PSU - Chapter 2

Story by CoheirTrips on SoFurry

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The law of the land

Three slow knocks. That is what Sarah had been told, and that is what she delivered to the familiar wooden door there in the basement of Aganom Hall. On the other side, the pair could hear the scuffling of claws that drew closer. A slow turn of the knob and the door swung open a crack, partially revealing a husky's face. Sarah gulped softly, remembering the previous night. He stood without a word for a minute, his cold, blue eyes first inspecting the skunkette that stood behind the little red panda before lowering to Sarah. She could practically feel them wander over her body, trace the plump curve of her tummy down to her wide hips; all of her was taken in.

"What do you want?"

"Um..." Sarah stammered.

"We're here to sign up." Ashley completed.

"Don't know what you're talking about." The door shut and the lock slid in to place with an authoritative click.

Sarah's mouth opened and closed, but no words were coming out.

Ashley leaned over Sarah, her cupped paw pressed to the edge of the door against the frame. "Trent said we were cool!"

Silence filled the basement. Slowly, the door creaked back open, much wider this time, and behind it stood the black and white husky. A black polo shirt and baggy plaid shorts around his waist covered an average frame, though it seemed he had skipped his last fur trimming; a tuft of white bunched up around his neck, spilling out over the edge and hiding his collar from view. The rest of his body looked similarly shaggy.

"Oh, he did, now?" They were offered entry by a gesture of his paw.

The inside was almost exactly as Sarah had seen the night before. No windows in the drab brick walls, the desk beside the door, only now there was a drape over the whiteboard that displayed the club roster and one of the chairs that sat around the little card table was occupied. Gray fur stretched tight over bulging muscles, a body paid for in exertion and pain. Sarah could easily see the wolfess was not wearing a bra, the outline of large, puffy nipples showed quite clearly through her top which swayed gently under the strain it endured to keep contained the ample chest underneath. Fur trimmed short, every curve and line of her sculpted body was visible, and Sarah found herself unable to look away; especially from the deliciously well-defined six little mounds of muscle that covered her tummy. She felt Ashley's grip on her shoulder tighten, which cleared away some of the haze that had enveloped her mind. When her eyes raised up to the wolfess' face, they were met with beautiful, spacious, shining pools that fell into a dark oblivion. It was too much, Sarah quickly turned her head, cheeks flushed with warmth. Behind the desk, the husky sat down in the swivel chair and spun around before coming to a stop with his paws to catch the edge in front of him.

"So you want to join our little extracurricular activity, huh? Why?"


"It sounds like fun!" The skunkette pulled Sarah close and gave the husky a big smile.

It was answered by a blank stare. "Uh huh."

As the silence dragged on, the husky shrugged. "What part about it sounds like fun?"

"Is this, like, an interview?"

"You got it."

"Well, there are plenty of cute guys I wouldn't mind--"

"If you're looking to get fucked, I suggest trolling the student lounge."

Ashley was taken aback, her luscious tail bristled out behind her. "T-that's the whole point of this, isn't it?"



"We're looking for very specific things in applicants, ladies."

"Like what?"

"No, we don't tell you. You tell us, and then we tell you if you're in or not. I get the feeling Trent didn't spend much time talking to you, if he did at all. He sure as hell didn't tell me he gave out an invitation. Guess I'll need to have a word with him."

"Wait, wait." Ashley stepped out from behind Sarah and leaned over the desk. "Listen, whatever it is you're looking for, my friend and I have it in spades, believe me."

"All right, tell me something. What are you here to do?"

"At PSU?"

"In this club," the husky sighed with annoyance.

Ashley stared back with a confused expression, slowly straightening up from the desk. Sarah had been standing as still as a statue the whole time, arms crossed underneath her plump chest, totally at a loss for any words. The skunkette looked down at her clawed feetpaws for a minute, her gaze slowly shifting over to the muscular wolfess that sat at the card table to their left. Sarah couldn't let her gaze follow suit. The pull of those golden, predatory eyes would draw her in again and somewhere inside she would not really want to ever come back out. Instead her eyes stayed focused on her roommate's face. It bore a rather serious, stony expression, one that Sarah had not really seen on the skunkette before. It was as if a switch had been flipped inside her brain. Gone was the bubbly playful tone she always emanated around the red panda, replaced with something purposeful; something hard like granite. Sarah wondered what had come over her all of a sudden.

