Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 91

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#91 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Original art used in image made by http://1-084.deviantart.com/ http://tails19950.deviantart.com/

Chapter 91 - A Plan Of Escape

Back in the present reality, Captain Smith was still standing at the tip of the bow, with little time having passed, waiting for a response from the wary Yamask behind him, each as afraid as the other of trying to help the Guardian only to possibly make matters worse for the living on board. "...Well? What say you lot? I'll not force any decisions." Smith said, turning back to them as they chattered quietly among one another. "I only ask this of you because they're blood to us, but no matter the choice you won't see any judgement from me." Smith assured, the Yamask looking at the Guardian with worried expressions. However, after a moment several of them began facing Smith, blinking at him curiously and nudging one another, pointing at the Captain causing him to blink at the Yamask confused. "What seems to be the problem?" he asked, looking around. "Something you see I can't?" he asked, looking back at them only to see even more looking at him with curious expressions, some inching close to him causing Smith to back away warily. "A-Alright then, you're concerning me a tad." he said with his hands up, trying to coax them into backing out of his personal space only for several to hover above his head. "Wh-What is it?" he asked, looking up. Facing down at Smith, one of the Yamask tapped his forehead where his mask was, chattering in response causing Smith to blink confused before reaching up and removing his mask, holding it in front of himself and noticing it had started glowing faintly. "Huh, so that's what has all of you acting so queer." he muttered, looking his mask over. "Could be related to the lad. Maybe something's wrong?" he thought, holding his mask up and giving it a slight shake, jolting when he heard a strange noise and looking around. "Huh, you lot hear something?" he asked, lowering his mask and looking at the others, the Yamask blinking at one another and shrugging, shaking their heads in response. "Must be this old mind playing tricks then." he said, looking down at his mask once more.

"I suppose it's nothing then..." he thought, about to raise it back up to his forehead only to jolt a second time when it let out a slight flash, its glow gradually growing brighter causing him to hold it back out wide eyed. "What's with this daft thing?" he asked, suddenly hearing another noise and looking around, this time some of the Yamask picking up on the sound and looking around as well. "You heard it that time?" he asked, getting a nod in response as several inched closer to the mask, looking it over for themselves and poking at it curiously. "Maybe it's coming from..." Smith muttered, holding it up to where his ear would be and listening carefully, making out the sound of a faint shout coming from the object. "Ah hah!! That's the source!" he point out, holding the mask before the Yamask and pointing it out. "Sounds like the lads voice. Seems he's a bit shaken up for some reason." he said, several Yamask leaning an ear against the object while others listened intently around Smith. Gradually, the sound grew louder as the glow grew brighter, to the point they could easily make out the sound of Chris shouting from within the mask even from a distance. "What am I supposed to do here exactly? Is he stuck or something?" Smith asked, giving his mask another shake and tapping his knuckles against it, several Yamask taking it and trying to figure out how to get him out themselves, only to return it to Smith and scratch their heads, looking at one another with bewildered shrugs. Giving it another shake, Smith grumbled and looked the mask over once more. "Hey lad!! What's the problem?!" Smith shout into his mask, thinking maybe Chris could hear him. Getting only more shouting in response, Smith twitched an eye in irritation, the noise striking his nerves as it continued growing louder, the mask glowing bright enough for even those on the Guardian to notice and point out the object on the bow, many gathering along the railing for a look themselves.

"Huh, I wonder what's going on?" Alicia asked, slithering over and raising her head high over the crowd, jolting from realizing her new height once again. "My word, this really is lovely!" she grinned, looking down at her long form. "Much better than having to concern myself with being stepped on... Now I can do the stepping." she chuckled, only to clear her throat when realizing she no longer had feet with a bit of embarrassed sweat on her face. "Th-That aside, lets see." she muttered, looking towards the Arceanic and squinting her eyes at the glowing ball of light. "Waddaya looking at?" Rose asked, walking up behind the snake. "Something's giving off an odd bit of light over on that ship." Alicia replied, the rabbit tilting her head curiously before climbing up along Alicia's figure. "E-Excuse me?!!" she shout as Rose climbed up her neck, letting out an urk as Rose had a look for herself. "V-Very rude!!" she added, Rose jolting and laughing nervously. "S-Sorry, just wanted to see. You're taller than me." she replied, Alicia raising an eyebrow before letting out a growl and sighing with a nod. "Oh, very well. You can't help being so tiny I suppose. Just don't make it a habit." she told the rabbit before smirking smugly, enjoying being the largest of the group. "Huh, wonder what's going on now?" Sally asked, remaining by Serenity's side. "Not know, they looking at something. Can see tiny light, I think?" Serenity replied, glancing towards the ship. "Yes... It's a light alright. Reminds me a tad of the same light we saw when our young friend vanished on us." Victoria point out as Rose and Alicia returned. "Yeah... It does kinda look like that, doesn't it?" Rose agreed. "I suppose, but the light we saw then was far more extraordinary." Alicia reminded, everyone looking at one another and nodding. "Perhaps something else is going on?" Victoria asked, everyone looking at one another and shrugging.

