Military Doctrines and Attributes, and the Road to War

Story by Roketsune on SoFurry

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#3 of Takomen: Background, Concepts, and Context

This document gives a synopsis of the sequence of events and factors that led the four nations of Takomen to a global conflict so people will be conveniently familiarized with core historical details, but the majority of this pertains to the doctrines, preferences, and characteristics of the four militaries.Addendum 1, 24 Sept 2016 Added mountainous warfare to the "Strengths" list of Likuria and Wesitaria

The Road To War

Approximately 30 years before the sequence of events in 2012 which would lead to world war, Bengaria invaded and conquered Kantaria. I do not have a clear vision of any of those events, but I have determined the cause was material greed and an opportunity to capitalize on Kantaria having a woefully inadequate military. I imagine back then Likuria wanted to assist as they did 30 years later, but their military was too small to deploy meaningful aid while being able to hold the line against their neighbor in the event they decided to take advantage of the situation. While Bengaria is in all respects about as moral and civilized as the other three nations, they obviously had to have done something to piss off the Kantarians enough to incite a revolution, but I have not been able to precisely envision events and factors. What I can present is, Takomenians in general are accustomed to very high standards relative to Terrans, and Bengaria did not invest as much in the infrastructure and entitlements of its annexed territory as would be deemed tolerable by the average Takomenian. The Bengarian government probably also engaged in censorship and revisionism with regards to their invasion and occupation, which would have antagonized the already indignant Kantarians further. Decades of this stagnation and decline would have provided ample cause for the populace to accept the risks inherent to violent revolution to set their nation back on a proper course.

Fast-forward to early 2012. There is an underground and organized movement within Kantaria to start a nation-wide revolt against their occupiers. They are silently preparing to launch their revolution with the assistance of Likuria, the latter having learned painful lessons from 30 years before and have in the interim silently increased their military capabilities and stockpiles so they could assist Kantaria and fight a war with Wesitaria if necessary. On 1 March, the revolution began in earnest, catching the Bengarians completely by surprise. Bloody and disorganized fighting quickly erupts between the inchoate Kantarian military and understrength peacetime Bengarian units. It is quickly apparent that the revolution has been fostered and well organized for quite some time, and Bengaria has to mobilize its military to respond effectively. Most of the senior officers of the present Kantarian military came to prominence during this chaotic and desperate time. Roketsune oversaw industry and resupply affairs from the rear before serving as the marshal to an endangered field army and restoring Kantarian fortunes, Kepler fought on the front lines and spearheaded a marine raid late in the year before being given command of the entire MAC (Maritime Assault Corps, what they formally call their marines), and Shorin was the chief strategist and military officer of the revolution at the time.

The Bengarian military has become lethargic and incompetent in the interwar years, and they are unable to quell the revolution despite a full wartime mobilization of their military. They commit the next action in the chain of events which led the planet to war: the use of atomic weapons on 19 November 2012 across much of the continent to reverse the forward momentum the Kantarians have achieved, killing or incapacitating just under a third of the Kantarian military within a few moments. While only military assets were targeted and populated areas were avoided, 100s of thousands of civilians were forced to evacuate. The effect on civilians, the mass usage of strategic atomic weapons on a comparatively underequipped militia fighting on and for their homeland, and the great environmental concerns generated by such a great usage at one time, caused a wave of revulsion across Takomen. A few Bengarian officers actually defected. Wesitaria, Bengaria's ally, denounced publicly the tactic, but did not dissolve the alliance. Seeing no alternative because of the catastrophic reversal of Kantaria's fortunes, Likuria declared a limited state of war with Bengaria and immediately deployed its formidable aerial forces overseas to Kantaria. Fearing the repercussions of waging war against a nation that currently had a larger military than them and disgusted with the conduct of their ally, Wesitaria mobilized its military but ordered them to adopt a defensive posture on and near the border instead.

