To Hold On To Pt 4

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#4 of To Hold On To

Shoot. I've actually been sitting on this one for a while, haha! With all the other things I've had going on, I forgot about my stories for a while. It was nice to come back to this and polish it up a little, though. I still have a lot of weird things I wanna do with this series; I've had a lot of fun with it. I'm glad folks have been enjoying it, and I hope you like this one as well!

Tyler and Mrs. Hutchinson have found something special in each other, and they share a tender moment... And then they celebrate it with something new. Can Tyler handle the new mount he's claimed?

Tyler wanted to keep all of it, but Mrs. Hutchinson said he should just get rid of it, as she wouldn't let him wander around making a mess. He insisted he wouldn't, but he couldn't go two feet without proving that a lie. Their compromise was for him to sit in the bathtub. So the pup sat, pouting, arms folded over an enormous, subtly jiggling belly stuffed well beyond its sensible capacity with his hermaphroditic neighbor's spunk. It felt awesome, just enjoying that slowly roiling warmth flowing through him, soaking into him, marking him. She said it would do cool things to him, too.

But he was sitting in a tub, alone, naked, in a slowly expanding puddle of cooling slime. And he was bored.

So by the time dinner was ready, Tyler had begrudgingly made use of the toilet until he could walk around without making a mess. He barely had any at all now! He coulda maybe kept more, but she'd... well, she'd made it pretty hard for him to... close up properly back there. It still ached a little, but the satisfaction was worth it. He'd gotten that spot back there rubbed soooo good! And now they could have dinner.

She made him eat his vegetables again, but they were still way better than the stuff his mom made. He felt less awkward talking with her, too, even though they didn't have a whole lot to talk about. Until she got him talking about shows he liked, anyway.

That carried them straight through the end of the meal, and Mrs. Hutchinson was smiling patiently as he explained at length about heroes and bad guys. "...And the green one is the strongest of them all! But he can't let the others know who he is, cause bad stuff would happen. So he has to save the day, but sometimes he's gotta try extra hard cause to keep it secret who he is! Like, make it look like the real him is somewhere else before he can come and do all the awesome stuff. But he always does! He's the best."

"Hmm," Mrs. Hutchinson answered, collecting his plate and going to the sink. "So... sort of like you, then?"

Tyler goggled. "Like me??"

The broad red panda gave a tiny shrug from the sink as she started washing up. "Well, you have to keep a secret too, or else bad things will happen. And you do come over here and do awesome stuff," she added with a glance over her shoulder, smiling through a warm blush, "so it sort of fits, doesn't it?" She shifted her weight, those wide hips swinging to one side. "You're like my own secret hero, Tyler."

The boy was stunned for just a moment, then he hopped down off his chair to run over to her. "You really think so? I mean, it's... It's not THAT awesome! I just have lots of fun doing it!" He could feel his own cheeks warming as he peered up at her, at once abashed but craving more.

He could just glimpse her smile as she turned away, wiped her paws, then turned to him and slowly crouched. Her entire body compressed and strained at her dress in ways that he would have been fascinated with if he weren't staring into her smiling eyes. "It's... the things you do..." Her eyes fell a moment, before meeting his again. "A lot of people would say that they're wrong. Well, more so the things that I do. And... they probably are." He was starting to frown, and she went on quickly. "But that's my choice. You'll never be a guilty party in this. And the things you do... for me..." Her eyes fell once more, and when they came up, they were watering. "I've been so... I've... I've been unhappy. And I wanted to never do any of this ever again. I wanted to hide from it all. But you've... You make me feel like it's okay to be me. Like I don't have to keep who I am secret... from me." She took his paws and clasped them in hers, completely enveloping them. "And you... make me happy again." A single, breathy giggle broke from her as tears started to roll down her cheeks.

Tyler was definitely blushing now. He didn't think he really understood what all she was saying, but it had to be super serious for her to be laughing and crying at the same time. He offered a shy little smile. "Y-you make me happy too... And I think who you are is really awesome. I think you're a bigger hero than I am."

She laughed softly, shaking her head a little and sparing a paw from his to wipe at her eyes. "It's the heart that makes the hero, and you have the greatest heart here." She pressed one broad fingertip to his chest with a little smile.

He sniggered softly, though his eyes felt a little fuzzy. "I'm pretty sure you've got a bigger everything than I do, Mrs. Hutchinson."

