Caged Balloons - chapter 3

Story by Helix327 on SoFurry

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#4 of Caged Balloons

Are yall enjoying this so far? If yah are please feel free and tell me in the comments and if yoy want a quick reply from me im also on the furry amino here:

P.O.V. Helix

[???] Yes, we are certain he will be okay. Do you want him to go to any kind of treatment facility for depression?

<God why did I do that? Beside the severe head ache, I seem pretty fine. Where am I?>

I open my eyes to a very lit hospital room. I can see a nurse standing outside my small room talking on the phone.

[Nurse] Ma'am, your son is suffering from some serious depression. He could've died! Don't tell me he faking.

The nurse started to walk the other way. Good. I can see the exit not to far from my room.

<I cant go out with no clothes though.>

I look around and find a bag with my clothes under my bed. I casually slip my clothes on and make my way out.

[Nurse] Sir, please stop!

The nurse doesn't have to finish her sentence for me to sprint for the door. There isn't many staff today so not much resistance to my escape.

<I just have to make it out. I'm not going back that easy>

I sprint through the double doors and out into the chilly, winter air. I barely take time looking around before making a break to the left. I see some trees that I could lose them in.

[Nurse] We need someone to deal with a runaway.

<Oh great. I'm gonna have the whole state looking for me. Again.>

I break through the trees before realizing that I'm on a hill. I start to fall all the way down. I reach the bottom with only a few bruises and start to run again. If I make it to Sel's house I can.....

I start to slow down

[Me] I'm sorry Sel....

I only managed a whisper before tears came to my eyes. Would he ever forgive me? I kept going at a slow pace. I didn't remember were I was anymore. Some random neighborhood. My thoughts were broken by distant sirens.

I started my run again. I found another row of trees and decided to slowly walk through them. On the other side all I could see was farm land ahead of me. There was a dirt road that stretched to the right of me and cornered on the left of me. I could no longer hear sirens and decided to push on.

<What a relie->


I felt a sharp pain as everything had, once again, faded to black.