While the Kantarians tried to orchestrate a general withdrawal with some semblance of order and discipline under the protection of the Likurian aerial armadas, they decided to adopt a more centralized power structure to maximize their chance of success. They changed from deciding matters by council consensus to having a supreme strategist by default make military and industrial decisions, though still subordinate to the Council. To the surprise of some, they entrusted the title to Roketsune on 21 November, due to his familiarity with military strategy and history, familiarity with the processes of manufacturing and logistics, high intelligence, extreme trustworthiness, and very extraordinary charisma. Likurian ground forces under escort of their naval forces begin landing in large numbers on the same day. From the declaration of war late on the 19th to the 25th, Likurian aerial forces wreaked destruction and havoc on the Bengarian military, naval forces attacked infrastructure and enemy fleets on the coast, and ground forces took up defensive positions and attacked when it was prudent. While all this was transpiring, extremely much to the consternation of Bengaria, the Wesitarians sat on the sidelines and watched. Not attacking in the first few days is generally considered the greatest blunder of the war (disregarding the ethical aspect of declaring war on a non-threatening neighbor and preceding events).

The extraordinary exertions Likuria undertook to keep their recently resurrected ally from perishing left them highly vulnerable to a Wesitarian invasion, even with their advanced system of mountain fortifications along the border. While the planes and warships could be recalled to Likuria in that scenario, there would still be a large window of time during which the Wesitarians could ran rampant across the country. They had also lost much of the numerical superiority they had furtively acquired over the years as a result of the campaign. Ultimately, the Wesitarian military and government concluded they had one unique chance to permanently resolve their differences with and security concerns about their rival and they ought to capitalize on it. On 25 November, they declared war on Likuria and caused substantial damage to various military infrastructure in the opening hours, degrading their ability to resist the invasion and wage war. As now two nations had decided to engage in imperialistic wars against their neighbor, what little trust and hope there had been between the two sides evaporated. The only feasible option was to wage war until the other side was completely overrun and their regimes destroyed.

Doctrines and Characteristics

Each of the four nations of Takomen has various military doctrines, policies, strengths, and weaknesses. Of course, the Kantarians have the most developed and expounded set of them, but the others have an appreciable amount to write about as well.


Doctrine- Combat Orientation blitzkrieg/maneuver offensive warfare with extremely powerful panzer, cavalry, marine, and airborne formations Doctrine- General maintain/return to the offensive whenever practicable; qualitative superiority; excel at the tactical and operational levels; maintain naval supremacy; versatility, mobility, and range for units and weapons; maximize benefit from biological diversity/assets; industry is to be as decentralized and subterranean as possible even at the expense of expansion speed; all-volunteer military Strengths panzers, vehicular infantry, naval, airborne infantry, tactical warfare, insulated industrial sector, extremely high morale, leadership, Weaknesses heavy bombers, strategic-operational warfare, industrial and logistical capability, summer and trench warfare, high attrition

Reborn in the fires of revolution, Kantaria has achieved a spectacular amount considering the timeframes, what they had to work with, and what they were up against. In scarcely over two years, Kantaria went from starting a nationwide revolt to invading the homeland of their former occupiers. These successes prompted a massive intervention from their ally, which has greatly retarded Kantaria's military progress but has failed to stop or reverse it generally. On an individual level, the Kantarian officers and units are considered the best on the planet. Supreme Strategist Taneru of Wesitaria has called Kantarian marine and airborne units "forces of nature". Their starting economic and industrial deficiencies, and their comparatively low population, very much limit Kantaria despite its qualitative superiority. For them to continue pushing forward despite being so outnumbered is still a very impressive feat, something Supreme Strategist Roketsune routinely impresses upon his people when they contend with defeat or mixed results.

