Not Saiyan It Again

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#88 of Commissions

Commission for shy001 on FA

Mac wakes up in a village with no memory as to what's happened, as his friends try to help him, the village is attacked by ChaosGallantmon and Mac undergoes an even more powerful transformation

"Not Saiyan It Again"

Lightning crashed overhead, illuminating the skies with a brilliant mix of blues and ambers that filled his vision. The feeling of rain drops pouring down along his fur made him realize he was naked. He tried to speak, but the words wouldn't come out. He was running through the forest, stopping every couple hundred yards to grab a tree and regain his bearings. Looking around, he was panicked, his heart was racing.

"You will FAIL!" A voice boomed at the same time as a lightning bolt struck, but he did not know what had hit him first. He found himself suddenly on the wet ground, scooting away from a great shape in the darkness. "You will never awaken!"

"AHH!" A sword appeared in his hand as if by magic and he swept it upward, parrying the spear that had been coming down on him.

He rolled and got to his feet once again, raising the sword to clutch it with both hands, but the figure had vanished. He turned and saw a sudden movement in the shadows, and on instinct he swung his sword again, this time blocking the strike. He swung back, but the sword only found the air in front of him. His ears perked at the whistle his weapon made in the rain and he spun around in a complete circle before becoming dizzy and falling down again. "HRAAAAHH!" He heard the voice again and again he moved to block.

"NNNN!" He grunted, feeling the slice of steel cut into his left arm and he fell backwards.

"You dare battle me? You dare face your ultimate test?!"

The crimson red eyes illuminated in the darkness, but he could not see who they belonged to. The spear raised again to strike at him and expertly, he blocked it again. "OOF!" He grunted as he felt a solid hoof kick him in the stomach immediately after the block. "I will destroy you from the inside out, warrior!"

As he tumbled backwards, he could see the shape chasing him down the hill on which he found himself rolling. As he reached the bottom, there was a splatter of mud under his shoulders and he instead found himself spinning sideways now, slipping wildly; uncontrollably toward a cliff. He withdrew his sword again and slammed it hard into the ground to slow himself down. "Nnnnnhhh ahh..." He panted as he felt his legs now dangling over a cliff. He could feel the frigid air under him blowing at his feet as he hung there, unable to move, unable to find the strength to climb up again as his enemy approached.

Even in this light, the light under the open sky he could not see his attacker's face; only the frightening blood red eyes as they narrowed upon their victim. He approached slowly, deliberately cantering his hooves a bit. "So, you have fallen..." His voice boomed and the lightning flashed behind him again, still keeping his face obscured as he raised his weapon up high, the steel reflecting in the lights around them. "Allow me to help you down!"

"NOOOOOOO!" He screamed.


"AHH! NO! NO!" Mac thrust awake in a frantic cry as he bolted upright on the bed roll he had fallen asleep on; or at least, he thought he had.

"Hey! Hey! Stop this! You're hurt!" A voice shouted as a pair of large clawed hands grabbed Mac's shoulders to settle him. He had broken out in a nasty sweat and immediately felt cooled by the night air seeping in through the flap entrance of the large tent he found himself in.

Mac was naked under the sheets, with the exception of bandages spread across his body, chest and arms in various places. He groaned and placed a hand on his head and looked at the Weregarurumon staring him in the face. "AHH!" He let out a surprised yell, making the creature scoot back a few inches.

"Jeeze, try not to give me a heart attack will ya? You're in pretty rough shape." He growled in response.

The Weregarurumon had soft eyes, a concerned look was spread across his face, and that immediately made Mac feel better. He knew that the creature he was looking at was a Weregarurumon, but he couldn't exactly place how he knew that. "S-sorry..." He said. "Just a bad dream, that's all." He said.

"It's alright, you're at the Clawton Retreat campground, we're all friends here."

"Clawton Retreat?"

The Digimon nodded. "We're a retreat in the Stonefury Mountains, it's actually a pretty difficult place to get to on purpose, but it would seem you managed to get here on accident pretty easily. What's your name?"

"I'm... erm..." Mac pondered, it was like the information had been there to grab, and now it had gone missing. Straining to remember made his head hurt, and suddenly a crack of light shot through his skull and gave him an immediate headache. "AHHH!" He cried out, putting both hands on his head. "I--I can't remember."

