An Unexpected Plot Twist

Story by Rod_Erich on SoFurry

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After a long and tiring week of shooting, Connor wanted nothing more but kick back, relax, and enjoy a quiet weekend with his hunky co-actor and budding friend.  However, not even actors can escape life's little plot twists. Connor's weekend might've just taken turn to something much, much more interesting.

Author's Notes:

Well, here we go. This is my first story I've ever posted in this site, a gay smut story at that.

I'm open to suggestions so feel free to drop an idea or two for further stories or possible sequels. Other than that, hope you guys enjoy some wolf on wolf action!

Icy cold rain poured from the heavens in the earnest, soaking him to bone. His fingers felt stiff and were beginning to numb around his gun, but he didn't care. He had a task to finish, and he was so close... too close to his goal to back out now.

Steeling his resolve, the black furred wolf peered over the wall and scanned the wide expanse of a roof, and blinked. It was completely empty, save for the wrecked husk of a burnt out helicopter lying on the side of the helipad. He frowned as he took a good look around again, slowly coming out from his cover as he tried to spot his elusive target, gun at the ready. Sniffing out for scent would be useless as the wind whipped around crazily. He could pick up a dozen different scents from the whole city alone.

There was no other way hid target could have escaped to except to the roof of this skyscraper. The elevator leading to the roof was damaged, so the stairwell had been the only way to the top, and it couldn't have lead somewhere else, he thought as he peered over the edge of the helipad.

Everything looked tiny from his vantage point, and unless that darned canine had taken a parachute and floated his way down the hundred floor tall tower, there's no other way he would've disappeared to. He would have noticed it too. The streets surrounding the skyscraper was packed and a hoard of curious and shocked onlookers. More police cars were starting to head towards the building, sirens wailing. It looks like they had brought armored backups this time. Damn, he had to act fast.

"Enjoying the view, agent?"

The wolf whirled around, aiming his gun at the white clad figure who had appeared a few feet across him, right at the edge of the helipad. How the hell did he get there?

The target, a maned wolf with pale tan colored fur was smirking triumphantly at the agent despite being wounded. The fresh scars on his face, arms, and stomach were flowing small streams of blood, marring his white coat from the downpour. "Hmm, I must say you're a very, very persistent one. Heh, no matter... Soon you'll die like the others." he trailed off, throwing his head back to the grey, thundery skies, letting off a dejected moan. "Staying alive is so... boring."

The agent glared as he slowly crossed the distance between them. "Cut to the point."

Sighing, the maned wolf spread his arms wide and looked back at the agent. "All my life I've been searching for distractions... hmm, something exciting. You and your little organization were the best distraction I ever had..." He let out a short laugh. "Oh, how you scurry around like cockroaches just because of a little firecracker." He giggled, wiggling his fingers.

The agent's grip on his gun tightened. That "little firecracker" had leveled their headquarters and a good portion of Lowestein City. He unlocked the safety and cocked it right at his target's head. "Tell me why I shouldn't blow your head off right now." He growled.

"Tell you why?!" The white clad wolf guffawed for a good few seconds before he calmed down. "You see the crowd down there?"

The black wolf frowned as he peered to the mass of onlookers and police cars which had gathered on the foot of the tower. "I see them alright..." He said cautiously, wondering where his target was aiming with the conversation.

A smirk appeared on the maned wolf's face. "Aaah, you don't get it do you? Hmm... let me put it this way... How would the world think of a world leading entrepreneur, charismatic philanthropist, and general nice guy being killed from his own tower by a rogue K-I9 agent, hmm?" The smirk widened, obviously relishing on the look of dawning understanding, followed by shock on the agent's face.


"Oh yes." He chuckled, walking towards the black wolf, limping heavily from the wounds on his stomach. "What was that you said, hmm, oh right." He gripped the gun's barrel and shoved it right under his own chin. "Shoot me then." He uttered. "You've got nothing on me, nothing at all. Soon, the TARTARUS Initiative will be activated and the K-I9 will be blamed for what happens next! Hmm! Isn't that wonderful?"

The agent gritted his fangs. His fingers were twitching to pull the trigger, but he knew he couldn't. Not like this. The maned wolf grinned ferally in return.

"Face it pup, I've won this game, and there's nothing that you can do anything about it, hmm." He laughed, letting go of the gun before he seized the lapels of the agent's torn, stained jacket, pulling the black wolf close to his face. "I've really enjoyed our little game so far. Makes me feel so, so, excited." The way he articulated the word sent shivers down the agent's spine. "But good things must come to end, as always." He chuckled, dragging his tongue over the agent's ear as he whispered his next words.

"Game over, little agent."

What happened next was a blur. There was a blinding pain on the base of his shoulder as the white clad wolf bit down to his neck. Snarling, the agent wrestled against his assailant's grasp, kicking and punching to push himself further from the madman. There was a tangle of limbs, his fingers brushing past cold metal, and then there was a loud bang.

Both wolves froze. The agent stared at the gun which had slipped from his grasp and thudded on the wet, concrete floor. His eyes easily picked up the single shell from a fired bullet. He turned to the other canine, eyes widening. A large grin was slowly forming on the maned wolf's muzzle as the agent noticed, to his horror, a fresh patch of blood began to blossom on the white clad canine's chest. The next thing he noticed was that the wolf was tittering on the edge of the helipad. He rushed forward on the next second, but was too late.