One of Kantaria's military assets and causes for them to adopt a doctrine of high mobility is reflected in the national flag: abnormally high biological diversity. 80% of the population is zooanthropomorphic rather than human, and these species tend to be inherently faster. They often are nocturnal and have superior vision and hearing. While modern weaponry and platforms very often render these inherent speed and other advantages moot, the regular infantry when on foot/paw in Kantaria undoubtedly can outmaneuver an enemy unmounted counterpart. Of course, furred infantry suffer severely during summer and in rough entrenchments (mud and dirt is more problematic if someone has fur all over), both of which humans are better suited for. Early in the Revolution it was deemed imperative for the nation's survival that they exploit this advantage of biological diversity to a maximal degree. Roketsune is credited with conceiving a design which promulgated both this doctrine and their commitment to respecting all the races (that's extremely normal in Takomen, but it never hurts to emphasize it anyway), and also the origins of the new republic: a phoenix rising with a rainbow in the background. IRL I was inspired by the emblem of the city of Atlanta, Georgia, which is of a bird rising from flames over the word "Resurgens", which is an excellent depiction of Kantaria's origins and perhaps of myself IRL.

Biological advantages are not the only reason Kantaria has the military doctrine it does. It has been repeatedly demonstrated over the last several decades on Terra that the optimal manner of waging war is to outmaneuver and outpace the enemy, to envelop large formations through breakthroughs and landings. Mobility and the appropriate use of special formations (armored, marine, and airborne divisions) and warplanes are indispensable, and anyone with much familiarity with Terran military history understands this. Takomenians have waged war far more infrequently in the last century than Terrans have, so such concepts would be largely theoretical without such familiarity. Being enamored with military history (he takes after his creator, naturally), Roketsune had extensively researched this before the Revolution and came to this conclusion, and he was seen as a sort of authority on warfare despite literally having less than a year of any sort of military experience. There were other causes for such a doctrine being attractive to them. Kantaria has always had a highly extensive maritime capability and history, and these facilities and civilian personnel could easily be allocated to military rather than civilian uses. Kantaria's comparatively low population and industrial output necessitated each panzer, soldier, warship, etc., be substantially more effective than their enemy counterparts through superior quality, training, tactics, and strategy, or they would lose the war through attrition.

Kantaria's largest weakness has been- and continues to be- an inferior level of industrialization and economic development relative to the other three nations. It was not cared for as well as it should have been while an annexed country. Transportation infrastructure was somewhat deficient, factories were not as numerous per capita, the taxable income was not as great per capita, and there weren't as many people. All of these factors are disadvantageous in a total war situation. They received critical financial and military support from Likuria early in the war, but that did not come close to making up for their shortcomings. What all of this translates to is a lower tolerance for attrition and lower resupply capacity. The most rapidly rectifiable deficiency was transportation, and they constructed and expanded maglev lines in record time so they would have a maximal mobility advantage. While they have expanded their industrial base as much as possible, that requires industrial capacity to be taken from military production and everyone else has done the same. The disparity in industrial and economic might has not been much remedied.

To compensate for those limitations, Kantarians on governmental and even societal levels were forced to become extremely cost-efficient and to make do with less. The Revolutionary period was especially hard on the citizens, not just because a functioning government temporarily didn't exist in Kantarian zones of control immediately following seizure, but because they were made to sacrifice greatly just to ensure the Revolution's success. Everything that the populace could spare or not be provided by the markets and the government was thrown into military production and industrial expansion. These dire measures were not needed in 2013 and beyond, but Kantarians still faced deprivation by Takomenian standards. Spending on entitlements and core services is per capita substantially lower than in the rest of the planet. As I detailed in the previous document, the Takomenians are accustomed to socialistic governments who provide all core services and rights to the population. Kantaria is somewhat the exception due to wartime necessity, the citizens urged to rally together and find ways of reducing their expenditures and assisting those who cannot fully provide for themselves. Government agencies and services operate at lower costs per person served. Those who have grievances with others are encouraged to resolve them amongst themselves before going to the legal system for redress. Criminals are executed more often but also spend less time incarcerated and rehabilitation efforts entail less supervision and cost. Kantaria has become a model of efficiency on all levels of society due to wartime necessity, but there are negative consequences from this degree of frugality and conservation, and many of these measures will undoubtedly be dispensed with after the war's end.

