Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 87

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#87 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Chapter 87 - Running Out Of Time

"C-C-CA-CAPTAIN SMITH?!!" Chris shout in shock, stumbling back causing the Andersson's to jump in surprise from the sudden response, Smith blinking wide eyed with a jolt himself. "A-Aye, that'd be me. Or, as I said, WAS me..." he replied in a somber tone. "Lad! Everything alright?!" Rostron shout through the communicator. "What was that about Smith? He's here in the bridge, why?" he asked. Remaining silent for a moment, Chris straightened up and shook his head. "N-Not THAT Smith sir, th-the Chief, I mean... I found THE Captain Smith! Captain of the Arceanic!!" he clarified excitedly. "What...? So, you've found his remains as well?" Rostron asked. Trying to explain, Captain Smith watched bewildered, and slightly agitated, as Chris seemingly spoke to himself in front of them. "Are you just here to act a fool of yourself? How are you even ON my ship in the first place?" he asked, hovering around Chris and examining the golden aura around him. "I-I had help, lets leave the explanation at that for now." Chris replied. One the other end of the line, Rostron was dumbfounded over the discovery, muttering "so he stayed too" silently on his end. "Best we keep that between us for now lad. I don't think certain parties in here could handle the discovery at the moment." he told Chris. "R-Right, the Chief's already been pretty worked up, on top of his injuries... A-Anyways, I'll talk to you in a few." Chris told Rostron, the Captain giving a quick "got it" in response before they cut off the line. "Who ARE you talking to?!" Captain Smith asked, his tone now showing his agitation as well while crossing his arms. "A-Ah, r-right, you've been down here a long time..." Chris laughed nervously before taking the communicator out of his ear. "This is what they use nowadays to talk to each other on ships and stuff. You just put it in your ear and press this here and it's easy communication!" he smiled, the Captain looking it over and holding it close to his eye before tossing it back with a scoff.

"Things have gotten pretty easy up there..." Smith muttered, the device floating down into Chris's hand before putting it back in his ear. "W-Well, after so long a lot has changed really. Technology is pretty crazy nowadays." he laughed. "B-But getting to what I came here for. Captain Smith sir, we could REALLY use your help." he went on. Jolting, Smith suddenly gave him a furious glare and turned away. "Help? Don't you DARE mention help to me!! I fell for that and look where it got us all." he replied in a disgusted tone. "S-Sir?" Chris asked confused with a hand out, only for Smith to notice and quickly turn, smacking his hand away. "Y-Yikes!! Hey, that hurt!!" Chris shout, rubbing his hand with an irritated grumble. "Coming down here and disturbing us all, just to ask for our help. Do you think ANY of us have any shred of desire left to help anyone?! Help is what suckered us into our deaths!! Suckered me into killing everyone... My crew... Sacrificing..." Smith shout, his tone turning somber once more at the end before cutting off while slowly turning away with remorse in his expression. "E-Easy sir, I meant no offense... I'm sorry." Chris replied quietly, trying to coax the mood of the moment into settling back down. "Could you tell me what you mean by that?" he asked, reaching a hand out once again. "Y-You see sir, nobody knows what happened to any of you. Its been a mystery for a hundred years now." he explained, Smith jolting and glancing at him. "One hundred years? Its been that long...?" he asked, seemingly shocked. "Y-Yeah. Guess it would be hard to tell time down here, especially when you're, you know, in your... State and all." Chris replied, letting out a groan as if he just said something he shouldn't have while rubbing his head nervously. "One hundred years...?" Smith asked himself, facing the wheelhouse windows. "Pl-Please sir, if you'll help us, I'll do whatever I can for you in return. F-For everyone here! The ship I was on, it was sank by a Gyarados swarm on the surface." he began, Smith jolting wide eyed and slowly facing him. "We did our best to escape, but it was no good. The only reason everyone's still alive is because Serenity, the Gardevoir by my side, suddenly Mega Evolved and protected the ship with a barrier. If she gives out, everyone will die. The ship, and everyone on it, they'll wind up just like..." he went on, shining his light around the room before pointing out his shining Mega Stone as Smith remained silent, looking around at his ships remains as well.

"I-I beg you Captain, don't condemn them all to die. There's also something important about the people on that ship you need to know abo...!!" he said, cut off as Smith began talking, hovering up to the remains of the wheelhouse windows. "The beasts took us down as well." he told Chris. "H-Huh?" he asked, slightly caught off guard from the interruption. "Considering what you said, it was one hundred years ago. They sank our ship, despite our own efforts to escape. But that swarm in particular is a uniquely vile one. But... They have reason, and it seems that bloodthirsty rage has still yet to be quenched." Smith grumbled. "R-Reason? Wadaya mean?" Chris asked, walking up next to the Captain. "Bah, telling you wouldn't get the point across. You would of had to been there to understand how we feel, what we endured." Smith replied, facing away from him. "W-Well, it couldn't hurt to tell me anyways. It's like I said, NOBODY knows the truth. It's a mystery to the world, always has been. I-If I tell you what we DO know, will you tell me the story?" Chris asked, Smith slowly facing him. "I've done research myself, and the only thing people know is the night the Arceanic sank, countless distress calls were sent out from your ship. A lot of people tried to respond, but they say you acted like you didn't hear any of their messages." Chris explained, Smith going wide eyed. "They received your location, but when the ship that came to help arrived, the location you gave was WAY off course from where the Arceanic actually is. It... Took us sinking to find that out. The area around here has been illegal to access for years now, but I did find out research teams have come and gone trying to find you with no luck. And now I know why... Where you sank is WAY off from where you reported your final location." he went on. "A ship came you say...?" the Captain asked, the Andersson's wide eyed due to the reveal. "Y-Yeah, the Caterpithia." Chris explained, Smith facing the windows to think.

