My Name Is Midnite

Story by Midnitewolfy on SoFurry

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More than Friends

By :Midnite Bluewolf

My name is Midnite. I'm a teen. A male teen. Oh, and I'm a wolf. I've just lived my life like any other fur around, growing up and dealing with most problems in school and so-forth. But lately I've been dealing with the sexual experiences of life. I guess it's because of the more-than-usual hormones of a teen, or whatever it is teens get. But for me lately, it's been a bit difficult. You see, I just don't find much...uh, interest in girls. Never have. Ever. I know why of course. I know why. I tried to tell myself that I was being stupid, I mean, how would a person know that? How? How would a person know if he was gay or not? But eventually as I "pondered" this dilemma, it became quite clear that I did have a reason to believe I was gay. And it had something to do with my best friend, a flaming red fox named Spencer. As time pass I began to accept and explore this new idea, feeling a bit more, I don't know... "Free" I guess. I kept it to myself of course. This most definitely is NOT something you tell anybody. Or at least something I wouldn't tell anybody. So it was that I went to bed one night, without a single idea of what tomorrow has in store for me.

* * *

[Clock...Toy car?...Fur-brush? No...Pens? No...c'mon, button, button, button...Aha!] My fingers numbly pressed the snooze button. It was about to blow my head off with it's damned BEEP-ing!

As I sat up in bed I could still feel the alarm off in my head somewhere.

*Yawn* "Aw jeez. Morning already?...Great." I was questioning no one in particular and had to resist the urge to collapse back into bed. Stifling a yawn with one hand, my other brushed back my headfur. I was about to get up, but with a groan of disappointment abandoned the idea.

"Idiot. Yes, that's what I am. A complete idiot..." I had "somehow" set the alarm the night before. That was no biggie. Except for the small fact that I had NO SCHOOL TODAY! This time I allowed myself to collapse back in bed. After about fifteen minutes of trying to sleep--and failing horribly, I turned my head, shifting my gaze from the ceiling to my PC.

" that I'm up...might as well..." I struggled myself up and lazily sauntered to the computer, I had decided to check my mail. I lazily fell into the chair booting up my PC before yawning again. A few more yawns, and a couple clicks-on-the-mouse later and I was at Yahoo. I had only one letter and sighed, disappointed, but before I could get away the addressee of the letter caught my eye

[email protected]

"Mm-hmm..." Right upon sighting his e-mail address, my laziness and boredom quickly evaporated. I felt more...peppy. I quickly clicked my way to the letter, eager to know what he'd written me for.

Hey 'nite, did you hear about the Matrix Reloaded comin' out? I was planning to see it today, sooooooooo...wanna come? Call me when you read this, ok? By the way, I beat that game Windwaker. The ending was ok. I'll tell you about it later, gotta go!


I wanted to call him right then and there. But I knew how to control myself. You see, me and Spence were friends. Just friends. I say that with just a bit of disappointment. Spencer didn't know about my... unsure feelings of sexuality. But if anyone were to ever know, I'd probably want it to be him. You see, I have--sometimes I get, know, feelings for him. He doesn't know that I get them though. When I first began getting them I was scared. Very scared of them. But I've gotten used to them, accepted them too. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Yeah, I considered telling Spencer about this, but dismissed the idea immediately. I would have to be completely stupid to tell him that. I'd have to be nuts! I mean, what are the chances of him accepting that? Right then and there, what are the chances? What if he gets so disgusted by me that he just breaks our friendship? I...I don't think I could live with that. Without him.

I waited, I couldn't call him that early, so I waited. I did my duties as usual, brushing my teeth, combing my fur, then thinking that I might see Spencer today...I did it all again. Putting down my furbrush at last, I looked in the mirror. I wasn't too bad a sight. I had light grey fur like most wolves, but rare to my species my entire body had a type of almost-unnoticeably blue tinge to it. Hence the name Midnite. As in Midnight blue. I wasn't too tall for a 16 yr old, about 5'3'' or so. I sighed contentedly to myself, drumming my fingers on the sink. My whole body, fur-and-all were done perfectly, from my ears down to my smoothly combed tail.

"Ok, enough prep-time." I walked-ran to the phone and pushed in his number letting the phone ring about 3 times before he answered.

"Hello? Who's speaking?"

I smiled Inwardly to myself with the air of finding out he just survived a massive train crash.

"Hey Spence, I called about the movie. What did you have planned?"

"Oh yeah," He chuckled to himself. "The e-mail I sent. Well I'm planning on seeing the Matrix. Uh, Part two I mean."

"Today?" I asked swiftly, just a hint of hope in my voice. "--unless you have another time in mind..."

"No, today is good. As a matter of fact, in about an hour. We could go to that mall with the theatre on the third floor, buy the tickets, and then just walk around the mall before the movie starts."

I giggled a bit. "You mean, go MALL SHOPPING? Us GUYS?

"Midnite! You know they have an arcade at the mall. It's not like were shopping anyway."

"Ok," I got serious again. "What time?" I checked the clock out of the corner of my eye--12:19pm.

