Generation Fighter

Story by Tigz Cerberus Spirit on SoFurry

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Generation Fighter Chapter 1: The Mission...

Long ago, in a land of peace and harmony where many furs have made peace to stop a war which destroyed much of land they called home. These furs that made peace for all throughout the land were called Eclipse Knights, ten in which were strong with the skill to protect all furs from many attacks, for generations this had continued, the protecting of all furs alike. Though they protected them from it all there was one thing that made bloodshed and tears fall from the furs, Chaos Core. They swore to kill in which stand in their way of their goal, the death of all who lived. The Eclipse Knights decided to fight them on their own ground, the Forgotten Land, the place where both Chaos and Eclipse were born in. They fought for three months without stop, without rest, but in the end only one person made it through the battles that seem almost endless, Max Colossal...

The year is 3058, the time of space travel and technology reaching the high rise of vehicles and machines. Many countries were created during the years, nine countries which made up Descent Doge, but throughout the land only four countries truly ally each other and protect one another from war.

"Ok men, we have high rank mission here. Remember your training and follow my orders. Understand?"Said a young wolf Lieutenant with a dark blue fur, and a small scar across his left cheek. He pulls out his MP5, and loads in the ammo.

The furs began to get ready, a black furred lion with a necklace chain on his neck walked over to the Lieutenant "So Leon, seem like you have been acting more, how should I put it? Army like?" Said the lion, loading his AK-47 and looks over at the wolf Lieutenant.

"Cliff I don't have time for your jokes right now. Alright guys, move out!" Said Lieutenant Leon, leading them out toward the caves, but as they all reach the destination there was a weird feeling to them all.

"Um Lieutenant Sir? I have a bad feeling about this." Said one fur as he held up his MP5.

"Hey now, everyone is going to be ok as long as we work together so get in position." Said Cliff as he stayed close to the wall, the rest nodded and moved close to the wall as well.

"Ready? Go! GO! GO!" Shouted Leon, him and 10 other furs right behind him moved into the cave, looking around as they entered.

After all of them moved in the search for anything inside like life or even a weapon made by another country. "Lieutenant Sir, everything is clear on the left." Said one fur, finishing the check on the left tunnel.

"Everything is good on the right side, Lieutenant Sir." Said another fur, aiming his gun down the right tunnel, Cliff looking around the cove and notice a faint voice.

"Huh? What was that just now...?" Thought Cliff to himself, but then he just ignored it and followed the rest of the group down the cave.

They moved in deeper and deeper as the tunnels seem darker as they moved forward, suddenly they all heard a faint voice from within the darkness "Everyone, quiet." Said Lieutenant Leon, raising his paw in a halt position, he started to listen in to identify the figure.

The faint voice started to grew, the team getting ready for anything that comes out of the pure darkness, and then they heard the voice a little better "Help" Said the weak voice, an outline of the figure started to appear from the darkness.

"Leon, maybe we should go help" Said Cliff, lowering his gun slowly.

"Halt, who are you?" Asked one fur, pointing his gun at the figure as it appeared to be a young fox with a few minor cuts on his arms and chest.

"" Said the fox, collapsing onto the ground, the soldier ran to him and picked up the figure, feeling the blood on his paws.

"Sir he needs medical attention immediately!" Said the fur soldier, looking over at Lieutenant Leon, but before anyone had a chance to say anything the fox stabbed the soldier who was holding him, a small dagger was in his chest.

"Oh shit! Everyone remove that fox away from him now!" Ordered Cliff, running toward the soldier and knocking fox off of and pointing his gun at the fox "Who do you work for?! Now!" Demanded Cliff, shaking a little, but ready to shoot at the fox at any moment.

"I work for me...all I wanted was to have some fun with you guys..." Said the fox, grinning at Cliff with a dagger with a weird like blade in his paw.

Cliff blinked at first when the fox said for fun, shaking in fear from thinking that this fox is nothing more, but a killer made him scared. "You sick monster, how could you say it was for fun when he could die!?" Yelled Cliff, shooting at the fox, but the fox was not hurt by the bullets, deep in Cliff's heart was happy that he didn't kill him.

"Pull back Cliff now! Everyone else aim your guns at that fox now!" Commended Lieutenant Leon, his men aiming at the fur with their guns, Cliff running back toward Leon and aiming at the fox as well.

The fox stood up, grinning at all of them as the fox started to speak an unknown language suddenly "Sir what is he saying?" Asked one fur soldier, keeping his gun aimed at the fox.

The fox moved both his paws as a blast of lightening shot two of the soldiers, killing them in a heartbeat "How that for a shock?" Said the fox, making two more lightening blast, killing two more soldiers and making the rest of them move back quickly.