The gleeful look on the white coated wolf's crazed eyes was enough to give anyone nightmares as he threw himself from the tower, arms spread wide as he fell, blood soaked coat billowing in the wind. Down, and down he went through the empty air. And still, he had the mocking grin on his scarred, bloodied face, seemingly locked on to the agent.

I win, you little fool.


Bright, blinding light flooded Davis' line of vision as the bell rang, followed with the sounds of the crew hastily moving around the soundstage. It took him a good minute to adjust from the sudden brightness. The wolf rubbed his eyes as he tried to dispel the black spots that danced around his vision, barely even noticing that a Labrador was approaching him with a huge towel. He couldn't help but puff out a small sigh as the drizzle of cold water stopped flowing and huge fans were rolled to the sides of the set and began to blow hot, dry air.

"That's it for today! Good job everyone!" The director's voice echoed through the loudspeaker, eliciting whoops from the crew members and other actors around the soundstage.

Standing up, Davis went and scratched that itch that had been nagging on the top of his head halfway across the take, and accepted the towel before he glanced over the edge of the helipad set. He grinned toothily down at Connor, his co-actor, who was lying on the giant airbag below the 40 feet tall "tower" set. He sent the maned wolf a thumbs up as the assistants helped the other wolf down from the safety contraption.

Connor returned the gesture, letting himself to let out a tired grin as he managed to crawl down the wobbly, humongous airbag with the help of the crew members. Finally, after a week long, gruelling shooting sessions, he could have a long deserved break, kick back, and enjoy the weekend. He had never felt so exhausted in his time working as an actor.

Granted, this is his first big movie project, where he's starring side by side with Davis Kingston--a major A-list actor who had worked with various critically acclaimed movies--and working under big studio name, with a much bigger pay. It's not the usual TV company he had worked under, acting in several long TV series for home audiences. He should've expected that things wouldn't be easy.

"Thanks, Chad." He said to the Leopard who had offered him a large towel and a steaming cup of coffee. The maned wolf quickly discarded his waterlogged, red stained coat and the shirt underneath, before draping the warm towel around himself and accepted the coffee.

Extras were slowly dispersing away from the "street" set around him as the rest of the filming crew quickly moved to clear away everything; rolling away the multiple array of cameras, mics, wheeling away the moveable props, and extinguishing the fire which had been set on the wrecked car props.

Connor looked up as Davis, who had climbed down the stairs from the "tower", jogged up to him, flashing a wide grin at the black furred wolf. He didn't look even remotely tired.

"Helluva take huh? You did a good job there, Davis." Connor chuckled, stretching his arms over his head, trying to pull the kink out of his shoulder. He had landed on the airbag in a rather awkward way after all. "I'd kill to drown myself in a tub of hot bath right now." He sighed, pulling the towel closer to his shivering body.

Davis nodded in agreement. "I'd give anything for that." He replied, rubbing the back of his neck, which caught Connor's attention.

"Er... I didn't actually hurt you, did I?" The maned wolf gave Davis a worried look, biting his lower lip nervously.

The black furred wolf could barely contain a chuckle. Connor can look really adorable when he was nervous. His face would flush, went all twitchy, and his tail would fluff up rather comically, as he was doing right now.

"Nah, you didn't." Davis finally replied, patting his co-actor on shoulder, who he'd come to consider as his friend for this past month, reassuringly. "I'm fine, really. It's not like you bit my neck for real or that." he chuckled.

Connor sighed in relief, chuckling along. "Right yeah. Good to know... glad we've got that part done, eh?" He blinked and nodded at something coming up behind Davis. "Heads up. Big guy incoming."

Davis didn't even have to ask what Connor meant by the phrase. He recognized the footsteps and booming voice everywhere.

"That was great! Really great!"

Turning to the source of the voice, Davis watched as Howard Sableton, their director, trudging through the various props towards them, wrapped in his signature white scarf. The lion was all smiles when he shook Davis and Connor's paws in a congratulatory manner.

Connor hid his wince with a grin when he finally extracted his paw from Sableton's. The lion's grip was really strong, which was not surprising. He could only wonder how Sableton could still retain his cut, robust figure despite his age--which was showing nicely through his black turtleneck. Perhaps the habit of training his body from years of being an action movie star never left him. Who'd guess? Either way, the maned wolf couldn't help but admire the older lion. The director had this charm that just made people like him.

"Third take, and you two nailed it perfectly! Mr. Rayner, you've got the characterization down pretty damn well." Sableton practically gushed, causing Connor to flush and grin. "I nearly pissed my pants during that scuffle. No joke." the lion added at the maned wolf's rather unsure look. "I know this is your first big movie project, but think of this as your usual TV series shoots. Your nervousness showed at times, and you tend to let your accent slip at the beginning of your lines, but you managed to keep all of those under control at that last take, and that's something, kid. Good job."

"Thank you sir." Connor replied with a nod, grinning widely from the praise.

Sableton chuckled. "No problem Mr. Rayner. As for you, Davis. Perfect reflexes as always, and you've really got the script down. I couldn't ask for anything better. Just make sure where you tread on the soundstage. You nearly tripped on the stairs, again." His tone turned somewhat admonishing.

The black wolf looked decidedly sheepish. "Yeah, I'll make sure to watch where I step next time, Howard."

"Good, good." The lion director smiled genially. "Go get cleaned up and get some rest and enjoy your weekend. Make sure you two have enough energy on Monday morning. We have several physically demanding takes to be filmed, especially for your agent character." He gave a nod at Davis' way.