Back on the Arceanic, the Captain and Yamask were still at a loss of what to do about the noisy object in Smiths hands, trying to come up with ideas only for little to come to mind. Passing around the mask once again, it let off a blinding flash in one of the Yamask's hands, causing it to shout and throw up it while the others quickly ran off in a panic, Smith jolting and quickly catching his mask before it sank to the deck with a sigh and growling at the Yamask who tossed it away, causing it to laugh at Smith nervously and back away before running off as well. "Blast it all, what now?" Smith asked, squinting his eyes at the mask due to its still increasing brightness. Suddenly, it flashed again causing Smith to shout and cover his eyes, holding the mask away from himself as it began trembling in his grasp. "Wh-What now?!" he shout, having to grab the mask with his other hands to keep a grip on it as the object continued trembling and jerking about, eventually pulling Smith over the deck before sending him slamming down, trying to maintain his grasp as it dragged him along the ship leaving a cloud of dirt and debris behind him. Seeing the mask dragging and flopping the Captain around, the younger Yamask began snickering and laughing, gradually coming out of hiding to watch the object get the better of Smith as he shout and was yanked all over the bow. "Stop!! Cease!! Desist!! ENOUGH!!" he shout as he was yanked this way and that by the object, dragging along the remains of the deck repeatedly before it suddenly rocket up over the ship, abruptly stopping causing Smith to lose his grip and shoot like a bullet upwards until his chain stopped him just as abruptly, appearing with a flash causing him to let out an "URK!!" and jerk back. "What in blazes is wrong with that ma...?!" he said, pausing when he saw the current shooting through the chain from the ship below. "N-No no!! No no no!! I'm not trying to esc-Yeaaagh!!!" he shout, the energy sending a painful zap through his body causing him to light up, the young Yamask below continuing to laugh as older groups came out to lecture them, the current ceasing its punishment as Smith lowered down back to his mask with a sooty look all over him, letting out a cough and a groan. "Not... Trying to escape." he grumbled, shaking off the ashy coat causing it to waft around him like ink in the water before facing his mask. "Sure, NOW you behave." he growled, reaching out and grabbing it.

"Alright you, time to go back where you belong." he thought. About to put his mask back on his forehead, he paused when it flashed once more. "Oh no, not again..." he groaned, slowly lowering it in front of him as it began trembling in his hand. "C-Come now! Behave! Be a good mask blast you!!" he shout as it became more violent. Suddenly, it started spinning in place, twirling faster and faster as Smith kept his grasp, flinging rapidly in a circle. "S-Stop!! Stop!! Stooooop!!!" he shout, spinning at a blinding pace as the young Yamask cracked up laughing once more, pointing out the Captain as he spun like a top above everyone and shout. As the mask continued spinning, it began flashing again and again, its glow growing ever brighter causing those aboard the Guardian to point out the spectacle once again, chatting among themselves while the girls looked at everyone curiously. "Looks like I was wrong, seems it's the same thing as before after all." Alicia said, raising her head over the crowd once more. "So that means he's coming back?" Rose asked. "My, that wasn't very long at all." Victoria added. Looking at them silently, Serenity glanced towards the Arceanic and suddenly jolt, her eyes widening as a smile spread across her face. "Can sense Chris!! Sense him!! He back, he back!!" she shout excitedly, Alicia and Rose grinned at one another before jolting when Lucario shout at Serenity, her distracted state causing the barrier to flicker making it harder for Lucario and the chain of Pokemon behind him to focus their energy while the crowd of people took notice and started shouting nervously, Serenity jolting once again and nodding with an apology before returning her focus to keeping them safe from the sea around them, stabilizing the barrier allowing Lucario and the other Pokemon to let out a collective sigh of relief. "S-Sorry, not mean to." Serenity apologized with a nervous laugh, both the Pokemon and humans scowling at her causing Serenity to sulk her head between her shoulders, Rose and Alicia shaking their heads with a sigh.

