Dragon Storm: Chapter 16: Fight to the death! Lazz vs. Rio!

Story by DS-Rio on SoFurry

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#16 of Dragon Storm

Arthur's Note:

Hi again! I can't wait for my favorite horror movie series to be released on the 23rd!! That's right! If it's almost Halloween then it must be SAW 6!!! At this rate they will bypass star wars! Lol. Anyway, if you have not checked out my Rio picture then please go do so. It's under my gallery. Please note that he looks like Naraku who is a dragon that someone else has created. It is not really copying; Rio is supposed to look like that! Anyway DS fans enjoy the art and this Chapter! XD

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"I didn't think I would have to use this... " Lazz said.

Lazz quickly dashed toward Rio and took Rio's shot to the torso and let his bulletproof vest block the shot while he retrained Rio and put him in a full nelson. Rio tried to escape Lazz's grip, but it was no use Lazz was stronger then him. Rio let out fire from his mouth as he was roaring in rage. Lazz then jumped into the air while holding Rio and performed a suplex on Rio, breaking the marble floor and landing Rio's headfirst. Rio laid there motionlessly and Lazz disarmed Rio of his handgun then jumped back.

"Huh?" Lazz said as he watched Rio get up from that attack.

"Argghghgunngh......." Rio moaned.

"That's the first time I've used my BK suplex on someone and they were able to move afterward." Lazz stated.

".......ughaun....." Rio said.

"I hope that's not all you got Rio or should I say War Wolf!" Lazz said.

Just then War Wolf walked from behind the bookshelf and hovered off the ground and floated beside Rio.

"It's about time you figured me out Lazz, we used to work together for Nuker's sake." War Wolf said.

" It finally hit me. You have the power to use telepathy, that's your G.O.N. huh?" Lazz asked.

"Take a guess. Listen, Rio likes it here with me so back off. We get along better then you two do. Every time you are with him it just makes me so mad. I like working beside him more so then with anyone else! That's right! I took over his mind using my G.O.N. and forced him to join BLACKFANG!!!" War Wolf said.

"No!! RIO!! I should have known from the beginning that it was too easy, the way we meet back up. Rio doesn't like you, let him go!" Lazz said.

"Really? Let's ask him!" War Wolf said.

"......I will cover you War Wolf.... You are someone who I want to protect." Rio said and stood in front of War Wolf to protect him from Lazz.

"I hope that's not all you can do War Wolf because I'm going to kill you!" Lazz said.

" You doubt my power? Why, I am the most powerful practitioner of psycho kinesis and telepathy in the world. No, there's no need for words Lazz, I am War Wolf!!" War Wolf said.

Lazz quickly pulled out Rio's handgun and took aim. It was different for him. He was not used to holding something so light. Rio liked handguns because of this so Lazz felt as though a part of Rio was still with him.

"I told you it's useless Lazz. I can read your every thought!" War Wolf said and when he finished that sentence Rio stepped closer to Lazz to block his shot and protect War Wolf.

"Great. How I'm I supposed to beat someone who can read my every thought? Even more so will I have to kill Rio in order to save the world and stop millions from dying? The mission is first priority! I will do what I have to do in order to fight for a better republic!" Lazz thought.

" It's impossible. You can't save the world. You have no idea what Rio is capable of! So say good bye to that republic you value to much!!" War Wolf said.

"........." Lazz sighed as there was nothing he wanted to do in fear of War Wolf reading his mind.


I guess I'm just trying to thank you?

Revealing only little bits of honesty.

As days go by we run away, by blaming someone else.

For starters, I'm sorry...goodbye!

I want to hold you even when you're gone.

Please tell me what love and friendship mean!

Someday you will present the key to my heart.

I want to hold you even when you're gone.

Please tell me what love and friendship mean!

The door to my heart is shut.

Waiting for you.

That's good enough for me.

Believing in tomorrow!

Dragon Storm

Lazz stood there dumbfounded in the middle of the large room. He noticed that Rio was growling and hissing at him and even drooling from the mouth with an enormous bloodlust. He also noticed that War Wolf fur was pitch-black and covered him head to paw. He also had red eyes that seemed to glow. He was also wearing armored leggings and armlets to protect him. War Wolf also had a brown cape that flapped as he hovered above the ground. His torso had armored protection too.