Her shoulders sagged, and she laughed almost silently. "Well, still." Her arms slipped around him, suddenly drawing him into a warm hug, mashed snug against her endless layers of delectable softness. "You're my hero, Tyler," she murmured over his head, giving him a slow squeeze. He slipped his arms out and around what little of her bulk he could encompass, hugging her back. And for a time, they held each other down on the kitchen floor, just soaking in the warmth, the comfort of another that didn't judge them for their size or the things that they desired most.

And when they finally loosened, and parted, Tyler immediately asked, "you wanna do some more awesome stuff, then?" His tail started to wag as he grinned up at her.

Chuckling softly, the panda rose to her feet with a grunt. "Well... Did you have something in mind?"

At that, the pup frowned thoughtfully. So far awesome stuff had mostly just happened cause when he touched any part of her, he wanted to touch it lots and lots more, until things ended up getting all messy. "Ummmm..." He was still curious about pretty much all of her, but how did you choose between awesome and awesome?

When it was clear he didn't have a ready answer, Mrs. Hutchinson suggested, "we've focused a lot on my, ah... little lady," she briefly patted just above the dual swells of her sack on her dress, "why don't we do something that's just for you?" She smiled, and gave a little wave for him to follow as she turned away. The pup toddled after happily, watching her rear roll from side to side dramatically with her every step, looming over him.

They went to her bedroom this time, where the red panda pulled up the bedding with a mischievous little smile. "I dug up the waterproof sheets... they're not as comfy, but we can make a little mess without ruining the bed now. Just a little precaution..."

She seemed much more excited about this than he was, but he supposed it would be nice not having to rush into the bathroom again. "Maybe you should put those on the couch!" She blinked, and frowned, considering that. He jumped up on the bed and started tugging his shirt off. "Dunno why I had to even dress again anyway..." He huffed.

She put aside that line of thought with a chuckle, moving to join him and slide out of her dress. "Because, it makes it feel special when you take them off. You know that fun things are about to happen, and it makes it easier to talk like normal when we're dressed." She finally pulled free of the immense garment with a sigh, and smirked down at him. "Besides, it could be a problem if you get too used to running around naked at your little old neighbor's house, mister."

He gave a little hmph as he squirmed out of his pants. "So what are we doing, anyway?" He finally threw the last of his clothes off the side of the bed and threw himself back, catching on his paws, staring at the great collection of flowing curves that was her slouching form leaning over toward him, immense breasts flowing over a soft belly, sitting lightly atop thick thighs that often pushed her enormous balls up to spill into her lap. "Something for me?"

She hummed and smiled, slowly rolling over onto her elbows, landing her head quite close to his side. "Well... You ARE a boy, and most boys like to use their boy bits. Yours certainly seem to be working just fine... and I know a lot of ways to make them feel good." She smiled deviously, then paused. "Though... I suppose some of them might not work, with your size."

The pup perked at the idea. "Like, with your mouth again? That was really cool. I thought you were gonna just suck out my everything!"

Chuckling, her eyes fell to the little pink head slowly poking up from his tiny sheath. "Well, I could do that... I believe I did say something about showing you a proper blowjob sometime... But there's lots of options. I bet I've got lots of soft places you'd love to stick it... like between these..." She shifted her arms to squeeze her breasts together, making them bulge toward him invitingly, "or even these..." She glanced over her shoulder and shifted, making the dual hills beyond the small of her back jiggle and roll from side to side. "Or..." She paused, and smiled a little ruefully. "Well... You could put it where a man puts it with a woman... But that might be better to wait on until you're a little bigger. Hmmm... there's always--"

"What about your thing?" He straightened suddenly as the idea came to him, and he grinned.

She blinked at him, her brows drawing together. "My... thing?"

"Yeah!" He was bouncing a little now. "You really liked putting a finger in your thing. I saw it! What if-- what if I put my thing in your thing??"

The panda blinked again, and a warm flush crossed her cheeks as she smiled. "...Well! I suppose we could do that. A little, ah, advanced for your age, but you've certainly proven yourself a quick learner. Are you sure?" He was nodding immediately, so she chuckled and shifted, slowly rolling over onto her back. "Alright... So much for not treating me..." She smiled playfully.

The husky rose to his feet and started taking wide, wobbling strides across the soft surface of the bed to get to her side. "If we can do it so just one of us has fun, or so both of us have fun, it just makes sense to go for both of us!" He grinned. "Doesn't it?"

Her low chuckle made her belly bounce a little as he climbed up onto it. "Well... yes and no. It's very nice when both people feel good. But sometimes it can feel good just to make somebody else feel good." She paused, and sighed. "To feel pleasure. It's nice to give someone pleasure, and it can make you feel really good, because you know you gave them something they really, really liked." The ursine smiled at his back slyly. "I should think you'd know a lot about that by now, with the things you've been doing to me."