"Win." The skunkette did not break her stare at the wolfess as she answered.

The husky nodded. "And you? Are you here to win?"

The question brought Sarah's eyes down from Ashley's intense expression and across to the husky. There it was again, the deafening silence that seemed to always pour from her. There was no escape. She fiddled with her hands as her gaze lowered. Nothing would come to her; no words, nothing sure and solid. However, as her mind drifted, one thought did catch her attention. A memory. One day she had followed Brahim to the campus gym and sat, enraptured, as she watched him go through his routine. Beautiful muscles, swollen with effort, danced for her enjoyment as the stallion lay on the weight bench; Sarah would count along with his reps. A broad, powerful chest wet with lather made her whole body ache as she watched him on the butterfly machine, one knuckle stuck firmly between her teeth. All she could picture now were those well-defined pecs and how they would feel pressed against her. Sarah looked back to the expectant canine.

"I have to."

The answer made his eyebrow cock. A lean back forced a squeak from the chair as he slid lower on the cushions, and he looked over to the wolfess. Sarah dared a glance. The powerful shewolf's eyes were focused on Ashley, not shying away from the skunkette's intense stare what-so-ever; though her aloof expression was one that spoke more of relaxed indulgence than steely vigor. With the slightest of nods, the shewolf answered the husky's questioning gaze.

He sighed. "Well, that concludes the Q&A portion of our program today, kids, but we ain't done yet. Before we can make you official, there are some rules and regulations you will have to fully understand and accept. So pay attention."

The pair turned toward the husky behind the desk. He kicked his legs over the top of it as he wiggled comfortably down in to the fabric of his chair.

"Rule one, the golden rule. The first fighter to reach orgasm loses. Rule two, very simple, no low blows. Hit 'em anywhere you like except for between the legs. I understand it doesn't feel that great for a female either, so you're welcome. Going for the eyes is also not allowed, obviously. Rule three, no--" The husky chomped down, lips of his muzzle curled back for a toothy display as his fangs clicked together. "--biting things like you're trying to tear them off. Do you get what I'm saying there or do I need to spell it out for you?"

Sarah and Ashley nodded.

"Good. Rule four, getting a little rough is fine, but nothing rough enough to break bones or cause serious injury. Whether their insurance is good for it or not, no one feels like spending months in a cast or a neck brace, savvy? All right. Rule five, we are not responsible in any way for any ripped or damaged clothing or property that may occur during a match. I suggest you try to always wear something you don't mind losing, and try not to fight next to your extensive collection of china dolls or expensive electronic devices.

"Rule six, matches are one-on-one only and mano e mano. No partners, no interference, no assistance of any kind. No tools or gadgets allowed. So if you were thinking about sneaking that vibrator in to your next big fight for a leg up, think again. Rule seven, a match can happen anywhere, the whole campus is one big battleground. However, because we're not trying to advertise our little," the husky cleared his throat, "game to the whole school, it is greatly suggested you wait until your opponent is in a relatively private location before you challenge them. This room is the one and only safe zone."

"How does that work out, anyway?" Ashley piped up. "I mean, how are you guys not already expelled for all of this?"

"We've taken care of it. That's all I'm gonna say, that's all you need to know. Now don't interrupt. Rule eight, this club is all-inclusive. That means if you ladies have any hangups about fighting other girls, best back out now."

"No problem."

Sarah turned to look up at Ashley. The red panda was a little shocked to learn the skunkette had such broad tastes. On those nights that she would vary her fantasies, occasionally the sexy skunkette would be the one tangled with her there in the sheets, panting hard and heavy in a lusty embrace with that gorgeous striped tail wrapped around their bodies. It made Sarah feel a little depraved, picturing her roommate and best friend completely naked, athletic body revealed an inch at a time as her bedroom door slowly swung open and the skunkette offered to join her in bed; now she wondered if there had actually been a chance to turn that in to reality. Another thought gave her pause. If the club was all-inclusive, did that mean that Brahim also...

"And you?"

Sarah snapped out of it. "N-no, no problem."

