Legend of Sceran - RP Starter

Story by CubbyAidyn on SoFurry

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So, in case anyone wanted to rp with me, here's one of my ideas for a plot based rp. Don't worry, I don't expect a long post like this each time. I myself generally do a paragraph or two for each post. This is just an introduction. If you're at all interested in rping with me, let me know.

"But I don't want to! I'm not sleepy!" a young, whiny voice came from the fluffy ball of fur that was cuddled under the blankets. Long, white ears plopped down on the dragon print pillow as the owner of those ears - a young arctic rabbit - snuggled into bed, pulling the medieval print blanket up to his own neck.

"Oh really? Well, then I guess you don't want to hear about the legend of a certain little wolf pup and his best friend," an older male rabbit smiled as he gently sat on the bed next to his son. His eyes fell onto the blanket, noticing the pictures of castles and knights, swords and shields, wizards and dragons. "Oh well, you probably wouldn't be interested in it anyways," the father teased gently.

However, even the word 'legend' seemed to be enough to get the smaller bunny to perk up. "... I might be interested," he squeaked quietly, one ear perked and listening hard, the other flopping lazily over his own head.

"I don't think so," the father smiled again. "It's okay though. It's only a story about how a couple of cubs had to save the world from the most dastardly villain of all time. You wouldn't like it... it has too many sword fights and magical dragons."

Almost instantly the little bunny was drawn in, though he knew how to play this game. To save some sort of dignity, he had to pretend he wasn't interested. "Well, since you wanna tell it..." he started but his voice trailed off.

"No, that's ok, I-"

"TELL IT!" the bunny interrupted his father, apparently no longer caring that he didn't appear uninterested.

A hardy laugh came from the older male as he shook his head. "Ok, ok... but don't tell you mother I kept you up," he tucked his son in before getting comfortable on the bed next to him.

"Well... it all started many years ago..."


It was a magical time for sure, one where all of the furs of the land didn't have the modern technology that we have now, but they were still happy. They didn't have computers and cars and telephones. They had something much more powerful: magic.

You see, each fur is born with some level of magical ability and also some particular element. While some may have the ability to shoot lightning from their paw, others may be able to heal and remove poison from another being. Overall, there are ten elements and thus ten types of magic: fire, water, wind, earth, botanic, electric, light, psychic, poison, and life. However, just because there are ten doesn't mean all ten were equally common. In fact, life magic was incredibly rare. The only known wielders of life magic were the rulers of the land - the kings and queens scattered throughout the nation. And magic certainly didn't come easily either. One would have to train for years to master even just a pawful of spells... but when one did master them, he or she had the potential to be unstoppable in battle.

The legend begins in one particular kingdom named Sceran with a couple of street cubs. You see, while the king and queen were good rulers of the land - kind and caring to every one of their subjects - not everyone in their kingdom shared their good heart. This was especially true when it came down to how normal citizens would treat orphaned cubs who had nowhere to go. Most of the time, an orphaned cub would end up on the streets of a village or city, fighting desperately for scraps of food that normal citizens would just throw away. No one seemed to care about them.

But it was that adversity that made the street cubs stronger. And in this particular case, it was that adversity that joined together two particular cubs who would one day have to use their strength to save not only the kingdom, but the world.