The Love We Had

Story by Alice In Wonderland on SoFurry

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#13 of A Lions Obsession

Squall smiled thoughtfully as he roamed his eyes over Cloud's now half naked form. Cloud hadn't allowed him to do this in so long; of course that never stopped him before but now at least he could enjoy it that much more. To know that Cloud was willing and wanting Squall to touch him to make him arch underneath him was making his mind blur in a haze of lust.

It had just been a couple weeks after Cloud had finally started to admit that he was wrong. That he was being to stubborn to see what Squall was really trying to do. The brunette still recalled his lover's words that night. How sorry the blue eyed angel was for letting petty emotions cloud his judgment and how remorseful he was that he hadn't seen it soon. Squall however didn't care in the least because now he had his blond angel all to himself. Squall knew all along; just as he had said, it was only a matter of time before he realized just what he felt for him.

And now... Now...

Squall's fingers itched to touch the pale illuminating fur belonging to his love. He knew it was soft and warm; but the words meant nothing compared to the feeling of his paws roaming the pale form beneath him. His paw pads touched first trailing over Cloud's jaw. Once the blond turned his head to the side Squall allowed his fingers to brush down against his angel's slender neck. Purposely lingering over his pulse to find it racing under his touch; this alone excited him making him even more eager to take the beautiful creature before him.

Rough paws found their way down to the far edge of Cloud's collar bone just next to his shoulder. He smirked as he trailed said paw down to the center of his chest before gliding over the toned pectorals of Cloud's chest and finally extracting a dull moan as his fingers gently glided over the boy's nipples.

His unoccupied paw found work in moving along the blonde's side in feather like touches. The way Cloud's flesh bumped in reaction to his touch and the way his nipples grew harder under his touch was making Squall even hungrier. He wanted to devour the boy now shifting under his paws.

Just as Squall's caressing paw trailed back down his side once more he couldn't help but trail his fingers over his angels' small hip and over the lower toned abdomen. The low moan that followed as Squall's paws worked over his lover's body sent him nearly over the edge. He needed to fill his angel; now!

Cloud bit his lip harshly to keep any sounds from emitting out of his throat when in one motion Squall had lifted the boy up and tore his sweat pants off of him; quickly moving to pump and lap at the half hardened prize underneath.

Cloud fought the impulse to twitch under Squall's touch. He couldn't help how his body reacted and unfortunately the involuntary movement had caught Squall's attention. How was it that he could pick up the most subtle of things but be completely oblivious at the same time?

Squall stopped short in his administrations; but not before pulling his maw up along Cloud's now hard flesh. Cloud couldn't help the flutter of his eyes as he felt the hot muzzle move up and off of his erection.

"Don't tell me you're having a change of heart," Squall spoke smoothly, his breath ghosting over the head of Cloud's cock as he gently nipped at the top, "I can't stop after hearing you like that."

Cloud swallowed a dry lump that seemed to rise in his throat, "I-I...was..." He had to pause as his eyes dropped to no where in particular searching for something to say, "...I was...nervous.."

Squall blinked before arching a brow as he drawled out skeptically, "Nervous?"

Cloud looked off to the side as he felt himself turning red; it didn't help that he was spread out nude before the man now focused intently on his burning face. What could he say? What words could he use? Why couldn't he just control that bastard urge to act on it's own accord?!

Cloud took a deep breath stealing a quick glance to Squall to see him waiting patiently for him to explain himself. His voice came in little more than a mumble but in the quiet of the room Squall heard his angel clearly, "I just... don't feel right." A frown crossed the brunette's face but before he could speak Cloud interrupted him, "I don't mean it like that. I just... you don't deserve someone like me. I haven't... you've done so much for me and I..."

Squall silenced the blonde as he captured the shaking lips in a passionate kiss; dispelling any worries that had resurfaced in his mind. If that's all it was it would only take time for Cloud to understand that he didn't care what Cloud did for him; as long as he was there.

Cloud had plenty of time to learn that; now that Squall had him, they had the rest of their lives to understand ever bit of each other.

Cloud's body shivered as he reached into the mass of brown hair; lacing his fingers through the brown locks. Squall soon parted for Cloud's lips to continue where he had left off; Cloud's paw dropping from the boy's hair to the mattress. His hips bucked as he felt the warmth enclose around him. Squall teased him with his tongue as he gently sucked himself back to Cloud's tip lapping eagerly at the spots of pre cum glistening on the pink toned head.

Cloud closed his eyes and laid his head back against the pillows the moment Squall focused his eyes onto his.

Squalls voice echoed into his ears husky and raw with desire, "I don't need..." As he paused Cloud's back arched as he felt two clawed fingers push into him causing him to gasp and his eyes and nose scrunch up at the intrusion. "I don't need," he continued as he moved his fingers into and out of the tight ring of muscles, "anything from you," a third finger was added. Cloud allowed a mute gasp to pass his now parted lips as he arched again; his brow crinkled as he felt Squall move up his body. His lips press against the tip of the blonde's ear as he whispered into the boy's ear, "As long as ‘I' have you," and without hesitation he slammed himself into Cloud's body as he moaned his angel's name.

