knot, still slim, but pulsing. Opening his eyes, Kurrgurr notices the rabbit's loincloth tented. "What have we here?" He chuckles reaching over to pull them down, exposing Quin's surprisingly large pink rabbit cock, which is throbbing as hard as stone, and dribbling pre-cum. "Mmm more tasty meat!" Kurrgurr grunted, grinning to reach down and scoop a finger full of fluid from the tip; slurping it from his pads! Quin jumps slightly at the wolf's touch looking down apprehensively, making Kurrgurr laugh. "Don't worry little fellow, I won't eat it... unless you ask me to." Kurrgurr grunted

turning slightly so he could watch himself paw it off!

"Mmm only if I can eat yours." Quin answered shyly.

"Heheh fair is fair... my meat is your meat!" Kurrgurr snickered as he watched the rabbits head go down over the tip of his big throbbing organ. He grunted lustfully as Quin's hot mouth slid down against his pulsing length, rabbit cheeks bulging with his girth. "Yeah... oho yeah... gobble me up!" Kurrgurr invites, as he grasps Quin's hip s and pulls the rabbit over his muzzle. Soon the little rabbit is humping the big wolf's mouth as he licks and sucks on his bone.

"Mmm that looks so good!" Jerle moans moving over between Kurrgurr's leg's spread them as he does. "Mind if I have a taste as well?" The larger jackrabbit asks lustfully as he kneads and strokes the wolf's huge low slung ball sack.

"Have at it." The wolf growls around the big pink cock in his mouth. Hardly believing how luck he was to find two such willing sluts! He lifted his legs and curled them around Jerle's shoulders, inviting the rabbit to stay a while!

"Ummmm thank you!" Jerle grunts as he takes a tighter grip and pulls on the wolf's nuts. The pulling tugging the warm wet red meat from Quin's mouth, and a grunt from the lusty wolf. He grins and suckles in the wolf's big red bone himself, bobbing up and down, feeling the thighs

relax in pleasure along his back. Quin snickered, grabbing Kurrgurr's knot and pulling it back towards himself. He suckled it in with a wet slurping sound, as Jerle separated and roughly groped the fist sized wolf nuggets. Jerle watched Quin's muzzle slide and suck until his face

scrunched up in pleasure. The wolf was deep in a lusty trance of cock sucking, ignoring the feelings of the rabbit's paws slowly getting rougher and more brutal on his fat hard nuts. The wolf was instead focusing on the throbbing cock fucking his mouth and the feelings both the rabbit's

hot mouths and tongues were giving his own needy organ. The rabbit stole the raging erection back with another long pull, and squeezed the slippery orbs against each other, tugging at them, working them harder. It was fun a slow groan announced when he started to push the limits,

and the wolf started to squeeze his legs together, protectively. Jerle let the slobbery bone pop from between his lips, for Quin to suck on. Quin dove down, teeth scraping the thickened meat.

"Hey now," Kurrgurr hurred between lusty breaths, "Those nuts are for sucking, not cracking!" Jerle ignored him, instead pulling the wolf's cock half out of his friend's mouth, moving to slurp it up. They kissed around it, trading the end of the wolf's meat between warm mouths and hot, soft tongue. Spit flowed, and the feelings both the rabbits' hot mouths and tongues were giving his needy organ silenced his struggles. The road was hard, and he needed to be played with! But as the jackrabbit's sharp little claws dug into his tender flesh, the wolf whimpered and spat Quin's hard throbber out trying to look around the rabbit's fluffy body. "Ow... son of a... what are you doing down there?"

"What..." Jerle giggled. He grabbed the wolf's nuts and stretched them out hard, making the pouch bulge. He traced his claws over the hard round nuts, watching as the big predator's powerful body jumped involuntarily.

"I... rrrrr... stop that....." Kurrgurr whined. Panting, with Quin's cock leaking against his cheek.

"Awwww come on." Jerle chuckled. He nodded to his brother, who licked his lips and dove down, deep throating the wolf's huge bone. His throat bulged with it.

"Ooooh... oh... oh good....!" Not used to having his shaft swallowed whole, he ground up, legs curling Jerle in as Quin sucked and bobbed on his meat. "I.. I don't know..."

"Just a little rough play..." Jerle assured dismissively, lied scraping his sharp claw up the center of Kurrgurr's big sack. "Quin and I do it all the time!" He lied. "Can it be a big wolf warrior like you

can't take a little rough play?" Jerle taunted.

"I can take anything you can and ten times more!" The big predator boasted, words faltering as his nuts were squeezed. "I just wasn't expecting it from little ones like you!" The last of his words were muffled out, as Quin's thrusting cock found his muzzle again and fucked

right down his throat!

"Oh really? Ten times huh?" Jerle chuckled, as Quin slipped his tongue passed the wolf's knot, down into his sheath, lapping around wildly. His small, but exceptionally strong fingers tugged and pinched the big wolf nuts savagely, even slapping them from paw to paw. Kurrgurr began

to regret his words, but his pride wouldn't let him tell the smaller fur to stop. And the longer he dealt with it, the more the pleasures of Quin's sucking intermingled with the pain, in a strangely erotic manner.

