Chapter 15

Story by RaineDiam on SoFurry

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#15 of Memories of a Forgotten Past

Chapter 15

The Sins of our Fathers


           The journey would be long and arduous to the once capitol and the dark citadel that was towering over the ruins. The small party was all this world had left and they knew it. This both brought their spirits up with the wonders of being a hero but also weighed them down heavily with the dread of knowing what failure meant. Rukan was taking is especially hard on himself. The others could see he was pale and spoke less and less as they days went by.


           Rena seemed desperate for his attention at times but he just focused on the road ahead and said nothing. Tonight they camped at their halfway point and they all sat around the fire quietly while Rukan slept.


           â€What do you think is up with him Rena?†Said Michi softly as to no wake him


           â€I think he's still sick. He had this renewed energy after the trails but it just... I don't know... it faded. He doesn't even talk to me... I'm worried about him.†Replied the vulpine creature.


           Shade was rubbing his chin listening before he threw his two cents in, â€Perhaps the virus is still within him and he knows it. Rukan is very honor bound like a samurai. He can't let it get in the way of anything and as such he has to put more attention on his mission then he had to before.â€


           Renamon frowned and looked into the flames with a sigh as she hugged her legs to her chest, â€I'm really worried about him... He seemed possessed at times. He cries out in his dreams for his sister and sometimes for me. There are times that I see malice in his eyes.â€


           Narwith stood himself up and brushed off his legs as he frowned and shook his head slowly, â€That's the first signs of the change. He's still infected which now makes a lot of sense as to why he's pushing us at such a fast pace... He needs to get there quickly or he will fall under her sway.â€


           The group fell silent and looked to where Rukan slept restless and feverish, all of them with a look of despair in their eyes. Could they trust their friend? They knew he didn't want to harm them but something inside of him definitely did.


           Rukan fell endlessly through his life of despair and tragedy. He saw his father beating his sister and mother then doing unspeakable things to Ruki. The man never laid a finger on Rukan as the one time he did he broke his father's leg and shoulder. Ruki knew how to defend herself but still did nothing to stop him out of fear that the next time would be worse. Soon it became unbearable. Rukan spirited himself and his sister away only to have to killed in the street and her body to be stolen from them.

           He stood on that rain soaked street as it seemed time was frozen in the moment Ruki was stabbed. He walked around the people, some with horror on their faces while others were obviously excited at the bloodsport and some didn't realize what had happened yet. Rukan's expression turned to rage as he looked into the eyes of the man that did the deed. He swung his fist and to his surprise the man fell over with a deformed face frozen in the moment.


           Rukan straddled the man and began to pound into his face with that rage growing faster and faster inside of him as he shouted curses and taunts at the man. Rukan's knuckles were bloodied as he continued to pound the man's face over and over again the sound of cracking bone heard with every punch.


           â€Ahhh aren't we just the hypocrite little Rukan.†came the familiar femminine voice of SkullRenamon.


           Rukan quickly looked up panting now from his effort. He got off the man who's face was now completely unrecognizable and threw a punch at the image of the queen. It just fizzled and moved slightly as she chuckled.


           â€You would damn your father for what he did yet you would do the same to those that had crossed you. My my the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree does it?†Cackled the digimon as she looked over the body of the mutilated person.


           â€I'm nothing like him!†Shouted Rukan as he went to throw another useless punch at the image.


           â€You really messed him up didn't you. I do believe I can see a bit of brain there. You certainly are a violent little yakuza aren't you?†Replied the queen of the damned with a look of excitement in her red eyes.


           Rukan fell to his knees and held his head as he tried to fight his way back into the waking world but couldn't seem to do it. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't rouse himself as he was under the twisted spell of SkullRenamon.


           â€I see everything in here Rukan. You are a killing machine. The perfect choice for my Wrath.†She walked around him slowly as she spoke and then ran a finger down the scar she had left over his eye, â€I could not have chosen a better candidate... but I won't stop there. Soon I will have Michi as well. Ahh what to make her into...â€


           Rukan was breaking down and looking at his bloodied hands in horror at what he had done. He shook his head, â€Leave them out of this... Isn't enough that you will have me?â€


           â€Haven't you figured it out yet? You think I will stop here you fool!? You have inside you what I need to take over the world Tenshi came from! I won't stop until I have EVERYTHING! You understand now? All you cherish and hold dear... I will destroy it all. Kyoto was only the beginning. Soon I will have the means to infect the humans more completely. So they can't resist as you do.†She cackled as she pet Ruki's cheek knowing it would get a rise out of the young Hisashi.