Leon and two other soldiers shot at the fox, but all of them missed as they saw the fox was nowhere to be seen and has disappeared from their sight "Shit, everyone move we're moving out, Cliff call base now!" commended Leon, everyone pulling out of the cave as quickly as possible as Cliff tried to call base.

"Hello base this is Delta 7, we're under attack by some rouge fox, we have five furs down and I think this fox is hunting us down, we need backup ASAP!" Yelled Cliff, looking back a second as he saw many furs with weird weapons chasing them "What the hell? Where did they come from!?" Said Cliff, running faster to the cave exit.

Suddenly two bolts of lightning shot two soldiers, while they ran part of the ground opened up and ten soldiers fell down "Damn, what the hell are they doing? Is that some kind of new weapon they made in Plexdom?" thought Leon to himself, seeing that he has now lost a great deal of furs in his group.

They started to see the exit to the cave, moving as quickly as possible, but then the fox appeared in front of all of them "Where you think you're going? I didn't finish having my fun yet you know what I mean?" Said the fox, pulling out a sword with a blue lining on the blade.

The soldiers aim their guns at the fox, shooting at him with their AK-47's and P90's, but only to see the fox was still standing unhurt by the many bullets that have went into his body, bleeding black blood "No way..." Said one fur soldier, moving back and blinking.

The fox looked at them and run into them, cutting many of the soldiers in half and in pieces, Cliff had closed his eyes when the fox charged, He opened his eyes and saw that only him and Leon were standing, trying think why are they still standing and not the rest of the group "Cliff keep running now!" said Leon, looking at the fox and aim his P90 at him "What the hell are you?" Asked Leon.

"Are you going to try to kill me? You can't you know I am far from what you furs would call, normal. My name is Arc; I have to thank you for letting us know that there are more furs outside this cave, meaning we can have our fun now!" said the fox, his dark green eyes lighted up, his smooth white showed clearly for a little as he jumped back, disappearing in the darkness.

Leon just stood there, not knowing what to say or do; he walked out of the cave, looking up as he saw the medical team and the reinforcement have arrived. "Leon you alright? " Asked Cliff, hugging Leon tightly.

"I'm fine; just have to think, what was the mission about Cliff?" Asked Leon, getting Cliff off of him and looking over the report paper for the mission.

Cliff begin to look over the papers which he had been carrying with him, he noticed that it says a search of life "It was a search, but they didn't say what kind of furs they were looking for Leon." Said Cliff, walking with Leon as they got inside the car which one of the soldiers were driving them back home, Leon had his head down with pain in his eyes.

"I have to talk to our leader, this is important to me so once we get back I want you to head back to your parents and take a break for a while." Said Leon, clenching his fist as he thought of all the furs that died in front of him today.

"Ok Leon, please don't get into another fight with the leader ok? I can't help if he gets pissed off this time at you." Said Cliff, the car getting closer to their home country Vale Scent.

The two made it back home, Leon walking up the street to head up to the main building of the army as Cliff headed to the bus stop to get himself back home. Leon walked into the build, seeing that everyone is a bit on the edge with everything and worried about something "Hey Lieutenant Leon sir, I heard of your loss in the caves...I'm so sorry what happened in there." Said a Sergeant, he stood tall to Leon, being a young male dragon with blue eyes and a greenish blue scales.

"Its fine now, where is Xeno?" Asked Lieutenant Leon, wanting to speak to their leader about this matter that took place today.

Leon walked to the 5th floor to see that there was a meeting going on in the leader's office, he walked over and leaned on the door to listen in on what they are talking about "So they found them at last, now in three weeks we should be ready for the next plan of action." Said Leader Xeno, speaking of the events that happened to Delta 7, almost as if they knew what was inside of the cave and didn't tell Delta 7 about what could be inside.

Leon took a step back, not believing what he heard to be true about what seems as if they were just a test to make sure something is inside of the cave "I can't believe they would use us like that, hmmm I wonder how much they lied to my team." Said Leon to himself, walking slowly and quietly away from the office.

A voice called out Leon's name, a voice he never heard before in his life "Leon...its time..." Said the voice, coming from his Leon's very mind and heart.

"What the hell? Who's there?" Asked Leon, but only to hear a faint silence in the hallway of the building, he walked forward and decided that he needed to know something about what was inside the cave. The only way he knew how to get the information he needed, he had to hack the computers of his own leader. He walked into the computer room of the leader's room, he sat down and started to go into the files, but suddenly he heard someone walking toward the room "Shit I got to hurry, huh what's this? Chaos Core, wait didn't my brother once said something about that to me?" Asked Leon to himself, but as he looked a little more on the computer, but then the door to the room suddenly opened...