"Like I said, an hour from now, at, We'll buy the tickets, and then hang at the arcade until the movie's playing.

"perfect." I said a little giddily. "meet you in the southeast entrance at one then."

* * *

1:03pm. My digital watch was always a minute or two ahead. I was standing at the top of a staircase. They had it here at the southeast entrance as a shortcut to the 2nd floor.

There was an expensive restaurant off to the side of the staircase to which I was looking down at. Well not at the restaurant, but at the tables off to the side of it. It was one of those fancy restaurants with the tables placed conveniently outside, complete with an umbrella for shade.

I was busy thinking about how rich those furs must be to eat there when I saw Spencer. Even from a distance he was just as handsome...[why am I thinking that?] The fox was walking toward the staircase in the opposite direction of the restaurant, his red fur easily distinguishable from a distance. He was as normal as any other fox, just more cute. He had the Black wrists and paws, black furred ankles and foot-paws, and from what I heard of foxes...supposedly a black fox-cock too.

He was wearing a light blue almost skin-tight tee-shirt with really short sleeved. For some reason I liked it when he wore those. He had a darker blue color of jeans. I myself had a green shirt, and black jeans. He finally spotted me and came up the stairs two-at-a-time.

"Ah, whats-up 'Nite? Been waitin' long?" He came to rest with his arm on the handle bar. I had a sudden urge to kiss him "hello" but stopped myself just in time.[No...can't do that...]

I had been a bit pre-occupied gazing at his beautiful green eyes with my blue ones when I realized he was talking. "Huh? Oh, um yeah. I mean, no. Not too long, only ten minutes or so." I was suddenly aware of my fur and haw ruffled my tail must be from the wind. I was also concerned of whether my breath was alright.

"Well, c'mon lets go. Man, I've been dying to watch this movie..."

We made our way through the mall talking about what to expect from the movie. Well , he was talking mostly, I just watched him, drinking him in with my eyes when all-too-soon we were there at the ticket line.

"Oh my god! Look at that line!" Spencer pointed to the ticket line.

I wrenched my eyes away from him and looked. There were about 20-30 furs and humans there. And even more were coming!

"Come on! Let's hurry! They might have the Matrix sold out..." In his rush to make it to the line before a group of about ten other furs, he grabbed my hand to pull me alongside him. Time slowed for a moment. Almost all of my attention had gone to my hand held firmly in his. [he's holding my hand? Yes. He's holding my hand. My hand. He's holding it.]

I stumbled to keep up as we made it to the line. I was sadly expecting him to toss aside my hand now that we were here. But he didn't. A minute passed. Two. That's when he blinked suddenly, looking at me first, then his hand, he quickly let go. I could have sworn I saw him blush redder than his fur!

"Oh, um, s-sorry, I wasn't paying attention..." he attempted a weak laugh. I noticed his nervousness, his hesitation, but I was busy disputing with myself on whether I imagined it or not when he snapped his fingers in front of my muzzle.

"Helloooo, 'Nite, you need to buy your ticket!" I looked up and blinked stupidly at the female hare behind the counter.

"Six dollars matinee ticket to see The Matrix Reloaded. Heard me sweety?" The rabbit looked at me as though I was slightly nuts.

"Oh, you go." I gave her some wrinkled up bills from my pocket smiling. "Sorry..." I took my ticket and walked away.

"Well," said Spencer turning to face me once we were clear of the ticket line. "it doesn't start for another forty-five minutes. Wanna check out the arcade?"

"Sure. Um...let's go." I couldn't get it out my head. Why did he hesitate?

* * *

It was about thirty minutes later and we were heading back to the theatre, I having convinced him that we should go fifteen minutes early so we could get some good seats.

We gave our tickets to the ticket-fur--an otter, and walked in. Obviously a couple movies must've just finished because it was amazingly crowded with a mass of furs, humans, and etc.

We both weaved our way through the traffic of furs, him leading the way, although I couldn't see him to well. He flashed in and out of sight every once in a while. But then a clearing opened and we went to walk against the wall. As long as we stood against the wall (him still leading) we walked at a good pace. My eyes shifted almost unconsciously to his butt. He had slightly tight jeans and his red, white-tipped tail held out evenly. I had a sudden desire to know how his tail fur would taste...

I was so busy having my eyes thoroughly explore his cute little butt, that I didn't shift my gaze in time--he had turned his head. I guess he was checking to see if I was still behind him, but whatever the reason, he stopped walking for the smallest of a second, his head turned sideways. I watched him nervously, his flaming red muzzle beautifully distinguished. But like I said, only for a split second it lasted. Then he turned away and kept walking as though nothing had happened. [Did he...smirk?] I had cold pin-pricks in the back of my neck and my face and muzzle felt unbelievably hot, but I too kept walking as though nothing had happened.

"Almost there!" he called back to me. [Is it me or is he holding his tail higher now?] Why did he...? [No. Not possible.]

"Here we are. Theatre twelve." Spencer stopped in front of a set of grey double doors. We walked in, passed a group of humans up the mini-steps and set in the middle row, not too high, not too low.