Back on the Arceanic, the Captain was finally flung away from the mask like a slingshot, slamming down through the remains of the crows nest causing it to split apart and crumble on top of where he landed, the Dusknoir leader going wide eyed and shouting in a "come on man!!!" kind of way while clutching his head from having his favorite spot destroyed, the other Dusknoir gathering and giving him a pat on the back as their leader slumped with a groan. As everyone watched the mask rapidly spin, a whirlpool began forming around it as they heard the familiar sound of Chris's shouts once more, and next thing they knew they saw him fly out of the mask with a flash, his body flinging about within the swirling water. "I've had enough of this crap!!" they heard him shout before seeing his body flung through the vortex and in Smith's direction as the Captain raised from the wreckage with a groan, rubbing his head and jolting when he saw Chris flying in his direction, quickly dodging causing Chris to zoom past and smash into the ship. "HAH!! Ya missed!!" Smith laughed, pointing at Chris as he lay on the crows nest rubble, groaning and rubbing his head while Smith's mask stopped spinning and sank down behind him before letting out another flash and sending Chris's staff shooting out against the back of the Captains head causing Smith to shout and clutch where the staff made impact. "HAH!! Carma's a bit...!!" Chris shout, covering his mouth with an "oops" when noticing the small Yamask around him blinking curiously, Chris laughing nervously as the bigger Yamask scowled at him. "Ahh, ha ha. Sorry... I've just had a rough day." he apologized before climbing his way out of the wreckage and standing on the bow, looking himself over now covered in the same golden aura as before. Looking around, he found his staff lying on the deck nearby and took it in hand while Smith lowered nearby, grumbling in irritation as he took his mask and returned it to his forehead. "So... back already eh? That wasn't long." he said, floating up to Chris.

"Huh, you mean time didn't pass here?" Chris asked, looking his staff over and noticing Serenity's stone glowing once more as well, smirking while looking towards the Guardian, still safely within her barrier causing Chris to sigh in relief. "I'd just started speaking to the others here when you suddenly came back to us. I'd say you were gone five, maybe ten minutes?" Smith replied, looking at the Yamask getting shrugs in response. "Huh, going through all that stuff made it feel like days went by. Trippy... Guess it's kinda like being in a dream then. You feel like forever went by, but ya wake up and turns out it's only been... Agh, whatever." Chris replied, waving his hand at the subject before turning to Smith. "I need to talk to you, to everyone here really." he added, looking at the Yamask causing them to look at one another curiously. "I'm guessing you know everything now?" Smith asked, crossing his arms. "Yeah, I do, that's why I need to talk with all of you." Chris nodded with a smile before looking down silently. "To start with, I uh... Owe you an apology Captain." he added before bowing. "I blamed you for everyone being here before, it was wrong of me. Really it's the opposite." he apologized before raising up and looking at the Yamask. "It's you who've stayed here for everyone's sake, you're the one who's kept yourself here because of everyone else. You couldn't leave them behind, and you've stuck to your duties for a hundred years now. Serving them, protecting them... I'm sorry Captain Smith." Chris repeat, looking at Smith and giving another bow causing the Captain to blink at him surprised, scratching his cheek with a grunt in response. "Yes well, I appreciate it." Smith replied as Chris raised and looked at everyone. "If you don't mind, can I have Wallace Hartley and his band come up here please?" Chris asked, several Yamask jolting and looking at one another before floating up before him.