"I was afraid of this..." Another voice startled Mac and he spotted a Gaomon standing there now, lifting a small flashlight to his eyes. "It seems that smack to the head must have given you a case of amnesia."


"What were you dreaming about before?" Weregarurumon asked. "You seemed like you were pretty panicked."

"I... I'm not sure." Mac said. "I mean, I knew it a second ago, but now it's like somebody knocking on the door and my brain echoing back that nobody's home." The pair looked at each other in confusion. Mac smirked. "Nevermind."

"Oh, and as to your identity, maybe this could help? It was found next to you." Gaomon lifted a sword that almost seemed too big for him to wield. It looked so familiar to Mac, but he wasn't sure where he'd seen it before. As he reached out and touched the blade, he was amazed that it flashed a bright gold light and suddenly vanished. "Huh!" Gaomon said in surprise. "Well I've never seen that before. Anyway; I'm Gaomon, camp medic as much as I can be at least. If you have any issues; headaches, nausea, heck if you sneeze and you feel your eyes pop, you give me a call. Okay?"

The imagery was enough to rouse a laugh from the wolf's throat and he nodded in agreement. "Sure thing, doc." He said. "I appreciate it." There was a pause as Gaomon left and Mac's eyes shifted to Weregarurumon expectantly. "I could use my pants though."

Weregaurumon jerked a bit in surprise. "Oh, right." He said as he handed the wolf his clothes. "They're a little tattered from the fall, but they should still be wearable."

Suddenly, visions of Mac's dream came into his mind. He wondered if it had been a dream or a memory, but in this vision, he wasn't even wearing any clothes... he looked at his hands. What was he? And where did that sword disappear to?

As the pair left the tent, Mac gazed around at the rest of the villagers; there was Gaomon and Weregarurumon of course, but also a Gaogamon, the three morphs of Weregarurumon; Garurumon and Metal Garurumon. And still he was confused at how he knew these creatures when he wasn't even sure what they were.

"We're Digimon, by the way. Digital Monsters." Weregarurumon explained at Mac's confused stare. "You remember hearing about us?"

"Uh-uh." Mac shook his head. "But... somehow I remember names; like... Weregarurumon is you. Garurumon over there, and a Dobermon over there adding logs to the fire."

"Very good. But only one of you, how strange." Weregarurumon sniffed the top of Mac's head. "You look like a wolf, but you don't smell like a 'mon... so I'm not sure what you are."

"Trust me. You're not the only one. So... this is a village full of canines?"

"That blow to your head really didn't hurt your powers of observation, did it?"

Mac smirked a bit. "Was that a shot at an injured wolf?" He asked.

"Heh. Maybe." The werewolf crossed his arms a bit. "Sorry about that, I can be a bit of a smartass."

"Nah. I like that quality."

"The Stonefury Mountains have been around for a very long time. We've always had a retreat up here, but due to the storms that often hit the peaks, we keep our structures more temporary, but it's been effective."

"Must be a pain to break down and start over again all the time though."

"It's not so bad." Weregarurumon shrugged. "It also keeps us off of Myotismon's radar."

"Myotismon..." Mac pondered, more thoughts aching at the back of his mind. "That name sounds familiar. Is he bad?"

"One of the most evil Digimon to ever have existed." Weregarurumon explained. "In fact, when he partnered up with Piedmon, their reign of terror increased to almost this entire continent. There are only a few places yet untouched by their darkness."

"Huh... sounds like bad news." Mac pondered. "Maybe they're the ones who attacked me?"

Weregarurumon shrugged. "Maybe." He said. "But for now, let's see if we can get you back for some rest. You're looking a little ragged."

Mac yawned; he was feeling a little exhausted. The pair had made a round of the camp's lower areas, and found themselves back at the tent he'd come out of in the first place.

"I'm just not feeling too tired." Mac lied. "I mean, how long was I out for? A day? Two?"

"Three days, but your body doesn't lie. The doc said you need to get plenty of rest. We need to handle your recovery with the utmost care. I'm sure you understand, you'll want to get your memory back right?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"So c'mon." The werewolf said, grabbing the wolf's shoulders and pushing him back inside. "Get some sleep, we'll try to find anyone in the morning who might be missing you."