The black wolf grinned in return. Physically demanding shoots were always his thing. Next week will definitely be fun. "I'm looking forward to it, Howard."

Connor nodded along, wondering how tiring next week's session will be. "I'll do my best, sir."

"Call me Howard, Mr. Rayner." Sableton grinned good naturedly. "I guess I should call you Connor from now on too eh?" He chuckled. "Now off you go. You two must be freezing after that shot."

"Hmm, never thought he'd be so friendly." Connor mused as Sableton went off to address the filming crew, his trademark white scarf trailing from his shoulder.

Davis decided to finally off the jacket and shirt crew relieving him from the damp, cold clothing. Though, he still had his undershirt on, which clung tightly to his sturdily built body. "He's like that with everyone." The black wolf remarked with a grin. "Real easy to get along with, and a pretty good company too if you let him." He added wistfully.

Connor raised his eyebrow. He was about to ask Davis to elaborate when the black wolf suddenly shook himself dry, sending water droplets everywhere before draping the oversized towel over his upper body.

"Hey, watch it!" Connor protested, flicking off the water from his muzzle.

Davis shot him an amused look. "You'll get cleaned up in a minute or two anyway." He joked as he made a beeline towards the showers.

Connor rolled his eyes but followed Davis nonetheless. He was eager to get dry and warm after a particularly long day. Perhaps he could treat himself with that new game he had recently ordered, and perhaps spending the day and the next lazing around. It was at this time that his stomach gave a growl as he jogged up after Davis, and an idea popped up on his head.

"Hey, want to grab some food and beer later on?"

The black wolf raised his eyebrow, but nodded. "Sure, but you're paying, yeah?" He grinned mischievously.

Connor shoved the other wolf away, rolling his eyes. "Not a chance."

An hour and a half later, the two canines were talking and laughing away in the local pub, drinking beer and enjoying the hot burgers and steak that had been served. The establishment was one of the few places that specially catered to directors, producers, actors and actresses, and even filming crew who worked in the studio complex.

It was usually packed in most days, but the pub was not particularly crowded that night, so the two friends were definitely enjoying a relative peace and quiet as they ate their food, surrounded by a pleasant buzz of conversation and activity.

"...and then I told that vixen in my faux scottish accent, "Don't I know that miss, Me and Davis Kingston do really look alike don't we? My friends keep commenting that I should do impersonation videos and post it on HowlTube!" He reverted back to his normal accent. "I never expected it to work, you know. The young vixen just giggled, agreed, and left me alone after that."

Connor snorted into his drink. "Lucky bugger. I could never pull that off with my crazed fans. Thankfully, there weren't that many, but still..." He shook his head. "Stalkers and gossip magazines are the worst."

"Tell me about it." Davis rolled his eyes as he took a large bite out of his steak. "You're lucky you can still enjoy a bit of freedom. I can't go anywhere without being stalked by paparazzi at one point of my life. It was a nightmare."

"Yeah, I getcha." Connor nodded, knowing full well what his co-actor felt. "It was a few months after the second season of my last drama series aired. Got a bunch of them stalking around my old apartment, and well... I just lost it and fingered them, lots of it." Connor smirked. "They didn't looked too pleased, hah."

The black wolf choked on his beer as he processed what his friend just said. "Y-you fingered those pesky cameramen?" He guffawed, twirling his paw fingers and wiggled his eyebrows.

Connor's ears flattened against his skull, his pale tan cheeks reddened considerably when he finally realized what he'd just said. "Aw, no. I meant I gave them the finger! I didn't mean the other way around! Come on, man..." He groaned when Davis burst out into another fresh peels of laughter.

"Must be quite fun eh?" Davis couldn't help but continue to tease his co-actor. "Plowing their asses with your paws... Did you even fist them? Ow!" A whine escaped his throat when Connor swatted the back of his head sharply.

"I'd give you a real fisting if you don't shut up." Connor huffed, still flushing as he forked the leftover fries on his empty plate.

Davis was still sniggering, but he forced himself to calm down as he chugged his beer. "Well..." He trailed off. "I wouldn't mind that, really." He mused.

Connor stared at the black wolf, blinking as his brain tried to process what Davis had just said. "Whut?"

"Wouldn't really mind your fist in my ass." The black wolf shrugged, propping his elbow on the countertop. "Been awhile since I had something nice and thick back there."

A myriad of thoughts ran through Connor's mind, trying to make sense of what had just been said. "Whoa... you mean you're...but didn't you went out with Joan Smithson...b-but you never..." He gaped, not sure what to say, even.

"I'm gay, yep. For the record, I never dated Joan Smithson. The media loved pairing me with every actress I've starred with." Davis' muzzle broke into a wide smirk as he peered up at his co-actor. His icy blue eyes glinting. "And you never asked. I mean it, you know. I wouldn't mind your paws, or cock, in my ass." He chuckled, his eyes trailing down to Connor's pants. "Bet you pack quite the punch down there."

Connor felt his cheeks heating up. "H-heh... wow." he grinned weakly. He could feel his heart hammering. That was quite the confession. He hadn't really thought that Davis Kingston, world famous A-list actor and idol of thousands of fangirls, swung the same way as he did. It was mind boggling to be honest.

"...Alright then." He found himself saying, biting his lips. He could feel his cheeks warming. "If you're serious about it..." He added hastily.

