Patricia's Potion Shop: 9th Customer (Gator TF/TG)

Story by Vinomath on SoFurry

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Guest Writer theevilbudgie (DA) as Georgina.

This was a fun one, I felt like Patricia could of done more. Eh, what are ya' going to do? Gambling Addiction confirmed canon!

Georgina had been walking for ages and is really tired, desperate for a drink. She noticed a store called "Patricia Potions." She figured a potion was a kind of drink and that she could quench her thirst inside there. She shrugged and walked into the shop. Inside, she could see various multi-colored liquids in beakers and bottles of various shapes and sized, no sign of an employee in sight. "Um...hello?" she shouted into the empty shop, hoping for a reply. After 5 minutes of looking closer at the liquids without an answer. She shouted it again.

"I'll be right out!" a woman's voice said from the back. After a giant bang there was a brief silence, before a pink weasel woman emerged from the back area, holding her head. "You know things hurt when they hit you." she said.

"Ouch,I know right........" she said trailing off and looking confused "I'm not trying to be being rude but are you a weasel?"

"Are you a human?" was the woman's only response.

"Yes so that means....okay then' she smiled. "Thanks for clearing that up. Now....could I please get a drink or something, I'm parched!"

"No need to shout." Patricia responded. "I don't really have anything to drink here though..."

'Oh, then what are these drinks? Are you sure these aren't for sale?" Georgina stared questioningly at Patricia and leaned on the counter while getting some of her brown hair untangled from her glasses.

"Oh all those? That's just gatorade. Most people think potions are all colorful like that, their mostly just brown." she replied back.

"Cool, I thought potions were colorful but I guess you learn something new every day. What sort of potions do you sell then?"

"I sell potions of the transformative nature!" she said back happily. "They last an hour, a day, a week, a month, and permanent. Ranging from $10 to $50."

"Wow,whats my favorite animal...hmmmm. Definitely a crocodile but I want something to spice it up a bit. What would you suggest? I've got enough money for extras if they cost more."

"They're all base prices, static prices, whatever means they don't change. She shrugged. "I have both male and females options."

"Male sounds interesting. I'll try male crocodile for a hour, then if I like it I'll come back and probably order permanent."

"Whatever you say!" Patricia said. "That's gonna be $10."

"Perfect!" Georgina said as she handed over ten dollars. "I'm really exited and don't know why.......Is that normal?"

"I dunno. Most people get excited for it. It's just a potion. I'd be more exciting to go to Vegas or something. I try to keep myself away because of my gambling addiction." she said tucking the money away. "I'll be right back with the potion."

"Thank you." Georgina babbled, she thought a second and followed Patricia towards the back asking "Wait a minute. What gambling addiction?!"

"Woah, gonna stop you right there." Patricia said. "The back is employee's only. Sorry! And don't worry about that." she said before vanishing behind the curtains. Soon enough, Patricia walked back out with a cup in hand. "There you go, one male alligator potion."

"Thank you very much! Now is there any rules or hints or warnings or anything?" Georgina asked.

"However fast you drink the potion is how fast the transformation takes. Drink it all at once and the changes happen all at once." she explained.

Georgina took a few sips and nodded. "Tastes okay actually, better than I thought it would." As she spoke her skin began to become drier and harder, emerald green scales starting to form all over her body.

"It's fruit flavored!" Patricia said happily. "To make it not taste like death. By the way, don't eat green apples. That'll make the change permanent." Patricia warned.

"Okay, what if I want to make the change permanent,is that what I do? its that easy?" she asked as she drank a hefty chunk of the potion. Her legs lost their shapely look while her hips flattened with her body, Georgina's figure losing its hourglass shape. A thin but long tail formed behind her while her shoulders became broad and arms gained more mass and muscle.

"That's just a warning. To do it the proper way it's best I do it." She responded. "I also like feed my gambling addiction."

"Haha,that gambling addiction popping up in conversation again." Georgina chuckled as she finished the last of the potion. Her face pushed out into a snout while her nose became but slitted nostrils while her teeth multiplied. Her hair retreated into her new scales as well. Lastly, Georgina's breasts seemed to deflate as her chest became flat while manhood formed between her, now his legs ending off the changes.

"I'd rather own up to it then hide it." Patricia said with a shrug.

"Fair enough. Wow,this is amazing, I'm going to try this out and maybe at the end off it I'll return here to eat a green apple. How does that sound?"

"If that's what you want to do." She shrugged. "Your body not mine. I'm not your mom."

'Yeah, I love this body! You're a really nice weasel-person! Hey, got any openings for employees?"

"Probably." Patricia shrugged. "I hire people then I never see them again."

"Well, you are gonna see me again though!" He smiled as he left the shop.