
Story by Koji Haeos on SoFurry

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#36 of Love and Pain

The battle to save Athena heats up when Athena is rescued by an unexpected face.

Fang jumped back avoiding Ace's swipe seeing his red eyes. He growled softly his ears folding back, backing up towards the wall of the cave before jumping to the side avoiding another strike only to get kicked hard in the face. He hit the far side of the wall hard. Ace was not going to let up. Fang looked up seeing a ledge and jumped high narrowly avoiding getting ran through by the angry tiger wolf. He landed on the ledge looking down as Ace stared back the savage gene was getting worse.

"Heh, so he has the savage gene too....No wonder he hit me so hard." Fang thought to himself wiping the blood from the side of his muzzle.

He blasted Ace with a wave of blue fire using it as a diversion to escape through an air vent making his way outside. Ace dashes out the entrance hot on Fangs trail there was no way he was going to let him escape.

Taya and Asami stared down Hiro. Hiro narrows his eyes his face blank of all emotion. He shifted his foot hitting a hidden switch. The wall behind him began to open a coffin soon fell out.

"Taya be careful.... Hiro is stronger than he looks." Asami said quietly

Taya nodded reading herself. The coffin began to open a white mist flowing from it as the corpse inside began to step out.

"Allow me to introduce our opening act far from the city of Canis, A face you may be all too familiar with" Hiro said.

Asami and Taya stood the one inside the coffin was the former warlord of the stars Tayuya's mother Tetsuya. Tetsuya looks around taking in her surroundings she was wearing the F.A.S uniform she was buried in. She looked like a taller older version of Taya It was clear Hiroshi left her mind intact.


Her mother's grave was in a protected site under armed guard at all times. But after Kira destroyed the fur home world the planet inhospitable due to the ion radiation, however even before Kira destroyed the home world the exact location of Tetsuya's grave a closely guarded secret. Very few knew it and those who severed under her and Mugen, and were sworn to secrecy. However Hiroshi was able to learn it meaning there was a traitor in their midst.

"Old proverb, Pay a man enough and he'll walk barefoot into hell" Hiro said calmly.

Tetsuya looked upon her daughter her eyes cold and void of all emotion. Hiroshi reached into the coffin pulling out the weapon she was buried with. He tossed what looked like a staff over which she caught without even looking behind her. The weapon was long with two blades one pointing straight and the other to the side, a Kama- Yari. Tetsuya twirled it with grace and skill never once did her cold gaze leave Taya. It has been over 20 years since Taya saw her mother and she was still just as skilled as she remembered the poodle began to tremble a bit, never in her wildest dreams or nightmares did she ever think she would have to face her own mother one of the people she had sworn to avenge she was even less prepared for what came next.

"You've grown Taya..." Tetsuya said in a calmly her eyes finally showing a hint of emotion.

Taya hand shook more as she held her gun. Her grip began to loosen her eyes wide with shock tears welling up. She was not expecting her mother to recognize her so quickly.

"You...know who I am?" She asked

Tetsuya closed her eyes for a moment before looking back again.

"You were only a pup....but a mother never forgets" Tetusya replied.

Tetsuya charged forward with a thrusting her weapon forward Taya was barely able to avoid it. She raised her gun taking aim finger on the trigger her gaze meeting her mother's. Her eyes went wide and she hesitated. She couldn't bring herself to shoot her own mother. Seizing the opportunity Tetsuya slash cutting into Taya's side deeply sending her into the ground. Taya screamed in pain holding her side as she bled. Her armor was the only reason she wasn't dead. Asami goes to her side helping her up. Taya stared at her mother Tetsuya stared back at her daughter no sign of remorse or regret in her eyes if anything she was disappointed. Taya had lost her will to fight. Asami pressed a glowing pay to her injuries healing them slowly.

"Such a dramatic performance, the great Tayuya reduced to a wimping puppy in a matter of moments..." Hiro said as he watched.

"I can handle this Asami...She is my mother." Taya said standing up slowly.

Tetsuya didn't give her a chance to fully recover charging again. Taya jumped back barely avoiding a slash to the throat Asami rush standing between them. She flicked her wrist a hidden katana slips into her paw. She swings deflecting Tetsuya strike before taking a stance. The poodle towered over the diminutive fennec. She jumped back and faced Asami.