"Caterpithia... Caterpithia... Ah, that's the ship that was under Arthur, Arthur Rostrons command at the time I believe." he muttered. "Th-That's right sir!! They arrived on the scene just a few hours later, right as the sun was coming up the following morning. He and his crew spent hours trying to find some sort of sign of you but didn't have any luck. He really gave it his all, his crew, even the passengers to reach you as fast as they could." Chris replied. Looking at one another awe struck, the Andersson's were busily chatting among one another, the news having seemingly lifted their spirits while the countless Yamask from throughout the ship gathered around the wheelhouse as well, having heard the news and looking at one another just as surprised, countless chatting among themselves as well. "All we've had to go on are his reports from that night. He pushed his ship up to seventeen and a half knots, risking tearing it apart from the inside out to save you all. For hours they did everything they could to save you, even the passengers worked around the clock to prepare the ship. But... It's like I said, it was no luck in the end." Chris added, showing a somber look himself before giving a "sorry" to the Captain. "That high...? Her rate speed was only about 14." Smith replied in surprise. "It was worth risking their own ship if it meant a chance at saving you sir. Countless others rushed to the location as well but arrived way later than the Caterpithia, it took them about three and a half hours to reach the location you gave even at top speed." Chris added. "There wasn't a single speck of debris left either. Please Captain, will you tell me... What really happened?" he asked. Looking down at him, Smith closed his eyes before giving a "no" in response, causing Chris to jolt in surprise. "B-But sir...!!" he replied, cut off when Smith held up one of his hands at him. "I won't tell you, I'll show you." he explained, reaching up and taking off his mask before holding it out to Chris.

"It's as I've said, telling you alone won't make you feel as we feel, it won't make you understand as well as showing you, or rather you being there. Put this on your face, and I'll share with you our tale." he explained, Chris reaching out and taking the mask. "Oh yeah... The Pokedex said it lets the owner possess you or someth...!!" he paused, going wide eyed and quickly backing away. "H-Hold up!! Possess me?! Ooohhhh no no noooo." he replied, shaking his head nervously causing Smith to twitch an eye in irritation. "Either accept the offer or return the mask and get off my ship!!!" he shout, furious over Chris backing away from his already begrudging generosity while the Andersson's watched in surprise at Smith opening up. "G-Gah..." Chris groaned, looking down at the mask. "Do it, you'll be fine." Ninetails echoed in his mind. "E-Easy for you to say." he muttered, nervously facing Smith with a nod. "A-Alright, if I put it on, you'll show me what happened, that's the deal?" he asked, the Captain grunting in response. Looking the mask over once more, Chris let out a sigh and began slowly lifting it towards his face...

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Rising Tension https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-nRCR73NAk

"O-Okay, h-here goes nothin' I guess..." he muttered. Continuing to lift the mask closer and closer to his face, Smith hovered up and readied himself to enter Chris's mind. Slowly reaching his hands out, all of the Yamask watched in anticipation. However, just as Chris was finally about to touch the mask against his face, he gasped and jolt wide eyed, releasing the mask and clutching his chest with a groan instead as if having a heart attack catching everyone off guard, Smith quickly reaching out and catching his mask as it sank towards the deck. "Oy! Watch it!!" Smith shout in agitation, clutching his mask possessively and gritting his teeth at Chris only to blink at him confused as he watched Chris huddle over with another groan, seemingly struggling to stay on his feet. "Wh-What's wrong with you lad?" he asked, inching back warily as the Andersson's hovered around him in concern. "I-It hurts... It really hurts..." he groaned, gritting his teeth and falling on a knee, clutching his staff in his other hand as he began panting heavily. With an eye winced, he looked around before facing up at the top of his staff, looking at Serenity's Mega Stone and noticing it starting to flash, the light dimming. "C-Crap, its her." he muttered, forcing himself to stand with both hands on his staff. "D-Do what now?" Smith asked, hovering back up to him. "Serenity, her stone." he replied, showing it to the Captain and Andersson's. With an apology, he pushed his way past the Captain and left the wheelhouse, hurrying through the remains of the bridge and out onto the remains of its balcony overlooking where the Guardian rest in the nearby chasm. "Chris lad!! We've got a problem!!" Rostron shout through his communicator. Looking at the ship wide eyed, Chris could see the barrier beginning to flicker and fade slightly, the sound of Rostron's crew and medics in the background panicking ringing in his ear as the sound of everyone on the ship panicking could be heard from the Arceanic. "S-Serenity!!" he shout, clutching his chest with another groan as pain ran through him. Heading into the bridge, Smith and the Andersson's looked at Chris from behind before facing one another and hovering up to him, all of the other Yamask's joining as well and looking at the Guardian before them as its final defense began to fade.

