bobbie and James -02 I'm right keen on you

Story by geneseepaws on SoFurry

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#3 of bobbie & James

James and Bobbie study together; James' plan begins

James and Bobbie

High School-2

James' song:

I've just seen a face

I can't forget - the time or place,

where we just met, ....

He is just the girl for me, but I don't want the world to see -we've met,

La - da - da yes, we've met.

bobbie's song:

I talk to the wind,

My words are all carried away.

I talk to the wind,

The wind does not hear.

The wind can not hear.

Bobbie's dragon's Leitmotiv:

"Some Day My Prince Will Come"


First day of May: Summer

Just before school let out for the summer, just four weeks before the end of the year, James had to look twice;

"Uuumm? Huhn, What, !??"

A true double take: there, the spotted dog. It was already May, not even four full weeks before the end of school. It couldn't be a transfer-in, not this late in the year. And a dog that good looking, how had he not noticed? Not tall, but handsome; not large, but finely formed; not blustery, but shy. Not the least macho, but sweet. But between being dropped by Sean and breaking up with Betsy, then finding Matt and Dorinda; James was all set for a whole summer of hot sex. He didn't need a thing; he especially didn't need another partner for sex play. "But," thought James, "if I were King, that would be my first choice. I would have that for a toy," looking pointedly at Bobbie. "Hey, Dorinda, who is the spotted dog?"

"...with the spots? ... Oh, he's new."

"Oh, Dorinda, Yeh're amazin'! Wot's his name?"

"Oh! Yeah, That's Bobbie Del...Del...Del Mazeener, like magazine, only with a 'r' , and he pronounces it a furrener."

"Dorinda, you're amazing, truly! Just amazing," said James, "Just, really...amazing."

She turns her head slightly and a soft smile forms slowly on her lips, she ducks her head shyly at the compliment. But she says nothing.

October 15: Next Fall


Every weekday Bobbie went to Oaktown High School.

He didn't know why.

Other than his obligation to his mother to get good grades, he could think of no reason for himself; he didn't know anybody there, it appeared that nobody from elementary school was there who recognized him, or chose to. He walked to school everyday thinking that "Yes! Today I'll make a new friend! I'll find a pal, a buddy, and that will mean I won't have to be alone unless I want to be." He worried; "Is there something wrong with me that is preventing me from making friends...?" No one knew who he was...well...except for James. An involuntary shiver ran through him at the thought of James. Arguably the most sought after, handsomest, most wonderful furr on campus. And defying all reason, logic, hope, and explanation: Bobbie's study buddy.

Bobbie still was worried, not scared, ... but worried. This week was so different; now Bobbie was in an agony of lust and despair. His life wasn't complicated last week, and then James just walked up to talk to him thus rescuing him from the bully-gang of stoats and at the same time completely complicating his life. He got a friend, or ... at least a study-buddy ... and he really liked James. He didn't have easy words for the turmoil in his stomach and heart. If, ... What if, .... Oh,.... If James started to like him, would he leave? If James found out Bobbie liked him, would he go? What if he told James he was gay? What if James found out anyway? Oh, Dear Green Man, what if James were gay?? Oh, what to do? He had already started to like James, he could feel it, he couldn't deny it, (and, oh, this hurt).

But he knew this feeling well, this was how it felt just before you were crushed into a bleeding sobbing pile of aching hurt, tricked and abandoned to a hopeless agony of heartbreak -- Friends always betray, right?

As he walked down the halls between classes he thinks of studying last week with James, and sighs. Such a problem, "Aarrrghh!"

At the sound of his growl, furrs turned and looked. A timid vixen named Frauka was startled and she fluffed, ruining her beautifully brushed fur, and she barked back at him, "Watch it, Twerp!" At Frauka's bark, a bunny with large green eyes, tall, and handsome started; Emnkay's ears went straight up in alarm. Bobbie worried about that. He flicked his ears back apologetically and kept his head down, eyes on the floor. He wanted to make friends, so he tried. He really tried, looking up and smiling at furrs; he glanced around looking for a friendly face, and after he'd picked one out, he raised his head to smile ... but his action came too late for them to notice. They'd already looked at him, seen him NOT smile at them, and then looked on ahead. This miscommunication was part of why Bobbie felt no one wanted to meet him. He'd not been giving them useful signals. What he'd given them was the universal, "I'm not here sign." and they were taking him at his word. It's as if he had hidden himself in a castle and pulled up the drawbridge, surrounded it with a dragon, and was now flying the "We're Home" flag. Furrs were confused, and he was just not interesting enough for them to risk confronting a stranger who can't make up his mind. "Really! What is he trying to say?" they asked as they looked away. No one seemed to want to get to know him; he felt that he was not very attractive. "Spots!" he asked himself; "Who looks good in spots?"