Mac was concerned. He didn't even remember his own name, much less the names of anyone who may have been traveling with him; unless he was alone, and in that case he may never know who he was. It made him nervous as he climbed back onto the bed roll and slowly began to drift off to sleep.

"What if I am alone?"


Thunder again, flashes of lightning, Mac had the feeling he had been here before as he looked up into the painted onyx sky. The only light he could see was when the lightning flashes illuminated the black clouds overhead.

It began to rain, the wolf closed his eyes and could feel it soaking his face, he realized that what happened before was happening again. But this time, he wouldn't be around for it to happen. Instead of moving ahead, Mac turned on his heel and began to run the other way. The boom of thunder overhead was getting louder, it was almost enough to drown out the sound of his feet splashing through the standing water in the grass as he ran. He made it to a large tree, its branches curled out long and thin, like fingernails that needed to be severely trimmed back. As he huddled against the trunk, he felt relief that the cold rain was unable to get to him. Now if only--


The noise was jarring enough, but the lightning bolt that had struck the tree had caused it to explode outwards, hurling the wolf away from it and back into the rain. Looking behind him, he could see that the tree had been burnt to a cinder of its former self, smoke still pouring from it but the rain kept it from catching fire.

"HAAAA!" Another battlecry made Mac look up to see a pair of thick hooves come down on him.

"AHHH!" Mac cried out, rolling out of the way as the trampling feet came down on him. "Oh no, not you again!" He shouted as he got to his feet again.

"You will fail!" The dark figure cried out and pointed at Mac.

"Yeah, yeah." Mac said as he brought his hand out, suddenly causing the sword to appear. He looked at it and recognized the blade as the one he'd been given earlier. "This... this is--"

Before he could say anything more, the figure charged at him again, and once again, lightning flashing all around him still obscured his face as Mac swung his weapon and deflected the charging beast's attack. "Die!" He roared as he swung his lance again and when it struck Mac's weapon, the sparks shot across his fur.

"What do you want from me?!" Mac shouted as he pushed back, knocking the lance away from his face, only to be kicked backwards.

Mac hit the ground with a splash and he tumbled over again. There was no way he would find his way to those cliffs again, he'd run hard and fast. He was at least a quarter a mile away from where he'd dreamed the last time.

The creature's red eyes narrowed at him, Mac leaned back some in fright, then saw the beast's other hand come at him; only it wasn't a hand, it was a large metal disc. A shield of some sort.

*THUNK!* "Unnh!" Mac felt the impact hard into his body. His entire body lurched backwards and he hit the ground. His shoulder hit the ground first and lurched him down a steep hill. "Whoa!" He cried out as he rolled again and again, over and over until he felt his body roll over a puddle of mud, which caused him to slide over the edge of a cliff. "Oh no!" He grunted as he tried to hold on. This was just like before.

"So, you have fallen!" The beast suddenly appeared at the treeline, charging at him with his weapon drawn. "Allow me to help you down!" He shouted as he lurched up and aimed his weapon down at Mac.


"NO!" Mac shouted aloud as he suddenly bolted upright in his bed.

It was dark in the room, he could hardly make out anything across the room, and he could hear nothing for the moment but the sound of his heart beating. The sun was rising outside, Mac could tell due to the dull lighting starting to accumulate on the flap entrance to the tent. He sighed and leaned back in his bed, which was now soaking with sweat. He groaned and put his hand onto his forehead. What had happened? Why was he having these dreams?

It was getting on toward the afternoon by the time Mac felt well enough to leave the tent. Even when he did, the intensity of the sunlight made his head ache even more.

"Hey, there you are!" Weregarurumon said as he grabbed the wolf around the shoulders. "Was wondering if I'd ever see you again."

"Yeah. The doc gave me some food for breakfast and I've been trying to work up the nerve to come out into the sun." Mac admitted. "What's up?"

"Here, come with me." The werewolf said as he grabbed Mac's wrist and pulled him toward the crowd a few yards ahead. "Had someone come to the camp asking about a missing wolf that had gone missing a few days ago, I immediately thought of you."