"Now let me read your mind!" War Wolf said.

" I don't like where this is going." Lazz said.

"You are a very methodical dragon, the type that likes to get everything done before he leaves, even putting business before pleasure." War Wolf said.

"I hope this isn't going to cost me!" Lazz said.

" You are a highly skilled warrior who works for the Dragon enforcers organization. It seems you are always thinking about dragons every five minutes." War Wolf said.

"You know how pointless this is right? I mean we used to work together for Rock Lizard." Lazz said.

"You seem to be perfect when it comes to stealth even when all you carry are explosives, you seem well suited for this mission. You are either very cautions or a coward." War Wolf said.

"................." Lazz said nothing.

"It seems I will need to use more quintessence to impress you. Very well! Hmmmmm... It looks like I'll have to read deeper into your soul Lazz! Hmmmmmm... it looks like your working on a XHTML project! Might I recommend Root elements? The root element of an XHTML document must be html, and must contain an xmlns attribute to associate it with the XHTML namespace. The namespace URI for XHTML is http: //www.w3.org/1999/xhtml." War Wolf said.

"What are you talking about?" Lazz asked.

"It looks like you will be buying your friend a new Xbox for no good reason at all. Also that friend will call up Avenger elite to rub it in. Hmmmmm... who do we have here... it seems you have many names, but you call yourself Eveser. Eveser you are probably smiling right now as you read this and will need to use your mouse to scroll down in a second. Ah...who is this? Ozone... you like to approve stories don't you. You have been doing it for so long it's second nature to you now. Have I impressed you now Lazz?" War Wolf asked.

"I think you just broke the fourth wall." Lazz said.

"Blah! Fine! How about I just show you my power instead! Look around you know that I am not lying to you. I will now make Dragon Storm unreadable! It will be your worst nightmare! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

"Che cosa è accaduto?" Lazz said.

"Ho distrutto la vostra storia!!!! Ora sarete bordo dalla vostra mente come potete non fare niente, ma speranza affinchè me rendiate la tempesta del drago leggibile ancora!!!!! Mwhahahahahahahahahahaha" War Wolf said.

" Voi bastardo!! Come potreste fare questo ad una storia che ha ventilatori?! " Lazz asked.

"Quando abbiamo entrato nella stanza ha osservato come era nel caos completo, ma lo schermo stava osservando là tutto come aveva memorizzato la stanza. Ha ritornato con i panni quasi esattamente come suo. L'unica differenza era che queste hanno avute loro un drago marrone rossiccio. La coda avviata al tallone di sinistra, avvolto intorno allo stinco, è andato attraverso il ginocchio ed allora sul piedino posteriore attraversare le natiche, avvolte intorno allo stomaco ed allora riposate la relativa testa sulla spalla destra, con la zampa anteriore di sinistra sulla spalla di sinistra, la zampa anteriore di destra sul giusto bicep e gli artigli posteriori che riposano sulle anche." Lazz screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Dopo che ha spiegato dove mettere le lamierine ha girato e selezionato in su una lamierina la ha esaminata ed ha girato intorno il " Ciò sarà la vostra spada. Siete di destra o sinistro? " Ho fluttuato la mia mano sinistra. " L'approvazione così ha messo questa sulla vostra parte posteriore con l'elsa che affronta la vostra spalla di sinistra. Il relativo formato aumenterà come la vostra resistenza aumenta, inoltre la lamierina è fatto di un metallo speciale ed è stato incantato in modo che mai offuschi o non si rompa e può tagliare attraverso qualche cosa. E infine un interruttore della spada. Metta questo sul piccolo della vostra parte posteriore come miei con il pommel che affronta la destra. Questo può come la vostra spada nelle abilità ed è stato incantato essere realmente rompere le spade." Rio said and proceeded as Lazz screamed even louder in pain.