"S-Serenity..." he groaned. "...I saw when you sank, she landed in the worst place possible." Smith said. "Getting out of there is nearly impossible. That being the case, I'd say best not stall the inevitable. We tried that ourselves and it didn't do us any good in the end." he added coldly, crossing his arms while the Andersson's faced the Captain nervously, Chris glancing at him before touching Serenity's stone and closing his eyes. "Please, hold on for me." he pleaded as the stone continued flickering. Facing the Captain, he glanced at the barrier around the Guardian once more. "What was that you said about the inevitable?" he asked, focusing on Smith as the Captain watched the Guardian, his arms remaining crossed. "When we were attacked, we did our best to savor every second of life until the bitter end. But thinking back on it now, it would have been better to have let the end come quickly instead of making everybody suffer all the longer. Do you mean to tell me you don't feel remorse for making them wait to die like that?" he asked, glancing at Chris. "W-Well that's because I know there's a chance! That's all that matters!" he replied firmly. "Pah! I thought the same thing... As long as my crew was willing to fight we'd find a way to survive... I was just the same as you." he scoffed, turning his back on the Guardian. Gritting his teeth, Chris yanked Smith around to face him again. "If you were the same as me then you should still understand how important it is to fight for life!! Just because you're a spirit now that doesn't mean your human nature's been abandoned! That only happens if YOU let it!" he argued, Smith jolting and giving Chris an enraged look in response. "You were just like me, and there's nothing stopping you from being like me now. You're telling me you don't care if all those people live or die?" he asked, Smith jerking back and glancing at the Guardian. "Your passengers on this ship, even after how much they suffered the same as you, found enough shred of humanity within themselves to help me out. They put forth at least some effort by bringing me to the one they thought would be most capable of lending us a hand. They still have faith in you. And you just want to stand there and say screw life and sulk about everything being for nothing? Then maybe it's YOU who've kept everyone trapped here!! Maybe because YOU have no shred of desire to move on, they're the same way!" he point out, Smith's mouth agape before gritting his teeth.

"Get off my ship..." he ordered. "GET OFF MY SHIP!!!" he roared, shoving Chris causing the Yamask to jolt in surprise, the Andersson's reaching out nervously. "Why don't YOU get off?! Maybe if YOU did everyone else could finally get the courage to do the same!! Some leader!!!" he shout back, pushing against Captain Smith. Starting to shove one another repeatedly, the Yamask's backed away cautiously. "I was a fine leader!! My career led me to becoming the Captain of the Arceanic, the largest ship in the world!!" Smith shout, suddenly giving Chris a punch. "Yeah!! But what kind of man faces the end, then gives up on everything afterward?! You've faced the worst possible thing head on, and now you're a miserable, self loathing hermit!! You failed in the end so now you're making EVERYONE here suffer because of it because you can't get over it!!" Chris argued, forming a fist with his aura and slamming Smith back in the face. Continuing to yell at one another, they tussled along the bridges remaining balcony before Smith sent Chris flying off over the bow, chasing after him as he sank down to the deck. "How DARE you?! I'll not be made a mockery of on my own ship!!" Smith shout, slamming into Chris causing him to plummet to the deck and smash through. "Chris!! What's going on?! Why are you fighting with him?!" Rostron shout through the communicator, having heard Chris's end of the argument and seen the two going at it. Noticing the action, the Dusknoir leader came out and summoned the others to watch, gathering around the hole in the bows deck they slammed through before jumping back as Chris and Smith shot out and float over the Arceanic. "Captain Smith, you've condemned everyone here to being stuck on this ship alongside you, and now that you have a chance to make things right, you refuse!! What does that say about you in the end, huh?!" Chris shout, pointing at the Guardian. "And you're not satisfied with that, but you're ready to condemned your own FAMILY and the descendants of everyone else on this ship to the same fate!!" he point out, all of the Yamask below gasping and going wide eyed while facing the Guardian.

"That's right everyone!! The people on that ship? Those are YOUR families! YOUR descendants! They came here on that ship to pay their respects, and now they're going to suffer the same fate as you unless you can all, including the Captain, get over the past!! Otherwise it's about to happen all over again..." he paused, glaring at the Captain. "Because YOU were too self centered to take action, even when you've got nothing, not even your lives to lose, but were willing to let others lose their lives just because you suffered and think that makes them deserve to do the same." he lectured. Gritting his teeth, Smith clenched his fists, ready to charge at Chris once again. "Captain Smith, if you're such a great leader, or if you WERE such a great leader, SHOW IT again to everyone!! All of your passengers and crew have probably stayed here all these years because even after death they rely on you to guide them. They won't even follow the Dusknoir who can help them because whether you've considered it or not, they still have THAT much faith in you!! Followers will react based on what their leader does, and if all you've done is confine yourself to this ship and sulked over what happened, it's only natural they've done the same thing. Answer me this, what have YOU done since the Arceanic sank to boost morale? To encourage everyone it's time to move on? You said everyone fought until the very end, but that's because they looked up to you and admired your leadership! They still do and look how they've lived because of it!!" Chris went on, Smith's eye twitching. "Y-You... You... YOU KNOW NOTHING!!!" Smith roared before charging into him, sending Chris slamming into the seabed next to the Arceanic before unleashing a rapid beating against him. "How DARE you show up just to insult me?! To degrade me?! You have NO idea what I've done for these people!!" he argued, Chris defending himself with Ninetail's aura until finally getting a chance to blast Smith off, standing with a wobble while clutching his staff.

