Ruby's Rape

Story by RaineWlf on SoFurry

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#2 of The Forbidden Lovers - Phoenix & Ruby

With the breeding season at its height, Phoenix leaves Ruby on her own.

The warmer season was finally here. The off white brute wolf lifted his muzzle and drew in the air, closing his eyes. An amused purr interrupted his enjoyment of the warm draft, and he looked down at his beloved mate, answering with his own rusty throated murr. The beautiful white lynx blinked lovingly at him, kneading her paws against his thick pelt, "Are you going to lay around all day, you overgrown lump?" she teased gently, prodding him with her sharp claws.

Phoenix snorted in amusement and swiped her feline face with his tongue, knowing how much she both loved and hated that, "Of course not. We're going hunting today, remember?" She purred in response, and he lifted his muzzle to scan the clearing before them.

Though they had once fled and lived as loners and outcasts for their love, they had been driven to tentatively join a pack for fear of starving through the cold season. It had been a strange and rather uncomfortable surprise to find his dam mated again, this time to one of her oldest friends. The brute was older than his mother, and they often squabbled, but the pair had scratched out a new territory in a valley and were strong leaders. Phoenix knew his mother's mate, Demon, disapproved of him and Ruby, but in time the big black leader's attitude had become more lenient. The other members of the pack included a pair of older surly shewolves, another young longer male that Phoenix had started to become friends with, and Phoenix's uncle. All treated Phoenix and Ruby fairly, and they had finally started to feel at home with a group again.

Ruby distracted him with another meow, and he glanced back down at her, pricking his ears in surprise. She wasn't normally so vocal. Ruby flopped over onto her back, wriggling back and forth in that way only cats can, which fascinated Phoenix.

"Come on now, we have to get to hunting," he protested, but his tail swished and Ruby just batted at his muzzle with her wide furred paws, claws sheathed. She hopped up, bobbed tail twitching, and butted him with her head.

"Alright then, let's go," she chirped, arching her back under his chin affectionately, then setting off across the clearing. Phoenix sneezed, shook his muzzle, then glanced around one last time, realizing his dam and her mate, the co-leaders, had still not returned from their patrol. He turned and trotted after Ruby, and they padded down the path until they had crossed the river.

"Should be mice at least under these trees, but not much else," he remarked to Ruby, who ignored him completely. Exasperated, he trotted over to her and nudged her flank, "We'll never catch anything at this rate."

Ruby arched her back and shot him an amused glance, then stretched out and rolled in the melting snow, the wetness glittering in her fur as she meowed, "What's the rush? Let's play a little."

Tilting his muzzle, Phoenix swayed his tail and then nuzzled his mate's belly. She grabbed him with her paws and nipped at his broad muzzle, then rasped her tongue across him with a purr, "Lay with me, Phoenix."

Phoenix obeyed his beloved mate, snuggling up against her with a murr. She rubbed against him, chest rumbling in a constant purr, paws working the ground happily. Phoenix nipped gently at her, his belly tightening with his love for the cat. Ruby mewled softly, flopping to the ground and rolling back and forth with soft cries. Unable to resist, Phoenix crept closer and gently lapped at her soft fur.

Neither of them noticed the lynx tom crouching in the tree above them, eyes narrowed in disbelief - and disgust.

Moments later the two were locked together in loving embrace, Phoenix grasping his feline mate and filling her with his seed. Deep down both of them felt regret that it was wasted - they would never have offspring - but neither would ever speak aloud about it. They simply reveled in their unusual pair bonding, and when Phoenix pulled free, they groomed each other in silence for some time.

Finally feeling like he's caught his breath, Phoenix shook out his coat and stood, "You stay here, my love, and rest. I know I can smell rabbit, and it won't be long before we have our meal for the day." Ruby stretched out in the warm sunlight and agreed placidly, "Don't take too long."

Phoenix padded off. He was secure in the knowledge that their territory was safe - regularly patrolled, no rogue wolves endangered his mate, and other large predators kept their distance from the pack now.

Ruby made herself comfortable on a bit of rock that was soaking up the late cold season sun. Stretching out with a satisfied purr, she closed her eyes and let herself drift off into a doze, looking forward to the rabbit Phoenix would not fail to return with.

The lynx tom above her curled his lip and barely suppressed a hiss. He'd witnessed their mating, and it had enraged him. How dare these two indulge in such a perverted twisting of nature. That wolf brute had no business penetrating a lynx, especially one as beautiful as the one below him. His claws were tightly gripping the branch, and he pried them loose. He'd show her what a mating truly was.

The tom dropped from the branch silently and stalked over to Ruby. He didn't pause, but pinned the sleeping shecat down with his large paws, biting onto her scruff sharp enough to draw blood. Ruby's eyes flew open in shock and she gave a startled cry, too confused to struggle.

"Be quiet, queen, I'm going to breed you properly," he snarled as he shoved and pulled at her, positioning her body aggressively. Ruby yowled in protest, but the little shecat was far outweighed by the male of her species, and her struggles were in vain. The tom sank his sharp teeth into the back of her neck, his breath hot in her fur, and thrust his hips against her aggressively.

Ruby mewled in terror, but her body betrayed her and her hips lifted eagerly for the tomcat. Her heat cycle could not be denied, even in this savage unwanted attack. The lynx tom growled in satisfaction as he felt her lift for him, and his swiftly swelling sheath pressed against her already soaking and heated backside. Gripping the little shecat tighter, he plunged himself to her depths with no hesitation, snarling softly as she gave a pained cry. He worked his hips hard against her, thrusting in quick hard jabs as he shoved her muzzle into the dirt.

Ruby whimpered, closing her eyes as she felt the strange lynx pumping away between her legs, his scent choking her as he held her down firmly. She hated herself for the way her body so willingly submitted to the musky male cat, but she couldn't stop him.

Finally the tom gave a loud grunt and savagely thrust himself against her in one last hard plunge, holding her tightly against him as he spilled himself in her depths. Ruby yowled, a miserable sound, but the tom took no notice. Finished, he ripped himself free, and Ruby shrieked as his barbed penis, so unlike Phoenix's tore her insides. The tom released her scruff and scrambled backwards as the white shecat spun around and lashed out at him with claws extended.

"Don't ever touch me again!" she screamed in fury, lunging at the tom with murder in her frenzied gaze. The male cat dodged her attack and ran, his wide paws aiding him in his escape. Ruby was too shocked to take chase, and she sank to her belly, chest heaving and body aching.

When Phoenix finally returned, she was too afraid to meet his gaze...what would he think of her now.