Tyler frowned as he settled down, straddling her belly, pointed at that swollen sheath. She wasn't poking out yet, but that just meant he got a chance to play with her sheath! His paws spread on that warm, soft fur, stroking slowly up and down, spreading and coming together in little circular motions that made her sigh warmly. "Not really... Pretty sure everything I've done, it was cause it just felt crazy good --um, crazy pleasure-- to do it." He grinned over his shoulder. "Maybe that's just how awesome you are, that everything somebody does to make you feel pleasure, makes them feel it too."

Her eyes were hooded as her blood started to flow, but she managed an embarrassed smile. "I don't know... I think that might be your special gift, Tyler. Maybe you get pleasure just from doing all the things the rest of us do to give it to others." She giggled softly. "That either makes you very lucky or some sort of... sex demon." She drew a deep breath as his fingers scrubbed deep into that sturdy but fluffy fold of hide. "Or... maybe it just makes me lucky..." Another faltering, breathy giggle wound out of her as her dark flesh started to peek out under his scrubbing motions.

The canine perked as that beast poked its black tip into the air, and he promptly slipped his paws down to welcome it-- stuffing them inside her sheath. The red panda gave a stuttering wail, knees jerking up into the air, massive thighs flexing, and he nearly yanked his paws out-- but she was pushing her hips up, albeit gingerly, in little, twitching motions as heavy, shuddering sighs and groans started to roll out of her. The boy grinned quietly and started exploring, though carefully. His fingers slid firmly around that hot bulk within, still mostly soft but for a spongy hardness in the middle, just enough to start pushing it forward and out. Every tiny movement he made seemed to squeeze a little moan or squeak out of the red panda, and he found with surprise that even if he stretched her sheath out a little so that all he was touching was that slick inner hide, she still made lots of happy noises! It must have all felt good, all the way through in here. His nose twitched, wondering how it smelled. But even though he was surprised with how much her sheath could stretch out any direction he shoved his paw (and she seemed to go a little crazy when he tried) there wasn't much room for his snout, especially since her thing was getting bigger really fast with him doing this.

So he had to settle for just exploring that narrowing space with his paws this time, daring to squeeze his fingers down as deep as he could go. He could see the little bulges of his paws slide down her thick sheath, then slowly disappear into her padded loins. Her groans were growing thick and unsteady, and a paw clasped at his back, slowly kneading at him as he worked industriously. It was getting tough to squeeze deeper, but he could feel, it just kept going and going! But a little past that snug softness where he couldn't see his fingers anymore, he hit a really tight, firm spot. This felt like solid muscle, all around that pulsing shaft. He thought he might have to stop there, but he found that if he only used one hand, pressing in tight against the side of that beast while it was still a little spongy, he could just barely... squeeze in...

"Nnnnghhaaah...! T-Tyler...!" She almost squeaked out his name as he delved into her body, not even noticing as her fat tip prodded roughly at his belly. "C... careful...!" She whined, and he swallowed and mumbled some faint agreement.

His paw was squeezed tight between walls of crushing hot flesh, and they were slowly growing harder as her arousal grew and her body tensed. He wanted to push deeper --he was sure there was still more-- but he really might get stuck at this rate! So he gave a shuddering sigh and finally dragged back, though he got a brief scare when his wrist caught at the start of that really tight space for a minute. His other paw slid around and rubbed at it a little, and he popped free into the relative slack of the red panda's plump padding, just under the beginning of her sheath. But a heavy groan burst from her as he slipped out of that vice, and he could feel that beast swelling in thick pulses, nearly punching him in the gut. He choked, scooting back quickly, and he had to hurry and drag his paws up out of that sheath before they got trapped anyway! A few seconds after he was free, that sheath looked trim and taut around her full, throbbing girth. He stared at his arms. He'd been feeling around inside her all the way up to the elbows! Past, on the one arm.

Panting loosely, Mrs. Hutchinson loosed a scandalized giggle. "You little... pervert. What were you looking for in there? I held back as much as I could..."

He grinned over his shoulder and scooped up her fat monster in both paws, hefting it up a little with a bit of a grunt of effort. "I found it!" She laughed softly, and he turned back to claim his treasure.

