Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 28

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#28 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Original image used for this chapter made by - http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1153471

This is the journey of a man named Chris, who had dreams shared by many, yet lived experiences known by so few... There are many people in the world of Pokemon, who come in just as many varieties as these strange creatures. And you are about to discover, perhaps, one you may just consider the rarest of all...

Chapter 28 - Forgiving Advancement

Looking down at the two, Chris nervously put a hand on each of their heads, rubbing them as he tried to think of the right things to say in ways they would understand. "L... Love...?" he heard Kirlia tell him, looking down at her glazed eyes as she faced up sadly. From his other side, he heard Snivy make a noise as well, seemingly trying to copy the same word as she too looked up at him, the both of them trying to make him feel better as they expressed their guilt, both wanting to make up for how he felt however they could. Scratching his cheek, Chris slightly blushed as the two began showing him their affection, a behavior that surprised him considering the awkward and painful stuff that happened between them... Hugging them back, they both climbed up his clothes and rubbed their cheeks against his, wrapping their arms, and in Snivy's case, also her vines around his neck and head. The two of them giving Chris a happy and reassuring smile, they suddenly gave him a kiss on each cheek as they cooed into his ears affectionately, causing him to, admittedly, blush all the more as the cooing sounds sent a shiver through his spine. Acting on their instincts as Pokemon, they used the only methods they knew to make him feel good when sad, and because of their feelings for him, even used methods they would on an unhappy mate.

Kissing him on the cheeks several more times, Snivy and Kirlia seemingly ignored each other as they both fell into their own little worlds of affection, letting out more tender and affectionate coos in his ears, rubbing their noses and bodies against him as if trying to wipe away all of his woes while petting his head. Confused and overwhelmed by the sudden contact, Chris simply sat with wide eyes, his face bright enough to light the room as the two put so much effort into cheering him up they may have unknowingly started going too far, as they themselves started blushing, all three of their hearts fluttering from the contact and emotion in the moment as the two submitted themselves to making Chris as happy as possible. "N... Nyaaaag... Y... You two..." he muttered, a shudder running clear through his spine. "I... I get it... E... Enough..." he told them, the two about to give him another kiss on each cheek before they both froze and remembered they were both on top of him. Tilting their heads past his so they could face one another, Snivy glared at Kirlia, letting out a jealous growl as her vines tightened around him, slightly causing Chris to cough as Kirlia gave Snivy an irritated expression as well, unable to actually glare at her yet still able to show her discontent nonetheless, the two equally irritated by how close and tender the other was being towards him. One moment they were working together... The next they were jealous yet again... Jerking his head towards her, Snivy made a sound as if to say "I've got this" as Chris urked, with Kirlia jerking his head back towards her and making an irritated sound of her own, seemingly saying "He's fine with me" as his neck slightly cracked, Chris turning pale as the two played tug of war with his head and neck.

"G... Girls..." he groaned, patting the two and pointing at his neck now in a choke hold between them getting yanked from side to side. In a panic, they immediately let him go, allowing him to let out a gasp and cough before he flopped backwards onto the bed, letting out a sigh while trying to figure out what to do about the two and their... Confusing situation... "You two... Seriously... We need to talk..." he told them, causing them to face each other with confused and nervous expressions, believing they were in trouble. As he raised up and lift the two off his torso, he sat them on the bed and stood, facing away as he crossed his arms, trying to think of the best way to go about explaining his feelings. He wanted them to stay by his side because he did like them a lot... Yet at the same time he didn't want any awkwardness between them or any confusion. He didn't want something happening between them that might be... Odd... Grumbling to himself, the two Pokemon faced his back, also facing one another several times as they grew more and more concerned. He was wanting to think of a way to discuss their relationships and ensure they continued traveling comfortably together... While they were afraid he was getting ready to abandon them because of being too much trouble... Both of them not wanting to endure abandonment a second time, their expressions changed from, not looks of worry or guilt, but to rage, feeling one another was the cause of all the trouble and the new threat towards their new found life they each felt the other was imposing...

