A New World, A New Journey Chapter 4

Story by AK47Bullet on SoFurry

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#5 of Pokemon: A New Journey

Meeting the Team and other new things.

Chapter 4: The New Team-Member

I sat on Calem's right shoulder as he walked through the Center. I noticed it was easier as I thought to keep my balance while sitting on a shoulder that moved.

"I wonder what else I'm able to do. Would have been helpful against this overgrown frog to know any attacks." I thought.

I took a side glance at Calem's face.

"Well, since he is my Trainer now, I'm sure he can teach me how to battle properly."

He seems really happy of me being on his team. Maybe didn't expected to find a Treecko in Kalos.

"What am I thinking? I'm not a Pokemon. I'm a Human! I can't battle against other Pokemon. This damn amphibian nearly killed me with just one attack!" I thought in sudden panic.

"Is everything alright, Nils? You look scared all of a sudden." Came Kitsune's voice from my right side. She sounded concerned. My inner thought's seems to show on my face.

Kitsune tried to calm me down: "Is it because of meeting the rest of the team? No need to worry. Calem and I just started our Journey and so far, we have only one other Pokemon on the team. I'm sure we all will get along just fine."

Calem noticed my nervous look, too and patted me on the back. "Don't worry, little guy. I promise you, I will take good care of you."

I took a breath and let it out to calm my nerves.

We reached a glass door that opened as we came near it. Outside, I could see was a battlefield on the ground.

Calem placed me on the ground next to Kitsune and got to the edge of the Battlefield. He pulled another Pokeball (a normal red and white one) out and throw it in the air.

"Thumper! Come out and meet our new friend!" Called Calem and the ball Opened. A white light shoot out from it and materialized a Pokemon in front of me.

This was the first time I saw a Pokeball working for real and it looked AWESOME! (You Jealous?)

I wonder how it felt to be inside a Pokeball and to be released. I was sadly unconscious at the time.

Back to the matter at hand.

The Pokemon that came out from the Pokeball was a grey, brown bunny with giant ears. A Bunnelby.

"Let me Official introduce you to your new teammates. You already know Kitsune. She was my starter Pokemon for this Journey. The Bunnelby is called Thumper. He is the second Pokemon I caught on my Journey. Thumper, you remember the Treecko we found in this crater? Well, he is now part of our team." Calem introduced and explained.

Thumper looked at me and then come over and held one of his ears out to me.

"Nice to meet you, Treecko. I'm Thumper." he said in a happy tone.

I took his ear in my hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you, Thumper. I'm Treecko. The new guy."

After the hand/ear shake, Calem came over again and kneeled down in front of me. He was still a bit taller as me.

"Welcome to the team Treecko. I hope you are Ok with me being your Trainer. I know the circumstances for your Capture were not the most normal ones, but I hope we will get along."

He held his hand out to me and I thought for a moment. "It's true he didn't caught me the normal way. But on the other hand is my whole situation not normal. And I think it would be safer when I have someone to 'take care' of me. Even when I have to battle for him. I still don't know which rules this world follows. I should ask Kitsune about this, since she is already evolved, she should know more about how battles work."

I made my decision. I took his hand and shook it with a smile of my own.

He beamed at my reaction.

"Awesome! Now you just need a nickname. Let me think..."

Kitsune and Thumper came over to me and Kitsune asked: "Are really ok with being a trainers Pokemon? I mean, I'm happy that you will come with us, but aren't you trying to get home?"

I grinned at her and said: "Don't worry. As I said before, I think it's safer when I stay with you guys. And I think my friend will still find me, even when I travel around."

"Thomas? No... Bob? No... Alvin? No..." Calem listened some names under his breath, but I could still hear some of them.

Thumper looked at me questionable. He seemed to have asked a question, but I didn't heard it.

"Sorry. Did you asked something? I wasn't listening." I told Thumper with a sheepish look.

Thumper waved one of his ears and said: "No problem. I was just asking if you already know we are going to challenge the gym today."

I blinked at this. "No. I didn't know that. But I think it shouldn't be a big problem. So far I know, it's a bug type gym and Kitsune should be able to handle it easily."

They looked perplexed at me and I wondered why. Maybe because I know about the gym.

"How do you know about the gym and what type they are using?" Kitsune asked.

"That's part of the story I don't really feel like sharing right now. Maybe another time." I replied. I'm still unsure if I should tell them about how I got here and how I was once a Human.

Kitsune opened her mouth to say something.

"I GOT IT!" Yelled Calem suddenly and we jumped a bit at his outburst.

He looked to us and said: "Sorry. But I think I find a good name for our newest friend here."

He looked now directly at me and asked: "What do you think about the name Argon?"

To say I was stunned would be an understatement. I never would have thought of him saying the name I created for my Pokemon OC in Mystery Dungeon. He was a Treecko, too.

I came out of by stun and blinked at him. Well, since I'm already a Treecko, I can go by my OC's name, too.

I smiled at him and nodded my head.

"Awesome! From now on, you go by the name of Argon!" Calem yelled again and throw his fists in the air.

"Are you sure this is ok for you? I mean, you already have another name." Asked Kitsune.

"Yes. I'm ok with that. I actually like that name better as my other one. So from now on, I will be going by Argon." I declared with my own fist bump in the air.

"I like your name. It sounds really awesome." said Thumper.

"Alright." said Calem to get our attention, "Now that our newest member is officially introduced, we should go to the Gym. We have already a appointment set with the Gym Leader Viola."

He returned Thumper back in his ball and did the same with Kitsune. As he pointed the Heal Ball at me, I was feeling really nervous.

"Will it hurt? What will I feel when I'm inside? Will I even notice the outside world?" I thought.

Calem seemed to sense my nervousness and lowered the Ball.

He kneeled down in front of me again and said: "I promise you, it will not hurt."

I looked him in the eyes and I could see he means what he said.

I took a deep breath and calmed my nervous, again, and nodded at him.

He stood up again, pointed the Ball at me and said: "Argon. Return."

I saw the red beam coming from the Ball and hit me. It didn't hurt. It was more like a tingle feeling surrounding my whole body as the red light surrounded me.

I felt a light tuck as my body was... transformed (?) into energy and sucked into the ball. I couldn't see for a few moments but then I saw where I was. I sat in some kind of room. I looked around and saw the roof was formed like I was inside of a sphere. The roof even seemed to be transparent. I could look outside and saw a giant Calem looking with a smile at the Heal Ball in his hands.

"Don't worry, Argon." I heard Calem say. "For the first time, I want you to just watch the battle so you learn what it means to battle as a Trainers Pokemon."

I sat down in the Pokeball and tried to get comfortable. It was not really bad, but I wouldn't want to be inside of this thing for days.

I watched 'outside' of the Pokeball and saw the houses we passed by. Calem came to an halt and I saw the Santalune Gym in front of us.

He got inside and there were lots of photos lined on the wall. It just looked like in the anime. And at the double doors already waited the Gym Leader, Viola.

Even thought the Pokeball I could hear them talking.

"Welcome to the Santalune City Gym. I'm Gym Leader Viola. You are Calem, right?" She said with a strong voice.

"Y... yes. I'm here to challenge you battle for the Bug Badge." Answered Calem. I could see he was a bit nervous himself.

"Well, that's his first official Gym Battle. Even I'm nervous and I don't have to fight." I thought.

"Alright. Then let us begin!" exclaimed Viola and the double doors opened.