"Good. Rule nine, all challenges must adhere to our bracket system. It's not very complicated, don't worry." The husky slid a blank sheet of paper in front of him before pulling out the middle drawer of the desk and producing a black marker. "There are three groups." To illustrate, the husky drew three boxes on the paper, one on top of the other. "The lowest bracket, which you two will be starting out in, is called the Amateur Bracket. The next is the Seasoned Bracket, and at the top we have the Pro Bracket. Maybe you'll make it there some day, if you're good enough."

He punctuated that sentence with a little wink directed at the red panda.

"You're only allowed to challenge fighters that are in your bracket. When you reach the number one spot in your bracket, then and only then are you allowed to challenge someone from the next. But wait, there's a little catch. Don't think you can just go ahead and challenge the number one in your bracket and leap right to the top, nope. This part's important, I'll try to make it simple."

He leaned forward and spoke slowly as his eyes moved back and forth between the two.

"If you challenge the very next person above you on the list, they cannot refuse the challenge. If they do, you are automatically declared the winner and get to take their spot. However, if you challenge someone any higher than that, they have the right to refuse with no consequences. Get it? Look, let's say you're here -- which you are -- at the very bottom."

The husky made a nonsense scribble at the bottom of the lowest box.

"Rank thirteen of the Amateur Bracket. If you challenge whoever is ranked twelfth--"

Another nonsense scribble was produced directly above the last.

"They cannot refuse. But if you were to challenge the number eleven spot, or ten, or nine or so on, they could refuse if they want to. See?"

"Yeah, I get it." Ashley responded.

Sarah nodded in kind.

"And there's no lying about your rank or bracket if your opponent asks. If you're caught, your match is annulled. Even if you won, you still won't get any credit. Might even get demoted."


The husky stared at the little red panda.

"Once I saw, um, someone recording..."

"Oh. Yeah, that happens sometimes. Matches don't have to be recorded, what you saw was probably for insurance."

"Insurance?" Ashley asked.

"Every now and then there are disputes. Someone will say that their opponent cheated or broke the rules and there will have to be a judgement. If that's gonna happen it's always for the important fights, like the rank one spot in a bracket. No one squabbles over their... rank six spot, y'know? Recording the match and submitting it for review is a way to keep your opponent from demanding the court convene to make a ruling. As long as the camera work's good, anyway. I'll get to all that stuff in a second."

"And who reviews those?"

"I do." The husky's grin threatened to split his whole skull in two.

Ashley snorted softly.

"But let me tell you right now, those videos are to be deleted as soon as they're brought to me. No keeping extra copies for yourself. If you're caught leaking any match footage or pictures... Well, you don't want to be caught leaking any club material. Ever."

The skunkette briefly turned to the left to regard the burly wolfess who had not broken her unblinking stare at the two this whole time.

"Nothing. You're not even allowed to keep a copy of the roster, not that it would do any good since positions change frequently over the day. If you need to check who is above you, you come here to do it or you ask me directly. You'll both also need to give me either your number or an email. I'll message you with your position in the rankings if it updates. If you win a match, try to report it as soon as possible, either in person or text. I'll give you two my number as well."

"And who do we put you down as?"

"Call me the Clerk. Or just Clerk," the husky answered with another toothy smile.

"Uh huh. And what's your real name?"

"As far as you're concerned, that is my real name. If you see me around, don't acknowledge me, don't talk to me. Indirect communication only. You are to consider me just another face unless I'm here in this room."

The Clerk rested his chin over clasped paws and sighed.

"And that brings us to the last rule, rule ten, which is simply this. The word of the Three is law."


"The Three are the top three fighters in the league. Their current titles, from three to one, are the Jack, the King and the Queen. They enforce the rules. When there's a dispute that can't be settled, they decide how it will be handled. That will mean a rematch, in a place of their choosing, at a time of their choosing, to be witnessed by them personally and anyone else in the league who cares to watch. If the Three tell you to do something, you'd better do it, without question."

"They can't be challenged?"

"Of course they can be challenged, they are governed by the bracket system just like all the other fighters. But I wouldn't get so ambitious, your mouth might write a check your pretty little ass can't cash. The Queen took the number one spot from the King about two years ago and has not budged an inch since, despite the King's best efforts. Hell, the King never dropped again since then either. Now, the Jack? That spot will change hands every now and then. Their title can be challenged but not the authority that comes with it, stripes. Remember that."

