A New World, A New Journey Chapter 7

Story by AK47Bullet on SoFurry

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#7 of Pokemon: A New Journey

Chapter 7 of the Journey of Argon in this new world.

Chapter 7

"It was maybe a mistake to accept a second round to battle." I thought as I landed with a *bumm* on the ground after I was thrown in the air by Vivillon's gust attack.

"Au..." I said as I got back up in a fighting stance. So far, I didn't even landed one hit. "Stupid flying bug..."

"Your Pokemon has certainly determination I give him that." said Viola. "But it can only bring him so far. Vivillon! Stun Spore!"

"Got it!" said Vivillon and flew over the field and released the yellow powder.

_"Not a chance to escape this. Maybe Calem has an idea?"_I thought and looked to my trainer.

"... nope. He looked as clueless as me. Damn it." I thought.

The Spores hit me and I felt like little electric bolts shoot through my body. It doesn't really hurt but it was extremely uncomfortable. I tried to move, but my muscles wouldn't react.

"Use Tackle repeatedly!" said Viola.

Vivillon flew straight at me and tackled me. I didn't fall over, but I could feel the damage my body took.

She attacked again and again. Always only doing little damage but it would sum up in the end. While I tried to move a muscle to dodge her.

I couldn't see Calem, but I was sure he thought about switching me with Kitsune. That would be the best call before I faint.

Vivillon prepared another attack. I couldn't take many more hits and thought about what I could do... but there came nothing to my mind.

Vivillon rammed in me and I fall to the ground. Not complete K.O. but not really able to battle any longer.

Calem took my Pokeball from his belt and called me back. I felt again how I was transformed into energy and sucked into the Ball. I blinked a bit and sat up. I felt already better as before. It seems like the Heal Ball works even after the Pokemon was captured.

I looked out from my Pokeball and saw Calem releasing Kitsune.

The referee started the countdown: "Ready? Set? GO!"

"I see you Won your first official battle as a Pokemon. Congratulations!" Said a voice in my head, which I recognized as Mew.

"Hey Mew! Thanks. I really felt incredible in this battle. I can see why Pokemon like to fight." I said back in my head.

"You still shouldn't take this win easily. There will be surely more battles for you in the future." Came Luna's voice now as well in my head.

_"Hey Luna! Did you saw my battle? Pretty awesome, right?"_I said with confidence in my voice.

"Sure I saw it. Not bad for your first battle. But really, you shouldn't take it too easily." Warned Luna.

"I know, I know. I will certainly train more from now on. I have a new goal in this world. To become the champions strongest Pokemon ever!" I proclaimed proudly.

"... I see you are more the modest type." said Mew with not a small amount of sarcasm.

"Totally. I mean, Calem wants to become Champion and for that, he needs strong Pokemon. A strong bond with your Pokemon is important, true, but it can only bring you so far." I explained.

"Speaking of bond, have you thought about what we talked about a few days ago?" asked Mew.

I remembered back to the day, where I had a longer talk with Mew...

Three days ago...

"You seem a bit stressed, Nils. Or do you prefer if I call you Argon now?" I heard Mews voice in my head as I was sitting on a tree branch and thought about what happened earlier. Kitsune asked again about my past and where I come from. I promised her I will think about telling them after the gym battle. She seems happy with the answer for now.

"I just don't know what I should do... should I tell them what I am... or was and where I come from? They will probably just think I'm crazy. And that's the best case Scenario." I thought back.

"Well, I think you should tell them. And before you ask, I could tell them and even show them your memories, but it's not easy to do so without causing damage. Even when I would be actually there. But from this distance it would be just stupid." explained Mew.

"And you are not coming here because you don't want to risk humans find out about you, right? Or that you don't want to be worshiped by other Pokemon for being, literally, the Mother of all life itself?" I asked Mew.

"... you know, it's getting a bit annoying how you are able to just figure these things out on your own." Said Mew with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

I smirked a bit and said back: "Yes, I know. And that's why I do it."

"I don't think you should annoy Mew like that. She is still the mother of all life on this planet." Come Luna's scolding voice.

I sighed. "You are right. Sorry Mew."

"It's alright. It's actually refreshing to have someone besides Luna to talk so casually with me. All the others only see 'Mew, the creator of life' instead of just 'Mew'." She said with a sigh.