Like a fallen tree, the panda's arousal lay heavy across her belly, forcing the pup all the way up her chest by the time it finally settled on a size. His rear had to scoot right up between her spread breasts, his legs straddling wide over her ribcage and hooked back under the sides of those heavy mounds. Even this far back, it was a snug meeting, her massive, blunt tip nuzzling firmly into his belly, his pelvis, as he scooted it around and fought its slow, twitching pulses and their attempts to jerk that behemoth out of his grasp. This was the spot she'd really liked... His finger curled over her head to stroke carefully over that dark opening, a long slit, just a little puffy along the edges. That earned a low, shuddering moan from the ursine as she started to squirm a little on the bed. He could feel her entire body tensing and trembling in instant reaction to his tiniest strokes along this little fold of flesh... He could see her toes twitching and curling in response as he thumbed sideways along one plump lip of that dark opening. He felt... strangely powerful.

Thick veins rose along that dark behemoth between his legs, pulsing up, straining at her smooth hide faster and faster as he carefully curled a finger and slid it between those slick lips. She was already wide open, and he barely grazed the sides before his fingerpad pressed to hot, slippery flesh on the other side. The heavy, spicy musk of that dark place tickled at his nose as she choked back high, almost whining moans under the wandering loops he drew across her insides. It was so strange, making just the tiniest movements and watching this titanic body heave about under him in response. Tyler couldn't help but grin. Part of him was reminded of a person driving a huge truck, or riding some giant monster. A little rub this way, and she squealed and twisted. A little rub that way, and low groans broke out of her, her hips jerking up to trap his paw tight against his belly. And it was so slippery, coated thick with the cooked-in remains of every time she'd ever...

That was as far as his thoughts got before his finger slipped out of her, and stuffed into his mouth. A hot, bitter tang shocked across his tongue, his fur rising in a fluff, and the great red panda's gasping breaths were confounded a moment as his tail whapped at her open mouth. Super concentrated, aged, almost too much for him...! But his teeth scraped over his fingerpad, suckling off the very last hint of that heady flavor. His other paw was shakily struggling to push his little poker and her oversized impaler together in some kind of alignment, but he could hardly shift that bulk with both paws. So he had to draw that finger away to address the aching throbs coursing through his needy little length. He knew what he wanted right now...

The husky couldn't pull back any further, and that beast was only pushing tighter against him as it gave fitful, demanding throbs, so he had to shove the broad helm down and over until it mashed right over the pup's own eager pink rod trapped against his belly, wrestling it around until he fit firmly into her most peculiar cleavage-- his head nestled against her underside, the puffy lips of that black cock slit hugging his shaft. She was so much bigger than him, he could almost fit inside her sideways! But he found himself rocking his hips, grinding along that strange embrace, smearing her rising tide of thick pre juices along his shaft as his own eager little length drooled over her cockhead from just above.

Panting, mouth hanging open, the boy stared at that strange union, hips giving furtive little pumps, his paws clinging to her head to either side, squeezing, massaging at that thick creature. This thing was supposed to go... inside people, right? Tyler was pretty sure that was how it was supposed to work. It had felt great when he'd put his thing in her mouth, and right now, he wanted more than anything to put his thing inside her here... But who could Mrs. Hutchinson ever put a thing this big in? He felt kinda sorry for her... But his head was buzzing with need, and he forgot about that as his paw slipped up to thumb the tip of his own shaft down...

For one shuddering moment, his tip strained against the narrow end of that slit, and a single high cry burst from behind him as he dug against that tiny stretch of flesh, possibly the single smallest, most delicate-looking part of her the boy had ever seen. Then he popped past it, and he was buried in that sweltering, slimy place, every throb of that monstrous shaft making it flare out, veins bulging, and simultaneously squeezing down around him as he clutched to her head. He found his hips were shoving forward constantly, trying to mash her tip flat against his crotch as he ground into that strange sheath. Breathless, shaky moans spilled from his mouth as he lurched forward again and again, wagging that puppy pecker through the insides of her cock. It fit easily, and he could even move it around a little, wack it against her inner walls-- but anything he touched, it almost seemed to cling to him, that slick, hot flesh at once addictive and greedy to keep hold of him.

In short order the young boy found himself driving his hips in an awkward spiral, grinding up one side of that strange tunnel, churning up what little air lingered in that gaping pisshole into a thick froth of pre that ran down his balls. When he hit the top, poking a tiny bulge in the very beginning of her cumvein, he'd angle his hips tight to one side, following that sizzling contact, mashing the other way to grind down again. He carved happy little circles through the insides of her shaft, driving her tip tight against his sheath, sometimes nestling the very point at his sheath like it might slip inside, sometimes burying his sheath whole in that snug slit, just barely managing to block it with his fuzz.