"It's because she's your mother is why I am stepping shouldn't have be the one to strike her down." Asami said calmly.

Tetsuya twirled her staff getting ready. Asami leapt at Tetsuya slashing as she did. Tetsuya m blocked the swipe and swing at the fennec. Asami avoided it jumping at her again slashing and she jump making use of her natural acrobatics to attack at all angles but Tetsuya met her strikes in kind sparks flew as their blade clashed. Asami duck barely avoiding a strike before swiping at Tetsuya's feet however Tetsuya jumped up avoiding it. It was like a dance the two were evenly matched whoever made the first mistake would be the one to lose. Tetsuya swiped to the left then spinning around striking right stepping back as Asami continued her onslaught however her weapon had better reach and gave her superior defense though Asami as using her size against her.

The fight dragon on for hours both were covered in cuts and bruises. All the while Taya watched. She was living her worse nightmare her mother was back only to kill her now she was her enemy and wouldn't think twice about striking her even though it wasn't her fault. Hiroshi had turned a once proud warrior into a mere puppet for his amusement. She had to fight she knew she had to fight. She took a deep breather and prepped herself mentally as best as she could. Unfortunately Asami was starting to tire and Tetsuya being marionette was showing signs of fatigue and begin she spun her weapon again striking loose rocks on the ground launching them at Asami who deflected most but one of them hit their mark striking the fennec in the head. Asami stumbled before Tetsuya drove the pole end of her staff into her stomach knocking the wind out of her. Asami grunted and skidded back but didn't have time to recover Tetsuya lunges at her aiming for her heart. A loud clan rang out through the cave. Tayuya had intercepted the strike and pushed Tetsuya back. She slowly stepped forward and takes a stance. Tetsuya narrowed her eyes and took a stance of her own.

"Asami....I appreciate what you're trying to do but I need to face her myself." Tayuya said.

Taya charged in drawing the sword which she kept strapped to her back she clashed with her mother there was no hesitation this time. She slashes at her mother who twirls gracefully avoiding the strokes. She spun to the left swing and spun around to the right doing the same with grace and steed keeping Taya in her toes. Taya used every bit of skill in her possession she knew if she got caught off guard again it would be a fatal mistake. The two jumped back before charging again Tetsuya spinning her weapon she moves in time with Taya's attacks weaving in close delivering a powerful kick to Taya's face. Taya stumbled back with a grunt before slicing at Tetsuya's head by Tetsuya maneuvered around it. Taya slashes and swiped at the older poodle but she just couldn't land a single hit. When she was little it was said that her mother was called the ballerina of death and as the fight progressed she believed it. While Tetsuya's movements looked more like that of someone in the ballet only a fool would take them lightly for she had slain many an opponent this this very same style unique only to herself. Tetsuya invented this fighting style and taught it to no one. Taya swung to the left than to the right and then to the right by her mother followed her motion with a graceful twirl in kind making it nearly impossible for Taya to land a strike but it left her wide open to Testuya's attacks Despite Taya's skill Tetsuya had managed to best her. She rushed her swinging her weapon aiming for Taya's mid-section. Taya eyes widened but just before Tetsuya could strike the finishing blow she stopped and pulled her weapon away Taya saw the opening and went for it thrusting her sword forward running Tetsuya through the chest pining her to the wall surprising Hiroshi. Taya felt her mouther paw on her cheek as Tetsuya gazed at her smiling warmly. Tear began to well up in Taya's eyes.

"Well done Taya..."She said calmly.

"It's not fair....why did you have to die....why did it have to come to this? Taya asked.

Tetsuya took her hand her grip was weak and getting weaker by the second as she began to fade.

"Tayuya.... While this may not have been the fate we had originally envisioned.....I want you to have made me happiest mother in the world.... Your father and I are so proud of you.....and we always will be. I am call you my daughter."Tetsuya said closing her eyes as her hand went completely limp. She has passed on.

Tear flowed freely from Taya's eyes. She wiped her tears slowly pulling her sword freely. Mugan had always told that her mother would be proud of her. But hearing it from her mother's mouth was the best feeling she couldn't begin to describe how much it meant to her. Her face went from sad to serious as she turned to face Hiro. Hiroshi stood up holding out both of his paws before firing a stream of white fire from both. Taya and Asami duck behind a wall. The fire was so hot it was melting everything it touched even the wall itself.