Looking at them, Chris smiled before looking at the Yamask in the front. "Wallace I presume?" he asked, getting a nod in response. "You really are a hero sir. When I was in Smith's memories, I saw what you and your band did for everyone." Chris praised, taking his hand with a shake before doing the same to the other Yamask. "All of you were extraordinary people until the very end. You made performances for everyone on this ship. You didn't care about their class even though you were only hired to serve first, you went above and beyond to entertain everyone, to bring smiles to every face you could, and you did this until the moment the sea took you. I respect you all, and admire you." Chris smiled causing the group of Yamask to laugh and grin embarrassed, waving at him in a "Bah, come on." kind of way. "Next, can I have a Mr. Jack Phillips and a Mr. Harold Bride come up?" Chris asked, looking around and noticing the two floating up. "There you are fellas!" he grinned, surprising both with a sudden high five making them blink at their hands bewildered. "Aw come on, you two were just about the same age as me! Don't tell me you never fived anyone?" Chris chuckled, the two smiling at him nervously. "You guys did good too. Just like Wallace and his band here, you stuck to your jobs until the very end. You stayed at your post, even as your room flooded, and worked tirelessly until you went down. You were so dedicated to your duties, you even went down with your gear still attached." Chris said, looking at Phillips and nodding respectfully. "You called for help until you took your final breath in the wireless room. You are the very definition of brave, of honorable." he added, the Yamask around them looking at one another and nodding in agreement, several giving the two pats on their shoulders and backs, same as Wallace and his band.

"I'd like the chief and officers of the Arceanic to come up next please, and a Mr. Thomas Andrews as well. Also, any of you that were in the lifeboats the night the ship went down." he called out, the mentioned Yamask floating up the same as the others, gathering together and looking at him curiously. Looking at them all, Chris smiled before facing Smith and having him stand with the group before bowing to them once more. "All of you, you're the bravest people I'll ever know. You all went above and beyond for those on board this ship. Even those of you who had no obligation to do so sacrificed yourselves to give those on board as much time to live as possible. To you, every breath they could take was precious, it was worth fighting for. Each of you knew the value, not just of the rich, not just those related to you, but of every soul on the ship. Status didn't matter to you. The Captain, Wallace and his band, and the rest of you, you did your best to show all lives mattered. All lives were worth the sacrifice. You're all heroes, you're the type of people legends are made out of." Chris praised, all of them looking at one another and grinning from the flattery. "My, this is an enjoyable change in attitude." Smith replied. "Yea... I really feel like a heel for how I acted before. I let everything going on get to me in the moment and everything got crazy because of it. Seeing the way you fought sir, the way you acted until the end... Its taught me a lot about self control to say the least." Chris nodded, offering a hand to Smith and getting a shake in response. "You had just as much on your shoulders then as I've got now. Yet even when you knew the end was unavoidable you still kept a straight face, you kept calm." he said before leaning towards Smith in a hushed tone and nudging him. "Save for when ya saw the ship." he whispered, Smith jolting and glancing away with a grumble. "Anyway, the Guardian still has a chance and I was already losing my cool, so it just goes to show no matter how old you get, there's still things you can learn from others. With that said..." he paused, looking at the Yamask and Smith before him.

"I hope, someday, I can become a man at least half as great as all of you." he smiled, standing tall and given them all a salute causing them to look at him wide eyed, the Dusknoir above making kissy face expressions mockingly and waving their hands with "whatever" expressions, rolling their eyes in response to the scene. Lowering his hand, Chris smiled at everyone as the Yamask around them continued patting the backs of those Chris called up, chattering among themselves as he turned and looked at the Guardian, taking a deep breath and sighing. "That's right, we've still got a chance. That's why..." he paused, walking up to the tip of the bow before turning towards everyone. "I want to ask for your help again. Please, lend me a hand?" he asked, the Yamask jolting in response and looking at one another warily. "Listen everyone, I get it, you're afraid. I am too, but in this situation, either we sit here and they all die, or we do something, and they either live on, or die. I hate having to say it that way, but it's true. The only difference is, if we mess up they die a little sooner. I know it's a lot to take on your shoulders but, many of you were so brave before. I'm asking you to be brave again, just... One more time, if not for me or yourselves, for those on that ship that consider you their heroes, those who love you, despite not even knowing you. Who respect, who honor you, even though they don't know your stories. Please, help me." he asked again. "Well lad, I've asked them the same thing, and I've gotten the same wary response. However, I know I was in the front row in saying it's pointless before, but just as it was wrong of you to jump to conclusions about us, it was wrong of me to shun so many in need. I've not done that to these people, so I'll not do it to those genuinely in need of aid before us. I let the past affect my judgement, and for that it's me who's sorry." Smith said, floating up to Chris with a salute. "I'm at your command lad. If you've an idea, lets hear it." he told Chris, looking down at him with a smirk causing Chris to look up at him in surprise before grinning with a nod, the Yamask looking at Smith equally surprised.