It was a stupid question to ask.

Bobbie wanted contact with furrs. He craved company. He was trying to at least meet one Somebody, or if not a Somebody, then a Someone, or even an Anyone, but there were very few overtures, and though he did try to get into some events by asking if he could come along with folks when they were going to the mall or something ... well, it usually fell through. Somehow it didn't work out well for him. It lead to an invite or two but then they let it drop and he couldn't seem to get it started again.

Since moving to Oaktown at the bitter end of the last bitter school year, Bobbie sought to find new friends, but the fears from last year were so strong, he picked only furrs who were "safe" for him ... and then found that they weren't the kind of furrs he wanted to be friends with anyway. This is so bad that he has withdrawn and built a shell of denial about himself, telling himself, "Eh, Sour Grapes," and "I can find someone to befriend next week." But next week comes and he doesn't look for friends then, either. So the weeks come and go and, as if he was hidden in a castle, he has encountered no one he wants to befriend. He has taken his spirit and, to protect it, made a clearing in dark forest deep and, crouching in the middle, built a castle and a wall all around it and then a bigger, higher, thicker wall, and in a few weeks his spirit was completely shut off from the forest, the sun, the moon, and the wind. And so, alone in this darkness, his spirit curled itself in upon itself and drifted down to sleep. And as it slept, it dreamed, and the sound track for its dreaming was the leitmotif from Cinderella, it was humming, "Someday, my prince will come..."

The school day was normally a pass-time of actively exercising ennui. The practice of supressing his feelings of frustration and sadness, these, when welling up in his heart hurt him and he felt listless ... injured ... blue ... depressed. He couldnt go to his old home-- to his comforatable familiar safe home, but instead had to walk to that cold new unfamiliar house, and there only hanging out with just the only two friends always present there for him: his music and his Y-box...gaming by himself until his Mom came home.

And then this happened! James breached his mental defenses; he swept swiftly down the narrow avenue toward Bobbie's heart -- through the dark foreboding woods of his defenses -- and up to the shuttered castle of Bobbie's confined spirit. He ignored the dragon, climbing fearlessly upon the sleeping beast's back, - using the dragon --treating this dangerous beast as mere scaffolding to gain entrance, he ran across its back to rudely hammer on the fragile windows of Bobbie's heart, peering into Bobbie's carefully secured soul, castle, (prison).

Bobbie ran up toward him shouting, "Get Out! Go Away! Get Out!" His shouting disrupted the sleeping dragon keeping Bobbie's heart a prisoner for so long. The dragon, once startled out of sleeping quietly began to shift, and then stretched his ungainly frame and yawned, rubbed his face with a paw, and wiped the sleep from his eyes as they opened, ... opened and took in the scope of James' intrusion. The Dragon was awake! Now it would be very hard if not impossible to get the dragon back to sleep. Suddenly James was gone, the only sound in the castle was Bobbie's shouts echoing down the long hallways into the stillness -- and the dragon still humming to its self; "Someday, my Prince..."

Now that his heart was awakened, his groggy sleepy dragon-spirit was humming happily to itself ... even locked away as it was, Bobbie exspended a tremendous amount of time and energy in a Sisyphean attempt to not think about James. In the middle of a class he would suddenly stop thinking about James and take some notes, or pay attention for a bit. He would find himself looking at a magazine, and see that the golden-yellow sands in the picture of the beach were Not the right color yellow to be the same as James' fur. The limes in the grocery store advert were NOT the same green as James' eyes. Four or five times a day he caught himself spending even ten or so minutes in a row not thinking about James. Very carefully not thinking about James, and not thinking about James in very great detail. He wanted to stop thinking about James so badly that for the next half hour he worried about if he could come out to James, if he should come out, all the different things bad that would happen, could happen, if, - if maybe... -he did ... -come out --to James ...

James was at fault. James was to blame! James spoke to him, chased away the stoats, ...

And messed up his peaceful, lonely, quiet hell.