Davis' ears perked up, The wolf was grinning widely. "Awesome! Yeah, I'm serious about it." He chuckled, fixing Connor with his grinning, blue eyes. "So, your place or mine?"

"Er... well, my apartment is half an hour drive from here so, I wouldn't mind going to yours." Connor admitted as he rubbed the back of his neck, feeling quite warm of all the sudden.

The black furred canine gave him a nod and slowly stood up. "Righto. If we leave now, we can make a good time. The late night traffic shouldn't pose much problem." He said as he checked his phone briefly.

Connor hummed as he finished his beer and dusted the crumbs off his shirt. "Yeah, okay then. Lead the way." He said, trying to calm down the sudden bout of nervousness as he fingered the keys of his bike in his pocket. Talk about a minor plot twist, he thought as he followed Davis out of the pub.

Davis' house was a rather simple looking, three storied Georgian house with a large yard. Other than the two luxury cars he had in his basement garage--plus the muscle car he used daily, a very nice swimming pool on the backyard, and a very sophisticated security system, the wolf kept his things pretty simple.

The interior of his house was minimalistic and sparse, despite the elaborate facade. Everything was in plain whites, blacks, and beiges. The only thing that really stood out was the collage of grayscale photographs arranged to form famous landmarks, hanging around the walls of the winding staircase.

"That's quite nice." Connor remarked as they reached the second floor. Their footfalls muffled by the thick brown carpeting which was spread all through the hallway.

The black wolf grinned. "Thanks. Ah, here we are. My own personal haven." He said as he stopped at a door near the end of the hallway and opened it, revealing a very large bedroom.

"Impressive." Connor whistled as his feet shuffled across the carpeted floor, looking around. The room was furnished with few sofas and armchairs, with a large bed sitting near the centre. It was built facing the backyard and pool area, which can be seen quite easily from the floor-to-ceiling windows and sliding glass door, which opened to a short balcony. An open walkway on the opposite side of the room lead towards a walk-in-closet and connecting bathroom. Connor couldn't help but feeling rather envious when Davis showed him the adjacent gaming room, equipped with plush bean chairs, large flat screen, surround sound stereo system, and the latest gaming system on the market. The shelf itself was stocked to the brim with various games Davis had collected through the years.

Connor let out a grumble as they returned to the bedroom. "I'm feeling so jealous right now."

"I'm just that awesome." Came Davis' joking reply as he plopped down the edge of the bed. "And you can be too, with a few big movies under your belt... and a few paparazzi to fist on." He chuckled teasingly.

"Shut up you." Connor threw a cushion at his friend.

Davis dodged the pillow, still laughing. "Alright, alright... well, joking aside, why don't we started, hmm?" He grinned.

Connor felt his cheeks heat up again when Davis slowly zipped down his pants, revealing the snug black boxer brief that framed his mouth watering bulge. The maned wolf couldn't help but gape as Davis's throbbing cock popped out when the piece of cloth was removed. The juicy red shaft was already halfway out of its plump, black sheath and was quickly growing up to its full length. The meaty rod was glistening from the stream of pre that must had been leaking out for the past few moments. Had he been really hard all this time? Connor thought, flushing brightly as he felt his own hardon growing. He never really thought Davis would be this huge...

"Sorry, I can't seem to couldn't hold it any longer..." The black furred wolf chuckled teasingly, cupping his ample balls and stroking his cock lightly. "Mmm... well, I'll just get myself comfortable, if you don't mind." He added with a wink as he began to unbutton his shirt.

"...Y-you kept your training I see." Connor said, grinning a rather nervously as the shirt fell away.

Davis wasn't as large and built as he did back when he was starring in that epic fantasy war movie series, but the wolf still retained his impressive musculature, covered in lush, jet black fur with a trail of dark grey fur which framed the wolf's perfectly formed mound of pecs, running down through the centre of his delicious, rock hard abs, which formed with the bushy pubic hair that crowned around his plump sheath.

The maned wolf got a good view of Davis' firm, round glutes which just screamed to be smacked and squeezed when the black wolf turned around to kick his clothes away, his grey streaked fluffy tail swishing gently. Connor gulped, feeling his jeans tightening just from seeing Davis in the glory of his birthday suit.

A light chuckle slipped from Davis' lips. "Liked what you see eh? What can I say? I love my mythological warrior muscles." He said with a wide smirk, flexing his thick, well formed biceps. "Doesn't mean I can't continue my workout regime when the series ended. You can join me sometime you know." He offered, folding his arms across his chest.

Connor felt himself grew hot as his mind began conjuring images of Davis, fur matted and glistening with sweat, muscles rippling and straining with power as the black wolf worked through various weights and machines. "T-that would be great yeah..." He found himself nodding fervently. "Though, I'm not sure I'd be any good..." he trailed off when he finally remembered what kind of training Davis went through. He had read the articles in Wolfhood Fitness magazine when Davis was still staring in that movie series. 6 hours gyming, twice a day, and a very strict diet. He wasn't sure he could keep up with the movie project going on.

"Heh, no worries, Connor. I can contact my fitness instructor to let you in with my training sessions. You'd soon have the muscles of the gods." The black wolf grinned, chuckling inwardly as he saw the growing tent in his co-actor's pants. The maned wolf's tail was practically swishing in anticipation, or was it excitement?

