
Story by Tapa on SoFurry

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#1 of Sinnoh

Yeah, I don't own Pokemon or any of it's characters and settings in this story. This chapter has just about no sexual things going on but the next chapter will have plenty of M/M situations so if you're not old enough press back on your browser or the little X in the corner. That aside, I really never have written much stories before so review harshly and stuff. I apologize for the boringness of the story so far.

A small TV buzzed in the darkness, "Despite the exploration team's best efforts, however, the rare, oddly colored Pokemon eluded detection. The rumored red Gyarados failed to appear, even fleetingly, to the crestfallen team..." No one in particular was watching the TV but there was a person snoring in the middle of the floor, tangled in the middle of a blanket. He was really no one special, just another 15 year old boy that hadn't just yet gone out on his adventure to become the greatest Pokemon Master.

A sharp knock hit the door before being jerked open, "Hey! Ralphie get up!" The person at the door wasn't his mom but his friend.

"Okay, okay, fine, just stop shouting!" The boy on the floor shouted back. He brought both of his hands to his face and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "Go wait for me downstairs or something." He yawned and stretched at once, his head poked out of the blankets, revealing his short black hair and dark brown skin.

"But you'll take forever if I do!" the other boy whined and stomped at the floor.

"Just do it or I'll really take my time" He almost shouted back, seriously annoyed at his younger friend

"Geeze, fine, whatever you say." Felix, his friend, slowly walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

"I never thought he'd leave." He sighed and laid back down onto his back, "It was him that wanted me to wake up early and watch that program anyway." He yawned again. "But now that I'm alone... " he thought to himself with a smile and reached into his boxers.

He arrived downstairs 10 minutes later much to Felix's dismay. He was wearing his not so usual clothes, a white sleeveless hoodie, and dark green pants that reach inbetween his knee and ankles along with a black thermal underneath it all. Felix immediately stood up from his spot on the couch and smiled, "Let's go!" he was outside 2 seconds later.

"Do you really think we'll find that red Gyarados at the lake?" Ralph asked as he hiked behind Felix. It had only been 10 minutes since they had left their hometown of Twinleaf town.

"Yeah! Of course, I know that we'll find that Gyarados at Verity Lake." His friend chuckled to himself and walked faster. He hadn't given much thought of what they would actually do if they found the serpent, they both still had no Pokemon to call their own yet and carried no pokeballs in their backpacks. It didn't take them much longer before they reached the shore of the lake.

"Wow, I've only been here once before but it looks so cool." Felix marveled at the shimmering lake. It really was quite a cool looking sight. There were trees surrounding the lake which barely made room for a shore. They both peered into the lake, as if looking for the red Gyarados and saw that the lake was a deep blue color from beneath their reflections.

"Yeah, it can be sorta cool." Ralph barely admitted as he dipped his hand into the water.

"Oh c'mon, you don't have to say it like that." The younger boy snickered and nudged at the older one who couldn't help but laugh at the gesture.

Ralph looked at the edge of the shore as he laughed, something caught his eye, "What's that?" he pointed at an object resting right on the shore about 20 feet away from them.

"Where!? Where's the Gyarados!" Felix jumped to his feet and scanned the lake's surface with wide eyes.

"As if." Ralph sighed and pointed again at the object, "It looks more like a briefcase." He said sarcastically.

Felix still looked excited, "Really, a briefcase?!" He jogged over at the case before Ralph could even get up. "Should we open it, I wonder what's inside!" he was almost shouting in his excitement.

"Maybe... It might be important or-" before Ralph could finish his sentence the briefcase was snapped open by his friend, "Or that." He smiled.

The inside of the briefcase was pretty ordinary, just a few papers here and there with a pen case holding several pencils and pens. What wasn't quite ordinary for the two were the three pokeballs sitting idly, minding their own business, in the middle of the case.

"Wow! Pokemon!" Felix shouted loudly, practically jumping into the air. "Who's could they be!" he had the biggest smile on his face as he looked over the ball on the far right. "I wonder what Pokemon's inside!" He was just short of sounding like a maniac now.

Ralph himself was also grinning widely as he looked at the ball that was in the middle of the trio. "I wonder too, maybe they're looking for it, or maybe it's been lost here for years." He stood up with the pokeball still in his hands, Felix doing the same. "Think we should let the pokemon out?" he asked with the same smile plastered on his face.