This was WRONG; this was NOT in James' plans! Since Sean had gone away James had become free of the oppression of being Sean's servant -- his toy -- Sean's little 'Boi'. Sean had run off to Eaurolant for study abroad and he'd abandoned James. And once free, James had turned to the pleasures of being dominant -- instead of catching all the time he was the team's owner and the pitcher in search of team-mates to play with. James was on the hunt for a submissive boi or boy-toy to play with -- he needed to get his rocks off, and he needed a diversion -- a toy, someone to entertain him. Bobbie was perfect!

--Except ... James really liked Bobbie. It would be okay, James reasoned. He would just keep it cool, not allow himself to fall in love with Bobbie: not the way he had with Sean....

***** James replaying in his mind how he wasn't surprised or amazed that Bobbie's face would change, but stunned at how Bobbie would change so ...completely! Bobbie would be walking down the hall, deep in ... something ... whatever it was that Bobbie got deep into; thought, worry, meditation ... something ...-with furrowed brow -- looking nervous, glancing over his shoulder, ...when he looked up and And if he caught sight of James' round mug, bobbing up and down middle-in the sea of muzzles milling and flowing about him in the school's halls - -even just a glimpse of James - his whole face would start to glow. That reaction alone amazed James. And after seeing James, in speaking with him, Bobbie glowed more brightly; he beamed as if his smile could illuminate the room. It would begin in Bobbie's eyes first; they would open more, and then the cheeks would rise as Bobbie smiled. The ears would shift forward and lift slightly up. Slowly building, the smile would continue spreading; the eyebrows would unwrinkle then rise. Still spreading, the smile became a grin that spread across his face, ear to ear, top to chin. James wanted to keep that thought and mull it over in his mind; wasn't there something wrong with that level of reaction? What did that say about James, that Bobbie got so much joy from just sighting him in the crowd, that it had to spill out into the surrounding air? He positively beamed! James was concerned that more furrs would notice; he did want to keep this relationship private. James thought about it for a while, came to some conclusions, and moved on in his thoughts to more physically challenging things....

These physical sensations occupied the majority of his thoughts as the two of them walked toward Bobbie's house. This is not to imply that James was not also spending some time admiring Bobbie's wit and intelligence, -he enjoyed Bobbie's company on several levels, but mostly, walking along...side by side, he was enjoying observing Bobbie's body. Not a clinical scientific analysis, but the finely nuanced appreciation of his form --as an artist or sports trainer would. They were going to study together, again...this would make the sixth time alone together in two weeks and James could tell that Bobbie was relaxing into a more trusting relationship with him. He would want to make his move soon, but not too early. Only after Bobbie was trusting him, but before he cemented his idea of James' position into a pigeon hole; that would make it too hard to change roles... James' plot was complicated and many layered, but needed to remain flexible. A lot depended on how pliable and pliant Bobbie was to his leadership. So far he was very pleased. His satisfaction spilled into a smile, and he thought, "This is going very well! Maybe today."

**** All through the walk home James' brain was at work thinking on several levels. On the surface, he was conversing with Bobbie about playing soccer, different positions, the games lost to chance or to bad plays made by their team. The other level was the two were still discussing soccer; how to play a field.

There Bobbie was imagining ...for soccer; all the different positions for his playing the ball.

And all James could think about was imagining, for Bobbie; ... all the different positions for his balling his prey.

****(for the goaly, all the different positions to prevent Bobbie, kicking a ball, from scoring a goal )

****(for the James, all the different positions for scoring Bobbie, prevent too much kicking, from balling his goal )

____Bobbie & James_________________________________________

After the day's classes, walking out to the front of the school, Bobbie wondering if he'd see James there. As he cleared the doors he felt an enormous mitt on his shoulder.

"There you are! Come-on, we're riding shanks mare today!

Bobbie just looked.

We're walking, James said, Shank's mare? shank; slang for leg... walking,...??

" Oh, Bobbie said, O.K."

He blushed, uncomfortable at having someone to walk with, unused to small talk with a stranger. Still unused to James' company. So, Uh, what do you want to study when you declare? Bobbie figured that if adults asked that so much, it must be a good ice breaker for starting a conversation.

"I'm studying bio, anatomy," James responded, "... I think I might like working in medicine. You?"

"I, ... Uh, Bobbie blushed, I don't know. I'm good at stuff, but not very good at anything except following directions."

"Well," said the lion, "That can be very useful. I'll remember that."

Which made Bobbie uncomfortable when he heard it.

"Do you have any pets," Asked James.