"You can take off your clothes. It'll be more comfortable that way if you want to proceed." He chuckled good naturedly. He grinned in amusement as he watched Connor slipping off his shirt and the grey tank top underneath, revealing his tan and reddish furred body. He could see that the workout routine Sableton pushed Connor to do had done wonders to his body. He wasn't as big as Davis, but he could see the majority of Connor's lean, taut muscles despite being hidden beneath the maned wolf's naturally fluffy body.

Connor's paws shook from nervousness as he unbuckled his belt and fumbled as he unzipped his jeans. He berated himself from acting so nervous like a teenager, but he couldn't help it. The large bulge was now quite visible now that he was down to his briefs. He hesitated slightly as he slipped his paws around the elastic band of his underwear, but seeing Davis' hungry gaze, he quickly slipped it down, freeing his own thick cock from the last piece of cloth.

An appreciative whistle went through Davis' lips. "I was right! You do pack quite the punch, stud." he murred, eyeing the throbbing deep red meat hanging from Connor's loins. It was standing on full mast, showing its impressive length. The black wolf noted that it wasn't as long as his own, but the girth made up for the lack of length.

"Mmm... why don't you get me ready then?" Davis said as he finished drinking up the tasty image of Connor's manhood, already imagining it hilted deeply inside his ass. The black wolf flopped down to the bed and folded his arms behind his head, lifting his legs and propping them on the edge of the bed before spreading it wide apart and letting his tail lying down.

Connor gulped again when he was given an uninhibited view of Davis' rear. The soft pink tailhole winked at him. He couldn't help staring at Davis' throbbing rod however. God... this is so embarrassing.

"R-right." The maned wolf quickly shuffled forward, kneeling down so his muzzle was level to the other wolf's rear. Davis was emitting a rather musky scent from his privates, which sent Connor's senses into an overdrive. He licked his lips, his eyes trailing the glistening length of his co-actor, his plump family jewels, and down to the space between the well formed ass cheeks. "I-er... never done this kind of thing before, actually." He admitted, flushing in embarrassment.

Davis barked out a laugh. "What? You mean you never got laid?" He asked, sounding somewhat disbelieving.

"Well... no." Connor was feeling rather foolish at this point.

"Ah well, there's first time for everything, right?" Davis chuckled, wiggling his hips. "Go on, just do your own thing, preferably with your tongue. I'm clean down there, so no worries." He smirked, gesturing Connor to proceed.

Licking his lips lightly, Connor took a deep breath, steeled himself, and moved his head forward towards the cock. He slowly dragged his wet tongue through Davis' meaty length, scooping up the pre that had been leaking all the way down. It gave the cock a bit of a slightly bitter, but salty taste, but it was not bad, Connor thought. He continued to lap up as much as he can, gulping down as he slowly moved his head upward and down the length of the throbbing meat.

"Yeah... that's it." Davis let out a soft moan as Connor moved upward again and wrapped his tongue around his particularly sensitive head. "You're doing great..."

The maned wolf continued to coat the canine's manhood with his saliva down to the base, and back up to the tip, where he tentatively wrapped his lips around the girth and started to shift the slick length down his muzzle, slowly bobbing his head up and down. Davis let out a sharp moan at that, giving a light buck which shoved the cock deeper down Connor's mouth, hilting to his muzzle. The maned wolf choked, but quickly adjusted himself as he slowly pushed deeper and deeper, until his muzzle was touching Davis' pubic fur, breathing in the thick, musky smell. It made his head fuzzy as he pulled out slightly, gulping down his own spit. The maned wolf's own length throbbed, standing up at full mast as he continued to sink his maw into Davis' shaft, hilting it deeply into his throat, entirely lost on trying to savor the tantalizing salty and bitter flavor as best as he could.

"Aaah... c-careful your fangs... yeah, that's good." Davis breathed as Connor's warm maw teased and sucked his manhood. His movements were rather sloppy, but it was still pleasurable. "Y-You can stop now, Connor." He said, panting slightly. "My ass needs attention too."

Those words made Connor blush with embarrassment, having forgotten about the wolf's preference to his tailhole. With a slight reluctance, the tan furred canine pulled out from Davis' thick rod, dipped his head lower as he dragged his tongue past Davis' furry set of balls, giving them several long, wet licks, before he stopped at the wolf's fleshy pink pucker. It winked teasingly at him, releasing a fresh set of musky, tempting odor that made Connor's head fuzzy.

Gulping for the umpteempth time, Connor took several calming breaths before he brought his muzzle forward, pressing against Davis' furry jewels as he lathered the tailhole with his thick, warm tongue the best as he could. He braved himself to lick past the soft ring and into the moist, musky rectal muscles inside, reaching every nook and folds with his tongue while coating it with his warm saliva.

Davis's toes curled in the slight pleasure he felt on his ass as Connor's tongue plunged in and began to slurp away. He had to admit, it was nice even the movement was somewhat sloppy. "You can dig in more... r-right, like that..." He moaned. "Yeah... that's it. You've got a real good tongue, eh?" He chuckled.

Connor flushed at the compliment before pulling out, rubbing his nose. "T-thanks." He said, before he went inside the black wolf's tailhole again, once again breathing in the manly musk while trying his best to stimulate his co-actor's hole. A part of him couldn't believe that he was rimming his friend, while the other part was egging for him to go on.

Before long, he felt a paw on his head and stopped, pulling away with his tongue lolling out, blinking dazedly at the black furred wolf.

Davis winked, grinning widely at Connor. His paws were back on his slick shaft, lightly fondling it as he spoke. "I think I'm prepped enough. Think you can give me a proper handballing?" He reached to the side of the bed, disappearing momentarily, before he returned and tossed Connor a large bottle of lube.

