The Words of Wolves, A Fairy Tale

Story by Kisa on SoFurry

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In a rain impoverished Kingdom, there lived two brother lambs: older brother Shmee and younger brother Guee. Now, most of their family has already died off, but before the lambs' mother expired she warned them not to trust the wolves. She said that the wolves are black furry creatures that will try to trick the white fluffy lambs and eat them whole. The two naïve lambs just nodded and assured their mother that they would keep their distance from these "wolves," if there ever were such a character. And soon after this talk, their mother, just like the other members of the brother's family, she wondered off into the woods and died of starvation, never to be seen again.

With no one to protect or guide the two lost lambs, Shmee and Guee decided to go frolicking in the open meadow, hoping to find any scrap of food that might still grow there. The two brothers walked onto the meadow, their heads dizzy with hunger and they felt almost as if they were to faint, and sighed with despair when they found the meadow to be barren and dry, with not a sign of life to be seen.

Off in the distance, sat a famished wolf named Vadim, watching the two innocent lambs while he sat behind a bush. Vadim's big white teeth flashed in the evening's glow, his blood red tongue flicked out and ran along his pearly white's deviously, his stomach grumbled softly to himself. The wolf put on a friendly look on his face and pranced cheerfully over to the two malnourished baby sheep, his wily intellect ready to trick them.

The two brothers jumped as the heard the rustle of dead leaves in the distance and looked up to see a creature they never seen before walking towards them. He looked like a friendly and cheery soul and the two brothers smiled at this stranger. Pretty soon the wolf stood a few feet away from the two and called out to them.

"Hello, little lambs. You two are the only other living creatures I've seen in dies. You must be tired from your adventures."

The two lambs nodded, "We are sir, we've haven't had any food or water in days. We think we might die," They called out, their two voices making one sorrowful one.

Vadim took one step towards the two brothers, and majestically arching his back and raised one paw in the air to look somewhat like a stallion, and spoke these words. "Well, lucky for you little lambs. I am a valiant knight for the King of this land; and he has filled my belly up with foods and water and told me to take them to the people of his land. And you know what? ...You two are the only ones I've found in a week's search. This means I have a lot of foods to give you... That is, if you want food and water," By this point the two brother's eyes were as big as saucers, their tiny lamb mouths just watered at the thought of food.

The two brothers jumped up and down with joy to this new, "Oh yes, please Mr. Knight. We most definitely want your gifts," they stopped jumping and then Guee looked over the animal before them and wondered how they were supposed to get their food if it was in this Knight's belly.

Guee spoke up, "Excuse me Mr. Knight, but if the food is in your belly, how are we supposed to eat it?"

The wolf humbly bowed his head to hide his fiendish smile as he replied, "Well, the only way you can get to the food is if you go into my stomach, of course."

The sheep were stunned at what the Knight told them. The thought of going inside someone else's stomach was a very strange idea, indeed. They shook their head and took one step back. "I don't think going in your stomach is such a nice idea, Mr. Knight," They both replied to he, sheepishly.

"Mr. Knight," as they called him, frowned and turned his back to him, his bushy black tail dragged the dusty ground. "Well, I guess I'll have to go back to the King with all of this food and tell him his whole Kingdom has either died or left us," Vadim whined and pawed the ground.

Panic took over Shmee's body, he jumped up in the air and lamented loudly at the Sir Knight, "No please, don't go. We haven't eaten in days, we really need the food!" Shmee trembled and shook with desperation and Guee looked at his older brother with worried eyes.

The wolf smiled pleased at himself that his planed worked and turned gracefully back around to the two lambs. "I'm glad you changed your mind, my lambs," And with that he lowered his head to the floor and opened his jaw for the brothers.

"Come on then, let's go," Shmee said to Guee. The younger brother shook his head at older brother, "I don't think that is a good idea, Shmee. Look at the Knight, he has black fur and he wants us to crawl into his belly. It's just like mother's warnings," Guee whispered to Shmee.

Shmee turned and saw for the first time that his younger brother was right, his hunger clouded his vision and made him not even notice the black fur that this stranger had. And for a moment Shmee thought it best to back away from this strange man, but only for a moment. His stomach growled, and his head spun with hunger. It was decided, they were to go into the wolf's belly.