"But I think you are right. I really should tell them the truth about me. Even when they maybe..."

Back to the present...

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard Calem yelling: "Kitsune! Finish it with Flamethrower!"

I saw Kitsune using her Flamethrower and hitting Vivillon in the air and falling to the ground.

"Seems like the battle is over. I hope you will decide right." Said Mew and I could feel the connection end.

Kitsune stood with beside Calem as Viola handed him the Bug Badge. Calem jumped in joy and thanked Viola and we leaved the gym.

As we were outside, he released me and Thumper and Kitsune come to us as all three of us were standing before our trainer.

Calem leaned a bit down and said: "Guys, I wish to tell you how proud I'm of you all. We worked together and we earned that badge together. This is the first step for us on the road to become the Kalos Champion!"

"Yeah!" We yelled in unison.

"Alright. Now, we firstly go to the Pokemon Center for a rest, then having a good meal to celebrate our first Gym Victory and then we go to the next town." Explained Calem the Plan for the rest of the day.

We all stayed outside of our Pokeballs as we walked to the Pokemon Center. Kitsune and me stayed a bit back and she leaned a bit down to me.

"Have you thinking about telling us about your past, Argon?" Asked Kitsune with a hopeful smile.

I sighed "When we are at the center, and gotten something to eat, I will tell you both about me. Where I come from and how I ended here."

Kitsune smiled a bit wider and said: "Alright. I'm looking forward to learn more about you. You seem a really interesting guy and I would like to know where you learned to fight like that."

"She probably means the training battle we had. I still can't believe that worked." I thought.

Five days ago...

Kitsune stood on the opposite of the field and glared at me. It was just a training battle so Calem could see my battle style, but I was still very nervous. This would be my second battle as a Pokemon.

"You ready, Argon? I promise to hold back." asked Kitsune.

I gulped and said: "I'm ready." and gave her and Calem a thump up.

"Alright, Argon. This is just a training battle to see your skill and where you need more training." explained Calem.

"We will start slowly. Kitsune! Scratch attack!" Ordered Calem.

Kitsune's paws started to glow and claws of energy formed around them as she started to run to me.

I tried to dodge the attack and barely got away. Seems like I have to work on my reaction time and speed in general.

"Not bad. Let's try again but a bit faster this time." said Calem and commanded another Scratch attack.

I again could barely dodge. But this time I felt different. Like for a split second, everything got in slow motion. I'm sure it was this split second that helped me to dodge.

I was still a bit stunned by this feeling and didn't hear Calem ordering the next Scratch attack.

Kitsune yelled as she run up to me and stretched her arm forward to hit me: "Keep your focus always on the battle!"

I came out of my stun and saw Kitsune's Claws coming at me. I know this time I couldn't dodge. But again, my body reacted on its own and I found myself deflecting her arm with the backside of my left hand, which I then swirled around and grabbed Kitsune's wrist. I took a step forward and grabbed her arm with my other hand and used her own movement to throw her above my head and on her back.

For a moment, we all stood still and were trying to understand what just happened.

I again come out of my stun and looked down at Kitsune and asked: "Are you alright?" She looked in disbelief at me and said: "And you really has no experience in fighting?"

I smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of my head. "Well... I don't really know what happened. I never did something like that. It was like, my body acted on its own."

Kitsune stood up and smiled at me and petted me on the head. "Don't worry. That's normal when you never fought before, then your instincts will kick in and react to the situation. You just have to train to keep in control of your body or your instincts will take completely over and you could hurt someone with your attacks." She explained and got back to her start position.

"And that's what we are doing here. So get ready, because now I will get serious!" Said Kitsune and got in a battle stance.

Calem came out of his own stun and got ready to give the next comment.

I thought about what Kitsune told me and got in a martial arts fighting stance.

"Let's see what else I can do..." I thought to myself. "I'm ready!" I exclaimed and Kitsune attacked again.

Back to the future... I mean... Present...

We all got treated from Nurse Joy and then got to a table. We Pokemon took place on the ground with our food in bowls and Calem sat at the Table with a Sandwich.

"So..." Started Kitsune "The Gym Battle is over and we all have our food. Are you now going to tell us more about you?"

"*Sigh* Alright. Here is where I really come from and what really happened to me..."