"R-really? You think you found someone who knows me? That's awesome!"

Weregarurumon chuckled and put a hand on his head, blushing with the wolf's excitement. "Yeah, well."

"Mac? MAC!" A wolf with red tipped ears charged through the crowd and suddenly attached himself to the wolf. "Oh man! It's great to see you, we'd all thought you were lost!"

"Ahh! Mmm... hey..." Mac said nervously. "Who are you?"

The wolf pulled back and stared at him. "You... you really don't remember me? I mean... it's me, Max. Your big brother!"

Max was covered in several scratches though his clothes were shredded to bits, but he wasn't any worse for wear than Mac. Mac put a hand on his head, trying to recognize Max but he instead frowned and shook his head.

"Oh man... Weregarurumon was right, you really don't have any memories at all?"

"Nothing. I don't remember a thing before I woke up here yesterday."

Max frowned, his confusion clearly showed. "Oh, man... you should have seen it, you were completely blasted away by this great Digimon called ChaosGallantmon..."

"Chaos--" Mac started to say his name, but then his head started screaming at him. Visions of the figure with the red eyes stormed his sight he gasped, and very nearly crumpled over, both Max and Weregarurumon caught him. "I--I think I remember him... terrifying Digimon, right? Immense power?"

"Yes that would be him." Max said. "You saved an entire village from being destroyed and we thought you were destroyed instead. We've been searching for you for days!"

"Here, let's get him inside." Weregarurumon suggested.

"I'll contact the others to meet us up here." Max said. "Thanks Weregarurumon I'll be along in a moment." He paused and looked at Mac. "Hey Mac. Don't worry, I'll try to help jog your memory, and when the others get here, I'm sure you'll remember everything."

Mac smiled weakly, still unsure how to react. "Thanks... Max." He said.

The following couple of days weren't very progressive. Max would try to spark Mac's memory, but Mac would always get a severe headache when trying to remember the details of his last battle. Gaomon explained when Mac was brought back to the village, that his clothes were pretty well in tact, despite the severity of the attacks which only served to confuse Mac even more. His nights were full of nightmares, now of ChaosGallantmon throwing him from a cliff, and no matter what he did he couldn't change it. One night though, as he slept, Mac encountered a different type of dream--


The sound filled the sky again, but not the same as before. Instead of thunder, Mac could hear what sounded like the chime of a large clock, striking an hour in the distance. He found himself standing in a village like the one Max had described; with a Taomon, and a Rapidmon, an Omnimon, an Exveemon... everyone he was told helped protect the village that night.

Everything felt like it was going in slow motion, sparks like rockets spiraled around him and hit walls, causing explosions, making Mac grunt and try to block out the lights that flashed from them. "What's happening?" He asked "What's going on?!"

"Run!" He could hear a voice shout.

More explosions around him as ChaosGallantmon readied an attack with his lance. As the explosions around him began to move a little faster, he found everything was catching up to him and with a mighty leap, he threw himself into the energy wave that shot from Gallantmon's direction.

"AHHHH!" He screamed as he felt the beam hit him.

He gagged, and felt like his chest was being compressed, but something was happening to him; something he couldn't remember, or couldn't explain. A surge of energy flowing through him, despite being cut up the beam surrounding him wasn't burning him, or disintegrating him, but he did feel his feet leaving the ground and he was suddenly airborne. Flying through the air, he couldn't do anything but shield himself with his arms crossed over his chest. The energy beam was surging, throbbing against his body and there was no way he could control it. His legs kicked and soon there was a loss in the strength. As he turned, he felt like he could fly, but the encroaching mountain range was coming too fast and the beam slammed him into it so hard that he felt like he was about to die--


"NO!" Mac awoke again from his nightmare. Looking around once again, he let off a sigh of relief and put his face into his hand. "Oh, what is happening?" He pondered.

"There he is!" A voice turned Mac's attention up to a strange lot now entering the tent, quickly filling it; there was a Taomon, a Magnamon, an Exveemon, a Dorulumon along with Max and another wolf; this one with green markings instead of red ones.

"Oh Mac! I was so worried about you!" Dorulumon ran toward him and suddenly embraced Mac in a tight hug.