Offsetting the inherent harm the above causes to civilian and military morale is the quality and brilliance of its senior military officers, and most especially their senior strategist Roketsune. The marshals of Kantaria have repeatedly demonstrated a very great ability to learn and adapt, a superior understanding of warfare, and a great level of trustworthiness. Often they are attractively flamboyant and/or eccentric, Roketsune being the epitome of such. The military leadership of Kantaria has engendered a tremendous degree of loyalty in their subordinates, and an almost equal level of trust and respect in their enemies. As the most senior commander of the military, Roketsune is effectively the guardian of the nation's existence and the personification of its conscience and will, and he serves these roles with unparalleled capability. He is delightfully capricious and flamboyant, extremely intelligent and perceptive, unabashedly emotional and empathetic, and highly knowledgeable on the various areas of warfare on a strategic level. He had a safe and affluent lifestyle as a model before the Revolution and had no reason to get involved besides the idealistic desire to see his people prosper. He sometimes is perceived as a person who is incapable of deception. The populace in general unwaveringly and extremely trust and adore him.

The Kantarians generally will go on the offensive as much as is feasible, which includes counteroffensive operations. The terrain and location determines what types and numbers of units they will use to spearhead offensive operations, and the goal generally is to rapidly outflank or punch through and envelop large formations and garrisons. They are strongest in coastal areas due to their tendency to have some degree of naval supremacy and the size and strength of their marine corps. Their airborne forces are quite numerous relative to the other four nations and are deployed in substantial numbers in most major offensives and in most terrains. The Kantarian panzer forces are quite numerous relative to the military's general size and budget, and are comprised of several models with different intended roles so that they can fight well in almost any scenario and environment. On the flatlands and the beaches the Kantarians are especially lethal and effective, and in those terrains rarely is them prevailing in doubt if they decide to attack and seize that ground. Unfortunately, Takomen has its share of sylvan, mountainous, and riverine environments, and the Bengarians in particular have on numerous occasions demonstrated to the Kantarians that even their much vaunted paratroopers and cavalry have limitations. That being said, overall they are masters of warfare on the tactical (a limited local area, and individual battles) and operational (meaning across a wider area such as a front, entailing multiple battles at the same time) levels, and they have field artillery, interceptors, and hybrid/light bombers in sufficient numbers to achieve such objectives.

Their offensive doctrine and weak industrial capacity impose substantial limitations on the Kantarians. They always struggle to keep their military properly supplied when they are on the offensive or having to resist an enemy offensive, and tend to maintain perilously low stockpiles for areas on which they are not currently fixated. They somewhat frequently have to ask the Likurians to provide supplies or firepower directly because their logistical capabilities cannot cope with demand. Another consequence is they are nearly impotent at strategic warfare (assaulting a general ability to wage war, such as bombing factories and rear infrastructure) because they cannot possibly field enough heavy bombers and cruise missiles. The few heavy bombardment assets they do have are thrown into service during engagements. They also are at a disadvantage in aerial stealth technology, which further inhibits them in such actions. Their ally is somewhat more proficient at this general area, but still quite weak compared to their enemies. They also have a very severe liability which is not a factor in combat performance but is potentially lethal in the strategic level: economic overstress. The people have been taxed very highly for years and the government has incurred massive levels of debt to sustain the war, and their economic situation continues to degenerate rather than improve. Some sort of economic collapse or a drastic adjustment to avert it are quite possible, either of which would be more destructive to the Kantarian war effort than the conventional efforts by the opposing alliance.