We sat side by side and not a second later the lights dimmed to semi-darkness and the previews began to play.

"Uh-oh! I forgot the popcorn!" Spencer said and began to get up. I put up a restraining paw to stop him.

"No..." he brushed aside my paw. "I'll buy them now while the previews are playing. Don't worry." And with that he ran out of the theatre only to return a few minutes later burdened with a big popcorn and two sodas. He sat down with a sigh and the movie started.

* * *

It was the middle of the movie when things were getting really good that I wanted popcorn. I reached out my hand blindly toward him to grab the popcorn but I was so into the movie I tipped it over spilling half its contents onto Spencer's lap.

"Jeez, sorry! I'll get it..." I began to pick up the half full carton of popcorn, and placing it aside, I began to absent-mindedly brush his lap roughly with my paw.

Too late I realized that I had been rubbing him down directly on his sheathe. I left my hand there, paralyzed and through my misted mind I noticed a bulge growing right where my paw was.

All I can say is that I was beyond confusion. I had absolutely NO idea what was going on at that moment in time. But slowly understanding dawned on me. I looked up at him in the semi-darkness and saw that he too was paralyzed, his mouth hanging open slightly. After what seemed like hours with our eyes locked together...

I guess I had made the mistake this time. I sometimes think about whether I would want to take this moment back, but I can't. As we stared at each other, I felt something happen. Thought something happened. I moved in to kiss him, I don't know why, I wasn't thinking clearly, but I moved in just the same, all of my thoughts void of fear as my lips moved only a millimeter away from his...but that was as far as I was gonna get.

"Nite, w-what are you doing?" I plummeted back into reality just to back away, fear stuck on my face in an almost comic expression. [What have I done...]

I lost it then. I completely broke. I jumped up as though bitten by a deadly bug and rushed out the row and out the theatre all together. I thrust through the double doors only to collapse my back against the wall panting heavily. [What happened?] I asked myself. [What in the world did I just do?] My heart felt suddenly burdened and as though physically affected I slid down onto the ground and wrapped my arms around my legs felling myself on the verge of tears. I felt like I had done the worst mistake ever. I couldn't stop the torrent of negative thoughts...[What if Spencer doesn't want to be my friend anymore...what if I lose Spencer?] I felt like the world fall from under me. I felt so miserable, so utterly miserable. I was so lost in my despair I hadn't noticed that Spencer had followed me out the theatre and stood staring at me, biting his lip.

"Spence..." I jerked out of my self-pity, brushing the tears out of my eyes and looked at him. "I'm-I'm so...sorry. I don't know w-what happened, I-I was just...and-and the popcorn, and the-the..." I stood mumbling to myself trying to convince myself more than explain to him that it was an accident, a horrible accident.

"No...It's ok 'Nite. Don't worry about it, it's alright with me. Really. It's ok..." He kneeled aside of me and slung a comforting paw over my shoulder--something I would have noticed, hadn't I been so down.

I was so stressed, it was just too much. I stuffed my face in his chest and cried.

It was as though my body cried of its own accord, I watched myself as though a spectator of my own body. Even though I was crying the thing I noticed more than anything was that he hugged me. He hugged me. Just like that. And I cried in his shoulder, feeling his warmth, smelling his fur. Being so close felt right. Eventually I stopped and we left, his arm slung over my shoulder. I was so busy trying to understand the situation, to cope that I barely noticed the scoffs and mutters of disgruntled strangers as we walked by, two guys, so close together.

By the time we reached my house we hadn't said a word to each other.

"'Nite?" he said sweetly, looking deep into my eyes. His eyes were so penetrating, so full of love and comfort. "Get some rest, ok?" I nodded slowly and before I could do anything, he pecked me on the cheek. "Bye 'Nite..." He looked at me, my shocked reaction. Then he bit his lip as though he'd done

something he'd been trying to do for years, smiled, turned, and walked away.

* * *

That night I thought about Spencer. I thought about what he meant by telling me to "think things over" though it was a matter of coming to a decision of some kind, Maybe that is what it was. Just this morning I would have swore that I'd never be that close to Spencer. Never. Never in all my life. And right before I drifted off I felt that 'peppy' feeling, and at that moment I realized that maybe tomorrow wasn't so bad. As a matter of fact... I was looking forward to it.

End Note: This is a story about me, it's based on some real life experiences I've had, however Spencer is only existent in this story, I had worked on this some time before the Meet Blue series and was a little scared on whether this story was good enough. But thanks to a good friend who read it, and also clued me in on how to make better paragraphing for the future J, I've decided to post it. Continuing this story over the Meet Blue is still a hard decision to make, so if you have an opinion, let me know at [email protected] . Midnite, and Spencer are copyright to, well, Midnite (me)

Note: this story deals with Homosexual experiences, so if your not up to that sort of thing, then DONT READ! Oh, and also if your not of age, blah-blah-blah, you know the drill, however i cant control u so...Anyhow, it isnt that yiffy, but i hope you enjoy :)