"The only thing I know is that you've all been in this wreck for a hundred years, and all you've done is sulked the whole time instead of doing anything to help those people pass on..." Chris growled, letting his attitude from the stress of his own dilemma get the better of him. "You think I haven't TRIED?! I could have passed myself long ago but I remain here because THEY wish to remain!!" Smith argued, hovering back towards Chris. "You arrogant, closed minded, trespassing little bigot!! Coming here just to spout your nonsense and take out your frustrations on those you know NOTHING about. I'll see to it you regret having that mouth of yours!!" Smith threatened, a dark aura forming around his hands as the aura around Chris grew as well, both of them letting their anger boil up. On the bow, the Yamask continued watching while the Andersson's tried convincing the Dusknoir to intervene. "Pah! Not a chance. This is the most excitement we've seen in a hundred years." the leader replied, waving them off before continuing to enjoy himself with the other Dusknoir. "Saaaay... Methinks the Captain might kill the guy. Then we get the soul by default right? A fine way to win if you ask me! Dinner and a show, only it's in reverse!" he laughed, the group excitedly nodding causing the Andersson's to face one another nervously before scowling at the Dusknoir and backing away. "I might not be human anymore, but that doesn't mean I don't remember how to handle myself in a fight! Come get some you trash talking cur!!" he shout before rocketing through the water towards Chris. Looking at the Guardian and his staff again, Chris grit his teeth and readied himself to fight the Captain. "I don't have time for this!! You want some, lets get it over with!!" he shout back before charging towards Smith as well, the two colliding sending a wave of energy rippling through the water that made the Arceanic groan and Serenity's shield struggle all the more, the Yamask on the Arceanic and the people and Pokemon on the Guardian screaming together in terror as Chris and Smith shot away from one another and began colliding again and again over the two ships, sending repeated shock waves all over the place.

Feeling the pain Serenity was enduring, not only from maintaining the shield but having it succumbing to their battle, Chris used the feeling in his moment of frustration to further justify his battle, both he and Captain Smith unleashing their pent up stress out on one another. "Lad!! Stop!! STOP!!!" Rostron tried to shout through the communicator, watching as Serenity's knees nearly buckled every time a shock wave hit the shield. "It's the only way to get through to him!! I've got no choice!!" Chris shout back, slamming into Smith once again. "That's something I can agree with!! Best to beat sense into an arrogant youth like you than listen to you mouth off!!" Smith growled before they shot back from one another once again, the two floating and glaring one another down before each sent a blast of energy at one another sending Chris slamming against the shield and Smith slamming into the hull of his ship. Both freezing up, Chris looked through the barrier at Serenity and watched her nearly collapse, Alicia and Rose helping her stay up. "S-Serenity!!" Chris shout wide eyed, looking at all of the terrified passengers and Pokemon as well before gritting his teeth, his eyes suddenly warping into a demonic look with dagger like pupils, his canines growing sharper. "SMI--ITH!!!" he roared, his golden aura bursting like a flame while facing the Arceanic as the Captain climbed his way out of the hull while rubbing his head, jolting when he saw the damage from his impact. "M-MY SHIP!!!" he shout, giving Chris the same furious glare as an aura of darkness burst around him. Suddenly, the two rocket high above the ships, each resembling a comet as they soared into the darkness, only their glow seen by those below save for whenever they collided creating explosions of light high above them, now seemingly trying to avoid causing chaos around the ships while going full force at one another.

Down on the Guardian, the girls did their best to support Serenity as she trembled from head to toe, her eyes growing heavier and heavier while Sally and Victoria helped by providing water and a cloth. "N-Not make it..." Serenity pant. "Oh hush now! There's no way you're that weak." Alicia scoffed, trying to egg Serenity on and keep her energy up only for Serenity to remain silent, struggling to remain conscious causing the snake to give her a wary look before patting Serenity on the back with the tip of her tail. "You'll be fine." she said in a lighter tone. "Wh-What are we gonna do? There was supposed to be help out there, but all that's happened is a big fight instead..." Rose said, looking up at the bursts of light continuing to flash above them, each collision causing a loud explosion. "What on Earth has he been up to over there? I'd hardly call enraging whatever's on that ship HELPING matters. We're stuck here and he's picking fights! I expected better of him..." Victoria added, looking up and shaking her head. "I-It not his fault." Serenity replied, glancing up before wincing and returning to focusing on the barrier causing the girls along with Sally and Victoria to look at her curiously. "N-Ninetails always push. Push too hard. Put him in impossible spot." she added. "He good human, only human I love. But that just it, he human. Ninetails not human, not understand he can only take so much. He finally caving in..." she explained. "Can feel what he feel. Chris... Scared. Really scared. He feel responsible, for humans and Pokemon on Guardian, and for others on Arceanic. He feel everyone fate on shoulders. He not have help this time. It getting to him, his stress, bad." she went on. "He try to carry world on shoulders, try to take on what Ninetails hit with, but she not know when to stop. Like he say before sinking, he always have us. He always be okay with us. This time... He not have us. Not have anyone. He feel alone, feel scared. Can sense, he fighting, but not know why he fighting. It only way he keep from losing it, only distraction he have." she added before groaning and nearly collapsing once more, Alicia holding her up with an "easy there" remark.