"S-sure, yeah." Connor nodded, flushing deeply as he lathered the cool, clear liquid all over his paw, somewhat clumsily at that. "So I just... plug it in?" He asked uncertainly, pressing his paws on in between Davis' toned ass cheeks.

"If you want." The muscled black wolf smirked teasingly, his tail wagging. "But you can start with a finger first, and slowly work your way in."

Biting his lip, Connor eyed the tight pucker with a bit of uncertainty. It doesn't look it can even fit two of his paw fingers, let alone his whole fist.

"I've taken on something bigger, just so you know." The black furred wolf interjected with a slight murr, tail swishing impatiently. "Don't keep me waiting."

The maned wolf's blush grew tenfold. "A-alright then." He murmured, trying not to think how Davis could keep himself pretty tight if his preference is plunging thick, big fists down his ass. Taking a deep breath, Connor pressed one paw finger to Davis' hole and pressed. It wasn't much of a surprise that it slipped in easily with a rather wet plop. Feeling rather foolish, Connor went to wiggle the finger around Davis' warm rectal walls, feeling around the moist, warm, fleshy bumps and curves. Still uncertain, he pushed another finger in, and then another, making circular movements and pressing against something that was quite firm a bit down the hole which made Davis squirm and moan languidly. He continued to work his fingers in, reaching and stretching the rectal walls with his lubed paw, until, to his amazement, his entire fist was plopped deep inside his friend's asshole.

"Aaa-hnnn... curl it around..." Davis shifted slightly, letting out a soft moan. He could feel the maned wolf spreading his insides apart as he clenched around the paw. "You know, start fisting..." He panted.

Still flushing brightly, Connor curled his paw into a fist and pushed it deeper into Davis' ass, spreading the rectum apart, before he pulled his fist out for a few inches, and pushed it back deeper in, eliciting a pleasured cry from the black furred wolf.

It was a surreal experience for Connor, and he found himself slowly enjoying the feeling of the damp, tunnel of flesh clenching snugly around his paw, and the moans coming from Davis' mouth... it was oddly arousing. He idly wondered how Davis' ass would would feel around his cock. Connor was so lost in his own thoughts and sense of arousal that the wolf barely noticed that his other paw had wrapped around Davis' throbbing length and was slowly jerking it in tandem with his fisting.

"Oh, god... yes." Davis whined. The wolf was practically clawing the sheets of his bed as Connor stimulated him senseless. The maned wolf was slowly making his way deeper into his ass, and the way his fist scraped against his prostate gland was driving him off the edge.

Wet sounds mixed with pleasured yips and moans filled the room for the next few minutes. Connor himself was staring transfixed as Davis' body heaved and writhed under his ministrations, beads of sweat already matting the black wolf's fur. The musk coming from him seem to double in intensity, muddling Connor's senses while kicking his hormones into an overdrive. His throbbing length was dripping pre all over the carpet, twitching madly and desparate for attention.

Davis suddenly shot up, and grasped Connor's shoulders tightly, startling the maned wolf. The sudden movement drove the maned wolf's fist deeper into Davis' bowels, making him moan more loudly than ever. Spurts of pre splattered lightly over Connor's face. "'s enough Connor." Davis uttered shakily, eyes clouded with ecstasy and lust.

The maned wolf wiped the liquid from his cheeks, and slowly stopped. The blush was brought back full force on his face as he slowly extracted his paw from Davis' tailhole, covered with lube, Davis' rectal juices, and smelling heavily of the black wolf's musk.

Davis himself let out an involuntary whine y as Connor pulled out, leaving his butthole with a strange, empty sensation, but he quickly covered it with a chuckle. "Pretty nice, eh?" He grinned when he finally gathered his breathing, looking at his co-actor in the face. He eyed the throbbing erection Connor was sporting with a lick of his lips. "Mm... tell you what. Since you've worked so well, why don't you lay back here and let me take over the work?" He murred, running his paw along his own slick member.

"I-I guess that'd be good, yeah." Connor nodded slowly, gulping as he realized what Davis had intended to do next. He stood up and sat right next to the well muscled black wolf, looking excited and apprehensive at the same time. Connor felt his blush returned tenfold when Davis quickly swung himself over him, sitting directly on top of his body. Their caninehoods were rubbing against each other. He could see their globulus gland on the base of their rods throbbing along needily.

"Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride." the black wolf murmured, taking the tan wolf's paws which had been speared inside him moments before, and gave it a long, decidedly erotic lick. Davis was practically sucking on the paw Connor used to fist his ass off the juices. It only stoked Connor's desire for carnal pleasure.

Davis's paws began to roam over Connor's upper body as he suckled on the maned wolf's fingers, teasing and pinching his erect nipples while he gyrated his hips, humping their cocks together. Connor's mind was positively reeling with pleasure by now. The wolf wanted nothing more than to get really intimate with the hunk of black wolf by the passing second. A needy white escaped his lips as he humped along with Davis, taking both of their cocks with his other paw and began jerking forcefully.

Davis's paw clamped down on Connor's own, stopping the maned wolf's movements. "Ah, ah, ah, bad boy. I said that you can just sit back and relax, didn't I?" He grinned somewhat ferally as he slowly rose from his crouching position. He lapped his fingers with a small, playful smirk, and pressed the slickened digits against Connor's virgin hole.