Cloud kicked his legs as he felt the tears bead at the corner of his eyes. Squall gently kissed and licked them away as he began to roll his hips into the blonde beneath him.

Squall felt his eyes would roll in the back of his head if he wasn't careful; and no doubt he was fighting the urge to cum into his blonde. It felt amazing knowing that Cloud had wanted this. Every pulse around his cock as it was squeezed tight; every thrust was met with a delicious sound spilling and vibrating through his angel's lips. The way he moved as his paws roamed the wiggling body under him; or the way that Cloud arched when he hit that sensitive bundle of nerves buried inside him.

God he couldn't take much more of this. Squall grabbed at his angel's slender waist and pulled the boy's hips into his as he penetrated deeper into the warmth. He thrust wildly into the frail body gripped tightly in his paws managing to slam into the nerves that sent the boy's body jerking up to the ceiling


Squall bit his lip as he felt his organism coiling in his stomach. He watched as his angel reached down to start aggressively pumping himself in time with Squall's thrusts; this sent him over.

He shook as he came with a loud moan filling the blonde beneath him. Squall quickly pulled back and adjusted himself back on the bed as he commanded Cloud to continued; he than took the head of the blonde's swollen cock in his maw, sucking hard. He could feel the bump of Cloud's paw against his maw every so often as he worked his tongue over the sensitive flesh.

Before long the blonde's hips bucked a few times as he came into the brunette's maw panting heavily as his organism wreaked his body.

Squall greedily swallowed every bit of his angels' essence as he crawled up to his side pulling the blonde into his chest and gently caressing the locks of dampened hair. Cloud hummed appreciatively as Squall played with his hair and every so often tracing the outline of his ear with a claw.

Cloud felt his lids growing heavy as his breath began to even out, but something Squall had said brought him quickly out of his trance.

"Let's go out to dinner tomorrow; what do you think Cloud," Squall asked with a smirk.

Cloud's eyes were wide as he looked up to the brunette, "I...We can? Outside?"

There was a time when Cloud would have thought himself pathetic for his short and mixed sentences but the thought of taking even one step outside had his mind whirling. How long had it really been since he had actually taken a step outside in fresh air... God what he would give.

"Y-you promise," Cloud asked carefully hoping Squall wouldn't dash his new found hope. He sounded almost unbearably desperate at the aspect; and who was Squall to deny such a beautiful angel such a simple desire.

"Oh course love, my angel, anything you want," Squall kissed the pale sweat matted fur of his angel's forehead before settling comfortably against the pillows to fall asleep. Cloud smiled as he rested against Squall moving closer to the warmth; tomorrow he would be able to leave this house.

Tomorrow... Cloud reminded himself as he drifted off to sleep.


Zack groaned as he heard the phone blaring; ringing itself near off the hook. Or at least Zack wished it did so he could just get some more damned sleep.

"What time is it anyway," Zack mumbled as he glanced over to the clock sitting next to him at his desk. He usually passed out at his desk most evenings; or in last night's case early the next day. It amazed him that he could even find the glowing red letters on the clock despite the mounds of papers and folders that nearly suffocated it from existence.

Another loud ring; it was nearly six thirty at night?!

Zack raked a paw over his tense and tired features as he muttered curses before getting up to answer the phone. He almost debated letting the damn thing go and get back to work on Cloud's case, but thought better of it.

It could be someone with new relevant information and he would be damned to let it slid by. Once he managed to settle himself in front of the phone he glared at it for a second more of contemplation before pulling the offending device to his ear, "Zack Fair. What do you want?"

A soft chuckle that sounded damn close to a sob met his ears before he heard the owner lick their lips and inhale sharply, "Z-Zack...," it was weak at first before another sob, "Zack."

Zack's eyes shot wide, " CLOUD?! Holy shit Cloud is that you?! Are you alright!? Where are you! What happened; what did he do to you? Where are you now; is he there; are you safe??!?!"

Zack couldn't control his raging emotions; his heart was pounding right through his chest.

"Zack; God... Yes I'm ok; listen carefully. I don't have much time; I'm not exactly sure where I am. He's here with me, " Cloud seemed panicked as Zack could only guess he scanned the area around him for any sight of Squall.

"I-I'm in some town called... Rosalia; I-I don't know any more than that," Cloud paused another moment to steady his heart, "I miss you Zack."

Zack's paws balled at his sides as he smiled warmly at the voice filtered through the phone. He was so happy to hear Cloud alive and OK. However the frustration of not being able to do anything at the moment. Rosalia? He had never even fucking heard of it; no doubt it was in the middle of no where hundreds of miles away; but he would find it, find Cloud.

Silent tears made their way down his face as Zack whispered to his lost lover, "I love you.. I promise.. I promise Cloud."

Cloud didn't need Zack to finish to know what he meant. Cloud's own eyes shut slowly as he took in one last shaky breath, "I love you too Zack. Zack I...."

The line went dead.

"Cloud... CLOUD!? SHIT ," Zack quickly dialed the police.


Cloud froze immediately as a paw reached forward to end the call. He was quickly grabbed by his upper arm with more than excessive force as he was turned to face Squall.

Cloud swallowed hard as he saw the dangerous gleam in Squall's eyes, "We're leaving."