Ha sparato un'occhiata a Luna, che ha annuito col capo, quindi delicatamente ha regolato la sua mano in miei che prendono seriamente la mia dichiarazione selvaggia del cane. Ho spostato lentamente la brezza intorno in mia testa, roteante i venti per fare le figure davanti alla mia consapevolezza. Dopo un minuto ho respirato lentamente su Vaon' la mano di s ed inizialmente niente è accaduto. Ogni ma me ha atteso con alito adescato per vedere se il giovane allievo potesse guarire la ferita. Dopo che un minuto che il puma teso come la carne ha cominciato a lavorare a maglia insieme. Piccolo ha fatto il puma sa che potrei percepire tutte le sue funzioni, ogni caratteristica fisica del puma alcuni come scorso

"veloce nella mia mente. Ho notato un difetto nella sua testa e nella presa dello sguardo più attento che ho rend contoere che ci era qualcosa che cresce in sua testa. Non sapendo perché ho raggiunto lentamente nella sua testa con la mia magia ed ho spazzolato il punto. Con quella spazzola ho rend contoere che sarebbe morto relativamente in un tempo di scarsità . Ho afferrato la stretta della cosa e lentamente ho compresso giù sul Massachusetts. La cosa è diventato lentamente più piccola e più piccola. Ho notato che mentre ha ottenuto più piccolo lo spazio che aveva occupato è stato lasciato vuoto. Così quando la cosa è stata andata ho esaminato il foro che è stato lasciato. Lasciare il foro è sembrato come un'idea difettosa in modo da ho cominciato copiare le cellule intorno esso fino a andare il foro. Con la mia operazione completi. I con ha ricavato dal puma ed ha lasciato la sua mano andare." Lazz screamed even more as the pain was to much to bear and began gasping for air.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" War Wolf yelled.

Lazz could not stand it anymore. He was now curled up into a fettle position and crying. Rio was having so much fun; he had never seen anything like it in his life. He was tickling Lazz to death as War Wolf was restraining him.

"Ahahahaha...I-I..hahahahaha c-can't... hahahahahaha... breathe...hahahahaha!!!" Lazz laughed.

"Do you believe in my power now Lazz? Did I impress you?" War Wolf asked.

"I would kill you...hahahahaha.... If I could stand up!" Lazz slowly calmed down wiping a tear from his eye.

"The demonstration is over!" War Wolf said.

"Ok. Phew, that was pointless." Lazz said.

"Prepare to lose and suffer at my overwhelming willpower!!!" War Wolf said.

" And prepare for that NOT to happen War Wolf!! " Lazz said.

Just then War Wolf flew right at Lazz and reached for his black sword and attempted to cut Lazz. However Lazz ducked and as War Wolf passed right by him Lazz shot at War Wolf with Rio's handgun, but it was no use. War Wolf blocked it with his arm gauntlets. Just then Lazz was tackled by Rio and fell to the ground. Rio began to slice Lazz repeatedly tearing through his bulletproof vest. Lazz quickly kicked Rio off of him and exhaled a mint-green fireball. As Rio was airborne the fireball hit Rio and he was sent crashing into a wall. Suddenly, War Wolf was behind Lazz and sliced him on his back. Lazz screamed in pain and began to bleed heavily. War Wolf then pushed Lazz away using his G.O.N. Lazz then used his KM 2000 combat knife and stabbed the ground thus stopping himself. When Lazz looked up it was too late, a giant bookshelf was sent his way and he had no time to dodge it. Lazz quickly blasted a big mint-green fireball and it burned to ash. Just then War Wolf began to pick up multiple objects in the room and hurled them at Lazz. Lazz jumped and ducked and dived when he needed to avoid all the objects.

"War Wolf!!" Lazz yelled.

Lazz jumped up and took out his RPG-7 and took aim and then fired it. War Wolf read Lazz's mind prior to his actions and pulled a marble slab from the floor and intercepted the warhead causing a giant explosion. This explosion sent both War Wolf and Lazz flying in different directions. The RPG-7 landed on the ground next to Lazz. War Wolf reached his hand out as he struggled to get up and suddenly Rio emerged from the destroyed wall on all fours and dashed right for Lazz. Lazz saw how fast Rio was moving and defended himself the best he could before getting tackled by Rio again. This time Rio inhaled a breath of air and embers descended from his mouth. Lazz quickly forced Rio off of him, which caused Rio to turn his head toward the RPG-7 and fire at it. There was still another warhead inside it. When the fireball hit it exploded, causing another giant explosion and sending them both into different walls.