About to respond, Chris jolt when he saw several Yamask gather around Smith, which included Wallace and his band, the chief and all the officers, even the Andersson family float up, parents and kids, each saluting Chris at the ready for orders causing Smith to look at them all wide eyed, Mr. Andrews floating up as well along with those that died on the lifeboats. Seeing this, the thousands of Yamask around them began chatting with one another, debating their decisions while Chris shook Smith and the Yamask's hands that had come up to him. "Thank you!! Thank you!!" Chris grinned, the Yamask smiling and nodding while Smith pat them on the back with a smirk. "Good lads, good lads." he praised. Looking at all of the Yamask's around them continuing to hesitate, Chris nudged Smith and the others to the side and walked up to the swarm. "Listen everyone, it's true you're not humans anymore. You're spirits, Pokemon if you want to be specific. But that's just it. You're not held back by the limitations humans have anymore. Each and every one of you has become a being with more power than you can imagine, you just have to have the will to tap into it, to put it to good use. And you have the chance to do that now! You know what it's like to die, that's why you don't want to risk them dying all the sooner. I get that. But at the same time, you also know there's nothing to fear when it comes to death because no matter what, live or die, you'll be alright in the end." he coaxed. "Yeah you've been stuck here, but that's because it was YOUR decision to stay. I know the Dusknoir up there aren't the friendliest group, but if you unanimously decide it's time to go, I'm sure they'll let you leave! I really believe we can save the Guardian together, but that's just it, you have to be willing to do so TOGETHER. To work as one to make it happen." he went on, the Yamask looking at one another.

"In order for this plan to work, it's going to take an agreement, an understanding between everyone. All of you, the Dusknoir, and those on the Guardian. I'll handle the details, I just need to know all of you are willing to help make this rescue happen. That you're willing to give it your all." he added, looking at all of the Yamask as they chattered hesitantly once more. "You speak of a rescue plan, but what IS the plan exactly?" Smith asked, floating up to Chris's side. "It's simple really. But... It's going to take sacrifice on your part sir." Chris replied, looking up at the Captain as he inched back slightly. "Sacrifice? Hate to say it lad, but I've little if anything left TO sacrifice." Smith reminded, looking his hands over. "You do, actually." Chris clarified before turning and scanning his gaze along the ship. "But there's no point in going over the idea until I know there's a willingness from everyone here to cooperate, that everyone is willing to sacrifice and, well..." he paused, looking up at the Dusknoir. "Move on... That's what I need before I say anything." he added, Smith looking around confused. "A unanimous vote is going to be difficult to muster lad. We're lucky to have the small number we have willing to aid." the Captain reminded, his Chief and Officers along with the others floating up around the Captain and Chris, looking around at their fellow wary Yamask and showing doubtful expressions. Facing down for a moment, Chris looked up at the Pokemon and took a breath before holding up his staff. "Ninetails... A little power?" he asked. Looking at Chris curiously, everyone tilt their heads as he stood with his staff held up silently, until next thing they knew the tip let off a bright flash of light. "Appreciate it. I'll try not to use too much." he smiled before putting his hand on his Grandfather's Pokeball.

"Listen to me everyone!!" he said through his mind, everyone on the Arceanic and Guardian jolting in surprise when they heard his voice echo. "I have a plan to get the Guardian back to the surface, but we have a problem..." he explained, those on the Guardian looking at one another warily. "This plan only has a 50-50 chance at best so I can't guarantee it will do any good. I'm trying to convince the Yamask to help us out, but I'm having a hard time because if the plan fails..." he paused, looking at the Pokemon before facing down. "It'll likely kill you all..." he added, suddenly hearing the collective gasp and panicked chatting among everyone on the ship. "Listen to me!! It's not like we have any other options!!"he shout through his mind, everyone jolting and looking towards the Arceanic silently while holding one another. "Either we all sit here and wait for that barrier to give out and kill everyone, or we TRY to escape despite the odds and have a chance at going on with our lives!! Those are our only options now!! Do you just want to sit and wait to die, or do you want to take the risk and fight to live?!" he asked, those on the Guardian looking at one another nervously and muttering among themselves. "If we're going through with this plan I've got in mind, I need a vote of approval from everyone. You all have to be willing to sacrifice for the sake of surviving this mess." he added. "If everyone on the Guardian can agree to go along with what I've got in mind, I should be able to get the Yamask here to agree to help us out in turn and I can go over the plan with everyone. But first I want to know I've got everyone's support on this!! And the Yamask need to know too." he finished before facing the Guardian, waiting silently for everyone's answer.