Doctrine- Combat Orientation defensive warfare, especially in mountainous terrain; cross-continental offensive and counteroffensive warfare Doctrine- General extensively collaborate with Kantaria overseas; maintain very high resupply capability to meet alliance's needs; secure and fortify advantageous territory and force the Wesitarians to attack to make progress; Bengaria is to be defeated first and the Kantarians enabled as much as is practicable Strengths static defenses, mountainous warfare, interceptor warplanes, point-defense weaponry, defensive warships, transport and hauling Weaknesses heavy bombers, comparatively vulnerable industry, panzers, marines, airborne troops

Likuria's intervention at the end of the Revolutionary Period was one of a series of events that led to war, and granted it the right to be called a protagonist. Likuria has paid substantially for that right, especially during the early phase of the war. As much of its military was overseas to bolster the badly mauled military they had been so instrumental in bringing into existence, Wesitaria did not have very much trouble in the first days bombarding aerial and naval bases, railways, factories, and other high-value targets. This and the losses they incurred from combat with Bengarian forces seriously harmed their capacity to wage war against Wesitaria for over a year despite their system of fortifications. In the waning days of November 2012, Kantarian and Likurian fought shoulder-to-shoulder as both faced existential threats to their homelands, and this potentially lethal sacrifice Likuria undertook for Kantaria established a permanent bond between the two nations. If Kantaria had not progressed so rapidly and presented their own existential threat to Bengaria by crossing the massive Nansing River which was the historical border between the two nations, Likuria probably would either have been been made to capitulate by the end of 2014 or needed Kantaria's intervention to forestall that outcome. Instead, Wesitaria was forced to deploy massive levels of force overseas and give Likuria critical breathing space.

Likuria has several major differences from Kantaria. Firstly, their population is 50% human and 50% furry, which makes them marginally better at defensive warfare and somewhat worse at offensive warfare. Secondly, their original border with Wesitaria is very mountainous, which further incentivized them to adopt a defensive doctrine. Thirdly, they have a healthier industrial and economic sector, and that combined with their need to support Kantaria during and after the Revolution led them to invest heavily in transport aircraft, vehicles, and vessels, and to devote a greater proportion of their output to ordnance and components. Fourthly, while Kantaria has an exclusively volunteer military and has no immediate intentions of introducing compulsory service, Likuria does utilize conscription to resolve manpower shortfalls, though those shortfalls are quite low.

Likuria adopted a very defensive strategy before the start of the war, and that strategy has not changed. The plan was to rely on the forward defensive lines in the mountains on the border, and the system of fortifications and hardened bases throughout the country, to multiply their force effectiveness and hopefully dissuade their rival from invading to begin with. If war with Wesitaria did break out, the hope was that defensive system would thwart invasion and bombardment attempts, and when Kantaria could stand on its own they would explore the option of invading Wesitaria. The first week of the war and the preceding 6 days of combat against Bengarian forces had badly degraded Likuria's defensive and counteroffensive capabilities and their ability to replace losses, and much of the mountainous border lines were eventually overcome. Eventually Wesitaria had to deploy an expeditionary force to Bengaria which fought a series of especially bloody and ferocious battles against the veteran and theretofore triumphant Kantarian field and panzer armies on the Western Front. This allowed the Likurians to start retaking lost territory and consolidate militarily and economically. They have retaken all of the border terrain they lost and restored the lines of fortifications in those zones, but have elected to not push against the entrenched Wesitarians just ahead of them and instead make them attack first. They continue producing a disproportionately high number of defensive items such as interceptor warplanes and rockets, point-defense systems, construction materials, and turrets.