"Uh, I'm allergic, I have some fish....." He didn't know how to finish the thought.

They walked along in a silence. Each with their own desires.

Bobbie worried some more about how to keep the conversation going. He ususally let the others do the talking. Now James wasn't saying anything. What to do?

Aaarrggh! This turmoil was so hard to deal with! Normally James would never let it get this far, never allow this to happen, he always felt so in control, always so logical. And it never occurred with brainless hangers-on and sycophants who only wanted to be inside James' circle of friends. But Bobbie wasn't like that; Bobbie hadn't asked to be invited to James' parties, nor to his after practice pizza klatches. Bobbie hadn't asked James for anything so far, except to be told James' preference of beverages... "Aaarrggh," Stepping into Bobbie's house this was the only thought James could muster.

They went through the front door and then James followed Bobbie up the stairs to Bobbie's bedroom. James' burning desire for Bobbie stood up, and movied to the forefront of his thoughts. This required some attention, soon. James' decision was final; today! Shifting mental gears, his imaginary paw metaphorically resting on a metaphorical a furious whoosh of motion an army of small brass cogs and gears would whirl and spin about and two once-blank windows would fill, one to indicate "Today." But first...the studying...

As time passed and the afternoon's studying progressed, the two students found themselves out of new material to study, or old material to review. James sat in the desk's swivel chair fussing with his books, calmly and confidently finishing his attack. He changed his plans, made his mind up to make them stick, and now would be the time. He didn't want to wait, the time was now. Now he would ask the question. James took a deep breath, let it out slowly, paused to shift mental gears, his imaginary paw metaphorically resting on the metaphorical lever...waiting, ready, (*pause*)...

Bobbie sat cross-legged on the bed, his book opened on his lap, looking expectantly at James. So James with his careful planned logic, and cold emotionless reason, tipped his foot against a mental pawl, and his imaginary paw metaphorically pulled the metaphorical lever, set the terrible clockwork driven gearset into motion. A pin released, a large iron weight fell pulling a cable taught, dragging an iron gear up one tooth, and an army of small brass cogs and gears whirred and spun about in a furious whoosh of motion until a needle shaped pointer ticked once, and a second blank rectangular window in a white enameled dial, next to one filled to indicate "Today." Now the second window filled to indicate "Now". He put the book down on the desk, crossed a leg over his knee, and started to lean back, but feeling how his pants were tight and bulged, instead sat suddenly forward and leaned his elbows on his knees, -- Now, now began his conquest of Bobbie.

"Hey Bobbie, I'd like to tell you something while I'm thinking about it."

"Yes?" responded Bobbie in a calm detached voice.

"Look, I really wanted you to know something about me."

Bobbie looked back at James, leaning forward over his book, raising an eyebrow expectantly.

"It's like this, see? I was thinking, of all my friends, you're the one I trust the most. I've got a lot of friends, but most of them aren't true to me or themselves, they just hang around me because of what I have, or what I did; or my money, or my status on the teams, my car, my popularity, my parties. See? Yer the only friend I've got who hasn't tried to get something from me, out of me, off of me? Yer following so far?

Bobbie nodded politely, slowly, as if agreeing with him, James immediately felt that this needed more ummpf.

He upped the ante, "Bobbie, do yer like me?

Bobbie nodded vigorously, then stopped, worried; had he been too enthusiastic?

"Well," continued James, "I'm right keen on you, too. We have really good times together, right?"

Bobbie nodded vigorously, "Yes!" Feeling his breath rate shoot up, his heart began to pound, -- this was scary, what was James getting at? Where was this going?

Very slowly, very carefully, James said, "Well, I really feel close to you, you're the only one who likes ME: not likes my money, not likes my car, my status...parties...liquor. You like ME. See?"

"Yes, James," Bobbie answered as evenly as he could. He was almost panicking. Someone liked him! He was panting, and his heart was thudding in his chest. Someone liked him! And of all people; James, the gentle one, Bobbie thought.

He smiled.

"Bobbie, it's me you like, do you know how rare that is for me? That's like one in a thousand. It means so much to me; I've only had two or three friends like that, ever. That's big, and I really appreciate that, and you. You truly see me for who I am, and like ME. And not only what I can do for you. And I feel that way back; I really like you. Now, I'm not wrong am I? I don't want to force you into declaring something you don't feel, but I feel you really know how YOU feel toward me. And I wanted you to know how I feel toward you."