"You like that, don't you?" He murmured huskily when the maned wolf gasped and moaned from the unexpected intrusion.

"Y-yes... mmh..." Connor nodded, tongue lolling out. It had been quite a while since he fingered himself, so the sensations rippling through his body as Davis continued to work his slicked up fingers into his rear entrance, pushing past two fingers and stretching his ass, was rather intense. "O-oh!" He gasped when Davis pressed against his prostate.

Davis chuckled, pushing a third finger in, eliciting another moan from Connor when he starts to stretch the rectal walls wide, tickling the maned wolf's sweet spot every now and then. "You're quite sensitive down there aren't you?" He asked, slowly stopping his movements and pulled his slicked fingers out, and placed them back to his mouth, suckling them clean.

Connor shook his head, wheezing slightly as he gazed up at Davis, flushing up. "You're quite the tease, huh?" He panted with a slight grin.

"I know I am." The black wolf replied. Connor's tail fluffed out, letting out a startled yip when Davis grasped his thick girth with his slick, wet paws and positioned himself, and his dripping member against Connor's prepped tailhole. The maned wolf gulped and steadied his breath as he looked back to his co-actor and friend.

"D-do it." He said shakily. It was all Davis needed. The black wolf pressed his sizeable girth past Connor's anal ring, the amount of pre it had been dripping providing an additional lubrication, easing it through. The intense pain Connor had expected wasn't quite there, instead he rather enjoyed the feeling of being stuffed from his backside, even if it was a bit of a chore adjusting to Davis' length. "Oh god... mmmh...." He bit his lip tightly as Davis continued to spear his ass, covering inch by inch. He couldn't help but let out another moan when the black wolf finally hilted his cock deep to his ass, the knot pressing against his entrance.

Davis grinned, patting Connor's cheeks. "That wasn't so bad now, was it?"

"Yeah." The maned wolf nodded, gasping slightly when he instinctively clenched around the girth. "You're quite big down there--aah!"

"Shh... just relax now." Davis whispered, pulling out his cock halfway through before he pushed it deep into the hole, pistoning into Connor in a moderate pace, paws gripping the maned wolf's legs for support.

Connor simply moaned when Davis continued to pump his cock into his ass, his paws clawing on the bedsheet from the amount of pleasure he was receiving. His cock twitched and throbbed from the sensations, yearning for attention which he soon gave by jerking it in tandem with Davis' pounding. His own tongue lolling out while he threw his head back to the bed, panting and moaning.

Davis purred, loving the flushed, lustful expression on the tan furred wolf below him. The whining, needy noises Connor made was music to the black wolf's ears. He immediately picked up the pace, effectively jackhammering the maned wolf, pressing his knot against the tight hole with each thrust until...

Connor saw white for several seconds, his head spun as he blinked the white spots away from his eyes. For a moment he thought that Davis had somehow gotten bigger, but he finally registered to the fact that the wolf's knot was buried inside his ass... and the salty taste on his tongue was his own jizz. He came when Davis knotted him.

"Oh god..." He breathed, his ass clenching around the bulbous gland, trying to adjust to the girth.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Davis murmured, licking the tip of Connor's muzzle. "Want to know what it feels like?" The wolf said again, much to Connor's confusion.

The maned wolf blinked. "What do you mean?"

"Ah... well, it'd be better to show you." Davis replied with a mischievous grin, which somehow made Connor sweat.


Davis pressed his paw on Connor's muzzle. "Shhh... just relax, Connor." He said, pulling himself up to his knees, still hunched over the other wolf. "Let me handle things, yeah? On three. One..."

Connor stared, not sure what Davis had meant. What did the hunk of an actor intend to do?

"Two..." Davis planted his feet firmly to the squishy mattress. It slowly dawned on Connor. His eyes widened and he quickly braced himself.

"W-wait, I don't--"

Too late. When Davis bellowed out "Three!" He pulled his member, knot and all out of Connor's ravaged hole with a loud, wet pop. A trail of semen followed as Davis' cock left the tailhole, slowly dripping to the sheets. Connor moaned loudly both from the pain, discomfort, and pleasure coursing through his nether regions.

"G-gghh..." He panted, barely noticing that Davis had shifted his position and was crouching right above Connor's hard on. It took the maned wolf a moment to register what his friend... lover, was going to do next. He wheezed, still feeling winded from the past session. "Y-you serious?" He panted after he slowly regained his breath.

A wide grin grazed his black, lupine features. "Ready for another ride?"

_Doesn't look like I have other choice at this moment, do I? _He thought with slight exasperation. He held out his paw, motioning Davis to wait. "Just... need to catch my breath." He said, shaking his head. "How are you not winded?" He added in an incredulous tone.

"Lots of practice." The black wolf grinned and gripped Connor's throbbing member, eliciting a yip from the maned wolf. "Mmm... I guess you're ready for round two then?"

Connor didn't reply, but he nodded, letting out yipping, whining noises as Davis continued to tug his engorged member, squeezing his sensitive knot.

Taking it as an affirmative, the black wolf positioned his tailhole over the tip of Connor's cock, grinning at the lustful, desperate expression on the wolf's face, and sank himself into the throbbing, engorged red rod.

Connor sucked in his breath, pawing the bedsheets and let out a languid moan as Davis' slick, lubed up rectal walls pressed around his raw, engorged member. The warmth and tight pressure running around his cock was quickly driving him off the edge as Davis began to ride him. That, and the fact that the black wolf's huge cock was bobbing along with its owner was quite the a hypnotic sight. He couldn't help but buck along with Davis' movements.