The Likurians do have weaknesses. They are the polar opposite of the Kantarians with regards to maneuver and general offensive warfare, and their numbers of the types of units which are usually best suited to maneuver and offensive warfare reflect this. To use a metaphor, Likuria is the shield and Kantaria the very sharp sword. They and the Kantarians have agreed that Bengaria is the easier foe to defeat and they would be best served by the aforementioned arrangement. They have a very low number of panzers relative to the other three nations since the border is so inhospitable to vehicular warfare of any sort, and the few they do have are often deployed to facilitate Kantarian offensive operations and goals or to act as a mobile reserve on either continent. Marine, paratrooper, and heliborne units are the smallest of all four nations by far, and thus far have existed exclusively to assist on the Eastern Continent or to respond if Wesitaria mounts a major offensive with their own such forces. The Likurians have had to be offensive on numerous occasions to either retake lost border territory or make small and tactically advantageous incursions into Wesitaria, and they have often needed Kantarian assistance to do so because they're not equipped to be offensive and the terrain very much more favors the defender there.


Doctrine- Combat Orientation cross-continental counteroffensive and defensive warfare; offensive strategic warfare; attrition and firepower Doctrine- General numerical superiority in most unit/weapon types; maintain large bomber fleets to attack enemies on a strategic level; focus efforts on Eastern Continent to stop or reverse Kantaria; maintain balance of specialization and versatility; generally hold back until Kantaria is exhausted and exposed; rely on national redoubt defensive strategy in concert with Bengaria; maintain advantage in stealth technology in water and air; maximally fortify Kalobol and use defenses offensively and defensively against enemy forces Strengths missiles and heavy bombers, mountainous warfare, fortifications, artillery, infantry, general adequacy, large industrial sector, stealth technology

Weaknesses very restricted range of front-level maneuvering, low morale, mobile point-defense weapons, interceptor warplanes

Wesitaria will be known in Takomenian military history as the antagonist who committed the last action in a series that caused Takomen to descend into an excruciating and protracted war. If they had remained neutral or even commanded their ally to cease their aggression, the conflict would have been limited to the Eastern Continent and some exertions by Likuria. Ironically, their decision to invade Likuria has exacerbated rather than ameliorated their security problems, as they have been forced to defend their own border and contend with periodic Likurian aggression while they incessantly send materiel and personnel to a front overseas which has continued to recede despite their best efforts. Neither Likuria nor Wesitaria can meaningfully advance against the other on their own continent due to terrain and other factors, and instead repeatedly clash with each other overseas to determine the course of the war. Barring a miracle or catastrophe to the enemy alliance, either the two sides will be forced to negotiate a peace after realizing the futility of further combat, or Bengaria will be forced to capitulate and thus Wesitaria will be compelled to follow suit. Either way, no sane Takomenian would have ever wanted the outcome, and quite possibly Supreme Strategist Taneru regrets her endorsement of war in 2012 on both moral and practical grounds.

Wesitaria has the largest manufacturing capacity of any of the four nations, which grants it a great deal of adaptability and flexibility. They don't have enough to be superior in every single category, but they are markedly weak in fewer than the other nations. If they have an immediately imperiling deficiency, they can more readily bolster that area. They also can field an exceptionally large force of bombers and supply a bombardment campaign possibly for weeks. They even vied for naval supremacy alongside Bengaria with Kantaria and their ally for a time, culminating in a series of great battles at sea with over a thousand vessels in each, briefly succeeding at their goal before losing to the Likurians in a chance encounter. The Wesitarians have generally proven to be very dangerous foes in all terrains and planes of war, and have proven capable of regenerating after catastrophic defeats in astonishingly short periods of time. Their high output and population also give them the ability to win through attrition rather than a series of spectacular and crippling victories.

Wesitaria has always had a very strong preference for offensive aerial supremacy, and have pushed both of their enemies at different times perilously close to collapse with this method. Their superiority in technology which reduces sensor and tracking effectiveness amplifies the threat they pose both in the air and underwater. Since Kantaria has been deemed the greater threat, they have incurred the lion's share of this destructive capability. Assaults on important installations and rail networks are almost routine, and during Kantarian offensives their infrastructure is even more vulnerable because enough defensive weaponry has to be amassed at the battle zones to protect the ground forces from devastation from above. Attacks by submarines armed with heavy torpedoes are commonplace, and on numerous occasions a nuclear torpedo or two has struck their flagship after they deployed insufficient escorts, including once on Revolution Day- within sight of their planned home base just before Roketsune was to tour the place and address the nation from it. Their doctrine of superiority of firepower also leads them to produce many field and fortress howitzers relative to their size, further adding to their potential for lethality when engaged in battle.