"You have no idea how worried we were about you!" The wolf approached, startling Mac with his fast approach. He too gave him a hug.

"Are... we all related?" Mac asked after a moment.

"Guys! I told you, he doesn't remember anything!" Max explained. "Don't scare him like that!"

"No way. Mac remembers me, don't you?" The Dorulumon asked before giving Mac a strangely soft stroke on his cheek.

"And of course he's going to remember his brother." The wolf said.

"So... you're my brother? I thought Max was."

"Oh, I am." Max said. "Mark there is our middle brother. And Trey--well he's your partner."

"My... partner?"

"Mac, don't you remember us?" Mark asked in confusion. Mac shrugged a bit and shook his head.

"No way!" Trey shouted, grabbing Mac by the shoulders and shaking him. "You have to remember me, Mac! Come on!" He shouted.

"Jeeze. He's got amnesia, not deafness." Mark complained, putting a finger in his ear.

Trey frowned, he looked on the edge of tears. "But... but he couldn't forget about me. He promised he'd never forget about me."

"When was that?" Mac asked. "I would like to remember Trey... I just don't yet."

Trey sighed softly and slowly backed away from Mac. "I'm s-sorry..." He said. "I didn't..."


The sound of something exploding outside shook the ground under everyone, then the sound of screams and cries turned their attention to the door.

"W-what was that? Another surprise?" Mac asked.

"I don't know. I'll go check it out." Exveemon said as he rushed through the flap, only to return a few seconds later, appearing out of breath. "Guys! It's ChaosGallantmon! He's found us!"

Mac started to move, but Trey shoved him back. "No, we'll get this." He said. "You need to rest. There's no need for you to get hurt again." He said. "Please, stay here."

Mac watched as Trey, Mark, Max and the others all left the room, and he was alone again. He listened as explosions and the cries from the others... he was confused, and most of all, he felt like somehow he'd dragged them into this.

"Damaging Pierce!" ChaosGallantmon readied his spear, which illuminated from the tip and launched a barrage of attacks that spread and scattered explosions throughout the camp as everyone tried to get out of the way. Watching as the group worked to try and save the camp dwellers instead of attacking made him laugh. "You pathetic weaklings, putting the safety of others before your own will only serve your deaths that much faster!"

"Spiro-Drill!" He heard a voice echo followed by the sound of something whirring to life.

ChaosGallantmon turned just in time to see a spinning Dorulumon slam into his shield and shove him back several feet. It was a difficult attack for him to resist, he grunted as he held Trey's attack at bay before slashing at him with the lance in his other hand, knocking him to the ground. He grabbed Trey's ankle and swung him around. "You fool! You wish to die that much faster, then so be it!" He shouted as he hurled Trey several yards across the camp and into the others. Gallantmon's spear illuminated again as he raised it to the sky. "I will destroy you all!" The light from his spear suddenly began to radiate with a black energy. "CHAOS SHOT!" He called, raising his spear even higher until a bolt of black lightning shot from the sky and energized it. Swinging it forward he launched a powerful bolt of dark energy at them, surely to destroy them.

The explosion never came though, as the group opened their eyes, they were startled to see that Mac had taken the hit for them, his body serving as a shield as the attack continued. He grunted and slid as he tried to fight back against the power of the wave hitting him.

"You again?" Gallantmon let out a violent roar. "How dare you interfere with the command of Myotismon?!"

Suddenly, Mac had a revelation. He could see Myotismon's laughing face, and several battles from months and months ago. His friends, he could remember them; Every single one of them stood behind him in shock of this power Mac showed. He looked up, a grin of confidence across his face as he took a step forward. The power emanating from his body began to glow a gold color and the light began to overwhelm the shadowy power. "You will not strike me down again, ChaosGallantmon!" He proclaimed.


"Mac! Are you--?"

Mac turned to Trey and winked. "I'm back." He said. "And now it's time to send this guy packing back to his masters!"

Mac clenched his fists and took a step forward, letting out a powerful roar that suddenly encased him in a bright cone of light, ChaosGallantmon groaned in pain and raised his shield to block the light, causing his attack to stop as he tried to defend against it. "How--how is this possible!?" He asked as his shield disintegrated from his hand and Mac appeared in the pillar of light.