"I don't see any harm in that." His friend was about to throw the ball before the leafs on the trees began to rustle too unnaturally, too violently. "Hrm?" Felix still had his arm in mid toss as the leafs continued to rustle.

"What the hells that?!" Ralph had to shout to hear his own voice.

"It's the red Gyarados!" Felix jumped up and down in excitement.

"No, look!" Ralph pointed at the sky as a herd of Drifloon floated overheard, they were beginning to cover the sky by their sheer number. "What could those be doing here?" he wondered to himself. It looked as if they were gathering towards the middle of the lake.

"Yah! Help, Ralph help!" Felix yelled, he didn't seem too excited this time. Two Drifloon had come up from behind him and had latched onto his arms and legs, they were already beginning to float at Ralphs shoulder level.

"Hang on!" Ralph panicked and his mind raced, what could he do to save his friend? "It's all I got" he gripped the pokeball with all his might and swung his arm, the ball landed several feet next to Felix and a bright light exploded. Where the ball landed now stood a red and orange monkey.

"Chim?" the pokemon looked at Ralph and then at Felix, curious at who they were and why one was floating in the air. "Char?"

"Please, you gotta help my friend!" Ralph pleaded just short of getting onto his knees.

Felix, now close enough to touch the leafs on the trees, had no time to help his friend beg before the pokemon agreed. "Chimchar!" it nodded its head and turned to face the two Drifloon, who looked oblivious to Chimchar's existence. Without another seconds delay the monkey acted. It curled itself into a ball and spun into the air simultaneously as fire surrounded its body, it homed in on the Drifloon holding Felix by the arms. A small shriek escaped the balloon and it let go of the boys arms, or more like it was forced to let go of him. The Drifloon looked as if it had a leak and wizzed around the branches and grass until it landed on top of the lake. The last Drifloon had seen enough and instinctively let go of Felix, causing him to fall hard onto the floor, the loss of weight caused it to float faster.

"Chimchar" The pokemon grinned boldly and crossed its arms as it swiftly landed on a rock.

"Th-thanks" Felix nervously thanked the pokemon as he got back onto his feet.

"Char" its smile grew wider and it nodded at the boy.

"Yeah, thanks, we'd be screwed without you." Ralph pat the monkey on its warm head.

"Um... guys, I think they've noticed us again." The younger boy gulped and pointed at more Drifloon lazily floating towards them.

"Hurry, let's get outta here!" Ralph grabbed Felix's hand and pulled.

"Chimchar!" The pokemon leaped onto the branches above the boys and followed. There were far too many Drifloon to fight at once, especially with a newly met pokemon, plus the balloons floated awfully slow. The tree's also didn't help the Pokemon advance, they would get caught and tangled in the branches and leafs.

"They're slowing down, don't stop running yet."Ralph pulled on Felix's arm harder, forcing him to run faster.

"Char" The chimchar stopped and looked back, there were no Drifloon in sight, "Chimchar!"

Ralph stopped running and looked back too. "It looks like they stop following us." He sighed and slumped down onto a big rock, Felix did the same.

"I've never heard of those kind of pokemon showing up at the lake before" Felix said inbetween pants, "I wonder why they showed up."

"Who knows, as long as we got away." The older of the two pat the other boy's shoulder.

"Chimchar" the pokemon hopped down next to Ralph.

"Oh that's right, who do you belong to Chimchar?" Ralph looked down at the pokemon.

"Char, char!" It jumped up and down in an attempt to answer his question.

Ralph sighed and pat Chimchar on the head "Maybe you should show us where your trainer is later, I can't understand what you're saying, first we should get back home to be safe." He stood up from the rock, "I promise that we'll look for who you belong to tomorrow, Felix looks really tired."

"Am not!" Felix stood up too and stretched, "I'm just wondering why those pokemon showed up.

"Sure" Ralph chuckled, "Anyway, lets get going, you don't want more of those balloons coming by, don't you?" he teased his friend before beginning to walk again.

"You don't want them to show up again either!" Felix spat out and chased after his friend.

"Chimchar... " the fiery monkey sighed and followed.


And there you have it, the first chapter of my dinky story that I'm writing.