Chapter 15 - Turning The Tide

Story by Diamond Celestalis on SoFurry

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#15 of Valkyrie - Pegasus - Book 2 - The Hand of Gods

Location: Valkyrie â€" Bridge

"Bring all batteries to defensive positions!" shouted Colin as the ship shook violently. The consoles began to explode all round the bridge.

The Valkyrie was in trouble, the interdemensional disruptor has been disabled in the Asgard opening barrage. Colin knew that without it, they would just do minor damage to Asgard ships. He needed that weapon back online.

"Patch!" he shouted over the communications system to engineering. "We need the weapon back n..."

Another voice came over the intercom to interrupt him. It was Hy, he shouted back down the crackling interface.

"Captain, Patch is dead... we are working as hard as we can..."

Colin said a few seconds of silent prayer for Patch and then moved on. He had too, or they would be dead soon.

There was a massive explosion that rocked the ship as a Asgard vessel pummelled the shields with white energy beams. They eventually broke through the shields, causing a massive section of hull to be ripped out the side of the Valkyrie.

"We just lost shields...!" shouted Djynn who was speaking feverishly to co-ordinate damage control efforts.

"Get us out of here!" shouted Colin at Anna who was having a hard enough time already.

"I... can't!" shouted Anna. "The entire engine system is fried... we can't even move!"

Another voice came over the intercom to add to their problems. This time from Miles.

"Hey Colin, we got Aesir on the ship... they just teleported in. We got them contained for now but dunno how long we can hold them."

The ship rocked violently as the Asgard continued to pound the vessel mercilessly. The Valkyrie was taking more and more hull damage. Blazing occurred within the ship but was snuffed out when it reached the vacuum of space. Another glancing torpedo from an Asgard ship ripped through the hull of the Valkyrie as it was skimming across a pond, tearing off a massive piece of hull.

"We got power failures all over the ship!" shouted Djynn, the lights beginning to flicker on and off. "Our hull is severely compromised!"

Colin felt there was nothing left to do but to pray. He had always preferred to die fighting and standing in defiance against the Asgard but his ship was defenceless and so was he.

The bridge door opened and the mindless cloaked demons called the Aesir spewed onto the bridge in numbers. Colin grabbed his handgun and shot one straight in the face.

The Aesir were horrific, wraith like creatures that served as the main army for the Asgard. They wore long black cloaks and seemed to hover rather the having feet. There faces were covered with metal masks which were completely devoid of facial features, not even eye holes. However they were deadly and preferred to use classic bladed swords to dispatch their pray. They never spoke, nor made any sort of noise... true heartlessness.

Colin narrowly dodged the crushing sword of another Aesir which was so close it shaved through Colin's arm fur. Colin quickly disarmed the Aesir of his long sword which was elegant yet unforgiving. He slammed the sword into the Aesir's chest, making it let out a high screech and then almost dissolving into nothing.

The rest of the bridge crew fought valiant as well but many were not prepared for melee combat and were stain with ease. There was a medley of gunfire and clashing metal sounds from across the room.

Djynn kicked one of the Aesir back, grabbing its sword and using his tail to latch around its neck as he beheaded it.

"We can't keep fighting these forever!" shouted Colin, who crouched behind a console, his sword clashing with another Aesir. "We need to get the ship away..."

Suddenly the bridge was embraced in white light, almost as pure as snow. The Aesir suddenly dropped their swords and began to whine and screech as they dissolved into little blue orbs.

"Colin!?..." shouted Miles over the comm-link. "What's going on!?... they just disappeared after a screaming fit!"

"Dunno..." said Colin, looking round the bridge at the number of slain crew who had died in defence of this vessel. "Check the ship out..." He then turned to Djynn and smiled. "You fight well... for a kid... I want sensors now..."

"Sure" said Djynn as he got up, his tail in a little pain from the grappling tactic he had used on one of the Aesir. He read the displays and then looked up at Colin in complete surprise.