His mane of hair, spiked up from the force of wind that encased him was now shimmering gold. His clothes were restored and different; his black shirt was now covered with a brown jacket, his black pants were repaired and held up with a bright red belt with a gold buckle and his shining green eyes stared at him under a pair of bright gold eyebrows. As he took a step back, there was a wave of light energy that blew everything around them back like for a second being caught in a windstorm. Mac grinned a bit, then propelled himself forward with a kick of his foot.

Suddenly, Mac was up against ChaosGallantmon, slamming his fist into the villainous centaur's face. Gallantmon grunted and fell back from the punch, then as if he had teleported, Mac was behind him again, punching him again. Several times, Mac blinked and teleported to knock ChaosGallantmon around. Then a golden uppercut sent the two of them flying up into the sky. "AAAAAARRRRGHHH!" ChaosGallantmon cried out as he wasn't sure how this wolf had the strength to send him this high without any seeming strength. "Unhand me you fool!"

"I need you to send your masters a message." Mac said as he continued to fly with the centaur. "No one will defeat the light of hope, evil will not rule!"

"A-Anything! Anything! Just let me go!"

As they reached the highest point of the digital clouds, Mac answered. "Oh, you're confused on how I want you to deliver the message; let me make it clear." He stopped suddenly and swept his elbow up, slamming it down hard on ChaosGallantmon's head.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" The Digimon went flying toward the ground as fast as a comet. Mac watched for a moment, then summoned his sword before diving down after him.

Readying his sword, Mac followed ChaosGallantmon back down to the ground, where he crashed just outside the Retreat, leaving a small crater where he'd landed. "You'll be telling them in digital pieces!" He exclaimed, suddenly coming down hard on top of the Digimon, slashing him through the body and causing him to instantly explode into particles that evaporated into nothing.

After a few minutes of heavy breathing, the sounds of cheers finally caused Mac to revert back to his original form. He smiled as Trey approached and embraced him hard, followed by his brothers who joined in on a group hug.

"It's great to have you back." Max said with a smile. "For a little bit you had me worried."

"What kind of power was that!?" Mark exclaimed in shock. "That was amazing!"

The cheers and laughter took a pause as Trey suddenly gave Mac a passionate kiss that sent him almost reeling back away from the crowd. He was blushing hard as soon as Trey's lips left his own. He smiled and received several congratulations and thanks from everyone until he noticed Weregarurumon standing near the edge of the crowd, his hands in his pockets as he smiled at him. As the group finally began to break apart, Mac went over to Weregarurumon and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey."

"Oh, hey there kiddo." He said with a smile. "Glad to see you've got your head back together."

"Thanks to you." Mac said. "After all, you did save me, right?"

"Well." Weregarurumon shrugged. "It wasn't anything a decent 'mon wouldn't have done."

Mac hugged Weregarurumon, who kindly returned the embrace. "Thanks." He said, giving him a kiss on the cheek and making the werewolf blush. "I really appreciate it."

"Oh--erm... that is... I--uh..."

"Uh-oh. I think you embarrassed the big bad wolf." Trey teased as he approached.

Blushing and silent, his smile widened a little as everyone laughed in amusement. For the first time in a long time, everything seemed to be getting back to normal.

Meanwhile, somewhere in his dark citadel, Myotismon clasped his hands over the orb revealing ChaosGallantmon's fate. "Even as we try to destroy them, the wolves seem to get more and more powerful." He growled in frustration. "What are we going to do, Piedmon?"

Stepping from the shadows, Piedmon let out a chuckle. "Oh, I'm sure that these wolves will fall." He said. "It's only a matter of time..." His laugh echoed now, disturbing Myotismon's concentration.

"Do you really need to laugh at a time like this?"

"Sometimes laughter can really clear one's mind. Look at ChaosGallantmon for example. He was so serious, and it killed him. Can you really say you've tried it yourself?"

Wordless, Myotismon simply glared at Piedmon for a time before turning back to his orb and watching as the good Digimon on Clawton Retreat celebrated their victory. "Cherish this victory well, for we will have the last laugh." He threatened with a growl.