Soon his little nuts were soaked, and a mess was growing on her belly to dribble down the snug valley under her breasts where his legs quivered and pulled at her heavy mountains for more leverage. The landscape was shifting constantly under him, heaving up and down with the panda's deep gasps and half-choked moans, his name echoing almost constantly off the walls as her hands seethed over her breasts and his back, rubbing heavily, thumbing over her fat, black tips as he finally got to work on her.

If this was her favorite way to feel pleasure, then it was up to him to see just how much pleasure he could give her! The way she screamed his name so passionately, the feel of her claws digging over his hide with such desperation and such tenderness at once, it warmed him, deep inside. It melted away all the fear and confusion and pain, all the horrible things that had entered his life in the last few months. He felt just as good as before... No, better. And he wanted more. He wanted to feel good, and he wanted her to feel good. He wanted Mrs. Hutchinson to feel good, as thanks for giving him this feeling, on top of all the other reasons.

So the pup paused, balls deep in his neighbor's cock, and dragged his legs up from around her tits to change his position a little. Swinging them down, he leaned forward, digging his knees into those soft mountains as his feet dangled over her shoulders. At some point his balance gave out, and he fell forward, face slapping into the underbelly of that black, compromised creature. He hugged to it, struggling to get a proper grip with his legs, and started thrusting in and out of her cockhead, wet little balls slapping against her tip as he took her at full speed! He already felt like he might make a mess any second, but that would mean he'd start going soft, so he couldn't do that! This was what Mrs. Hutchinson liked to have done to her, so he was gonna do it as hard as he could, as long as he could!

The ursine was confused at first as he scrambled around at her, but when he set to thrusting, a heavy grunt turned into a belaboured moan, and her hands seized his legs, just below the knee, pinning them tight against her chest. This gave him plenty of leverage, even in this awkward position, and he wrapped his arms tight around that beast, face buried in its side, suckling and licking at its veiny hide, as he fucked it with all his little body could muster!

From the sounds she was making, Mrs. Hutchinson was really enjoying this, but Tyler felt like his whole body was on fire! He was holding himself back, somehow, just pounding away against her, doing his best to mash her tip flat against his thrusting hips, but that pressure kept building and twinging through his lower half, just demanding to be let loose! The little boy chewed at his lip and his tongue, trying to ignore it, to refuse it, to just keep thrusting into that hot, pulsing hole that pushed right back into him, but his knot was growing, and every time that slit slurped over that thick bulb as he dragged free, then swallowed it up again, a jolt ran through all of him, and his little balls kept lurching up like they were going off before he stopped them, aching all over. J-just... just a little longer...!

But Tyler was still new to all this, and as hard as he tried-- he slipped. Tongue thrusting from his gasping maw, he found his body arching tightly as he lunged into that sweet pisshole and knotted it as hard as he could, his balls already pumping, and he fired his sticky mess deep into the immense red panda's fat cock, his knees trembling, buried in her plush breasts, his paws quaking as they gripped at her shaft, trying to fill it with every drop of cream in him. Oh no...! He couldn't even...! But it felt so good, his shame and pleasure blended in a dark golden, trembling euphoria, his body beholden to that ebony beast still pulsing up against him with need. It had felt so wonderful, but now... he had failed to...

"Aw... Mmmnh, poor sweetie..." The ursine drew deep breaths under him, still rocking his body up and down as her paw spread, rubbing down his back, over his trembling legs, and gently along his nuts, still trembling with their effort to squeeze out just a little more. "Hmmm..." There was a hint of some devious humor in her voice as she rubbed down, past his balls, fingers stroking over her own chest where her excess juices had pooled. "Here..." There was definitely a trace of a giggle in her voice as her fingers returned-- slick with slimy juices, nestling up behind his nuts to split his cheeks around those thick digits. With gentle, swirling motions, she rubbed suddenly over that tender little spot of his, dragging a gasp from the pup's throat as his vision exploded in sparks and stars. His spent, knotted pup poker twitched, its slow decline stopping, then reversing. "Hee... I thought so..." She rubbed firmly over that needy spot now, stroking her own juices into him, and he found heavy, panting grunts and moans spilling from his young throat as his legs flexed, flooding with fresh heat, starting to grind his hardening shaft through the depths of her monstrous rod once more.