Bobbie was hot in the face and now felt as if he was blushing. He wanted to speak but couldn't seem to do more than open and close his maul; he couldn't take a deep enough breath, nor find the control to keep his voice even.

He couldn't speak!

"Bobbie, Matey, answer me a question, will yer? I'm taking a class in Massage and Anatomy...and last term we studied the Mustilids, the Monotremes, and the Phantod group; Basilisks, Griffons, Dragons and Unicorns. But this semester we have to study the Domestic Mammals; Ovines, Porines, and Canines. You know...animals; new dimensions in Sheep, Dogs, and Pigs (Three Different Ones). Canines of course including Wolves, Coyotes, Hyenas, and Foxes. That's next. I've practiced on lions, but, uh, that has only taught me more about lions, if I am to learn about dogs and wolves ... Would you be willing to let me massage you? Yer get a nice massage, and in exchange I get to feel how your muscles fit onto your bones, yeh know, yer frame. So, I've been studying ahead, and I can't get any farther without practical experience. ...So, will yer?"

"Will I what?" asked Bobbie.

"Will you be a dog for me, so I can get the practical experience I need to translate what's in the pictures and on the pages...into tactile experience of touching a live dog? Eh?"

Bobbie looked perplexed.

"C'Mon, Matey, can I give you a massage?"

Bobbie was about to say yes, when he thought of his fears and objections. "Uhn, I don't know? I've never had a massage, what's involved?"

"Well, Mate, it's not like practicing surgery where all kinds of stuff can go wrong. I just, well, use my paws to rub yehr muscles, and in that way feel how the muscles and the tendons and the ligaments and everything work together. How the muscles on top slide over the muscles underneath, how the muscles beside others move with each other, and where and how the tendons attach to the bones at one end, and the muscles at the other. And thus see what it feels like and comparing it to the book, and so learn it all. What say yer? Is that O.K?"

James paused, and then continued into Bobbie's silence, "I've learned a lot already about other furrs, but I have a lot to learn about how the muscles are layered and how they fit together on a dog. I know yer want a massage, it's wonderfully relaxing, I wouldn't ask you except yeh're the one I know who can keep a secret, I wouldn't it want to go all over the school, that I worked on you with your clothes off. ...I don't think you would want that out, either..."

"But you CAN do this with my clothes on right? I don't HAVE to take my clothes off, right?" Bobbie's warm happiness had evaporated like morning fog in the sunlight. He was scared, if he was with his friends, only terrible things happened when he took his clothes off.

"Uhn, no. Clothes must be off. Yeh cannot get a good massage with the clothes on. And it wouldn't do ME any good, I wouldn't feel the muscles and skin, what I end up learning is the folds of cloth and how they interfere with the things underneath, how the seams mess up what I'm trying to learn. So, no. No clothes. It's o.k.; it's just a massage..."

"I don't know. I don't know about this, you know that I don't know you very well, and you don't know much about me," protested Bobbie. He was dying inside, James wanted him to be naked, wanted to see him bare, James was going to be in his clothes and rubbing on Bobbie's bare fur. Bobbie's cock was so hard, so tight, so trapped by this underwear it hurt ... to be bare and have someone run their hands over every inch of him, rubbing, pressing, massaging. Bobbie was so conflicted, in such a turmoil he felt like he would throw up. He was glad it was just before dinner. There wouldn't be much to come up...

James thought to himself, "Oh, Bobbie, yeh just have no idea, how well or how much I know about yeh." It was all right there on Albert's computer.

James said, "I've seen how the teachers like yeh, they like yeh because you're helpful, eager..." and James left it there, hanging...he didn't add: obedient. But instead he pressed on, "Yeh seem to like to obey other furrs that you respect so that they like you better. "And," he continued, "you just wait for someone to give you something to you can help them. Well I need help with this class. So, I need your help, I'm going to give you a massage this afternoon, so you can start taking them off."

Bobbie raised his paws starting to unbutton the top buttons of his shirt, then paused, thinking, and just stared at the wall beside James, motionless; ears down and back, trembling... All his hopes, fears, worries, and desires rose up at once and began warring in his guts. His mouth went dry, his ears started ringing, his stomach knotted up and he was panting hard... everything he wanted and feared was right before, standing right in front of him. His emotional defenses came crumbing down, and his psyche...roaring like an avenging dragon.

James said one word ...