Their orientation changed from offensive to counteroffensive when their chief strategist deemed this was the ideal way of fighting the Kantarians in conventional ground battles. The frequency of their offensives and their inability to maintain large supply stockpiles caused them to be particularly vulnerable to large-scale counteroffensives at the conclusion of their offensive while they were most disorganized and logistically overstressed. The effect was greater when the counteroffensive was launched in conjunction with simultaneous front-level offensives elsewhere and/or Kantaria had been attacking on multiple fronts. This theory was tested with highly painful results for the Kantarians in a series of see-saw battles in the summer of 2014, prompting them to be more cautious and reduce their offensive aspirations henceforth. The Wesitarians and Taneru reasoned having a strong system of fortifications on the front which was being attacked would amplify the problems incurred by the Kantarians, and the Kantarians and Roketsune simultaneously deemed they needed systems of fortifications along the front to shelter between offensives. The Western Front was deadlocked for months as the two great powers constructed some of the strongest lines Takomen had ever seen. Wesitaria continues to employ a highly counteroffensive strategy to deal with the blitzkrieg-minded Kantarians, which has not brought about a significant defeat for Kantaria but at the very least greatly retarded their progress. The fortress cannons of the primary naval base of Kalobol and its multiple perimeters and lines have proven murderously and stiflingly effective on them.

In recent months, though, the Wesitarian strategy has taken on a more defensive nature. In 2016 the front lines on the Eastern Continent had moved on all three fronts to artificially and naturally highly defensible territory. The great naval fortress of Kalobol, the lines south of Kalobol, and the lines on a mountainous ridge north of it were on the Western Front. The Central Front had the great Kotorei River and the hilltop fortifications on the northern bank. The Eastern Front had been deadlocked at the southern edge of the colossal Kleintrin Forest for over a year. These features constituted what is termed a 'national redoubt'. None of these could easily be overcome by the opposing alliance- possibly not at all. The hope is to cause such bloodshed and frustration to their enemies that they will agree to a peace treaty rather than pursue the war to its envisioned end. Additionally, if enough time is bought and stealth technology reaches a critical point, the fortunes of war could be reversed in the subsequent raids which their enemy would be ill equipped to resist. Despite being on opposing sides, the renowned strategists Taneru and Roketsune have frequently commiserated on the harm the war is doing to their societies, and at some point the latter would oppose continuing the war to purge the imperialistic and corrupted Bengarian regime. Conversely, if Bengaria were to capitulate, Taneru's order to surrender would not be long in forthcoming.

Due to their doctrines and the allocations needed to produce necessary numbers of bombers and bombs, they are markedly short on interceptor warplanes and point-defense vehicles. The former they tend to use to protect their bomber sorties, the latter are more often used to protect critical areas and forces which are counterattacking. They have personnel shortfalls and like Likuria, they rely on conscription to resolve them. Unfortunately for them, they have to rely on this to a much greater extent because many don't wish to volunteer for a war their government started unjustifiably, and this combined with the cause of war causes their morale to be the lowest of all four nations. Also, because of the joint national redoubt strategy, both they and Bengaria are locked into a very limited range of movement, and most of the forward territory absolutely cannot be yielded to the enemy because it would catastrophically undermine their strategy.