Soon Kurrgurr wasn't really minding.. it hurt, yeah, the gropes and squeezes. His balls ached from the abuse, but in a way, it just turned him on more. His cock flared out, the knot thick and hard. He could feel the claws scraping at him, sometimes soft, and sometimes.. more and more,

in fact... very hard. It was not something he had felt before! And when he felt a particular hard scrape... go right up the middle of his sac, he had to close his eyes and focus entirely on the meat swelling out his mouth. If he didn't, he'd go crazy! That claw ran slowly up and down along his pouch, between his aching orbs.. and then he felt himself being sucked on harder. And harder still. "Ammmmm fuckin hell..." Things started to get blurry - he felt his nuts being played with, his cock getting sucked on - and then everything seemed to blend together as a powerful, mind shattering orgasm shook through his big meaty frame. He humped up into Quin's mouth, as his nuts were washed in coolness and heat, and then the orgasm swept everything away and he just spurted, spurted. It went on forever.. and as he came back down, he realized the rabbit

he was sucking on.. was also climaxing, moaning as his mouth filled with bolt after bolt of hot rabbit cum. He gagged and gulped, swallowing it into his belly... as Jerle looked smugly over his lover's butt down at the wolf. He watched as Kurrgurr swallowed all of his lover's spunk. At last spitting out the big pink rabbit cock, Kurrgurr moaned.

"Damn that was fuckin' intense." He'd no more than gotten that out than Jerle had climbed atop his broad chest and fed him a second big throbbing cock!

"My turn... to be gobbled up by the big bad wolf!" He snickered, as the obviously exhausted lupine began to suckle on his raging hard on. The night didn't turn out quite like Kurrgurr had expected, instead of him fucking the slutty rabbits all night. He found himself less potent and horny than he'd imagined himself to be, one rabbit was ready again almost before the other one was finished. The big wolf found a strange submissiveness sweep over him, ended up letting the pair take him in the tail hole, something he'd never expected! Quin was pumping away behind him and Jerle was enjoying his mouth for the ninth or tenth time when he at last collapsed!


It's the sweet smell of frying meat that awakes the wolf in the morning, making his mouth water, and his stomach growls full of the rabbit's spunk. Sitting up he burps, tasting cocks and cum. "Oh awake are ya big boy?" Jerle call's hurrying over to hand the big wolf a in plate. On it was a pile of scrambled eggs of some sort. Big fluffy white stuff, with strips of bacon or something mixed in. They were arranged in two big mounds, each about the size of a potato. "There ya go... need your strength, big boy, we got a long ride ahead of us." The rabbits sat beside him, nibbling on celery and carrots, watching as the wolf used his fingers to scoop a big handful of the delicious meat into his mouth. It wasn't eggs, that's for sure.. it was thicker than eggs, greasy, and for some reason reminded the wolf of sex. "Ummmm huh!" Kurrgurr grunts his mouth full of sweet organ meat, chewing slowly savoring the strange flavor it's unlike any he's had before. "Ammmm this is good!" He grunted smiling at the rabbit's as they crowded around him eating as well. "What is it?" He asked making Quin and Jerle share a knowing look.

"Oh it's a special dish I make... secret recipe you understand." Jerle answered making Quin giggle.

"Oh sure." Kurrgurr grunted as he reached over and took the second mound. "Damn good that's for sure!"

"Indeed..." Jerle agreed. "A shame that's all we've got."

"Ya." Kurrgurr agreed wolfing his last mouthful down. After breakfast Jerle insisted on them dressing Kurrgurr the big wolf was somewhat embarrassed. "Why do I have to wear that?"

The wolf was standing, almost naked, with nothing but a leather collar on. Well, that and a cotton loin cloth... he rubbed at his balls again. They were heavy feeling today, swollen and.. well, strangely enough, numb. He rolled the big spuds around in his sac, trying to figure out what was wrong with them. Quin noticed, pulling his paw away.

"Stop playing with the loin cloth.. I don't want to have to fix it around you again."

"Yes," Jerle added. "You'll get paid much better if you are showing off what you got..."

"Or what he don't got!" Quin snickered quietly into Jerle's ear. Both rabbits laughed, herding the wolf with his weapons and collar and loin cloth into their wagon. The feeling of submissiveness he'd experienced the night before were if anything stronger now, so he just went along with what the rabbits wanted. Even agreeing to ride in they're wagon, to the city tho' he could get there faster running. The ride took the rest of the day, and night was falling as they rumbled into the port city.

"Errr where are we going?" The wolf asked as they drive through the darkening streets.