Driven by that tingling, inescapable sensation blooming between his tight little cheeks, Tyler found his hips jerking and rolling hungrily, levering his arousal through that dark, tight place on the lever of his knot, just barely clinging hold to the flexed lips of her slit. "M-mmmMrs...!" He tried to breathe her name, but she just giggled and rubbed in harder, slowly corkscrewing a single thick finger into that snug little place, at once creating aching new itches of need and fulfilling them almost instantly, slowly soaking that tender ring of muscle down there with her fluids. Finally, with a tiny pop, her finger slipped inside him, and he gasped out, clutching tight at her cock, quivering, voice almost a squeak. She started prodding in and out a little, and his hips, frozen for a moment, lurched quickly into motion.

A wet slurp announced his knot finally dragging free of her slit-- only to punch right in again, driving in and out constantly as the boy set into a fresh rut. Musical sounds of ecstasy rattled from the woman's throat somewhere behind him as her hips started to give tiny jerks upward, virtually punching him in the gut as she pushed to claim that knot, to fuck her cock on his little canine shaft. Her body pushed in on either side of him, driving in between his cheeks and punching a brick wall of drooling cockflesh into his sheath, all as he sat riding her rising and falling ribcage, her breasts half-smothering him from moment to moment when her rocking body and spare, groping paw mashed them in around him. This single, massive red panda was the land under him, the lover he embraced, the shifting sea to either side, and the devious presence attacking him from behind, homing straight in on his weakest spot. She was the whole of his world, and all that he felt or saw, all that he tasted or smelled or heard. And it was good.

From the way that beast he rode swelled into steel, nearly strangling at his knot as it flared thick, and from the sharpness to her rising cries and keens, Tyler thought Mrs. Hutchinson might finally be ready. What would it be like, to feel her hot, blasting, delicious mess on his most delicate part? It was a bit of a scary thought, but he wanted to feel it. He wanted to truly feel the moment of her greatest pleasure, to feel her body itself cry out that it couldn't take any more. He'd taken most of it the other way, before, but this way...? His paws wrapped tight around her shaft as he did his best to hold out, but that thick finger was probing deeper. As their bodies rocked together, pumping his half-deployed knot through her opening, now a gaping hole more than a slit after all he'd done to her, her finger pushed around his insides-- straying dangerously close to that devilish little button inside him.

He couldn't let her drive him over the edge before she got her own satisfaction! He wanted to feel her pleasure full on! His arms drew in tight, hugging to that beast, stroking it roughly as he thrust into it, and his legs drew together, his little rear flexing, trying to seize hold of that wiggling finger and stop it dead in place. She was panting out desperately, and sure enough, she breathed his name: "T-tyler...! I'm going to... y-you should...!" Her other paw was grasping at his hip, trying to tug him out and away, and he knew he couldn't fight her strength. But he did have one trick left!

Lunging to one side, the boy snatched up one heaving mound and hauled it closer, mashing her breast against him, re-scooping it up in his arms to pull still more of that flowing, jiggling mass over until his true target came into range. Maw opening wide, the snarling canine pounced-- and seized her fat nipple whole in his mouth, teeth digging into her areola, her immense, rubbery nipple stuffing his mouth full and straining under his teeth all the way back. His lips sealed around her as best he could manage, his tongue squirming trapped underneath, and he chewed into that great sweet spot as hard as he dared!

Moans jerked into full-blown screams, and her hips lunged up, folding him in half under a heavy blow to his middle. That monster was searing steel, swollen to monstrous proportions and throbbing powerfully as, far beyond, those delicious orbs of hers seized up close. He thought he could hear the rush of building pressure as he saw her cumvein, a broad, soft tunnel running along the belly of her cock, suddenly and violently expand with her payload, turning to a taut, solid mass of pressurized love. That was the last thing he saw before his vision cut out in a firestorm of black and white.

Her first jet STRUCK him, and for an instant, he thought she might have shot straight through him! The fact that he felt the second blow scorch over him reassured him he was still intact, but he could barely understand what was happening below his shoulders. Searing seed spread across his belly and his legs, barely chilling an instant before fresh, thick goo sprayed atop it. His shaft was at ground zero, and it-- well, it hurt. But somehow, that made it better. She was in such pleasure, her body was launching its juices at him hard enough he felt like he was getting scorched away to nothing, just a bottled hurricane of panda spunk slamming into his knot, spraying past it in a tight, brutal cone, attacking him, drowning his tiny member in the produce of its titanic brother. He was a little scared, but he was happy, and dizzy, and his blood was pounding in his head, and somehow, he felt peaceful, like it didn't really matter what happened next.