The tension in his guts made him squirm, he felt his paws start to sweat, and he felt like whimpering. This was how he always lost his "Friends." As soon as the clothes came off, the horrible things happened. And as the thoughts of impending doom ran through his mind so did a brief flash of pseudo-logic; No one was here but James, his Mother wouldn't be home for hours, he trusted James and this was all educational, and then of course... He felt that odd tickle of excitement in his tummy, the butterflies at the thought of being naked, being looked at, inspected, and examined, and then having this handsome lion rub him all over. Bobbie decided he would do it! His body wanted this, and he trusted James "although he was nervous and panting with excitement, his desires overcame his reserves " he would lay down and let James learn from him, James was so commanding, so trustworthy, he would help James, ... he would do it.

... James was right. He did feel that helping James would make James like him better, and he was eager to help. As scared as he was, he knew he wouldn't get a hard on... well that wasn't true, his penis would crown out of the sheath, but only a half inch or so it was a normal reaction for male dogs, although explaining that to a cat might be awkward. And so Bobbie smiled, knowing it would make James like him even better if he did as he was told. With a tight worried smile, Bobbie did what Bobbie did best ... he obeyed. And felt better to be doing it.

James saw that his persuasion had worked, it worked! Bobbie was going to do it. James only turned away for a moment to get out the book and open it to the clear overlay cells printed with the dog musculature on them. Just a moment, but when he turned back, book in hand, Bobbie was buck naked...just standing there with his paws trying to cover his crotch. "Uhn, James?" Bobbie whined, "now what?"

James was in an ecstasy of overload. It worked!

First, Bobbie was going to do it! Second he started going through all the muscle groups in his mind, remembering everything he wanted to note, now that it was happening, running down differences and likenesses between species, and how that would affect the massage. Next was, his plan was moving along, he wanted to make Bobbie his servant, his sex toy, his lover, his pet. And here was the first portion of his plan, all set up. Fourth, James was exerting his power over Bobbie and Bobbie was just who Albert thought he was from all those years ago.

That he was stressed showed on Bobbie's anatomy; his hackles were slightly up, his penis was crowning from the sheath about a half inch, his whiskers were up and his ears were back and his tail was curled by his knees. James noted all this and would work to have Bobbie relaxed in no time. "He's probably embarrassed or worrying about crowning," thought James.

"Lay down on the bed, face down, I'd like to start at teh shoulders and neck first".

Bobbie did, lying in the middle of his narrow bed. James climbed up to kneel up on his haunches across Bobbie's thighs, and using his wide paws with delicate tenderness, began to rub and knead Bobbie's shoulders. Bobbie tensed immediately. It felt too good, it was too pleasurable, and it was too much. It was ... Bobbie's brain shut down and he relaxed allowing his head to roll to the side. A soft sigh escaped Bobbie's muzzle and James knew he'd won the second battle, he would own Bobbie in a day or two. He would keep Bobbie from falling asleep while he was giving the massage, but he also kept three threads going in his head. One thread was cataloging all the muscles, bones, and tendons; Deltoids, Trapezius, Sternocleidomastoid, all of them, noting how they were on Bobbie -- like the book- different than the cats. The second thread was talking to Bobbie; reassuring him, calming him... He kept up a running commentary, talking about all the body parts and the nerves and the muscles and tendons; everything, anything to keep his subject's mind engaged, keeping Bobbie from relaxing into sleep.

"The latissimus dorsi nerves are supplied through the sixth, seventh, and eighth cervical nerves the Thoracodorsal: the long scapular and long subscapular nerves,..." James nattered on and on.

The third and most important thread that James' mind was maintaining was a very conscious and deliberate observation of Bobbie; his body's state; the condition of his fur, pilation, the skin beneath that, the pulse rate, the depth of his breaths, the tone of the muscles...noting his reactions to more pressure, less pressure, broad pressure, pointed pressure. And James was falling into deeper appreciation of Bobbie with every nuance discovered, with every passing moment. He found to his surprise that he liked Bobbie; liked his mind, his philosophy, his moral stance, his sense of humor...everything. James quickly turned the thought around in his mind; was there anything about Bobbie he didn't like? HHhhmmmmm. As an artist appreciates the artwork before him, James admired what Bobbie was, but on the physical level he was more clinical...more scientific...more detached from the higher functions, and at this level he was all about acquiring Bobbie ... inviting him into his circle, getting Bobbie to join him in a relationship, (of a specific type, perhaps an explicit type, he would suggest that later...)

And this is how the serratus anterior working with and against the latissimus dorsi, ...