"To an old friends... to see about getting you to work!" Jerle assured, as the wagon slipped into the back alley's; and dark underbelly of the city. Ahead a massive old fortified manner house loomed up, built long before the city walls had enclosed the district. It was a great Grey stone fortress that dominated the low shops; and houses that surrounded it. Kurrgurr was amazed briefly at how well cared for the stone, and iron work looked, then shrugged the shops, and houses always did. Passing through the great arch in the fortress's cliff like walls, they found themselves in a small courtyard. The two heavily armed and armored Boars guarding the inner doors; smiled and nodded to Jerle and Quin in recognition as they passed. Once inside the entrance hall, Kurrgurr was surprised when Jerle steered him towards the stairs going up. They climbed for so long that all of them were sweating, and breathing deeply when they as last crested the stone stairway. In the hallway a finely dressed, pot bellied Badger greeted the rabbits cheerfully; moving at once to examine Kurrgurr. He slowly moved around the tall dark furred youth, a lewd smile splitting his furry black muzzle.

"Oi yer guna be gettin' a pleasin' price fer this one!" The fat Badger predicted, making the wolf arch an eyebrow in confusion. "Ell I might jest bid on him myself." The Badger grunted looking up under the wolf's bushy tail. "Well yer best be gettin' him ready, ya kin hove yer usual stall."

"Course we can." Jerle growled, pushing the heavy door open; and leading Kurrgurr into the room beyond. It was a huge round tower top room, and once must have been a powerful defensive position. But had been opened up and cleaned out, until now it was fancy tower top pub. The arrow slits that dotted the thick stone walls had been widened, and filled with thick expensive glass. Looking out, Kurrgurr could see the lights of the fog shrouded dark city far below. In the centre of the room a small round stage had been constructed, with small wooden stalls lining the walls between the windows. A number of small bars were set up around the stage, each with it's own bartender. Jerle lead him across the room, to a stall near the largest window. The big wolf following along obediently behind the much smaller rabbits. Soon finding himself in one of the small stalls, as Jerle and Quin bustled around him. Combing out his shaggy tail, and rubbing a little scented oil over his coat. Making it sleek and shiny, as the big wolf watched perplexed.

"Is all this really necessary?" He asked tilting his head to one side, as he watched the Rabbits at work.

"Here drink this!" Little Quin ordered pleasantly as he handed the big wolf a mug of foaming ale. Kurrgurr was feeling nervous and dry mouthed so quickly drained the huge mug. Finding the ale to have a strangely bitter flavor. "There... now aren't you feeling better?" Jerle asked as the wolf licked his lip's, swallowing repeatedly.

"Actually... yeah it is." Kurrgurr grunted as a strange warmth seemed to spread through his body. His long lupine tongue neglectfully hung out of the corner of his mouth. His bright eye's growing glazed, as a euphoric feeling of ambivalence washed over him. All around him the room bustled, but the big wolf hardly noticed. Barely paying attention as the rabbit's lead him out of the stall. Paying little attention as he was lined up behind a number of other furs. On the stage, a big smiling Tiger was talking orating. Seemingly about the handsome young equine standing beside him. Oddly the audience seemed to really get into it and were quite loud. There seemed to be a lot of talking and arguing going on. Then a small rather lecherous looking fox came up and lead the horse away!

"Next up we have Jerle and Quin with a new... pet." The Tiger grinning as he stepped back, letting the rabbits lead the tall young wolf out onto the stage. The hot over head lights blind Kurrgurr so that he's unable to see the audience. But he can hear excited whispers, and impressed grunts from the watchers.

"As you all can see a handsome young lupine from the northern forests!" Jerle announced in a loud wheeling voice. "On his first trip to the city... looking to hire himself out!" The rabbit stroke the wolfs gleaming fur as he talked. "Now who wants to start the bidding?" A bid came quickly from the crowd, but the young wolf was finding it hard to concentrate. And the rabbit quickly became busy answering the shouted offers. And even countering with things like... ‘Best I've ever plucked!'. Finally the bidding had stopped and the rabbit looked around at Quin. Who as once yanked Kurrgurr's loin clothe down. The wolf glanced down at his nakedness in bemusement. Thinking something was wrong with being naked before a large group. But the bidding instantly began again, as the wolfs thick sheath and huge ball sack came into view. Why would someone hiring a mercenary would care about seeing his male hood. This only serving to confuse him even more, as the bidding went on. At last it had come to a halt once more, and the rabbit still looked less than pleased. "Surely you're not going to let the price stand at this!" Jerle appealed to the silent audience.

"We've seen all he's got... so what so special about this one?" A loud voice jeered from the unseen crowd. Smiling Jerle turns to Quin flashing him a knowing wink. "Show them." He orders. Quickly the smaller rabbit reaches around the wolf. Grabbing the lupine's big sack the small rabbit pulls at the sides. The split up the center parts and two big boiled potato's drop out onto stage. There is a stunned silence from the crowd, as Kurrgurr stares down at the potato's. A stunned look of severe confusion on his muzzle. Then jumps slightly the crowd screams and howls loudly with laughter. Suddenly it dawned on the wolf that something else was supposed to be in there!

"A wolf neuter by Rabbits!" They laugh.

"Look at him... he didn't even know it!" Some fur howled.

"He still hasn't quiet figured it out!" A second voice jeered. Weakly Kurrgurr pawed at his split open sack, paw searching for the jewels that were supposed to be there.

"Ummmm... Where are... what happened to my..." He grunts as the bidding goes wild once again. Making the rabbits grin happily, they would have enough for a couple of more trips.