A Tight Fit (4/5)

Story by HelzimGiger on SoFurry

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#4 of A Tight Fit

Waylon, you little shit...

Art by FA: kriwu

Carl and Waylon © FA: Thecosmicwolf33

Miyuki © HelzimGiger

Miyuki stared for a moment. "Oh, no, no I couldn't do that. This feels great, certainly, but really it feels tight in there. I'm not sure I could take in another person."

Waylon poked her side a couple times, earning a frown from her.

"Stop it," she said, not amused.

"What, did that tickle?"

"I will end you."

"Okay, okay! Still...it doesn't feel that tight, I think you could do it!"

She looked over herself, carefully testing her skin. "I don't know..."

"Hey, we're rats, we're flexible! I, and especially Carl, can curl up nice and tight." He went to jokingly slap at Carl, but hesitated, remembering the bear's claws, and opted to just pat instead. "Isn't that right buddy?"

Miyuki pondered a little more. "What do you think, Carl, are you okay with some company?"

Carl gave a curt nod.

"See, I think it's a go!" Waylon dropped down and got into position.

"Hold it, cowboy, I haven't said 'yes' yet, I'm still not sure about this."

His head popped back up into view like a prairie dog. "Aww, c'mon, it'll be fun! I know you can do it!"

"If I say stop, you'll get right out?"

"Of course! I promise."

Miyuki took a breath. "Okay, let's do this, let me just-ah, shit, Waylon!"

The rat didn't hesitate for even a moment, hands already plunged into her wet embrace. His head came up one more time. "Huh, what?"

Miyuki sighed and shook her head. "Please just take it easy, okay? I'm very sensitive right now."

"Sure thing!" Waylon dropped down again and began pushing his arms into her again.

The pandaren couldn't tell if he was just graceless and not as careful as Carl, or if she was just feeling so much tenderer than she was previously. Considering what she knew, it was likely both. She focused on keeping her breathing steady and relaxing as much as she could. Every movement felt so much more intense, though. It wasn't outright painful, but the odd pinch here and there as he nudged into her made her inhale sharply. She heard his feet slapping against the bed ineffectively now that, prone, he couldn't just lean forward.

"Ah...I think I'm stuck!"

"Carl?" she asked, "Would you please help him?" The rat tumbled forward, hands searching until they grabbed onto Waylon's.

"Hey, dude! Gonna lend me a hand?"

The rhythmic motion of laughter from inside her made Miyuki shudder. "Oh, that feels weird." She couldn't help but grin, almost laughing herself.

Carl set himself and pulled, dragging his friend in. With the two working in unison, this was much easier.

Waylon's nose brushed against her vulva. "Will you miss me?" he asked.

Between puffs, she answered, "How could I miss you when you're going to make me into a beached whale?"

"Good point. And he goes for the dive!" Waylon took a deep breath and pushed his face into her pussy.

Miyuki cried out as he hastily crawled inside her, Carl having no choice but to keep Waylon's pace. His energetic burrowing made her loins spark from the tension and her skin tingled as it stretched further than she had ever tested it before. She felt her hips strain from his rough movement, pushing back against her as he moved and clearly showing which of the rodents was more graceful. Waylon began unhelpfully twisting, thinking if he could lift his legs up further for each kick he'd make better progress. Miyuki's muscles clamped around him reflexively and she gasped at the sudden tugging. She started panting heavily, her composure ruined and unable to contain herself as her body was rocked by the intense sensations filling her.

Waylon's arms wrap around Carl hugging up this friend and using him as leverage to help him finish crawling in. No longer kicking as his hips came up to Miyuki's, he simply started climbing Carl to finish it. In the darkness of her womb, Carl tapped on his head sharply.

"What, what is it?" he asked, stopping.

Carl grabbed him by the shoulders and forced him down, crawling atop him. He slid his hands down Waylon's sides to get a feel for positioning and, upon finding his legs, helped him to curl up. Waylon accepted the aid, letting Carl shift him like a mannequin to get him into place. Before long, the far more experienced rat had gotten Waylon's limbs tucked inside her, enveloping them both in the wet, warm, and dark embrace of the pandaren's womb.