He didn't know he'd collapsed atop her shaft, but when he realized it, it didn't surprise him. For a while there, time had wandered off and there'd been only the pounding hammer of raw, furious heat washing over his raw nerve endings, power washing his little poker until he was surprised he could still feel it coming. When that had finally faded to a lazy, oozing pulse, the rest of the world had gradually crept in. Tyler was still on a panda, nestled between her sweat-misted breasts. He was still in her bedroom. He was still alive. And he felt... strange. Satisfied, in a quiet, floaty way, his low, ragged breathing rather loud in his ears now. Warm, soft paws stroked slowly over his back.

"Oh..." The woman's sweet, satisfied moans slowly resolved into words somewhere in the distance. "Oh, Tyler... you really shouldn't have... y-you could hurt yourself, you know, you should trust me to... to decide what's best..." Her paws stroked down his spine and over his rump. "Mmnh... E-even if that did feel... wonderful, it was... just irre--" she gasped. "Tyler!" Her fingers spread over his little nuts, and something about that felt... very off. He stirred slowly, a small lance of fear piercing his warm, aching contentment. But before he could prop himself on his arms, she was giggling softly. "Look at you... poor boy! I told you, you should have... Well, aren't you in a state, now, Mister." Her paws were stroking over him, and they felt... small. How could she even fit both paws on his sack at once?

Finally, he hefted and twisted himself enough to get a proper look. He didn't even expect to be able to see anything-- but he was jarred to find two broad, white, curved masses jutting out behind him, filling the space between his lightly quivering thighs, and even as he saw her paws stroking over them, and matched that sight to the things he was feeling, it took him several moments to process. His balls were huge! Each one had to be about as big as his head! A moan spilled from his lips as sensations finally snapped together-- those things were jam-packed, straining terribly inside, and hypersensitive! Her paws were all over them, massaging them, thumbing along every little spot, even cupping and weighing them! He arched suddenly, moaning helplessly, his ragged puppy poker, or whatever was left of it, twitching fitfully. He craned his head down, but her monster was still buried tight against his crotch, and he couldn't see his own piece at all. He was all kinds of a mess down here, though! All the way up to his chin, he was just coated with her seed, his fur lathered up into thick, spiky chunks with the mess, and fat gobs hung suspended in between, slowly melting and dripping down his body as he sat almost upright. His legs were coated too, and he was basically sitting at the center of a blast zone-turned-swamp, her cleavage covered with a thick carpet of creamy white that gradually broke into a patchwork of gobs, then a light misting on the far sides of her breasts. The bed under her was dark and shiny with the stuff, soaking through to whatever that stuff was she'd put underneath. Moaning weakly, he found himself scooping some of that mess up off his chest to stuff the thick jism in his mouth even as he turned to try and beg her to stop.

"Mmmmiffuf Mmchmmfm...!" He spat out a couple fingers, panting. "I-I think they're gonna burst! That-- ah-- b-be careful...!" He whined, squirming as she giggled and tenderly rubbed him down.

"Mm, heehee... I didn't expect this, but I think you'll be alright, dear... So long as you don't let them sit like this too long. Who knows, they might end up all baggy if you're not careful. Awww, but they're so adorable! And so soft and twitchy and jiggly..." Perhaps it was partly her giddiness from getting rid of her own load, but she seemed to be in love with his swollen nuts. She even tried squeezing them a bit more roughly, her fingers sinking a little into that taut mass, but when he gave a high, whimpering bark, she eased off and cooed, "oh, poor dear... Here, let's get you drained a bit. How would you like to do it? Any way you'd like, I'll help you, dear." She gave his rear a little squeeze and pat.

Groaning low in his throat, the boy sagged for a moment. He ached all over, especially down there... But his nuts felt like they were boiling, and that wonderful smell, the musk of her concentrated essence enveloped him, making his stomach growl and his devastated pecker twitch eagerly. He gave a few weak little tugs back, his knees sliding down toward her shoulders clumsily, and for several shuddering moments, he couldn't shift from the spot. His knot really was stuck in there! But he tugged and tugged at it, and finally, a broad, gentle paw closed around his waist, and her hips jerked down. He popped out, and a fresh, thick pool of seed poured out of her around his shaft. He moaned out pathetically, mouth watering at the thought of such fresh, thick-stewed seed, but he could hardly even begin to bend over.

Finally, the boy whined, elbows shaking as he steadied himself leaning on her spent cock. "I dunno... I'm all achy and tired... I don't think I can do anything else right now..." He was relieved when he could finally pull back enough to see that his shaft was, in fact, intact, and had no visible damage. It did look a little puffier and redder than before, though, he thought.