           Rukan stood himself up and shook his head, â€No... I won't let you. They won't let you. I'll kill you!â€


           SkullRenamon giggled and quirked a brow curiously at the words, â€Will you now? And what will that accomplish? You think the plague will be gone then? No... I will just come back like any other digimon and still have control. Don't you get it boy. This world's very core is infected with my seed. All the digimon that go through it are infected. Any hope for future generations is already lost. Stupid boy... I've already won this war.â€


           Rukan stopped then. If she was right then there really was nothing they could do. He slumped to his knees and shook his head as he looked at his bloodied hands. What was he fighting for now? There was no future left. He curled up and tears began to flow from his eyes as he was coming to the realization that he couldn't win this fight anymore.


           â€Curious... They never found her body yet you all assume she is dead,†Said the digimon as she circled the falling Ruki, â€Curious further is the idea that she died from a single stab wound.â€


           Rukan froze and looked up at the woman, â€What are you saying?â€


           â€You believe she is dead still... The night you battled in the rain... the night you let loose that incredible rage you hold inside... That was the night Tenshi found the blue card... Your sister opened the gateway to this world and now has become it!†Cackled SkullRenamon as she ran a finger affectionately along Ruki's cheek.


           Rukan's face contorted into rage again as he rushed at the tainted creature and threw another punch only to have her giggle and fizzle again, â€Shut your lying whore mouth!â€


           â€Oh ho ho... but I do not lie little Rukan... I infected your sister first with my virus... She became the core that fueled this world my dear dear boy. It wasn't this man that took your sister from you. It was me.â€


           Rukan sat upright in the dark sweat stinging his skin as it was cold outside. He wiped his brow and stood himself up looking up at the digital moon. He was breathing heavily and his heart racing as he felt something move inside him again. He knew the beast within him all too well. The monster Wrath would overtake him soon enough and he was having doubts about even fighting it.


           She had to be lying. There was no way she could have taken Ruki's body. Rukan sat himself down and hugged his legs close to himself as he shook his head and whimpered pitifully. He couldn't hold back his sorrow any longer and began to cry to the stars. Everything was a wreck. His mother must think she is crazy after what she saw in Kyoto, HYPNOS is surely after Taka now and he was infected with the virus they had no cure for. One that was winning the battle.


           He cried out to the Kami of this place for guidance and help but was only greeted with the complete silence this world was bathed in. Nothing would come to him and no one could save him. He felt a hand on his shoulder which made him look up to see Renamon sitting herself down behind him and pulling him back into her grasp.


           â€I know you're sick still Rukan... but you are not alone.†She whispered softly to the weeping boy, â€There are many in this world that believe in you and there will be even more on in your own world. But most of all... I love you Rukan, and that is something that woman can never touch.â€


           Rukan held to the arms that held him as he continued to sob, â€She had Ruki... She infected her...â€


           Renamon frowned and held the sobbing Hisashi to her chest shaking her head before kissing the top of his softly, â€She's lying... That can't be possible. You'll see when we go and topple their throne. I just need you to be strong. You're not Wrath... you're my mate.â€



           The two digihumons didn't sleep the rest of the night but spent it in silence gazing at the stars through wet eyes. When day came the others roused themselves from sleep. They ate a meager breakfast with what supplies they had left now hopping that they could find something not tainted with the virus or soon they would run out of food and water.


           They set out for another long day of travel. Rukan was slower than normal today and the others looked concerned but they were all still afraid to approach him about anything. His constant wet brow, pale skin and fixed gaze told them he was starting to fall. Renamon was taking it especially hard as her heart was wrenched further with every step he took.


           â€Oi!? This be free territory you be walkin in humons!†Came the shout from the trees around them making the party stop and look around for what had spoken.


           Rukan looked to the trees blurry eyed as he spoke, â€We mean no harm. We are traveling to the dark citadel to overthrow the rule of Tenshi and SkullRenamon. We are friends not enemies.â€


           There was silence then as nothing moved and no one spoke. They still could not find the source of the voice and the group was beginning to think that maybe they have fallen into insanity. It was some time before the creature leapt from the tree and landed in front of Rukan looking up at the young man curiously. It was followed by it's friends all looking the same. Large green skinned gaborimon were surrounding them as their companion frowned at the sight of Rukan, â€You bring de infected wit ya... Wat be dis meanin for us eh? You get us all killed.â€


           Narwith stepped forward and raised his hackles with a growl, â€You think you all can take us on then? These are the ones that have passed the trials. We all have passed them and surpassed you and your clan. He is sick yes but see how he fights the virus.â€


           The gaborimon rubbed his chin and looked to his companion to his right whispering something into it's ear before it ran off into the crowd and brought an old looking creature with a wolf skin over it's head and back concealing the top of it's face. All that could be seen was it's lower jaw with large tusks and grey skin. The creature was covered in gourds and containers of different sorts. It looked up through the eye holes in the wolf skin as it spoke, â€I am shamanmon... these digimon tell me you are infected but have passed the trials, is this true boy?â€