Both of them weakly standing up, with Snivy still in her recovery phase and Kirlia still limited due to her... Moment... With Chris, they growled at one another ready to fight yet again. Just as they jumped towards one another and gave each other a yank on the lips, Chris suddenly pat his fist on his hand as a bulb went on over his head. "Got it!" he shouted, facing the two as they froze, facing him in surprise. Immediately letting one another go and sitting on their knees as if suddenly well behaved, they lowered their heads to show him respect, causing Chris to blink confused with a touch of sweat on his face. "Err... Yeah... So... I've decided on how I'm going to do this... First of all, you'll have to come with me for a bit Kirlia..." he told them, causing Kirlia to show a look of terror on her face while Snivy sighed in relief. "Then... You get to come with me..." he told Snivy, immediately wiping away what little feeling of security she had, instead showing the same expression as Kirlia. Thinking this was it, they lowered their heads in shame, seemingly giving up the enthusiasm they had built up since meeting Chris. Confused by how they were behaving, he went up to Kirlia and lift her onto his shoulder, telling Snivy he would be back for her soon as he went towards the door. Looking towards his back, Snivy waved at them with slight tears in her eyes, feeling as though she was being left to wait for the inevitable as Kirlia shuddered in silence on his shoulder, her face hidden within the shadow of her bangs as she clutched him, causing Chris to raise an eyebrow with a bewildered look, wondering what was wrong with them...

Leaving the hotel, Chris took Kirlia to the nearest border exit, wanting to make sure they were alone and away from curious ears. Strolling into the woods for a moment, he finally stopped and picked Kirlia up off his shoulder, causing her to hiss slightly from the movement as he put her on the ground. Taking a few steps away, Kirlia immediately went into a moment of panic, rushing to him and grabbing one of his legs as he tried to walk towards a tree to sit under, stumbling forward and nearly smashing his face into it. "Ch... Chill out would you?!" he scolded, only for Kirlia to rapidly shake her head in response. With a sigh, he sat down and leaned against the tree, rubbing the back of his head for a moment before pulling her off and making her sit in front of him. "L... Listen Kirlia... Its about the... Bath... And about the spring..." he told her, sweating nervously. Tilting her head confused, Kirlia gave him a concerned look, bewildered as to what the moment was all about.

"Look... To make it simple... You are a Pokemon and I am a human, and some of the stuff that's been happening between us... Even if its been an accident... Its not right... Its something most people... And probably Pokemon alike don't agree with... That kind of stuff happening between us is abnormal in this world... Forbidden kinda... People would feel its weird and... I guess disturbing maybe... I don't want anything bad to happen that would cause trouble for you two, and if people think me and my Pokemon have a relationship we shouldn't... Really bad things could happen." he told her, looking away in guilt as Kirlia continued to blink at him confused.

"...We already did something that can't be undone, the thing most people probably consider the worst of all... Its even worse because it was an accident..." he said, looking at Kirlia as she held her legs, resting her chin on her knees. "Kirlia... I took something from you... Did something to you I can't give back... Or undo... When you were in the bath with me... What you felt... You understand what I'm talking about, don't you?" he asked. Lifting her head to face him for a moment, she tilt her head trying to think about what his words meant. Then... Her eyes went wide as she blushed, thinking of the pain she had been enduring since they took a bath. Facing down towards her crotch, Chris looked away with a nod. "Y... Yeah that... I guess you just call it mating... You haven't done that before and for me to take your first time by accident, it makes me feel terrible... I mean... You should never do that unless its with someone you really love... With another Pokemon like yourself you fall head over heels for... I had no right to take that experience away from you... Because of me, a human took away something that's the most important of all to you..." he told her.. Facing him, she was finally able to get what he was going on about, able to understand why he was actually feeling the way he was...

