Faerie Flight

Story by Doombeez on SoFurry

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It was late, and I was annoyed.

Mostly, I was annoyed that I had nothing better to do on a Friday night than an essay, but so it goes. Nothing for it but to plow through it. With that in mind, I took a sip of the large coffee I had made for myself and set myself back to typing.

About ten minutes into it, I heard a tapping sound. I looked 'round.

"Hello?" I asked. "Someone there? Is that you, Steve?"

No response. It definitely wasn't Steve, and I wouldn't have let him in if it was, anyway. I shrugged. Must have been my imagination. I got back to typing, but after another minute, there was another tapping, louder than the first one, and this time I could hear where it was coming from. It was... my window? Considering that I lived on the third floor, this was kind of odd. I looked over to it, and a small, illuminated form was tapping on my window, and I nearly fell out of my chair in surprise.

I rubbed my eyes and looked again. I could see the upper-body of a tiny nude woman banging on my window. She had golden hair, and was held aloft by a pair of iredescant blue-green wings. She stared at me with eyes of the same color, looking extremely irked.

"A pixie?" I said, out loud. "Here?" Indeed, they only occasionaly made cotact with humans, especially since we had agreed to leave their lands alone, but you heard of the odd contact. They tended to be amiable enough, after all.

She pounded again, even harder this time. I wasn't sure if she could break my window, but I really didn't want to take the chance. I slipped it open, and she darted in, a bit less gracefully than I would have anticipated. Once she landed on my desk, I could see why. She was about six inches tall, and her lithe form was dominated by a belly almost as big across. She sat down on my mousepad and began to rub it, wincing.

Not sure what to say, I went with "Oh, um, hi there."

She looked up at me and gave a peevish little wave. "Oi, bigjobs," she said, her voice high and shrill, like a note on a flute. "I couldnae trouble for a snack could I? Anythin' sweet'll do nicely."

I nodded, and went over to my snack stash. After a little rifling, I found some gummi bears. I grabbed a few and went back to my desk, setting them down next to her. She picked one up and bit its head off in one big chomp.

"That's a guid bit sweetie," she said, letting out a contented sigh. "Thanks. Ye seem decent enough, for a bigjob. Any chance ye could do me a favour?"

"I... guess so?" I said, still a little puzzled by the whole experience.

"Ye may've noticed I'm a wee bit on the pudgy side," she said, giving her belly a smack. "I was right on ma way home, when all've a sudden I'm feelin' like I'm gonna split in 'alf. The bairn wants out and she isnae gonna wait much longer! So I do hope ye won't mind if I drop me load here and mebbe gimmie a thing or two?"

I blinked, taking a moment to decipher what she said. "You're... going to have a baby?" I gasped.

"That's wha I jus' said, ye great daftie!" she yipped. "I really need ta- nrgh!"

She curled up around her belly as a pool of fluids began to spread where she was sitting. It sparkled in the dim light of my desk lamp.

"It's comin'!" she squeaked. "Go gimmie somethin' soft to lay on, some clean water 'n somethin' slick! Get on with it!"

I jumped out of my chair and went out for to my kitchenette. I returned as quickly as I could with a clean washcloth, a little bowl of water, and a tiny bottle of olive oil. I set the bowl and the bottle down laid the washcloth out onto my desk, and the pixie, with some effort, scooted over to it, before laying back and spreading her legs, revealing her womanhood to me. It was puffy and swollen open, and I couldn't help but notice that the carpet matched the drapes.

"It's comin'!" she repeated, louder than before. Her body was visibly tensing up. "Put a wee drop'o slick on me bits!"

I nodded and picked up the bottle, holding it in my hands for a moment to warm it up. I uncapped it and shook a few drops out onto her nethers.

"Thanks," she groaned. "I kin... take it from here... ngh!"

She put her hands around her knees as her body tensed again, and groaned as she bulged out. I could see something small and glowy working its way out of her. She took a few deep breaths and pushed again, working the tiny head out further.

"Gods almighty," she said, panting. "That din't tickle."

I could see sweat running down her face as she pushed and pushed. Despite saying that she didn't need any help, I felt compelled to do what I could. As gently as I could manage, I stroked her belly with a finger. That seemed to relax her a bit. She took a deep breath and pushed hard again, and I could see that the head was fully out.

"Almos'... got it!" she said. "Do me a favor... on the count'a three... press down a wee bit! Got it?"

I nodded. "Righ' then. One... two..."

She let out a howl, and I applied a tiny bit of pressure with my finger. There was a pop sound, and shortly after, a tiny wailing filled the air. Between her legs was a tiny glowing baby. She wasted no time in picking it up and clutching it to her chest. Moving carefully, as it was still attached to her by a fleshy cord, she walked over to the bowl of water and began to wash her child off. Shortly after, she squatted slightly and with a grunt, pushed out the afterbirth. I was about to ask if she wanted some scissors, but before I had the chance, she leaned down and bit the cord neatly in two. As she did, it simply disintigrated into a puff of glitter.

She looked up at me, holding her child close as it latched onto her breath.

"She's a bonny wee thing," she said, beaming with pride. "Thanks loads. You're no sae bad for a bigjob."

"Happy to help," I said, giving her a smile.

She winked at me, and without another word, took wing and fluttered out the still-open window, vanishing into the night.

With a sigh, I cleaned up the area, though a strange aroma lingered, not unlike powdered sugar. That done, I got back to my essay on human-pixie relations, and with a lighter heart, finished it up.

I later got full marks on it. All things considered, there were worse ways I could have spent a friday night.