Rukan nodded slowly as he leaned forward holding his gut and gritting his teeth. He was losing the battle and was being pushed back to his final keep inside his mind as he spoke, â€Y..yes. She infected me with the mark I hold over my eye.â€


           The gaborimon started to speak to one another in a roar as they heard this. The shamanmon lifted it's staff covered with bones and skulls of all sorts and they all fell silent, â€You fought the queen and walked away with just that mark? Perhaps the bones have told me right... Come with us. We will show you the prophecy... It speaks of a cure.â€


           The gaborimon stopped their jeering and lowered all their weapons as they brought the group through the forest to a village in the trees where they followed them until the shamanmon took them into it's hut and sat them around a central brazer as it went about searching it's shelves covered with everything from shrunken heads to pickled organs. Rukan was having trouble keeping consciousness. Renamon sat next to him rubbing his back to keep him aware.


           The shamanmon seemed to have found what he was looking for as he threw a powder into the brazier making it flare up and purple smoke fluttered about the room seeming to glow slightly in the low light. It formed into what looked like some sort of great beast, â€Long ago we were told that the human would come here... That along with it a beast would come that would consume this world in a terrible sickness. That the great four gods would be prepared for this and would make a blade instilled with the power to remove this beast from the core of this world.â€


           The smoke shifted and showed the four great digimon, the turtle, the pheonix, the dragon and the tiger then what looked like a man fixing a curved blade to the end of a staff and leaping at the core to drive the blade into what looked like a little girl. Rukan's stomach lurched as he saw the smoke play and he realized that the core really was his sister. Something moved inside of him and he felt the beast inside him stirring.


           The shamanmon pointed to the smoke as he spoke, â€But this hero will fall to the sickness... he will burn our village and destroy this place... There is not a thing we can do about this and it must happen for this world to be saved. Rukan you will submit soon to this beast inside of you but before this happens hand over the blade to your mate. She will take care of everything while you are wandering in the darkness.â€


           The group all looked to Rukan then as his hair was beginning to shimmer white. He lurched forward and lost what food he had eaten that day shivering hard as he threw his coat from himself and howled in pain, â€ I can't be Wrath...â€


           The shamanmon leapt forward and threw the Hisashi to the ground as it removed the digicarbide blade from Rukan's sheath tossing it to Renamon who watched on in horror as her mate was turning into the monster they all feared he would become.


           â€Run you fools! Head to the mountains where the gods await you! MOVE!†Shouted the Shamanmon as Rukan kicked the brazier in his struggling and the coals caught the hut's wooden floor ablaze.


           Renamon reached for Rukan, â€I can't leave him like this!â€


           Narwith grabbed her by the midsection and threw her over his shoulder as he leapt from the hut, â€You will leave him or he will have no reason to come back to us again Rena!â€


           â€Digitize!†Shouted Michico as she shifted into her digimon form and took flight behind Narwith and Renamon while Shade was close behind her.


           It was not long before Rukan and the shamanmon were struggling in the firestorm within the hut. His eyes were slitted red and his voice not but a rasp as his hair turned completely which, â€You think you can stop me and my queen with that group? I will make them into examples to rot on the pikes outside the citadel for all to see... right after I show all other resistance in the area an example of this village.â€


           The shamanmon chuckled softly and shook his head, â€Your actions here only affirm that the battle will be won Wrath... You can do nothing to stop the path fate has in mind for you boy.â€


           â€Digitize!†Shouted Wrath as black smoke enveloped his being and faded showing a black and green lizard like creature. It's purple tongue flicked in and out of it's muzzle as it bared it's teeth and snickered, â€I Wrathimon will turn you and force you to destroy all those you looked over in this villageâ€


           The shamanmon got a look of fear in his eyes that only lasted a moment as the beast flicked its tongue and pressed it's fist against the digimon's gut. With a flick of the wrist a bone barb shot from Wrathimon's wrist and into the digimon pumping him full of the skull virus.


           Wrath chuckled and turned slowly as the shamanmon twisted into a demonic version of itself now black in color with bloodied tusks, â€Destroy this place Witchdoctormon. I will be at the citadel waiting for your report.â€


           â€Yes my general.†Replied the creature in a rasp as it lit it's staff on fire and leapt from the hut catching the treetops alight before falling to the ground and catching the foliage as well leaving no path for the gaborimon to escape the blaze.


           Wrath chuckled before he stretched his arms and cracked his neck sprouting a set of leathery bat wings from his back and flying through the fire, disappearing in the smoke.