"Give up Lazz!" War Wolf said.

Rio and Lazz emerged from their respected walls at the same time and fell to the floor in pain. Lazz stood up first and faced War Wolf. War Wolf saw this and instantly tossed more objects his way. It varied from heavy books, to statues, to marble slabs, to bookshelf's, to random debris, to shards of glass, to wall paintings. Lazz ran away from War Wolf and tried to avoid everything, but it was useless. Lazz got hit by a statue and crashed into the wall once more. Lazz struggled to get up again and looked up only to find himself impaled with thousands of shards of glass. Lazz covered his face the best he could and began to bleed everywhere. Crimson red blood ran down his cloths and scales at a fast rate. Lazz's vision was fuzzy, but he could still make everything out. Lazz's cloths were worn and torn in some places and there was even a rip on his back where War Wolf sliced him. His scales could be seen through it.

" Damn it! At this rate I am sure to die. I have to think of someth- No wait! War Wolf is... Damn you get out of my head!!" Lazz thought.

"Never!" War Wolf yelled.

Just then Rio stood up and looked at Lazz and dashed at Lazz once again. While Rio ran at Lazz he exhaled fireballs at him. Lazz dodged all the fireballs, but Rio hit Lazz yet again. This time Rio uppercutted Lazz sending him into the air and Rio met him airborne with an axe kick sending him back down. Then grabbed him and tossed him across the room. Lazz skidded on the floor before coming to a stop. He began to breathe heavy and looked around. Rio readied himself to dash again when all of a sudden he stopped. His actions shocked Lazz and War Wolf. Rio stopped because he saw something on the floor; it was the picture that Lazz drew. Rio stared at it and saw how detailed it was. It was unlike the other one he drew where he was ugly. Rio put his hand on his head and began to talk.

"No... Lazz. I didn't mean to... I'm sorry." Rio said.

"RIO!! You have to fight it! Snap out of it!" Lazz said.

"No Rio! You will listen to me! Now kill Lazz!! " War Wolf said.

Rio lost control again and dashed at Lazz with the intent to kill. Lazz stuck his leg out and tripped Rio as he approached him. Rio was sent flying past Lazz, but used his hands to break the fall and front handspring back to his feet. Lazz placed his gear on the floor quickly and used his Grenade launcher on War Wolf and Rio. As expected, Rio dodged it with ease. War Wolf on the other hand could do nothing, but watch as it drew near him. Just then Rio appeared in front of War Wolf and took the blow for him.

"RIIOO!!!" Lazz yelled.

Rio fell to the floor and bleed all over the floor. Lazz was in shock as he did not expect War Wolf do make that move. Rio struggled to get up, but fell down again. Lazz used the diversion to camouflage himself and hide; all that was left of him was his grenade launcher he left behind. War Wolf looked around, but could not find Lazz.

"Where are you Lazz? You can't hide from me!" War Wolf said.

"I'm closer then you think!" Lazz shouted.

Just then War Wolf sent more objects flying in the direction of Lazz's voice. However nothing happened. War Wolf wondered where Lazz was even though he heard his voice come from that discretion. Suddenly, a big mint-green fireball hurled toward War Wolf and without him knowing it, it hit him dead on making him crash into the wall. When he emerged from the wall he was sizzling from the burns.

"What? W-Where are you I heard you from over in that d-direction, so how did you hit me from behind? You're not as fast as Rio is." War Wolf said.

"Something I never wanted to reveal to you other BLACKFANG members. Right now I am using my ventriloquism, the art of throwing my voice to a nearby location." Lazz said.

"No Way! You can do that? You never did that when you worked with us. Damn you!" War Wolf shouted.

"I have more up my sleeve then you think..." Lazz said.

War Wolf just starred at the wall because that is where Lazz's voice was coming from. As if the wall was talking to him. War Wolf looked around to try and find Lazz, but he could not. Just then Lazz stabbed War Wolf in the back of the thigh and War Wolf let out a battle cry. War Wolf then reached out in front of him and slowly clenched his hand shut. Lazz was choking at this point. He could not breathe and he was running out of air.

"That's right! I can use my G.O.N. to close your wind pipe... say goodbye Lazz." War Wolf said.

