In-Between Ch. 4

Story by Ace Wulfz on SoFurry

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It has been a while now since last I've posted.

I shall make no more promises but what I have written for a new chapter.

It is short, I know. But bare with me, as it is meant as a shallow introduction into our wolf's more meaningful past.

** A new day, a new destiny?**

Time passes so quickly that we lose track of it while even as we stare deeply at an hourglass. Sometimes we are taken away to worlds apart from our physical bodies that we may forget to return to allow ourselves to be caught by the passage of each moment life has in store for us.

As such a sleepy wolf was startled and brought back to his current space-time by the sound of an alarm. He groggily got up and stopped his watch from the tantrum it brought upon him. With slow movements he recollected his thoughts...

"Huh...what was I thinking about just now? A kiss... Shay? No, not that. Why is it that I feel like I am forgetting something more important?"

With an unhappy appearance he glared through the open window at the swinging branches of the old oak tree, somehow hoping that if he stared long enough a bulb might spark and he'd remember whatever it was. But as expected, it had no results, but only to make him waste the little time he had to prepare to leave.

"Guess it wasn't that important..."

With a resigned huff, the wolf gets up from the bed and prepares for his final day. Clothes in check, backpack hanging loosely on his back, wallet and phone safe. Everything ready, he strides towards the lower level of the house and once there he takes his shoes on and makes his way out of the house, making sure to lock the door behind.

"I guess it's time to get ready for the storm ahead..."

Never has a single phrase meant so much to a person, for the horizon looked darker than usual. A foretell of a future that may affect not only his and Shay's, but also a different destiny to intertwine with theirs. However...destiny as a definition has its limitations.

Limitations which may not apply, for the story of the lonely spirit started long ago maybe too long to be considered more than a fairy tale.

The tale that follows may seem nothing but a fairy tale as said. But it is true and I am proof enough, even though at this moment moon took its place within the majesty of the night sky, covering the world in a dim light filtered by a translucent cloud surveying the darkness above. The wind picked up speed as it carried the echo of eternity through the vastness of the world's atmosphere. Humanity slept through this hour of deprivation, when all creatures of the night come out to play, hunt or simply be free from the mutiny of each daily rush through which they indulge themselves in life.

There is however one particular area to notice, one single person rushing through the streets without any apparent wishful thinking of reaching the safety of his house. Not aware of the dangers he could face ahead, a troublesome person to rush by without looking about...somehow I gotten used to see that straight face, no emotion or feelings, nothing. He used to smile, sit around lazily without a care in the world. Things change and so did he...since when he stopped believing in fairy tales, or demons such as myself, since when...did I stop being close to him, in the true meaning of the word. Seems like he seeks the truth of the past, the moment I wish never happened...why am I so...different?

The friend he was with, the person that truly treasures him...more than I ever could. Is it really alright to leave him hanging like that? What if he goes "back in time" to find the truth, but only to find disappointment! Two worlds apart we are, yet so close that we can so easily connect. Things will never be the same as before...

How is it that I see him right here and now, yet I can control myself so easily. Even so, in the past I was more or less aware of his influence on me, though I left him do his worst...I felt disconnected through the barriers within our worlds. My thoughts are confusing, yet they somehow make sense to me.

The few moments in the past have now passed, as before the simple thing as looking his way disgusted me, right this second I cannot take my eyes off him. The promise we had, he broke. The moments we shared, he barely even remembers. The belief he had for my world and myself have now vanished into an abyss, a void devoid of any feeling of safety and belonging. This instant I want to take him with me and not let his hand go ever again, at this moment I want to simply...what do I want? I'm confused...of my own feelings. No, I have no more feelings...I gave them up long ago, everything I had, everyone that believed in me and my world, they left. There were moments when people thought I was a God, a deity worthy of their attention. However things change within their world, they stop caring easily once a wish is not fulfilled. Things will never be the same for him and I, somewhere along those lonely years I wasted alone, hidden. The time I had for just I alone, the moment he left and said he will be back, that was what made me believe in his world. He made me see through my hatred for humanity, yet he alone left me and forgot everything. An undesired God, even by the one person left to believe in him, by the single guy that shared his feelings of loneliness, the only person to fall for this pathetic God to turn into a demon.