After a moment, one of the Yamask came up with Chris's communicator in hand. "Oh, must of lost it back when I got sucked in that mask... Sure it still works?" he asked before taking it and putting it in his ear. "Huh, waterproof?" he muttered, pressing the button on it and hearing clicks in response. "Rostron sir, it's Chris, you there?" he asked, hearing nothing but static in response. "Dang, guess it did get dama...!!" he paused, hearing Rostron's voice crackling through. "Ah! You can hear me! Good, good... So, wadaya say sir? Do we have everyone's approval?" he asked. Watching him curiously, the Yamask's and Smith listened in on Chris's conversation, all of them showing nervous looks when Chris faced down silently and nodded, letting out a sigh making them think the plan was a no-go as he said "Alright then, I'll tell them." and turned. "Well lad? Are they prepared to accept the risks?" Smith asked anxiously, the Yamask floating closer just as anxious. Looking at them all silently, they bit their lips nervously as Chris faced down, causing them all to slump only to jolt when he faced up with a grin. "They've accepted!! If you're willing to help us, they're ready to take on whatever happens!" Chris replied, everyone letting out a sigh of relief before crowding around him. "If it means a chance of survival, they've agreed to accept fate if you'll lend us a hand. They're still shaken up over the situation, but they're bracing themselves for whatever happens anyways... So wadaya say? They're willing to accept the risks, are you willing to take them?" he asked, all of the Yamasks looking at one another before facing Chris with a nod together. "Good, good!! That's the first step..." he replied before facing up at the Dusknoir. "Could you fellas come down here? We need to talk!" he called up, the group jolting and looking at one another before nodding and lowering down to his level.

"Alright, so you've got them to agree to help you. What about our bargain?" the leader asked. "I know, that's why I called you down." Chris replied as the Yamasks backed away from the Dusknoir nervously. "You're all gonna have to stop doing that. See, I haven't even gone over your part of the plan yet." Chris told the wary Pokemon before facing Smith. "Remember when I said you'd all have to sacrifice in order for this plan to work?" he asked, the Captain blinking at him confused and grunting in response. "Well, the Arceanic will be that sacrifice. All of you are strong, and together you've got a huge reservoir of power, but even all of you united won't be enough to free the Guardian from that chasm yourselves. My plan is... Well..." he paused, turning to the Dusknoir and Yamask. "If we do this together, we should be able to remove the Arceanic from the seafloor, lift it into the distance, and send it slamming into the ice corking the Guardian in place." Chris explained, causing everyone to gasp and shout in a loud "WHAAAAAT?!!!" kind of way simultaneously causing Chris to jump in surprise. "E-Easy!! Th-That's why I emphasized it being such a sacrifice!!" Chris replied nervously. "You want us to crash what's left of our ship?! That's blasphemy!!" Smith shout. "I-I know how much the Arceanic means to all of you!! It's, well, your grave and all pretty much..." Chris replied nervously. "B-But think about it. A final mission, one to save lives. This time for real! Thousands of lives at that! One final voyage to end it all on a high note..." he explained, Smith's eye twitching as the Yamask bickered over the idea. "If we do that, this ship will fall to pieces in an instant. There will be nothing left!! Where pray tell do you suggest all these people go?! It's bad enough living within an ever rotting vessel, now you're cursing us to an eternity on the seafloor itself?!" Smith argued, getting up close to Chris causing him to stumble back with a nervous laugh. "N-No!! I'm saying you should sacrifice the ship and pass on!!" he replied, the Captain jolting back as the thousands of Yamask gasped and backed away as well.