Just then, Lazz dashed at War Wolf and clawed his arm near his shoulder area. War Wolf yelled in pain and tried to slice Lazz with his black sword, but Lazz avoided it. Lazz was gasping for air while War Wolf was knelling down from his wounds. War Wolf released his grip of Lazz's windpipe and looked at him and how evenly matched they were.

"It... sickens... me... me? Damaged? How? I... have the... best... power... in the... world..." War Wolf said in pain.

"No one... is... unbeatable..." Lazz said.

With that said War Wolf got upset and reached both hands out and made Rio stand back up. Even though Rio had surely reached his limit already, War Wolf forced him to proceed fighting Lazz. Suddenly, Rio dashed at Lazz once more.

"I'll... just make... you to... fight... till one of... of you... die!" War Wolf said and hovered higher into the air.

"Lazz...Lazz... help me Lazz." Rio said and punched him in the face.

"Oww! Rio... are you... trying to reach out to me? I'm sorry... I have to kill you." Lazz said.

"Save me...Lazz." Rio said and with that he grabbed Lazz and tossed him into the wall.

"My mission comes first Rio! I have to fellow the rules!! You don't understand, and you never will!!!" Lazz yelled.

With that said, Lazz found the strength to once again get up and dash at Rio. Rio did the same and then they both clashed in the center of the room with their claws and sparks flew high into the air.

"I will protect War Wolf because he is my friend!!" Rio said.

" Give me a break Rio! You don't even know anything about War Wolf! He is just using you to kill me. Last I checked friends don't use one another! They support one another! So what would you know about any of that?! Granted, I have never really had any friends of my own, but that is not the point here." Lazz said.

"Protecting my friends is what I fight for! It is my dream! And if you should try to stop it from becoming reality, then I will kill you Lazz!" Rio said.

"Yeah... Well fighting for a better republic is my dream! And if it should mean I would have to kill you... then so be it! Let's see whose dream is stronger... for a better tomorrow!!" Lazz said.

Suddenly, Rio let out a roar and grabbed Lazz and tossed him into the air. Rio then jumped up after him. Lazz seen this coming and exhaled a mint-green fireball and Rio defended himself by blasting his own fireball and they both crashed into each other. They were both evenly matched, however just Rio emerged from the fireballs and punched Lazz in the stomach sending him flying into the ceiling. Since Rio was a fire dragon he was resistant to fire. He was not affected at all by the flames. Rio tried to punch Lazz again, but Lazz blocked the punch and kicked Rio into the two colliding fireballs and altogether everything crashed through the wall of this large room and exploded in the next room. Just then War Wolf reached out and pushed Lazz into the same room Rio was blasted into.

War Wolf entered the next room to find both Rio and Lazz slightly damaged from that attack. Rio and Lazz got up at the same time and faced each other. They both looked at each other with rage. They were both breathing heavy and worn. The new room they were in now was like the building they were in before where everything was metal. This room was even bigger then the last room. A huge charred spot from the blast of the fireballs could be seen in the middle of the room on the floor. They both proceeded to stare at one another not even so much as blinking an eye. Not even distracted at all the green and red embers slowly descending to the metal ground.

"Rio... what I'm I going to say to Quicksilver... when I tell him I had to kill his son for the mission, for the sake of the world!!" Lazz shouted.

"You won't have to... because I am going to kill you! I won't let you hurt BLACKFANG any more. Especially War Wolf!" Rio shouted back.

"Rio... I wish I could save you, but-" Lazz said, but was then interrupted.

"It was not my desire to join BLACKFANG. It's painful. I don't won't to kill you, but if you advance, then I will have no choice. Then I will kill the kindness in my own heart and fully embrace BLACKFANG's way. And there will be no mercy, no turning back. This room will be the battlefield where our dreams collide. Now I must fight for my dream, just as you fight for yours. And for the sake of that dream, if I must, I will act as a BLACKFANG member and take your life Lazz!" Rio said and got into his fighting stance.

"Rio? Is that you?" Lazz asked.

"....................." Rio said nothing.

"Rio..." Lazz whispered.

To be continued.............

Arthur's comment:

Fighting for what they both believe in, will Lazz save Rio or kill him?

Stay tune.