Tales of Zootopia: Mara and Jem

Story by Albus Kane on SoFurry

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#12 of Tales of Zootopia

A story I came up with on an exhausting weekend trip to Chicago, and another story that I just HAD to write down.

This story is about two people whose lives ended too soon. This story is also about how they got more out of two years than most of us get out of a lifetime. This is the story of two 19-year-old Foxes named Mara and Jen. They were both lesbians. Mara and Jen were also both rather feminine, which, with people's bloody-minded insistence on holding onto stereotypes, meant that they could stay in the closet for a long time, especially if they pretended to be asexual. However, they both came out at the young age of nine. At the time this story begins, they have borderline obsessive crushes on each other, but are afraid of embarrassment due to failure. WRITER'S NOTE: That's basically how quite a few of my crushes went, and exactly how my crush on a lady from my first semester of college math (her name was Rachel) went. Then again, I have a tendency to easily crush on most anybody who treats me kindly, is between the ages of 18 and 50, and isn't a family member. BACK TO THE STORY.

The story starts at a college party that they both attended. Mara was invited because her innate and learned skills in mathematics and teaching helped the person hosting the party, a Rhino named Damien, pass math class. Jen got in because she was Damien's best friend (though Damien was HER SECOND-best friend, since her best friend at the time was Mara), who would ask her regularly if something he said or did was offensive to lesbians. The three of them basically went everywhere they could together, except when Mara and Jen wanted to just be alone together. His friendship to me was similar, only it was for bisexual men, and it was a simple acquaintanceship. The events that took place truly began when they both contracted bacterial Hepatitis at the party. To this day, there is no cure, and I wonder how many couples of all sorts were affected by it. WRITER'S NOTE: I got the idea for this entire story from one moment from a theoretical scenario presented by an ad for a vaccine for Hepatitis B, where a guy got it from kissing a girl at a party. The previous ToZ came from one joke in an old article from MAD Magazine. I'm just amazed sometimes at where inspiration can come from. BACK TO THE STORY.

Mara got it from sharing a drink with somebody that she wouldn't name. Jen got it from Mara, and Jen openly admitted that it was more than worth it to spend her life, however short, with Mara. I reiterate, THEY WERE MASSIVELY CRUSHING ON EACH OTHER! When did it start, though? It started towards the end of elementary school. They came out to the entire school at the same time, talked a little, and then it started out as a small crush that got stronger. They were best friends since early childhood, by the way. At the party, they were both incredibly drunk. The disinhibition, calming and judgement impairment that comes with intoxication led to them admitting their feelings for each other. Then they made out for a while, and that's how Jen got the disease. It's kind of amazing sometimes, isn't it? By "it", I mean how precise the timing of seemingly-random events can be, whether it was for the better, or for the worse. That's just Chaos Theory working it's magic again, and this time, it was definitely not for the better. At the very least, they got to lose their virginity to each other. They said it was 69, but they also said it was passionate and romantic, and I'm still trying to figure out how that works to this very day.

They checked the next morning to see if they contracted anything, and they found out that they both had Hepatitis. They called each other to talk about it, and they found out about each other's nearly-identical predicament. That's when they decided to spend the rest of their lives together. They decided that whether the people around them approved of their relationship or not, they were going to be with each other, their true loves, for as long as they were alive, because they couldn't figure out a better way to spend the last of their days and, frankly, I can't either. They were married to each other within a month, since according to the doctors, they might not have lived to their 21st birthdays. I remember hearing about how kamikaze pilots attended their own funerals back in the second world war, and I can kind of see why. That way, you can make sure it goes exactly how you want it to go, or as close to it as possible. Thus, they held their own joint funeral in advance. I attended, and it felt kind of surreal. They embraced at the end for almost two hours, and I was there to witness it, along with nearly everybody else. After the depressing ordeal of the funeral itself, it's nice that there was such a beautiful moment at the end of it to cheer everybody up.

They eventually were both committed to a hospice, and they requested that they share a hospital bed. The staff were reluctant, but I managed to convince them, possibly through the almighty power of incessant nagging, or maybe they were convinced by the two waterfalls coming down from my eyes as I half-begged/half-nagged them. They held hands the whole time. Probably due to how much happier they were with each other, they made it to their 21st birthdays, only a week apart from each other. They then helped another 21-year-old lesbian come out to her parents, who were visiting a dying grandparent. Shortly afterwards, they were right at death's door. As they were moments from death, they shared one last kiss, holding each other until the life left the both of them. They were buried together, at their request. I left a note at their tomb that read "Thank you for showing me what a sense of urgency can motivate me to do, Mara and Jen. I wish that I could find some way to save you, but I can't. I can, however, finally come right out and tell Jemeniah exactly how I feel, because back in LA, where the current crime rate has life measured in milliseconds for male predatory animals, especially ones that aren't straight or cis (still questioning, though I know it's something non-binary), I couldn't think of a good reason not to. With thanks, Albus Kane.

At their and my request, their money was donated to a charity that helps prevent LGBT suicide. The 21-year-old they helped come out, a Panda named Sarah, strangely enough at her grandmother's funeral, the one that died at the hospice, found her true love, and they married within two years. I finally went back home and told Jem exactly how I felt. WRITER'S NOTE: I guess that gives away that that's going to happen, but did you really expect ME of all writers NOT to write that for THEIR OWN FURSONA? THE END, SO NOT BACK TO THE STORY.