"Not only did I accidentally take away your first time... Mating... But the way it happened hurt you a lot because of my stupidity... Your first time should be full of love... Full of gentle touches... Slow and steady so your suffering is as light as possible... But instead it was full of clumsiness and you were nearly torn apart because I was so freaked out. Even when I tried to help you I just messed things up even more... So..." he told her, suddenly getting on all fours and bowing to her this time. Holding her hand and putting it on his head so she understood what he was doing, her eyes went wide again in surprise. "So... I'm sorry for what I did to you... The only thing I can say is that... It was my first time too... So we both lost something we can't replace... I know that doesn't make up for it, and sorry is just a poor way to make up for it... But... I don't want you feeling uncomfortable being with me. I don't want you feeling like you're weird compared to other Pokemon because you had that happen with a human... Or to hate me for what happened. For what I did to you... I probably deserve to have stayed in that prison. The only thing that happened after you helped get me out was basically... You getting raped by me... I'm sorry..." he told her.

Facing down at him, Kirlia didn't know what to think of having Chris bowing to her like this and being so apologetic for what had happened. Even though it really did hurt her... What happened between them was what she wanted anyways... Sure it was more clumsy and sudden than she intended... But in the end she couldn't help but find it... Cute... And knowing it was his first time mating as well, she couldn't feel anything but joy inside her. Being weird...? Other people and Pokemons opinions...? What did she care? She hated other humans for the most part... Especially after what happened to her and to Chris combined... And as far as other Pokemon, why would she ever have such feelings for them when they could never do what he has? She would never find a Pokemon in the whole world that was like him... And to be perfectly honest... All of the pain she felt when she and he were connected... It made her feel incredible beyond words in the end... She remembered how her body went crazy from it all... How he even made her pass out from feeling so good... To her that was... Really good pain...

Blushing badly, Kirlia smiled as she brushed her bangs away from her glazed eyes, wanting to be able to see him now more-so than ever... The one being in the world she held in such high regard, the one she had been developing such strong feelings for... Was right in front of her on his hands and knees, even though she thought of him as so much bigger and stronger... He wasn't afraid to bow and apologize to someone so much smaller as long as he did what he felt was right in his heart... A knight with astonishing humility. Patting him on the head and making a sound to make him sit up, Kirlia couldn't help but feel like a princess because of his earnest care towards her... How she felt... Caring about her happiness so much... Even though he brought her in the woods to put a stop to what had been developing between them, thinking it was for the best, he only made things advance all the quicker in Kirlia's small yet wildly fluttering heart... Once he was sitting up straight, Kirlia went up to him and held his hands, giving him a loving smile. Gripping his hands tightly, she told him "Love you..." as she placed his hands on her cheeks, giggling happily as he looked down at her in shock.

"B... But the pain I caused... How people will feel... What about everything I just said?" he responded, only for Kirlia to shake her head and shrug. Letting out another giggle, she suddenly started jumping up and down excitedly, telling Chris "Love you love you love you!!" excitedly before jumping up and hugging him by the neck, smiling with a happy sigh from her relief, knowing she wasn't going to be abandoned after all... Only that he wanted to remind her just why she was falling for him... Blushing badly, Chris remained silent and still for a moment, until finally holding onto her and rubbing her on the head. "Well... Love you too Kirlia..." he smiled, getting a nod from her in response. Standing up with a sigh, Kirlia rubbed her cheek against his, once again saying "Love you..." before giving him a kiss on the cheek, causing Chris to jolt and slightly choke during the middle of a swallow, making Kirlia laugh and pat his chest as he held her in his arms.

Making his way back through town, he went back to the hotel, setting Kirlia down as he unlocked his door and walked in. Seeing him, Snivy immediately sat up, the same terrified look on her face showing as before. Walking up, he asked what was wrong, reaching out to Snivy only for her to jump away and smack his hand with her tail, giving him a slight cut as she curled up and covered her head, shaking her head as she let out repeated shouts. "Wh... Whats gotten into you?!" Chris loudly asked in irritation, hissing while rubbing the cut on his hand. Worried about the sudden noise, Kirlia quickly walked in the room and made her way up to Chris, making concerned noises while tugging on his pants. Hearing her, Snivy suddenly went wide eyed, sitting up and looking at Kirlia. She... She was back... She wasn't left!! With a look of pure joy, Snivy jumped off the bed and right into Kirlia, slamming her to the floor as she hugged her and chat with Kirlia endlessly, the surprised and bewildered Pokemon flailing in Snivys grasp, a "what the heck?!" look on her face. Scratching his head, Chris raised an eyebrow. "Al...right then... You're... Friends... Again?" he asked, Snivy finally getting off and backing away from Kirlia, allowing her to finally compose herself from being suddenly pounced on out of the blue.