Ashley guffawed, hands resting on her cocked hips. "And what if I don't feel like listening?"

The Clerk's lips pulled tight across his muzzle in a thin smile.

"Let me tell you a story. Couple years ago, around the time the Queen became first rank and champion, we had a guy join who thought he could game the system. Said he didn't have any problems fighting with other males, but really he was as straight as an arrow. Y'see, he figured he would win all his matches no problem, since anything any male opponent could do to him wouldn't get any reaction, and this guy thought of himself as a real lady killer so naturally all the girls would cum instantly from his expert touch, right?

"Second match ever, he challenges this other guy to a fight in the locker rooms after hours. Well, things don't go quite like he expected. Starts getting a handjob from this other guy and, uh oh, his little dick had no problem getting real hard in another male's paws. He got angry. He got rough. Broke the other guy's wrist pulling him off and shouted some very not-nice things as he stormed out of the locker rooms. Guess he learned something about himself that he thought was real upsetting.

"Word got back to us very quickly. The Three said they would handle it. A few days later mister lady killer was expelled, all his credits stripped like he never attended a single class here, exam results erased, but his student debt sure wasn't. All his work down the drain. Left without a word of protest, whatever the Three had said to him when they cornered him, he knew it was better to keep his mouth shut."

"T-they don't have that kind of power." Ashley stammered.

"Don't test them. Just do as you're told."

The silence was deafening. It hung over the room like a heavy drape, ruffling slightly at the edges as the Clerk's heavy sigh slipped through.

"Do you understand and accept the rules of the club?"

The curtain fell again. It took a few moments before the skunkette broke free of its weight.


The Clerk's icy blue eyes shifted to Sarah.


"All right, let's hear them."

"First one who cums loses, no low blows, no biting--"

"No rough biting, nibbling is fine," the husky added.

"No breaking bones, no, uh..."

"No responsibility for damaged belongings."

"Right. One-on-one, no help, no toys. You can be challenged anywhere--"

"Except this room. And try to keep out of sight out there, yeah?"

"Be okay with fighting girls, follow the brackets. Follow orders." Ashley had ended the sentence with her teeth grit slightly and a small grumble.

"Welcome to the SC Society," rang out a strong voice from the card table that made everyone's head turn.

Commanding and smooth, with little hints of an accent that Sarah could not quite place, it seemed to the red panda like a velvet leash that wrapped around her mind; when it tugged, you followed.

"I look forward to your challenge someday."

There was a lot for the pair to digest as they walked the path through the campus. After a quick stop in the cafeteria for a couple of sodas, Sarah and Ashley began to weigh their options.

"I look forward to your challenge someday," Ashley snorted in a mocking tone. "Yeah, I just bet she does, miss perfect."

Sarah, meanwhile, couldn't get her mind off of the name above her in the Amateur Bracket. Rank twelve, Mark Zibasch. It wasn't one she was familiar with. Sarah wondered what species he might be. If he was as big as the crocodile, she knew there was no chance of victory for her. Pressed flat beneath one random, hulking male after another, she would never get closer to her chestnut stallion. Something in her gut twisted, and the red panda suddenly started to regret ever leaving the apartment that night. Whatever awkwardness would have ensued at the party was absolutely nothing compared to what she would face now; meeting up with random strangers in out-of-the-way spots to let them fuck her stupid. Maybe she was right all along. Maybe just looking really is more fun.

"That jerk. He didn't tell us we were gonna be right underneath each other like that. Now you're the only one I could challenge without being refused."

Sarah looked to the skunkette with eyes that dripped with anguish. Her friend patted her on the shoulder and gave the red panda a comforting smile.

"Oh, don't worry. I have a plan."

"You do?"

"Mm hm. That curly-tailed little mutt said that anyone higher can refuse a challenge if they want to. So all I have to do is make them not want to," the skunkette said with a twinkle in her eye. "But you're probably gonna go after that Mark guy, huh? Hey, if you hurry and beat him, I can just move up by taking him on too! We should stick together, help each other climb up the ranks. If they want a fight, you and me will give 'em one, all right."


Mark Zibasch was to be her first obstacle, the first step towards something that Sarah had only dared to dream was actually possible. It was time to pay a visit to the library and take a look at the student directory.