"Can you keep going?" She asked

"Heh these old bones still have some fight left in them. I have a plan. You need to set off as many of those explosives as you can...not even Hiroshi will be able to survive." Asami said

"It's been a long time since I've had to perform on stage myself." Hira said as with a smirk.

Asami dashed out countering Hiroshi's fox fire with her own as Taya pulled out an Ion grenade. She jumped out throwing the device Asami jumped back as the device exploded knocking Hiro back. The kitsune growls in agitation. Unlike his grandmother Asami, he was only one quarter fennec while Asami was half fennec and it was no secret he resented his fennec heritage. He extended his claws and lunged at Asami who barely avoided the swipe his claws had a green tint to them.

"I don't think you have met my poison claws." He said calmly before lunging again.

Asami was easily able to hold him off for a time but she was still tired. Fang took a stance and punch her hard in the jaw only for her j to jump up kicking him in the face.

"You've gotten weak in your old age grandmother!" Hiro growled.

Taya knew Hiro wouldn't go down easy. She took every explosive she has and armed them at once. Hiro spotted her and blasted Asami hard knocking her into a wall before and lunged at Taya. She tried to move but it was too late Hiroshi slashes down cutting deep into her shoulder with his poisonous claws. Taya cried out in again as it burned her skin. Asami rushes up from behind sword drawn and slashed at his head. Hiroshi yanked his claws free and jumped back. Taya panted as she armed the last explosive. She stood up putting them on her belt before lunging forward. She throws the belt Hiroshi catches the belt before they explosives go off knocking Taya and Asami back blowing the roof of the base off shaking the entire area.

Deep in a prison cell below Athena lay on the floor. She was thin she was weak but her spirit wasn't broken. She sat up weakly and looked at the electronic lock on her cell. She looks Chase's medallion one the ground next to her and put it on. She was not going to give up. She knew Chase wouldn't want her to quit. She stood up weakly and looked at the door. She opens her maw wide before biting down hard on her wrist tasting blood. She twirls a glowing finger and her blood formed a long spike. She took careful aim and threw the spike at the lock watching it seep in before making a fist. The blood then froze into multiple spikes shorting out the lock. It sparked wildly and the cell door opened. Athena ran out as fast as she could, not caring that she was still nude. Her whole body ached as pain shot through her with each step. She rounded the corner and spotted the dragoness wearing the cloak the very same skull hunter that was with Shinryu. The dragoness shot a small blast of dark energy causing Athena stumbled back a bit before she took off running in the opposite direction the dragon walking calmly behind her. Athena was in no shape to fight she had to escape at all costs. She ran through a long tunnel as fast as her legs could carry her till she finally saw light but when she made her way outside she found she was standing on the edge of a large cliff. She heard footsteps of the skull hunter behind her and turned to face her. She would not be captured again she would die first. She growls and readies herself. The cloaked dragoness walks out slowly looking at Athena whom couldn't see her face.

"It would seem that Fang and Hiroshi have underestimated you. I can't say I am surprised" She said calmly.

"You won't lock me up in there again I'll die before you experiment on me again!" Athena growled.

"That's not your decision to make I am afraid, However if I let you live you will just cause us further trouble there for you will be eliminated." She responded.

Athena stepped back towards the ledge and stopped looking behind her. She couldn't survive a fall from that height; she looked back at the hooded dragoness. The dragon held out a paw before blasting Athena with a single energy blast knocking Athena over the edge. The dragon looked over and didn't see Athena. Satisfied she was dead she spread her wings and flew off. Athena held onto the side of the cliff her claws dug deep into her rock. She tried to pull herself up but she was too weak to climb and she was beginning to slip. She could see her life flashing before her eyes. Try as she might there was no way for her to get up this cliff on her own. The rock she clung to begins to break.

"This may be it. Sorry Chase....I tried" Sha said quietly to herself.

The rock cracked more before breaking off fully Athena closed her eye waiting to fall until she felt someone grab her wrist. She opened her eyes and looked up to see who grabbed her. An expression of purse shock appears on her face as tears began to flow freely down her cheeks. She knew this face there was no mistaking.

"It'" She said quietly.

Chase smiled at her.

"Long times no see....Athena." he said calmly.

To be continued.