Icy's Wish Chapter 1

Story by IcyPawLover on SoFurry

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Sorry for my punctuation.

It was early morning, the birds have just awoken from their nightly slumber. Although along the beach of island Lastcenter. There was a lone Lucario, his fur not like the rest with it being a lighter color to most lucarios. Icy was his name, he's a shy and lovable lucario, always giving to others. He never cares about how that might affect him in the future. The happiness of others what all he wanted. Icy is out on the shore of the island, waiting and watching for something to take place in his life, something big. Every morning he will come out to the same spot and look at the morning stars to fade away. He is always alone, never had a friend in the world. He wishes every morning for a friend.

Icy walks back to his treehouse. He looks around at the trees and flowers. "How pretty..." Icy smiles a bit as he picks a few dasiys from the patch of flowers. He takes them home only to find a yoshi under his house, hurt and unable to move. Icy gasps and drops the flowers, he runs over to help the poor yoshi. The yoshi has patterns like a croconaw but was shaped like a yoshi.

The yoshi groans and starts to speak, "Leave m-e be...." his voice was gravely and weak. "No, you're hurt, i'll help you." The lucario slowly picked up the yoshi, almost falling due to the fact the yoshi is bigger than him. "I can do this, i think" he says to himself as he goes up the stairs to his treehouse. His treehouse spans over five trees. The first 2 are the main area. Being the living room and kitchen. The other 3 span off into different rooms. The bathroom, bedroom, and storage. He gets his power from solar panals and a water mill at the nearby waterfall. Icy brings the yoshi in and lays him on his king size bed in his room. "You're gonna stay here till your better, i'll bring you food alright, can you eat?". "I think i will be able to." the yoshi states as he slowly sits up. Icy goes to the storage room to find the first aid supplies.

Icy goes to the kitchen to grab some soup from the fridge, he quickly heats it and takes it to the yoshi. "Here you go, it's a little warm." Icy gets a pillow and sets it gently on the yoshis lap and sets the bowl of soup on it. "What's your name Mr.Yoshi?" Icy says as he starts bandaging his cuts. "Yoshnaw. I bet your wondering why i'm here." Icy nods. "I'll explain it all after I rest, i'm weak form the fight i was in..." Yoshnaw eats the soup slowly so he doesn't burn his tongue. "Yes sir Mister Yoshnaw." Icy says as he works on the bandages. Icy is always respectful and loyal to anyone he meets. Yoshnaw finishes eating and starts to fall asleep. Icy stops bandaging and takes the bowl out, he turns off the light and shuts the door and lets Yoshnaw rest.

[end of chapter 1]