A Warrior's Forgiveness Preview

Story by Champ11 on SoFurry

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A Warrior's Forgiveness Preview Author's Note: This is just a small preview of what A Warrior's Forgiveness will be. It jumps around a lot so don't expect to understand anything about it yet. Everything belongs to me, save the ‘universe,' that belongs to Raven Fox (shetland). It is related to his "Iam a loner" and "I am as old as her father" stories. Also, please review this. That is one of the main reasons why I am even making a preview, and not just waiting and posting the real thing. One last thing, which do you prefer more, one long (story is currently over 34 pages) post or smaller chaptered posts? Please leave your vote in the review. Now, on to our featured presentation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The air support is needed elsewhere. Extraction is on route. Hold your position. Extract's ETA is ten minutes," the man on the other end of the radio replied, calmly. This infuriated Johnson. "We'll be dead for five by then! We need those CAPs here now!" Johnson yelled as he ducked because a RPK turned its furry onto his position. He leaned back out and shot three times before being driven back into cover. Joker fired his M302; the 40mm grenade landed next to the hostile with the RPK, killing him. Pyro leaned up, over his cover, and fired his LMG. He suppressed the hostiles as the rest of the squad opened up, desperately trying to silence as many of the enemies guns as possible. Johnson stopped firing and looked up as a shadow passed over his position. He saw a strange craft flying over their position, and it landed close to their extraction point. Malarkey, Doc, and Aztec paused firing their weapons to reload while Pyro and Joker kept blazing away. Johnson then looked at the craft as a ramp lowered and what looked like a wolf ran out. "Pyro, Joker, unidentified at our six. Whatever it is, it's unarmed and unarmored. Get it out of this combat zone. If this is first contact, I'd like the alien's representative to survive long enough to talk to us. Move out, the rest of us will cover you," Johnson said over the squad's radio, "Go, now!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I still see that you are angry at them Warrant, feel like explaining why now?" the doctor asked, not once glancing at Johnson. "I can't tell you. Unless one of my higher-ups tells me that I can tell you, you'll never know," Johnson said, again emotionlessly. The Doctor sighed and shook his head. They both went to an elevator and went down to the lobby. "Good luck, Warrant. These people are a part of our society now. You're going to have to learn to live with them," the doctor said. "I can live with them, just I don't want-" Johnson said before he saw two vixens, a female tiger, and a female dragon standing in the lobby talking, "How many different kinds of these beings are there?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- When they boarded the plane, all of them were seated in different sections of the plane. Right next to him sat a female wolf and a female tiger. They looked at him, and then to the flag that was seated securely on his lap. After they took off the wolf had finally worked up the courage to speak. "Um... Excuse me Sir, what are you doing with that flag?" she asked. "Escorting a brother home," Johnson replied, looking out the window. She looked quizzically at Johnson, then at the tiger. The tiger shrugged her shoulders. The rest of the flight went by quietly as Johnson continued to look out the window of the plan. He saw several ships that didn't look human in origin so he chalked it up to the aliens seated beside him. Johnson pulled out his I-pod, and put "Empty Boots" by Joshua Revak on. Tears stung his eyes as he remembered the times that he had with his unit, both the fun times and times during war. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The shock of getting shot was setting in, and Johnson knew he was fighting an uphill battle against falling into shock, and the possibility even surviving the wounds. The waiter ran over and tried to put pressure on his wounds. "M-m-med-dic," Johnson said as he fought to clear his mind and keep from going into shock. "Shhh, don't say anything," the female wolf said as she reached into a pocket and pulled out of what looked like a cell phone. She did something that Johnson couldn't see to it and then spoke, "Hey this is Sarah. No listen this is an emergency. I need a shuttle here now!" Johnson's vision was beginning to dim, he fought harder in the mental battle that was waging, but deep down, he knew his number was up, "There is a man here bleeding from multiple gunshot wounds. I don't care where she is, get her here NOW!" Johnson then slipped unconscious. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It is all your fault!" a voice yelled and Johnson's eyes widened as a charred hand reached from behind the crowd. The hand descended onto Johnson face and dug into his face. Johnson yelled out in pain as the fingers began to cut through his skin and blood from the wounds started to flow into his mouth and eyes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- An uncomfortable silence followed the comment. The two of them just laid there, on the roof of the house; each in their own little world. The wind whistled softly, breaking the silence of the evening. The sun continued to set and the night set in. The night sky looked very different than the one that Johnson grew up with. The moon was missing the craters and lakes that Johnson spent hours staring at when he was younger. Johnson turned his head and looked at the wolf laying near him. "How far, Sarah," Johnson said, as he looked out at the stars, "would you go to be forgiven for a mistake, when you know you don't deserve it? How far would you go for peace, when you know it won't last?"