"What he fighting, or... Who he fighting, I can sense feel same way. They both scared, both stressed. Bot not know what to do, so they taking out on each other." she point out, the group looking up once more as Chris and Smith continued their fight. "Well... Then they just need somebody to let them know they aren't alone, right? They just need help calming down, for someone to tell them it's okay." Sally spoke up, wheeling her way towards the railing while watching the battle above and looking towards the Arceanic, squinting her eyes at the countless Pokemon floating all over its deck. "Everyone needs to be reminded they aren't alone..." she muttered, wheeling herself around and looking at the panicked crowd on the Guardian's deck. Looking towards her grandmother, Sally thought silently for a moment before wheeling up to Victoria and tugging on her sleeve, speaking into her ear while Alicia and Rose watched curiously. "Well dear, it HAS been a long time, I'm not sure I can still..." Victoria said nervously. "Don't worry, we can do it! It'll be just like what happened back then I bet, only this time we've still got a chance." Sally assured. "Uhh... What ARE you going on about?" Alicia asked, looking at the two bewildered. "After everything you've all done for us, we should lend a hand too! We might not be able to do much, but we CAN do something at least!" Sally grinned before looking around, wheeling up to some of the crew and having a conversation with them while the girls and Victoria remained behind. "What, uh, does she wanna do?" Rose asked curiously. "Live up to her name..." Victoria smiled warmly before facing the Arceanic, the girls looking at one another and shrugging, still lost in the moment. "Alright, they're gonna set everything up for us!" Sally smiled, wheeling back up to them. "Set what up? I'm not one who likes being left in the dark." Alicia said in irritation. "We're just gonna do something to help is all, you'll see!" Sally winked, the girls looking at one another again and letting out a sigh. "We're just gonna give them some positive reinforcement is all, or at least do our best to, right grandmother?" she asked. "Ah-ha ha, y-yes child." Victoria replied with a hand on her shoulder. "Just hope these old hands still have a little magic left in them." she sighed, rubbing them nervously.

After a moment, the crew began coaxing the crowd on the bow to move aside, making a large opening on the deck as instruments were brought onto the center and set up like a stage. "Music...? At a time like this?" Alicia asked, raising her eyebrow. "Music doth sooth the savage beast my dear." Victoria giggled. Soon, the stage was complete and several of the ships musicians gathered, the crowd of people and Pokemon alike looking over the setting curiously, albeit just as bewildered as the girls while one of the crewmen walked up to Sally. "We're all set up madam. We've gotten approval from the Captain as well to link the performance throughout the ship as requested. Our team is setting up the lights now." he told her before handing her a mic. "A-Are you gonna sing?" Rose asked, pointing out the mic and blinking curiously. "Well, I AM a Hartley after all! In times of crisis, it's what we do!" she smirked, waving the mic with a wink at the girls before having Victoria follow towards the makeshift stage. "Pride in your name, I can understand that." Alicia smirked with her nose up. "One's name is relatable to one's pride in their species well. One's pedigree, if you will." she went on. "Sn-Snooty snake..." Serenity scoffed, the snake turning with a scowl as Serenity gave her a slight smirk. "...Alright, you get a pass on that one." Alicia smirked back, the two nodding at one another while Victoria slowly sat at the piano and Sally wheeled herself before the band and looked at everyone. Suddenly, the lights throughout the ship began changing colors and flickering as crew worked to finish prepping everything. Bringing out cameras, they also set up a way of broadcasting the performance throughout the ship as well before several gave Sally the signal to start. Nodding, she tapped her mic and gave it a soft blow, the sound heard throughout the ship causing an ear piercing ring to echo all around them, everyone covering their ears and letting out a startled shout in response. "S-Sorry everyone!" Sally panicked with a nervous wave before looking back at her grandmother, getting a nod and a smile from her before facing forward and taking a deep breath and nodding at herself reassuringly.

"If I could have everyone's attention, please!" she began, her voice echoing throughout the ships speakers. "My name is Sally Hartley, and I'd like to offer a special performance for everyone with me here on the Guardian, and to whatever, or whoever it is over there watching us on the Arceanic." she went on. Hearing the name Hartley called out, one of the Yamask's on the bow of the Arceanic jolt in surprise before hovering over the others and looking at the ship, tilting its head curiously as if the name was familiar in a "...Hartley?" kind of way. Floating towards the remains of the ships railing, the Yamask sat carefully and watched in silence while most of the other Yamask's remained focused on the battle between their Captain and Chris above. "Since this cruise began, those Pokemon you see on the bow there, or rather, those girls, and the man out there fighting above us have gone above and beyond for all of our sake's. Now, they're starting to feel the toll of doing so much for so many of us without rest, and because of this, I'd like to dedicate the following performance to them, and hope it helps, even if only a little." she smiled, everyone looking at one another curiously before watching again. "Even if there's not much we can do right now, that doesn't mean we can't put our best foot forward to show our support as best we can, right? So if you would, I'd like to ask those familiar with the following song to join in, and encourage one another to stay strong, be brave, and keep the faith, no matter how bleak things may seem." she told everyone before facing the crew with a nod, getting a thumbs up from them as the lights throughout the ship were dimmed and spotlights were focused on the bows deck above her and the musicians. Lowering her face, she smiled and faced the Arceanic. "I'd also dedicate this performance to my ancestor, Wallace Henry Hartley... My hero, and everyone who lost their lives so long ago." she added, the lone Yamask sitting on the railing of the Arceanic jolting wide eyed in a "h-hero?!" kind of way before showing a touched "awww..." kind of smile, other Yamask's starting to focus on the Guardian as well instead of the fight. Preparing herself at the piano, Victoria touched her fingers on the keys with an "alright" murmur, taking a deep breath of her own.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - The Descendants Of Wallace Hartley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELn9bsNttLE