Looking around, Chris groaned from feeling his idea already falling apart before taking a deep breath and sighing. "Listen to me, it's just as you said, the ship's rotting away anyways. You'll be living on the seafloor soon enough as it is with the rate it's deteriorating through the years. I experienced your memories, I saw the ship go downhill, and it started disappearing faster and faster the closer I got to the present. That means the rate it deteriorates is only going to continue increasing, and you'll be lucky if it survives another hundred years!! Instead of just letting it rot away so miserably, why not use the ship while it has enough durability left for a greater purpose? If this plan works, not only will you save everyone on the Guardian, but all of you will finally be free!! You can finally see what's on the other side without regrets knowing your last moments in this world were spent, not suffering death or wallowing in misery, but giving your all to save lives, to overcome your grief and spite and do something really extraordinary, really heroic!! Something the people on that ship can make a legend out of and pass on!! Many of the people on that ship already see most of you as heroes anyways, so why not do something to be real heroes for their sake? They believe in you, they trust you!! Are you going to tell me the remains of the Arceanic is worth more to you than your own flesh and blood?!" Chris asked, everyone jolting and facing one another with an indecisive groan. "Listen to me... I know what it's like to sacrifice. I know what it's like to live knowing you'll always have to give for the greater good. And I'm telling you it's not bad at all!! When you see how happy you've made people, when you see the positive things that can happen by giving your all for someone else, it makes whatever sacrifices you make worth it in the end. MORE than worth it!! I've been plenty scared, believe you me. Sometimes thinking of the challenges that might come in the future terrifies me given what I've been through so far." he explained, pausing to look at everyone as they watched and listened silently.

"It's like I told my family... No matter the hardships, no matter the uncertainties, as long as I have them I know I'll be alright in the end. As long as I've got Ninetails inside me, I know I'm fine!! It's the same with all of you!! I saw what you did for Captain Smith in the past when the Dusknoir tried to harm him, and I've seen what he's done for your sake when they've gone after you!! Despite your fears, despite your uncertainties, when push comes to shove you've had one another's backs, and that's exactly how it is between me, Ninetails and the girls I travel with!! In this world, or the next, you'll always have one anothers backs, right? You'll always stick together, always protect one another... As long as you're willing to do that, it doesn't matter where you are, where you go, you'll always turn out alright." he coaxed, the Yamasks looking at one another and smiling slightly, Smith crossing his arms with a grunt. "Whether you believe it or not, you're brave deep down, you have the courage to take on any challenge that comes your way. You just have to have enough faith in yourselves to take that first step, or, well, float that first foot I guess. Cause no feet and all." he chuckled, everyone scowling at his attempt at joking causing him to inch back. "I'm never gonna get a laugh out of anyone..." he muttered before sighing and smiling once more. "So, well, wadaya say? You've had each others back here for a hundred years. What's stopping you from doing the same wherever else you go? What's there to fear so long as you're together?" Chris asked, looking at everyone as they chattered among themselves, many nodding, some remaining wary yet seemingly agreeing nonetheless. "Smith sir, the Arceanic is your ship, and I know the pride you feel in it to this day. I lived your time above the surface, and your time down here. It's safety has been your priority the same as the safety of the people here since day one." he added, facing the Captain as he scratched his head, still pondering the idea.

"You yourself heralded this ship as the greatest in the world, the ship that couldn't be sank. And you know what? It can still have that title!" Chris assured, Smith and the Yamask alike blinking at him, surprised and intrigued by the statement. "The Arceanic can never truly be sunk until the hope, the dreams, and the ambitions of all those on board vanishes. Until those among the living forget about and give up on her! Until every soul in this world casts out the Arceanic from their hearts and memories, she will always be the one true queen of the sea." Chris smiled, putting a hand on Smith's shoulder causing him to jolt wide eyed. "If this plan works, if we save the Guardian, I assure you the R.M.S. Arceanic will sail forever, it will never truly be sunk, and there won't be a single soul on board forgotten, even after they've passed on, because the ship and all on board will live on forever in this world as legends who gave their all for the lives of others, even long after your lives came to an end. All of you, and this ship..." he paused, turning to the Yamask. "Will have your place in eternity as some of the greatest legends to ever exist. If we do this, I give you my word the world will know the truth, of everything you've done when you were alive and for us... So please, help me make sure those people live..." he pleaded before turning to Smith. "...And help me make sure the Arceanic lives on forever, the way she and all of you deserve to be remembered." he smiled, Smith looking at him silently for a moment before showing a slight smirk and patting Chris on the shoulder with a grunt of agreement, the thousands of Yamask around them cheering excitedly and floating around Chris and Smith while the Dusknoir gathered above, looking at one another before facing down at the scene beneath them and nodding simultaneously.

"Well then everyone... Here's the plan..." Chris began, motioning for everyone to gather around...