"Both Asgard vessels have been destroyed..."

"What!?" shouted Colin in complete amazement. How was this possible?

"I am not detecting any other vessels in the area" shouted Djynn back as he struggled to put out a fire by his feet as he sat down. "It does...n't make any... sense" he grunted, stamping out the fire.

"Well I think I can explain?" said Ultraviolet. Everyone turned round in surprise to see Ultraviolet's head poking through the bulkhead. Colin scowled and rolled his eyes. "Maybe I should have had them reinforce the walls"

Ultraviolet giggled and forced her body through the wall onto the bridge as if it was just thin air. She looked over at Colin and smiled. "Surprised?"

"You could say that" smirked Miles. From the conversation he had heard earlier with Ultraviolet he could tell she was not a danger to this ship. However he companion was.

"Who are you!?" blurted out Djynn as he stared at Ultraviolet's perfect figure with amazement. He had never seen anyone use powers like that before and it scared him a little.

"Ultraviolet, nature spirit..."

Djynn just fell back and fainted from the shock.

"Anyway..." chanted Ultraviolet, ignoring several crew members trying to bring Djynn out of his cold slumber. She could tell that deep down the husky longed for her, she could feel a certain amount of restrained lust from him. However he denied himself the pleasure of showing her that and remained staring at her with an iron face.

That was Ultraviolet's greatest strength, she could bring that hidden desire out in men and mould it into an shape she desired.

A true goddess...

"Go on..." nodded Colin as groomed back the fur on the top of his head that had fallen out of place during the battle.

"Well.. I can't actually tell you... but I sense something... something I've never sensed before..."

"Yeah! My dick up your ass!" shouted Miles who entered the room with Eclypse who was unconscious and huddle over Miles as he carried him in. Djynn, who had sat up and was drinking a glass of water almost spurted it out.

"What sense is your own death Ultraviolet..." shouted Odin as she appeared from a doorway of light onto the bridge. "What is nature in space?"

"What the hell!?" shouted Miles as he immediately dropped Eclypse to the floor and drawing his gun. He only had his side arm at the moment however he drew it quickly as did Colin.

"Your mortals and your guns..." said Odin callously. She immediately brought her hands together almost into a clap causing a huge ripple to go through the bridge blowing out console after console in the wall. Djynn and Anna jumped for cover and narrowly missed the explosions but some of the other crew members were caught in the explosions.

Colin and Miles opened fire on Odin however their bullets passed through her as if she was thin air.

"We knew you would betray us..." said Odin as she walked towards Ultraviolet. Miles ran in to try and stop her but was just casually thrown aside as if by an invisible wind.

"I was not gonna allow you to kill anymore... You lied to me...!" Ultraviolet shouted at Odin. She flung out her arms and produced a large vine that spun up and attempted to grapple Odin.

Odin smirked as the vine surrounded her before breathing out a pulse of light that disintegrated the vine easily.

"Ugh!" exclaimed Ultraviolet as felt like her hand had been seared with the vine that she produced. "Bitch!"

"In space... you have no power" said Odin calmly as Miles climbed to his feet, slightly dazed from being thrown across the room. He rubbed his head thoroughly and shook his tail.

"No... but I do!" shouted Eclypse as Odin turned around to see Eclypse casting some sort of unusual seal that floated in front him as he chanted in some long forgotten manner.

"Speak of a song that comes from empty sky

Harken to thee and call forth thy day of judgement

Blazing shackles!"

"What!?" shouted Odin, who halted her advance and continued to glare at Eclypse. "How can a mere mortal construct know the ancient binds of old?"

"I guess you programmed me a little too well!" shouted Eclypse. The seal shot out from in front of Eclypse and formed around Odin, causing chains to latch onto her feet and her arms and hold her in place.

"W-wh-what!?" shouted out Odin as she was bound to the chains, struggling against the seal that pulsated in the middle of room.

"Time for answers" smirked Colin. .