With Victoria gently strumming the piano, a smile on her face, Sally began softly singing for everyone while closing her eyes and facing down. "Just when you think, hope is lost, and givin' up, is all ya' got..." she began, looking towards the girls at the tip of the bow before facing the Arceanic and slowly wheeling towards the railing. "Sometimes there isn't an obvious explanation..." she sang, putting her hand on her chest before facing up at the battle. "That's when you can build a bridge of light, that's what turns the wrongs all right that's when you can't give up the fight!" she went on, the spotlights and searchlights throughout the ship flashing brightly in harmony with the music and swaying soothingly. "Only love can build us a bridge of light." she sang before wheeling towards Serenity. "When your feet, are made of stone, and you're convinced, that you're all alone..." she went on, putting her hand on Serenity's back as the spotlights and searchlights slowly raised towards the fight above. "Lets not let our anger get us lost, when the need to be right comes with way too high a cost!" she went on. As the lights flashed brightly on Chris and the Captain, they finally gave into the distraction and shielded their eyes, pausing their fight and facing down at the Guardian. "Agh!! What is this?!" Smith shout in irritation, Chris watching silently as Sally continued her performance. "That's when love turns nighttime into day that's, when loneliness goes away that's, why you gotta' be strong tonight!" she went on. Continuing to watch, Chris's eyes and teeth slowly returned to normal as his aura simmered down, letting himself sink back down to the ships level as the performance continued, Smith begrudgingly settling down as well and sinking for a closer look himself. "Deep breath, take it on the chin..." Sally coaxed. "But don't forget, to let love back in!" she sang loudly.

Suddenly, the ship let off a bright flash of light as everyone on the Guardian joined in, swaying to the music with hand in hand. Jolting in surprise, Chris looked at all of the happy passengers and Pokemon and began showing a smile himself, Smith going wide eyed as he turned and saw all of the Yamask doing the same on the Arceanic, holding hands and singing in unison, albeit in their own language and swaying about. "Th-They're..." he muttered in awe. Within the Guardian's bridge, Chris saw Rostron and everyone joining in as well, giving a wave causing Chris's smile to spread all the more before laughing. Looking silently at him, Captain Smith faced all of the Yamask again and slowly showed a smile of his own, having not seen them so happy since the ship sank and letting out a quiet chuckle of his own. "I'll be..." he muttered, crossing his arms again and showing a grin as the Guardian lowered its lights on the Arceanic while the performance slowly came to an end. Watching things settle down for a moment, Chris glanced away before facing Captain Smith and offering his hand with an apology, everyone on both the Guardian and Arceanic watching as Smith looked at his hand for a moment before facing Chris with a sigh and grabbing it with a firm shake. "We're men, it happens between the best of em'." Smith said while facing the Arceanic. "I still don't know about lending you lot a hand, really not much that can be done given her position in that chasm, but I am willing to show you what happened to us, if you're still willing to accept the offer." he added before heading back towards his ship. Watching him leave, Chris sighed and turned back towards the Guardian, wanting to head in to check up on the girls only to hear the Dusknoir leader calling out in warning, turning to see the Pokemon motioning for him to return to the Arceanic. "R-Right, the deal..." he groaned, looking down at the girls and putting his hand on the still weakened barrier, everyone looking up at him silently.

"Serenity!! Try to hang in there just a little more!! I promise we'll be out of here soon!!" he tried to assure her, Serenity glancing up at him in a daze and giving an awkward smile in response before stumbling, Alicia now having to hold onto her completely to keep her from collapsing. "Alicia, Rose!! You girls are doin' great!! I know she's hurtin' but... No matter what you've gotta help keep her focused!!" he shout out, both Pokemon nodding in response and giving a smile of their own. "And... Sally, Victoria!!" he shout, both jolting and looking up at him. "...Thanks!!" he smiled, the two nodding in response and waving as he backed away from the barrier. "I promise!! Just... Just a little longer!! Hang on!!" he repeat, giving everyone a wave as well before rushing back to the Arceanic. Once he reached the shipwreck, Sally let out a relieved sigh and slumped in her chair, worn out from putting so much into her performance while Victoria walked up to her while rubbing her hands. "Heavens, these ladies haven't performed in nearly ten years! Can't believe I managed that so spot on... I'm not sure whether to praise myself or beg these two for mercy." she smiled nervously, rubbing her hands and motioning for one of the waiters to come over and ordering lotion for them. "That's what the Hartley blood does to you! Once you learn, you never forget grandmother!" Sally laughed, holding her grandmothers hands and massaging them. "I suppose so... Oh that's lovely, thank you dear." Victoria replied, sitting in a chair in front of Sally. With the passengers and crew now calm and happily chatting among one another, the two smiled and nodded at a job well done before glancing at the ever dimming barrier around them. "At the very least, we helped them forget..." Sally muttered, looking back at Serenity as the Pokemon looked near death due to the strain on her body. "We've been down her quite a while now, I feel so bad for her." she added. "Best not pity those who try their hardest for others dearie. All we can do is offer our encouragement and continue taking care of her as best we can." Victoria replied. However, nearby Lucario and Garchomp stood overhearing the conversation, the two facing one another and muttering among themselves before walking up to the two and tapping them on the shoulder.