"Oy! Give us your money and we'll let you go!"

The sound of a man's voice shakes me awake from my self-loathing and brings me back to the present. As I foretell, his path lead him to his downfall, the thief threatened my wolf...and somehow I feel like I want him to believe in me once more, I want to help. But I know that it's not going to happen. Even if I were to help him, as I am now...he won't remember, he won't believe in me and so our worlds won't connect. The path he walked, I could not follow.

The dangers he faced; the problems he must have encountered, while I lay far away from the perils of their world. I hate everything...he left me alone in the darkness of my own realm. It's impossible to feel the Did I really love him or was it just a fleeting moment.

"What the hell?"

Oh, something's happening. That face seems familiar, a pretty gracious feline made its appearance.

"I would suggest you take your leave now, before you get yourself hurt" the kitten spout angrily to the thief, now lying on the ground.

"Screw this, it's not worth it..." the brute replied as he ran away with nothing but his empty hand and most probably hurt ego.

Silence ensued, the atmosphere seems heavy and they don't look as though either is willing to speak. All I can do is watch as he is taken far away from me, in places which I cannot touch.

When their eyes meet a flurry of emotions burn within my entity, for I know that no matter how far I would go there will never be a chance for us to recover the lost time. 'Two worlds to never connect' is what he said the last time we met...but he never knew how true his words were. All I can do is watch and endure everything this world has left to throw at me until I dissipate into thin air. I just wish I could be human too for have a body of my own, not fuelled by anger, wishes and emotions not of my own, but by the will resigning within my frail soul.

I avert my eyes as I cannot bear to watch any more of this...maybe I will visit him once more, tomorrow. But for now, I must return.

The road back to that forsaken place drains me of the little energy I have left.

Every day I watch, every second I try to guard him with what little power I have, but my will is withering as a flower cannot live without its water or sun, so can't I without the faith once bestowed upon myself by the people of his world. But faith alone...if left untouched, it scatters and humanity loses its interest and good will slowly vanish into an abyss of not to be.

By now it was common knowledge that a god shall die in extreme conditions as there is nothing to be eternal surrounding us, however with even a weakened force they will last but more than a few full-fledged hundredth years. They can be killed, of course, but that would require extraordinary abilities which...can rarely be found in anything...but a god.

How could a dying god that gets weaker by the moment think of even wishing for a moment that the past could be rekindled. The one sided love of a god should not be reciprocated. That would be common knowledge for those to know of the spirit world...but what of those to lose connection to it completely. Even for a god, to show in a physical form in front of such a person...would be an impossible feat. Maybe not completely, but in his state it has become something of the past.

The memories we shared he forgot. The smile he once came running to that temple with has vanished. The never-ending wisdom he spoke through those few words he could muster...has been replaced with a fear of even a whisper. The rage within him has grown, no more hope, no more wishes to listen to at night...nothing.

The thought-full wolf I he there, still?

Sometimes I do wonder how much he must remember of that time. For when I approach him...all I feel is loneliness. And there is nothing I can do! what I will become...soon.

Miracles do happen, but for us Gods they mean close to nothing as they are meant to be acts we complete to renew the hope in humanity and their faith in us. But...I'm tired of acting like I want them to believe more, like...I want power. Maybe he was my miracle, in a way. Yet, again he said he never believed in such things, even though he kept repeating that leprechauns are real...and unicorns.

"Haha...hmm, I so miss our time together. I have to go and rest for now, but I will be back my little wolf."

With that the self-called God made his act of disappearance leaving behind but a whisper of his presence. The three lost their connection in what most call destiny for now. And thus the story of a love-struck God vanishes alongside him into the abyss from which he came.