Tales of Zootopia: Talia, or Tae

Story by Albus Kane on SoFurry

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#8 of Tales of Zootopia

I kind of wish it wasn't so short, but at least I wrote something

There was once a couple that was just your ordinary couple at the beginning. No quirks to them or their relationship, and it was a traditional heterosexual union. That was between Dane and Talia Mae, both wolves. Of course, things changed when Talia, seemingly out of nowhere, became aroused when she imagined herself as a man. When she told her husband Dane, he said that it was alright with him, because it was just her imagination. Then she experimented with transvestism, and became obsessed with it. It eventually reached a point where she could only be aroused if she was either already wearing men's clothing, or had worn it just before disrobing. Then she started having phantom limb experiences, in the form of erections. She went to a psychiatrist, and he diagnosed her with gender dysphoria.

Then she, before telling her husband, asked him an important question: "Would you still love me if I were a man?" "I don't know how that would work. I love your personality, but I'm straight, so I don't really know." Then she came out to him. They separated for a while to figure things out. During that time, Talia changed their name to Tae, and he transitioned from female to male. Dane contemplated his relationship deeply, before coming to an important conclusion: No matter whether his true love is a woman, man or whatever else, they are still his one true love, and nothing should keep him away from them. He returned to the place where they used to live, then occupied by only Tae. Dane told Tae "After all this, I'm still pretty sure I'm completely straight...except that I'm perfectly okay making an exception for you." And from then on, they stayed together.