"Eh...? Oh, hello there." Victoria smiled. "I know you! Aren't you the two Pokemon that have been after Chris's girls?" Sally asked, grinning and raising an eyebrow causing both Pokemon to jolt and glance away with a groan. "Oh hush now, don't speak that way!" Victoria lectured, giving Sally a pat on the back of her hand. "Ha ha! Sorry grandmother." she replied, both facing the two Pokemon. "So, what can we do for you?" Sally asked, the two jolting and chattering in response. "Ah, ha ha. Sorry, afraid we can't understand you two." Victoria point out, both Pokemon pausing and letting out another groan before looking at the girls, Lucario jolting with an "ah hah!" look on his face. Using motions, he point at Serenity before patting his chest. "You... Love her?" Sally asked, Lucario rapidly shaking his head and growling in irritation. "S-Sorry!! Sorry!!" she laughed nervously. Rolling his eyes, Lucario put his hands together and focused silently before a ball of aura appeared between them, the Pokemon holding it in his hand and pointing it out before pointing at Serenity again. "Let me take a crack at it dear." Victoria spoke up, reaching out and lowering Sally's hand just as she was about to guess again. "You're from the Lucario species, meaning you can manipulate aura, or rather, energy, correct?" she asked, Lucario blinking at her in surprise before smiling and nodding before making another series of motions. "I gather you'd like to lend Serenity some of your own energy to help with the barrier then? I'm afraid it would take much, MUCH more than just your energy alone however to preserve us." she point out, Lucario's excited smile slowly fading as the aura vanished and he stood thinking again before snapping his fingers. "Looks like you've got an idea. Not much else we can do in our position so I'd say if the Pokemon want to brainstorm and lend a hand then go for it." Victoria smiled with a nod, Lucario grunting with a smirk before motioning for Garchomp to follow. The two rushing up to the girls at the tip of the bow, Alicia and Rose quickly blocked their way, warning them to stay back with irritated looks on their faced. Jumping back in surprise, Lucario and Garchomp quickly assured the girls they meant no ill will and wanted to help, Rose and Alicia looking at one another warily only for Serenity to give the two her okay.

Looking back at her surprised, Alicia and Rose faced one another and backed away, allowing Lucario to walk up to Serenity and put a hand on her shoulder with a thumbs up before going over his idea with her, Garchomp standing back and glancing down at Rose with a slight blush, the rabbit stomping her foot with a shout and her hands on her hips causing the Pokemon to jolt and face away with an apology. "Lu-Lucario have idea, th-think it can worfu..." Serenity said weakly, getting to the point her words were beginning to slur. "Think what with who now?" Alicia asked, tilting her head as Serenity let out a groan and suddenly went limp in Lucario's arms, both Alicia and Rose panicking in their Pokemon tongues causing them both to jolt and face one another, the color draining from their faces as passengers took notice as well, watching the barrier flicker and fade to nearly nothing. On the Arceanic, Chris suddenly let out a shout and clutched his chest again, his eyes wide and behaving as though he couldn't breath causing all of the Yamask around him to panic, gathering while the Andersson's rushed up and tried coaxing him into relaxing and taking a breath, rubbing and patting his back only for Chris to suddenly fall flat on the remains of the deck, wheezing and glancing at Serenity's stone as it began dying out altogether, his color slowly fading causing everyone around him to panic all the more, save for the Dusknoir who were rubbing their hands greedily, ready to take him at any moment. Seeing this, Captain Smith grit his teeth and hovered between Chris and the Dusknoir, crossing his arms causing them to jolt back, the Yamask reacting the same and facing one another in surprise. "Back off! We've a deal between us." the leader warned. "I don't rightly care what your deal is. This is my ship and so long as that is the case, whoever is on board is my responsibility first and foremost." Smith replied. Giving the Captain dagger like glares, the Dusknoir warned him to move aside yet again while the Andersson's tried to help Chris, his gasps for air growing all the more desperate.

Back on the Guardian, everyone held onto one another as terror began welling up within them once more. Looking around nervously, Lucario faced down at Serenity as her eyes began rolling up, her consciousness rapidly slipping in his arms before suddenly gritting his teeth and holding her tightly. Thinking he was being fresh, Alicia and Rose were about to intervene only for Victoria to shout, calling them back causing the two Pokemon to pause, glancing back before hearing a sudden burst of energy and facing Serenity, finding her and Lucario both engulfed in a large ball of aura. Feeling the energy, Serenity jolt and began blinking again before quickly shaking her head and looking at Lucario as he winced with a grin, helping her stand back up and reminding her to keep her hands out and focused. Nodding, Serenity wobbled slightly yet resumed her stance, the barrier slightly strengthening as Lucario stood behind her and pressed his hands against her back causing Serenity to jolt and glance behind herself, blinking bewildered as Lucario closed his eyes. With everyone watching in silence, they all began cheering when they saw the barrier strengthening all the more. "What in the world...?" Alicia muttered, jolting and covering her mouth with the tip of her tail when she spoke. "Hey! We've got human voices again!!" Rose laughed excitedly. Behind Serenity, the appendages on Lucario's head began rising as he let out a quiet noise from his concentration. "What is he...?" Alicia asked, cut off when she felt a ping run through her head. "Oh, I get it!!" Rose giggled. "M-Mind filling us in?" Sally asked, wheeling up with her grandmother by her side. "That Lucario is calling all the Pokemon here! The one's that have energy left to spare anyway. He's gonna charge up Serenity!!" Rose explained excitedly. "Charge...? He can do that?" Sally asked, looking up at her grandmother who gave a nod in response with a smile on her face.

