Patricia's Potion Shop: 8th Customer (Gryhpon TF/TG)

Story by Vinomath on SoFurry

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Guest Writer firephoenixx456 (DA) as Tyler.

This was slightly altered for consistency purposes. I felt like I didn't do as much with Patricia as I would of liked with this one. Oh well.

A man with black hair and brown eyes wandered around the mall. The hustle and bustle of the mall drummed in his ears. "It's gotta be around here somewhere..." he brought a hand to his chin. He turned his head left and right as he examined his surroundings. All around him there were shops for various clothes and the like. He clenched his left hand around a shopping bag. As he took his surroundings in, he noticed a mall map. "Perfect," he ran right up to the map. He motioned his finger toward the map as he read. "OK, so I'm here," he pointed to a red dot on the map. "Let's see... clothes... games...misc ah here it is! Patricia's Potion Shop is number 36M and number 36M is.... dammit" he brought his hand to his forehead in disbelief as he came to the realization that the potion shop was back in the direction he had come from. With a groan, he turned around and walked in the other direction. It only took a short while before he laid eyes on the sign for Patricia's potion shop, "Finally." he uttered. With a deep breath, he walked into the establishment.

Inside the shop there was no sign of anyone, however there were several multi-colored liquids in various bottles and beakers everywhere. There was a small snoring coming from behind a counter as well. The man slowly began to approach the counter. Before he realized it, he was standing directly in front of the counter.

"Whaz it?" A feminine voice spoke up as she began to rise to her feet. The pink weasel woman standing opposite of the counter yawned, "Hello there."

"Are you Patrica?, I got turned around a half dozen times before I found the shop"

" I Patricia?" She asked raising her left eyebrow before looking down at her apron. "Yuuuup. That's me!"

"Sorta thought so, couldn't help but wonder if anyone else wanted to become a pink weasel. Silliness aside, a few days ago I saw a gazelle girl she said she had said she became a gazelle girl after coming and umm" he rubbed the back of his head "I want to buy a potion, a permanent one. If memory serves it'll be 70$?"

"Er...uh...listen come here come here." Patricia leaned in to whisper in the man's ear. "I'm a little bit drunk right now. Me and a friend had a night on the town and I learned how to make a ponytail. It was fantastic." Patrica smirked.

The man squirmed a bit, "Er...I'll come back tomorrow, this is... sorta important to me".

"I'm kidding I'm kidding!" Patricia giggled with a wave of her wrist. "I've always wanted to try out some acting, didn't think I'd be THAT believable! I don't even know what gin is. Is it made by a person named Ginger?"

The man chuckled at the pun "I'm glad, I don't drink either be honest...oh, sorry, got sidetracked so; I want a permanent potion, however, I suspect my request might bring the price up a bit."

"Lower actually. A permanent potion is only $50 and some signed waivers. Legal stuff protecting me and such. Also did I really do a good job acting? I've considered going to auditions for a little while."

"Maybe, I'll admit I'm not good with reading people. So 50$, how much extra will it be to brew the potion so that I fit into these clothes" the man sets the bag he was carrying onto the counter.

"Odds are you probably won't." Patricia giggled. "You keep your height but fur or breasts or a tail or something makes it so the likelihood of being able to fit in them is basically zero." She shrugged.

The man moaned a bit. "Aww well, hoped to save myself some money on new clothes, at least I can donate these. So permanent potion, lay the paperwork on me because I want to be an anthro gryphoness. I don't understand the process is it possible to influence traits like cup size?"

"Nope. Whatever your body decides it wants your breast size to be that's what you get." Patricia shrugged and took paperwork from under her desk. "You'll just need to fill this out saying you consented to everything and all that." She added taking a pen out from her bra and handing it to the man. "Never got your name by the way."

The man started reading over the documents. "Yep just the standard waiver, it's Tyler by the way." he said as he scratched in his name in the best cursive script he could muster.

"Alright then Tyler, as soon as I receive payment my work can begin."

Without a moment's hesitation, Tyler reached into his pockets and set a 50$ bill on the counter. "Just to be clear I wanna be a female gryphon anthro. Sorry for the repetition, it's a permanent potion so I want to get the form right"

"Got it. I have a 20/20 memory." Patricia smiled while taking the money and tucking it in a pocket. "I'll be right back with the potion."

Tyler wiggled back and fourth, it was taking all his energy to keep himself from squealing like a little girl.

Soon enough Patricia comes back with a cup. "There you are, one permanent potion!" She said grandly. "Drink up! Or don't. I'm not your mom, but that's a waste of $50."

Tyler carefully took the potion from Patricia's hand. "Well the gazelle girl said that I should drink it slowly, I think she's a repeat customer. So here goes." Slowly, Tyler drank a small mouthful of the potion.

"I don't know. I have a lot of repeat customers. Someone kept coming back every hour today, forgot who they were every time." Patricia shrugged. "However fast you drink it determines how fast the change is."

With a slow gulp, Tyler continued to drink. "Apples... not bad." Tyler didn't keep an eye on his watch so he could be sure how long it took to ingest the elixir. As he did so, brown fur began to sprout over most of his body, white fur grew in the middle and black on his head. Tyler felt the fur sprout from his pores as he chugged the potion down with an "ah." That was please-" Tyler cut himself off as he felt the changes rapidly accelerate, his changes now one after the other. His hair turned pink as it grew down to the center of his back while his nose and mouth fused together and turned yellow, becoming a beak. His ears became larger and moved to the top of his head while two large wings, about as big as his own body formed behind him. His arms slimmed down while his forearms and hands developed yellow scales. Tyler's legs became shapely and feminine while his feet became more paw-like in nature. A thin tail formed behind him as his manhood left him. two decently sized breasts formed at his -now her- chest as the changes finished. The newly transformed Tyler brought a new hand to her much fluffier head, "Oh wow, that was-" Tyler cupped her new hands to her beak. She gasped at the feeling of said beak. "Wow, this is surreal, my voice sounds sorta nasally but I can live with that. And now the moment of truth. Hey Patrica, do you have a mirror?"

"Of course I do, you never know when a vampire walks in." Patricia pointed to the corner of the building, specifically a mirror on the ceiling. With a nod, Tyler walked to where Patrica was pointing.

She stared directly into her new, blue eyes. With the best smile her unbending beak could muster she turned to look at her side. "Hmm they're pretty good sized" Tyler laid eyes on her tail "I wonder..." she focused on the tail and watched with wide eyes as it twitched. She turned again and made a sultry pose.

"Lookin good girlfriend!" she soon found herself giggling.

"I came in early so I could spend the whole day shopping." she waved outward with her new hand. "This is gonna be so much fun, especially since I know my body size now. Thank you Patrica, you might have just made my life a lot more awesome! Gotta run, I got lots of shopping to do and a roommate to surprise!" With that, Tyler walked out of the store, as bubbly and giggly as ever.