"Awww..." The panda stroked down his back sympathetically. "Well, we can rest up after this, but we really shouldn't leave your balls like this. Hmmm... alright, just scoot back, dear, and I'll take care of it. I'll be nice and gentle, I promise..." Carefully, her fingers slid in underneath his heavy orbs, hefting them up just enough to start easing them back. He realized he literally couldn't have moved far with those things in the way, so he supposed he could forgive her for touching them a little more... But in his sluggish state, he wasn't completely sure what she was going for, he just kept wiggling back at her urging until, finally, she eased his balls down: his already taut sac spread snug over her head, his heavy balls straddling her face, not quite reaching the bed below as she eased him into position, drawing his raw little shaft to her lips. He couldn't help but wince as her tongue caught his tip and guided it in, but...

But this... didn't feel anything like before. It was like she'd stolen his poker and dipped it into warm, swirling chocolate, or a nice, comfy bubble bath, or a fluffy blanket fresh out of the dryer, except it was pure, liquid pleasure... A weak moan spilled from him as his arms gave out on the spot, planting his face in that delicious mess. She had captured him tenderly by his knot, her lips sealed snug against his little sheath, and his boyhood was submerged in a constant, feather light, swirling massage. His every nerve down there felt like it would explode in pain at a stiff breeze, but somehow, she... soothed his flesh, even as she slurped around him, sending warm, inexorable waves of pleasure flooding up through his middle. It was like she was breathing warm comfort up into his body, and his legs slowly drew together, hugging her head, holding it nice and snug as his hips gave weak little rolls and pushes down into that wonderful, steamy whirlpool. He'd been sure even a tiny bit would be too much, but suddenly his body was wanting more!

The pup could only gurgle out moans around thick mouthfuls of her luscious juices, his tongue scraping through her fur, collecting fat mouthfuls every few inches, trying to capture the runoff first as still more slowly rolled down her cleavage to add to the pool. His throat was lined thick with the stuff as he only half-swallowed it, letting it ooze down his neck on its own as more built up in his cheeks. Was any of this his own seed, from before, or had that all been long since washed away, perhaps by her pre alone? The boy couldn't guess, and knew only that he was surrounded once more by her delicious bounty. Thick, salty tang caked on his tongue, and still he scraped more up to add another coat, to soak her essence into his taste buds and fill his belly, though it already felt warm and heavy with her offering. His paws weakly spread, arms capturing layers of the stuff rolling down her body to scoop it back up within reach of his hungry little mouth as his shaft slowly throbbed thicker and harder against the panda's honeyed tongue.

All too soon, he felt a spark of warning light through his loins just atop those overstuffed orbs, like a distant flash of lightning telling of the coming storm. A moan burst from his throat, and he grabbed at her breasts as his thighs flexed tighter around her head, and her only response was to suckle a little tighter at him, drawing him a hair deeper and sealing her lips nice and tight behind his re-swelling knot.

Face buried in the muck of jism-soaked fur, claws kneading into bottomless softness, the boy howled, a pathetic, ragged, yet earnest cry of exultation as those absurdly overpacked nuts flexed, fumbling their absurd contents, and his shaft flared in her maw, firing thick, painfully hot jets of borrowed seed into the woman's muzzle, filling her with her own potent virility. His hips shook and pushed weakly against her face, his insides pulsing with aching heat as he fired and fired, trying to empty himself into her. Blast after thick, harrowing blast ran through him, much longer than he remembered ever going before, but... when he finally sagged, panting and moaning with relief, the last tiny spasms passing, he managed to catch a peek over his shoulder. They were still huge! Maybe a hint smaller, but still great, absurd orbs sprawling across the panda's face!

Slowly, he melted over the red panda's chest, his arms and legs turning to noodles, his face plastered to her slimy hide. Between his exhaustion and his oversized nuts, Tyler had never felt so... heavy. He could not even conceive of moving from this spot-- not even to try and slurp up that thick glob at the bottom of her cleavage over there. Well... if he stared at it long enough, maybe, but right now it seemed like an awful lot of work. The boy simply lay there in a daze, his head ever so slowly spinning, his poker locked with his neighbor's face as she took her time gulping down the very last of his load.

It seemed like only seconds, though, before that sinuous, skillful tongue started to stir and curl around him again, stopping him from softening, sending tiny jolts of energy up through his most tender areas to hit the dead mass that was the rest of his body. The boy whimpered faintly, managing a little shiver as he started to throb lazily down there. No way... no way! But she was coaxing him to life down there, and he couldn't do anything to help or to stop it in his state. Soon, the boy simply faded away to the lovely, achingly sweet sensations of that cunning mouth draining his overripe balls one squirting little load at a time.