Doctrine- Combat Orientation defensive warfare in advantageous terrain; offensive/counteroffensive warfare at opportune times alongside Wesitaria; attrition warfare; offensive and defensive strategic warfare Doctrine- General numerical superiority; logistical and regenerative superiority; specialization is preferred over versatility; panzers, warships, and warplanes are to be heavily armored and armed; terrain is to be maximally exploited in defense; Strengths summer and trench warfare, interceptor warplanes, heavy bombers, heavy infantry, static and field artillery, fortifications, homeland defense Weaknesses tactical bombers/hybrids, airborne troops, low morale, relatively low officer competence

Bengaria's imperialistic ambitions started a chain of events which would inflict a protracted world war on a planet comparatively inexperienced in martial affairs, a war that has raged on their own territory for over two years now. Undoubtedly, if they had the benefit of prescience they would have elected to never invade and occupy Kantaria in the first place. Instead of having complete mastery of a continent, their best hope now is to bleed their invaders on their own soil enough at the last natural barriers before their industrial heartland to convince them to agree to retreat to their historical borders rather than strive for total capitulation.

In doctrine and inherent capabilities, they tend to be the exact reverse of Kantaria. Overall they are defensive on the ground and offensive in the air. When a platform can serve multiple roles, they tend to prefer a model/class do one thing extremely well and everything else poorly or not at all, rather than multiple things well or adequately. Bengaria can fight and win battles of attrition where they lose more forces than they destroy. Their designs tend to have more armor and firepower at the expense of mobility and versatility. They struggle with leadership quality, and morale is relatively low. They generally can keep their military adequately supplied even if most of it is actively fighting. Bengaria's population is 80% human. Kantaria is the inverse to all of those, which sometimes best serves Bengaria well and sometimes Kantaria.

They share many similarities with their ally due to a common grand strategy and various factors and events. They possess a high strategic AND tactical bombardment capability, making that painfully felt by the Kantarians even while the latter is being victorious. They have a sufficient number of warships to not be immediately driven from the field ordinarily and to do and protect what they need to, but not enough to defeat Kantaria's navy in full-scale confrontations. They have become highly adept at utilizing difficult terrain and at erecting and using fortifications. They are capable of rapid regeneration and resupply. The only substantial dissimilarity is they have a high number of interceptors and thus tend to routinely struggle for general aerial supremacy with their enemies regardless of who is on the offensive.

The Bengarians favor strength over mobility generally, which means their average panzer is more powerful and difficult to destroy, and their infantry tends to be heavily equipped. Their panzer units tend to lose if the Kantarians can snipe at them from outside their range, but they tend to prevail if they locate and fire on their Kantarian counterparts from within their range. Their infantry overall is more lethal to vehicles, fortified positions, and other infantry because of the additional heavy weaponry, but they can be more easily enveloped and their somewhat low morale makes the chance of rapid mass surrenders upon being enveloped higher. Their low zooanthropomorphic population ensures Kantaria's infantry will generally have mobility advantages over them, but that also facilitates warfare during summer and in trenches. The thermological summer advantage ought not be undervalued and dismissed, as well over 100k Kantarians during the great battles during the brutal summer of 2016 collapsed from heat exhaustion just from maneuvering and fighting, and most others suffered at least marginal performance and morale degradation. The Bengarians and Wesitarians usually being situated within trenches and subterranean defenses and counterattacking during midday just exacerbated the problem.

The greatest liability for the Bengarian military in the early days, and primary cause for the front line being where it is now, undoubtedly was the military leadership. The first responses to the Revolution were anemic. The senior echelon in general was borderline incompetent, which in turn caused a host of problems across the spectrum. The majority of the ineptitude that had existed has been resolved over time through a series of reforms, but they continue to struggle with mediocrity and poor organization in their officer ranks. The Bengarians on an individual level continue to be bested by their Kantarian counterparts in most situations. Generally their military is competent at warfare and particularly well suited to fighting defensively, and have in more recent times set the Kantarians back more than they gained with regards to combat losses. The Bengarians only have to consistently inflict enough casualties in relation to those incurred, and to hold the terrain they are on now, to bleed the enemy alliance to death in a theoretical war to the end using that trajectory.