Looking at the two, Snivy looked at Kirlia and seemingly asked "what happened...?" while Kirlia stood, only for her to shrug in response and smile. "Alright... Now you come Snivy." he told her, causing the confused Pokemon to start sweating. If he brought Kirlia back... Did that mean she the one... Who... Thinking about being the one picked to abandon, she started tearing up. Blinking in shock, Chris waved his hands nervously. "W... Woah woah!! Whats wrong?! I just need to take you out!!" he told her. However, hearing this only made Snivy suddenly scream loudly as she started sobbing. Covering her ears, Kirlia groaned and went up to Snivy, suddenly giving her a rough knock on the head with her fist, seemingly shutting her crying off like an alarm clock for a moment while she talked to her. Looking at the two, Snivy wiped the tears from her face and calmed down, still making sure to keep her guard up nonetheless. Thanking Kirlia, he squat down and told Snivy he just needed to talk to her about some things. He wasn't going to do anything bad to her. Looking at Kirlia and seeing her nod, motioning with her hand towards Snivy to go with him, she nervously agreed as Chris picked her up, slight sweat showing as he reminded her to stay calm. Telling Kirlia they would be back, she nodded again with a "shoo shoo" like sound, waving her hand with a smile.

Once they were gone, Kirlia made her way to the bed and climbed up, feeling her way towards the pillows. Standing on the sheets for a moment, she suddenly started turning more and more red before allowing herself to fall into the pillows, letting out a loud and muffled scream as steam burst from her head, rapidly kicking her legs in excitement as she endlessly giggled. Thinking about the way he said such earnest things while bowing to her, the image of herself being a princess once again popped into her mind, thinking about Chris carrying her around only making it worse... Hiding her face once more, she let out another squeal, and if you didn't know any better, you could likely see billions of tiny hearts bursting from within her as she fantasized and swooned over Chris... Who was now causing Snivy to freak out as she looked around wide eyed, clinging to her tail as he took her into the woods at the same spot. "Alright... Here we are..." he told her, setting her down and heading to the tree he relaxed at last time. However... Just as before he was abruptly stopped. Her anxiety giving her a sudden burst of strength and energy, she immediately let out a scream and snapped her vines around his neck, causing him to urk as she jerked him back, using her vines to pull herself up to the back of his head and clinging onto it like her life was on the line, which... She actually believed was...

Choking for a moment, he finally managed to get her to release him, leaning against the tree as he gasped and took a moment to allow his color to return to normal. Keeping a firm clutch on his leg nonetheless, he groaned as he looked down at her, unable to understand why the two were acting so weird just because he took them alone somewhere... Were they best friends suddenly? Is it separation anxiety...? As if a bad habit, he once again misread the situation, sitting with Snivy with a sigh. "Man... The way you and Kirlia have acted just from being brought somewhere alone with me... Are you and Kirlia... In love...?" he asked, tilting his head as Snivy went wide eyed. The comment making her suddenly forget her fears, she gave him a sickened expression, seemingly starting to gag as she yelled, shaking her head in irritation. "S... Sorry... You two have just acted weird is all ever since you both woke up... I thought maybe it was because you two didn't like being split up..." he responded. About to shout even more, she suddenly thought about it and... He actually wasn't completely wrong. As far as the whole split up part. Confused as to how to respond, Snivy groaned and suddenly sat down with a flop, letting out a frustrated sigh while shaking her head.