Optional track to LWR- Listen While Reading - Hope Rekindled https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtgGjZk5sTc

Next thing everyone knew, they felt the ship trembling beneath their feet before noticing hundreds of Pokemon rushing along towards Serenity from throughout the colossal vessel. All of the Pokemon that hadn't been heavily involved with the previous battle were gathering to play their part at last in helping everyone aboard the Guardian! And not only were they rushing along the deck, but they were soaring over the ship as well, countless flying Pokemon hurrying through the air towards the bow simultaneously in an effort to gather as quickly as they could. Although for the most part they were small Pokemon and infants, they were all hurrying along nonetheless, each willing to do what they could to keep everyone alive. "I don't believe it... Talk about scrapping the bottom of the barrel. What next?" Rostron said in awe, everyone in the bridge watching all the Pokemon gather together on the bow of the ship as well causing the humans to back away in order to give them all as much space as possible. Looking back, Lucario shout out commands to them, getting a nod from the massive crowd of Pokemon in response before they gathered up close and began holding one another's hands, paws, claws and more, forming a linked chain throughout the gathering before several in the front went up and touched Lucario, making the chain complete and allowing him to easily gather their energy and send it into Serenity. With a nod and a smile, Lucario gave them all his thanks before facing forward and closing his eyes once more, warning Serenity to get ready as she slightly sweat, although instead of fatigue, it was due to lacking any idea what the Pokemon was about to do to her. Nonetheless, she nodded and faced forward as Lucario let out a loud growl, his appendages rising once more as an aura gathered around his body and began flowing into Serenity, spreading from his back throughout the rest of the other Pokemon as well.

Soon, the entirety of the Guardian's bow was bathed in a colossal blue aura that Lucario was rapidly pumping into Serenity causing her eyes to widen before gritting her teeth and letting out a shout, releasing a new burst of power from her hands making the barrier return to normal in a flash, catching even her off guard as she looked around in surprise. "W-Wow, it really work." she muttered, glancing back at Lucario and all of the Pokemon, with others continuing to gather and join in the chain. "You not bad at all!" she praised, giving Lucario a grin. Looking up at her, he smirked with a thumbs up before resuming his task. On the Arceanic, several of the Yamask, not just the Andersson's, were beginning to join the Captain in his defensive stance between Chris and the Dusknoir, and just as things were about to get heated his eyes suddenly shot open wide before his body shot up from the deck. "Whooooo-YEAH!!!" he shout, looking at his hands in surprise. "Oh MAN!! I feel like I just had some thirty energy drinks all in one sip!!" he laughed, punching at the water and letting out a sigh of relief while everyone, even the Dusknoir blinked at him bewildered. "Wh-What's wrong with you guys?" he asked, tilting his head confused by their expressions. "W-Well, we uh... I don't even know." Smith replied, lowering his hands and facing Chris. "You uh, so you're not gonna...? I mean, well, what do I mean?" he muttered, scratching his head while the Dusknoir groaned and rolled their eyes, several smacking themselves on the forehead, the Yamask circling Chris and randomly poking him curiously. Looking at them all, Chris raised an eyebrow before noticing the barrier around the Guardian having been restored. "Oh man!! Check it out!!" he shout excitedly, pointing out the ship causing Smith and the Yamask to jolt in surprise before nervously having a look themselves, blinking in surprise at the site before them.

"I'll be, looks like you've got a little more time after all." Smith muttered. Quickly checking Serenity's stone, it was almost impossible for him to look at it due to how bright it had become thanks to Serenity's new reservoir of energy. "Maaaan, no wonder I feel so good! What the heck's goin' on over there?!" Chris asked, noticing the blue glow around the ships bow. "I can explain that one!" Rostron said excitedly on his line. "Looks like these Pokemon really know how to use their resources! That Lucario you ran into on the ship a few times? It showed up and gathered what Pokemon we still had on their feet and it looks like it's pumping their power into that Serenity of yours! I'd say we're good to go for a good while now!" Rostron laughed, Chris hearing all of the cheering in the background causing his ear to ring. "A-Agh!! Th-That's awesome sir!" he laughed nervously, pulling the communicator away from his ear. "I'll keep working on things over here then! I think we're on our way sir!" he grinned. "Aye lad! Good luck out there, we're still counting on you!" Rostron affirmed before the line cut off. Looking around at everyone, Chris smirked and gave them a thumbs up.

"Alright everyone, I might not have a ton of time, but looks like I might have just enough to hear you fella's out. So tell me, what will it take to get all of you to help me uncork that ship and get it back to the surface?" he asked, the Yamask looking at one another before smiling and gathering around him. "And uh, you wanted to show me the truth, right? No better time like the present!" he added, facing the Captain only to see Smith already holding his mask out. "Then lets get the history lesson over with." Smith replied as Chris took it with a nod. "It won't be a pleasant one, so be prepared." Smith warned...