The black wolf himself also seemed to be having the time of his life. "God... yes, you're really filling me up down there..." He breathed languidly as he sank down deeper into Connor's meaty caninehood. Connor's thick girth was really hitting his pleasure points in the right places. "Looks like you're ready for the main event." He murmured with a grin, heightening the intensity of his movements, sinking deeper into the maned wolf's length, pressing against the knot.

"H-huh?" Connor whined dazedly, looking at Davis in confusion. He let out a loud gasp the next second as Davis pushed himself all the way down, clamping his ass around the knot, before pulling up, and slipped down again, hard. It was enough to push the tan wolf off his edge as his balls churned and he felt ready to blow. "I-I'm going to..."

Davis smirked. "I know." He said, gripping on Connor's shoulders before he brought himself down on Connor's entire length, knot and all, which quickly stretched past his rectal ring with a wet plop, locking the two together. The pressure and the pent up energy broke Connor's self control. He came, moaning loudly as he filled the black wolf with ropes and ropes of his virile seed.

The jolts of pleasure from Connor's canine manhood, and the warmth of the other wolf's cum was enough to push Davis to his edge, as he let out a cry when his own impressive length throbbed and spewed out his load, splattering their bodies with thick, white spunk. The black wolf didn't immediately stop however, as he continued to buck Connor's manhood in his tied state, his cock still spewing his seed, drawing more moans from the tan furred wolf. It took a while until the euphoria died down, and Davis finally slowed into a stop, panting and breathing raggedly.

He looked down and chuckled at the expression on Connor's face. Both of them really made quite the mess it would seem. Their bodies glistening with sweat, while thick white semen dribbled down from their faces and chest, and across the bed.

"F-fuck... that was..." Connor heaved when he regained his senses, feeling rather drained.

"...awesome." Davis finished as he squeezed the throbbing knotted member inside him, eliciting another moan from his co-actor, milking a bit more of the maned wolf's seed. "Feels awesome doesn't it?" He breathed, leaning down until his muzzle was pressing against Connor's own as his paws rubbed the light tan colored wolf's pecs in a slow, loving manner.

Connor found himself leaning into the kiss, feeling the rough texture of Davis' lips and his sharp fangs. He didn't even resist as the bigger wolf pushed his slick tongue past his lips, batting against his own tongue in a show of dominance, exploring every contour of his oral orifice. He moaned needily. God, he really hoped that this wasn't just some vivid wet dream. He needed this, he thought as he pushed himself more into the kiss, wrapping his paws around Davis' thick, muscular neck.

"Never thought I'd be doing this with you of all people... or tonight even." Connor admitted tiredly as they pulled apart. He could feel Davis' hot breath on his face.

"Oh? What were you expecting then?" the muscled black wolf grinned as he wrapped his muscular arms around Connor's body, pulling them closer together. Connor could feel the iron hard biceps squeezing against his back and sides. His cock throbbed inside the other wolf's ass.

"J-just some old boring night." Connor murmured, letting out another moan as Davis tugged on his knot when he flipped to the side, forcing him to follow suit. "Lazing around, playing with my games, before sleeping for the next two days... you know, the usual." he continued, murring lightly as Davis trailed light kisses down his neck. "I-it's a nice twist though." He added.

Davis chuckled, brushing his muzzle close to Connor's own. "Mmm, good thing you have me eh?" He said as his lips met Connor's once again. They were locked into another kiss, this time with more passion as their lips mashed against each other, tongues darting in between their maws heatedly.

Connor flushed as they separated for air, and from the realization that his friend's still hard rod was pressing against his chest. It was slowly getting soft, however. He suddenly whined, while letting out another moan as Davis squeezed on his knot again. "W-will you stop that?"

The black wolf simply grinned cheekily in reply. Connor rolled his eyes again at that.

"Say... how long do we have to stay like this?" He asked after a few moments of content silence. He could still feel his cock, or rather, knot, throbbing rhythmically inside Davis' tailhole.

Davis gave him a sly, but tired grin. "All the way through the night if you want. Or do you want to pull off that maneuver I did to ya?" He chuckled.

Flushing slightly, the maned wolf shook his head slowly. "I think I'm good..." He chuckled weakly, yawning. His eyes drooped as the exhaustion started to creep in on both of them. It had been a long day for both of them after all.

"You know..." Davis began. "I'm thinking that you could stay for the weekend here."

Connor's ears perked up slightly. "Really?"

"Yeap." The black wolf was grinning widely, even though he was yawning. "Just the two of us, all the weekend to ourselves... having lots of fun." He chuckled lewdly, causing Connor to blush again. "Hmm...perhaps you can let me handball you properly, learning how it's properly done." He added with a murr, winking at the other wolf. "I've also got some toys to make things more fun if you like."

The statement was enough to elicit another throb from the tan furred canine. Connor flushed again, feeling his heartbeat quicken as his mind conjured images of the bigger wolf plowing and ravaging his tailhole with his paw. It might be not that bad, he reasoned to himself. Toys sounded pretty nice, either way.

"T-that'd be nice." He nodded with a slightly nervous chuckle as he snuggled closer to the warm body wrapped around him, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Davis grinned to himself as he felt the bare, tan furred wolf wrapped around his arms relaxing deeper into his embrace. "Yes, yes it will. You'd have a really great weekend." He chuckled.