Werewolf Origins

Story by CodyBlazehound on SoFurry

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So I was on a car ride and dead tired, but i also felt inspired to do something. I pulled up what i was currently working on but that didn't want to be written at the time. So as I looked out the car window i keep thinking thee words "It's dark outside" and somehow, I have no idea, this sprouted from my mind and was completed within an hour. I hope you enjoy =3

It was dark outside. It's so hard to recall how the hell I got here. All I remember was me and my fiancé, Carol, we were dining a little family tradition. It's basically a pre-honeymoon where the couple spends a couple night in the woods together. We were about to head home when I got knocked out cold. When I wake up I'm inside a log cabin and... Carol is on the floor, shredded and mauled, face down in a pool of her own blood.

Who the hell could have done this? I will find them and kill them if I have to, but first off I have to find out where the hell I am. So I carefully move around her body, tears in my eyes, and look around that cabin. My eyes land on an ace and I pick it up, it seemed light for some reason but I brushed it off.

I kept walking along the house for a few minutes and concluded that there was nothing else that would be helpful. But there has been something that's been bugging me this whole time, there was a weird taste in my mouth, slightly metallic. I know I have tasted this before but can't put my finger on it. Then it hits me like a brick straight to the head. Blood. What in tasting is blood. I feel all around my muzzle and it's caked in dry blood. Wait... Muzzle?!? Since when do I have a muzzle?!

I run through the cabin and into the bathroom. In the mirror there is a creature staring back at me. But it's not me in the slightest. He's covered in pure black fur and bright red eyes. Red eyes that match the blood on his teeth and claws. And this creature is wearing the same horrified expression that I am. I look around at my body and see that I am in fact, that horrifying creature. My fist smashes through the mirror and I sprint outside on all fours, trying to get as far away from that cabin as fast as possible.

I don't know how long I ah been running but I come to a stop in a clearing of tees. That's when he appears. Right on the edge of my field of vision there is a dark figure, can't see the face or see much of him but there is no doubt that he's there.

"Don't be afraid my child" this deep voice came from it but I swear the voice was in my head.

"Who the hell are you?" Is what I tried to say but all that came out was a low growl.

"I am no one in particular" he understood me, but how? "But just know this," he started moving closer to me but I still couldn't tell heat he looked like, it was as if he is night himself. "Without me, you would have been a nobody. Someone without a purpose in the world. I'm what gave you a purpose everyone will know who you are, not a single man woman or child will forget you." He is right in front of me and reaches out for my paw "now come with me, my child of darkness and i will show you what I mean"

I took his hand and my eyes light up devilishly and a wicked grin spread across my muzzle. For at that instant I knew what I was and what I am meant to do. I am the fist werewolf, and I spread fear across the land.