The older brother turned to Guee and shook his head disapprovingly at him, "No, Guee. Don't you question me; I am the oldest and therefore the wisest. I heard our mother's warnings just the same as you, she was out of her mind in delirium and didn't know what she was talking about. Let's go Guee."

Guee looked at his brother with curious child eyes, "What does ‘delirium' mean, bother?" He asked.

"Never you mind that Guee, that fact that you even have to ask proves that I know more than you, let's go," Shmee told Guee as he nudged his younger brother to the wolf's throat.

Guee sighed in annoyance of being out smarted and stepped into the pink, wide and moist cave of the Knight's mouth, he turned to looked back at his older brother before bowing his head and entered the wolf's esophagus.

The wolf closed his mouth and swallowed hard, pushing the woolly creature into the depths of his famished bread basket and open his jaw one more time for the older lamb. Shmee smiled with delight and walked into the wolf's mouth and was swallowed up into the beasts belly just the same as Guee.

When Shmee landed into the Knight's belly, all that was in there was Guee and not a thing else. They madly looked about them, while a pool of acidic stomach bile rose up around them, ready to digest live lamb.

Guee gathered some of the syrupy liquid in his hand and held it out to his brother, "What is this liquid bother, it stings my hand, it can't be water?"

Shmee examined the liquid, he stuck his finger in it and swirled it around, and sure enough it stung something terrible. "I don't know what it is bother, but it does sting quite a lot," As he said that a great idea popped into his head, "Guee, we should push this liquid back up the way we came, it will spill into the strange man's mouth and cause him horror." A devilish grin played upon Shmee's face.

"I like that idea," Guee said to Shmee, "But I will only help if you admit that I was right and this ‘Knight' really is a wolf."

Shmee is stubborn, but after much thought he came to the conclusion that Guee really was right and eventually admitted it. Guee was pleased with the humbling of his older brother and began to scoop up the green bile and push it up the wolf's throat. Shmee laughed at joined in, pushing scoop after scoop of acidic bile up the beast's throat, their hands and legs turned pink with the burning of the odd stomach liquid.

Vadim felt the tiny child-like hands of the two lambs push up his well lubricated esophagus and into the back of his throat; a bitter tasting liquid flowed from the little hands and into his mouth. The wolf coughed and spurted, greenish clear liquid flying out of his mouth and slung into the air. Vadim spun, he ran and jumped as fast as he could but the two monstrous children continued pouring his own nasty bodily fluids into his mouth. He heard the echo of their laughter in the pits of the stomach, his faced flushed red with anger and he punched his stomach hard. "Let's see what you got, now!" The wolf roared to the two sheep babes.

The flying fist that hit the childrens' fleshy cage boxed against Shmee's ears and knocked stars in front of his eyes. Both Shmee and Guee stopped scooping up the bile and looked at one another, and a quiet idea pasted simultaneously through both of their minds. They nodded their head once at each other and raised their hind legs back and with one mighty kick, they kicked open the wolves stomach.

Vadim groaned and killed over onto his side, inch by inch his life spilled from his body and the two lambs jumped out of the pits of the wolf's stomach. Now covered with blood and guts, the two bothers looked down at the wolf who had tricked them and laughed at his arrogance as the "Knight," slipped into eternal slumber.

The two blood painted babes looked at one another and smiled. Shmee said to Guee, "Well, at least things couldn't get any worse," And as soon as he said that it started raining. The two bothers danced in a happy circle around the dead wolf and began singing a mocking tune to the fallen beast:

What's this I feel inside me?

Knocking hard against my bones

I put them there to feed me

And now they cause me groans.

It rained for two weeks straight and drizzled for four days; the Kingdom was brought back to life and turned green again. Animals frolicked there once more, and the two bothers took a vow to never listen the words of wolves ever again.


Morale of the Story:

If you are a Sheep: Don't be stupid and listen to advice.

If you are a Wolf: Punching your upset stomach may be a good idea. But next time I suggest you use a strong antacid.

To Be Continued???

Characters and Story (c) Kisa

Inspired by the Brothers Grimm