The beginning

Story by vexus_fox on SoFurry

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#1 of A.K

this is my first story and maybe the beginning to a series called the A.K let me know if you wish for me to continue the series feel free to give me suggestion on how the story should go



The beginning

It was a normal day in melbourne and the michæl was sitting at his desk as usual sorting out files and highly n.o.y.b.b documents sipping his cup of joe. Mk walked into the room and was looking at some documents too holding them up to the lamp to get a better view because it was rather dark in the room. Michael turned to mk with an inquisitive look „mk you seem like a busy meerkat today". Mk turned around and looked at michæl „why yes i am and i am trying to sort out these classified documents hat john gave me" michael in true fox fashon tilting his head looked at mk "since when did john ever give you documents to read!" mk turned to michæl "you are the quite observatory fox aren't you „ michael lets out a giggle „why yes i am" mk walks out of the room in an ordinary fashion leaving michæl alone to study the documents. Michæl saw some thing that read "you shall recover the secrets in reyðarfjörður" oblivious to what that ment michæl took the documents to mk too get a better understanding of this odd message" michael walked up to mk's room and knocked on the door three times „COME INN!" michael opened the door and walked into his room. The smell of meerkat was overwhelming „mk i found this message in these documents i was wondering if you could tell me more info?" mk studied the message „OH DEAR damn michael i do believe this is a message from one of the A.K soldiers. You need to find out where this reyðarfjöður is. I don't have a clue but it looks rather European. You are from Europe so you would probably have a better idea than me" Michael looks at the door then looks back at Mk "I think john might have an idea about this I will go down to him." Michael walks out of the room and shut the door behind him. Michael goes downstairs to the caféteria to get some lunch before heading to johns room. As Michael approaches he notices a mysterious human sitting at a table. The human just sits there and appears to be just sitting there. Michael just decides to ignore the human as the human is probably not interested in his time. Michael approaches the counter and stands up on the stool on his hind legs "excuse me can I please grab a chicken wrap" the counter vixen gets a chicken wrap off the rack behind her and puts in front of Michael "that would be 2 dollars please" Michael hands over the requested amount and heads to a table in the far back corner that he usually sits at. The mysterious human is no longer there but Michael still can't stop thinking of him. Michael finishes his chicken wrap and goes to john's room. Michael opens the door and sees john dancing to techno music. Michael thinks to himself "typical john" john quickly rushes to turn off the music and looks at Michael "wadda you want" Michael looks at the angry propeller" I want you to find the origin of this name" Michael hands over the paper and points at the foreign name "Reyðarfjörður that's a Icelandic name." Michael lets out a sigh "sounds like a Nordic name" john looks at Michael "you must go there" michael gives john a withering look "now why would I want to go to Iceland" john looks at Michael again "this is a call from an A.K soldier" Michael looks down at the documents" how do you know this?" john puts his finger on his snout "this is the message they send to new recruits.