Now unable to read the situation whatsoever, Snivy looked up at him with a "what's this about?" expression, with Chris blushing nervously and looking away. Going through the same speech he gave Kirlia, by the time all was said and done, he bowed to Snivy as he had done for Kirlia, giving her his apologies for the poor way he felt he had act around her and treated her, and just as with Kirlia, Snivy couldn't help but simply look at him with her eyes wide and jaw dropped. After months of being neglected by her former trainer... He never told her sorry for anything. Never bothered to show her any affection or any guilt for his actions after she became afraid of evolving... Yet here was the new human she found, down on all fours and putting his heart on his sleeve for her. With a slight blush, she couldn't help but take a step back, a clear "is he for real?" expression on her face as she glanced away and cleared her throat, making a "yes...well..." kind of sound as she pat him on the head, smiling with her nose up and motioning for him to rise.

Once he was up, Snivy waved her hand at him, nodding while making an "all is forgiven!" sound as she smirked. To be honest, in Snivy's mind he had nothing to apologize for, considering she actually enjoyed every moment of his little "accident" back at the hotel... Nonetheless, she still couldn't pass up the chance to show off her proud side, taking the opportunity to enjoy the feeling of being on a pedestal in front of the human she too was developing some... Interesting feelings for... Looking up at him, Snivy crossed her arms with a smile. "S... So yeah... I mean... I don't want you to feel bad about what other people or Pokemon might think of any... Different... Looking behavior between us. We haven't even known each other that long... Even though you're already family to me and all... I just don't want you unhappy being with me or uncomfortable." he told her, looking down once again. Tilting her head with a worn out "are you that naive...?" look on her face, she sighed and suddenly held his hand, looking at him with a loving blush on her face as she smirked.

Climbing up on Chris and giving him another hug, she once again made the same loving noises as before in his ear she would give to her mate, nuzzling her nose against his and smiling at him. Blushing, he put his hands around her to hold her, showing a smile back. She didn't care about what anyone thought either... Chris was her human and that's all she felt mattered. And if anyone had a problem with it or tried to do anything... Well... They would answer to her first! she thought to herself, crossing her arms with another proud smirk on her face. Standing up, he took Snivy back to the hotel and returned to his room yet again, sitting Snivy on the bed with Kirlia as she welcomed the two back, shyly blushing when she faced Chris's direction then quickly facing away with anxious fidgeting. Looking at the two, Chris smiled with a bit of sweat on his face, feeling as worn out from his moment with the two as they were.

"Listen... I get that you two... Seem to like me a lot... But... We really could get in serious trouble from you two showing me that kind of behavior... Its not that its... I guess bad to me... Its just... Unexpected... Different... And if anything came about that put you two in any trouble over feeling... I guess... Strongly for me... I wouldn't know what to do with myself... I really didn't mean to attract you in... I guess THAT kind of way... So that's why I want you two to know I had no intention of bringing you with me just for that to happen... All of this stuff really was an accident. You two are awesome, but another problem is... I don't want you two to develop the same feelings for me and wind up hurting each other over it... There are so many risks involved with how you two both seem to feel. Its... Something that I've never been through either. I've never had girls of any kind into me really... So how to handle it all... Its new territory... Especially since the first girls into me are... Pokemon. N... Not that its really wrong! I mean... It... It is but... I... I don't know what I mean..." he told them, once again confusing himself as much as Kirlia and Snivy. Facing one another, they admittedly didn't like the idea of both of them wanting to be his mate... But knowing how much it worried him on top of everything else, they sighed at the same time and faced Chris with smiles on their faces.

Standing together, they each put a fist in the air, smirking as they showed they would never let anything bad happen to him because of their feelings, and glancing towards one another, they seemingly shook hands in front of him, but in reality were trying to crush one anothers hands as they gave each other a secretly harsh glare, giving one another the challenge of a lifetime before facing him once more, putting on an act of peace between them for Chris. "Y... You two really don't stop when you put your heart into something... Do you...?" he laughed nervously. They both crossed their arms and shook their heads, putting their noses in the air proudly. Sitting between them, he asked them to simply try not to be too much of a handful, the both of them climbing up and giving him a kiss on each cheek, cooing in his ears once more.

"...What am I getting into...?" Chris sighed, sweating nervously yet unable to resist showing a blush from having so much affection poured all over him.