Story by dude66 on SoFurry

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you know who wouldn't stop busing me about it.

Alex and I drove throughout Arizona looking for that black SUV but it was nowhere to be seen,

Alex had that old GTO screaming and gasping for air as we flew down the road faster and faster

he shifted her gently into fourth gear and further down the road we went.

About 2.5 miles down the road we it saw the SUV it glided along like silk,

Alex charged it forcefully rating it, the GTO bounced off so Alex floored it ramming

the SUV harder this time.

The thing just swerved so Alex hit it again the SUV swerved again but rolled along the sand

crushing the roof and bending the doors Alex put the GTO in drive and hit the XUV again

and again the SUV rolled along Alex hit it one last time then it burst into flames.

Alex backed the car up and took off and kept going we passed the Mississippi state line...