Chapter 12 - The Valkyrie

Story by Diamond Celestalis on SoFurry

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#12 of Valkyrie - Pegasus - Book 2 - The Hand of Gods

Location: Alexandria Fleet Yards â€" Alexandria â€" 20,000 Light-years from Terra

"Commander Ironheart, an attack on the Asgard now would be stupid, especially if we attacked them over Terra" shouted Anna as she sat inside a conference room with part of Alexandria Fleet Yards.

The Alexandrian Sovereignty had been an enemy of Terra's during their foundation of their empire. They were a beautiful race, long blonde hair with beautifully pale skin that looked slightly reminiscent of humans. They were fair beings and their ships reflected the same beautiful craftsmanship and designs that had been the envy of many different species. The capital planet of Alexandria was a lush, green paradise that put Terra to shame.

The Alexandrian had watched and eventually became members of the Terran Alliance against the Asgard in the first war however when that was lost and the Asgard punished Terra, Alexandria did nothing to help their allies and fell back into line with the Asgard.

Now, free from the ever-watchful eye of the Asgard and in a secluded area of space they had begun to show their sympathies to the innocent planet of Silmeria and their once former allies and began to harbour the resistance.

Anna looked down at the stiff gaze of Commander Ironheart who seemed a little shorter then she thought. "He doesn't look like a revolutionary".She said to herself as she gazed at him.

Blackfire and Oriyn were at the other end of the table listening to both of them argue at each other. They had been attacked when the ship that they were returning on strayed too far off course from a faulty navigation unit, however they managed to communicate with the resistance and find their way here.

"Not when you see what we are building" said Ironheart in a gruff and determined voice. Anna sat back down at the table again, she was still reeling over the shock of loosing both Eclypse and Silver. She was not going to lose anymore...

Not ever again...

"And what is that?" she asked sighing

"Ah..." said Ironheart getting up from his chair and going to a display console embedded in the wall by the vast windows that looked out over the Alexandrian shipyard. He tabbed a few of the buttons on the wall and schematic popped up on the screen. "This is an exact duplicate of the design that was found on Terra crashed in the Everonth Mountains on Terra one year ago... except this one actually works."

The others continued to look baffled but out the corner of her eye, Anna could see that Oriyn had already began to fidget with excitement. "That boy is a little too excited over technology sometimes..." she sighed to herself.

"This ship... the "Valkyrie" continued Ironheart walking to the other side of the table, as he walked past Anna, she swore that she could smell alcohol on him. "Is the mother of all ships that the resistance has been using. Due to the schematics provided to us from a Mr Diamond Dust... "


Anna and Blackfire exchanged looks at each other as Blackfire sat back, clasping his leather jacket and interrupted Ironheart. "Wait a second... you can't mean that Diamond provided the things to build that... the guy was a psycho..."

"On the contrary... Mr... Blackfire is it?" smiled Ironheart. "Mr Dust has been providing us with Asgard procedures and intelligence for months. He has been instrumental in protecting so many of our operations from capture and even helped us to attack Antis-Salreno shipyard..."

"That's IMPOSSIBLE" shouted out Anna, unable to face the fact that Diamond might have been seen as a hero because he was directly responsible for the murder of two of her friends.

"Diamond tried to kill us on Helfhiem... so we killed him..."

There was a long silence in the room, with Ironheart looking around at all three of them and wondering what to say next. "Well... that aside... can we continue without emotional outbursts?"

"Excuse but that is damn cold blooded!" shouted Oriyn who sprung up from the other side of the room. "These people lost a lot of guys to this... Diamond and I do not think you can brush over their emotional loss."

Anna looked over at Oriyn as if to say "Thank you" while Ironheart looked like he had swallowed a lemon.

"We have ALL lost people in this war" boomed Ironheart. "Ada had my wife and my daughter executed for treason because of me... SO DON'T YOU TALK TO ME ABOUT LOSS! Eclypse was a good friend of mine and now he is gone too!" Ironheart made everyone in the room jump when his fist slammed into the table. "DAMN THE ASGARD!"

There was an eerie silence that filled the room with an uncomfortable feeling. Blackfire and Anna both glared at Ironheart however their eyes softened when they realised that he was just as much suffering as they were.

"Now... we are here to talk about this new ship that might help us turn the tide" said Ironheart finally after composing himself. He took a deep breath and looked up at the others. "The Valkyrie was built to resist the Asgard once. She can do it again. With the help of the Alexandrians and our internal sources we have been able to develop this ship with a special surprise... well she has many surprises but this one you will like..."

He tapped another button on the wall that produced an image of what looked like a laser cannon of some sort.

"A big gun?" said Anna shrugging at Ironheart as she put her paws up on the table and leaned back in her chair.

"Yes... a big gun" he smiled at Anna's remark. "But not just any big gun, this is a interdemensional disruptor."

"A what?" said Blackfire looking up as he pushed Oriyn back into his seat which he had almost exploded out of.

"It is a special weapon that will allow us to nullify the strength of Asgard ships, this weapon can effectively pull the Asgard into our dimension allow conventional weapons to damage their ships. We tested it in an engagement over Silmeria and it worked surprisingly well. Add to that, a sophisticated reflective Alexandrian shield array, Silmerian triceasum armour and old Terran

"Pegasus" drive..."

"You've got yourself one powerful little ship... so what's the plan Commander?" exhaled Oriyn in excitement.

Ironheart stopped and turned around to Anna and Blackfire. "Your friend is quite the enthusiast"

Both Blackfire and Anna sighed simultaneously.

Ironheart let out a hearty laugh. "The plan is simple, we engage Raven's Nest Shipyards and destroy it and any Asgard vessels that may be directly in our path. The Valkyrie will then proceed in using the secondary feature of the weapon, a pulse version which can bring multiple ships into this continuum. I will not lie to you, the Asgard ships are still powerful enough to completely annihilate our forces but I do believe that our fleet will have the element of surprise." He then turned give everyone their orders.

"Annuka" he started. "We will need you and Commander Blackfire on the Bridge of the Valkyrie. We have secured the artifice that you obtained here on-board the Valkyrie. We will need people that have had experience with Asgard ships and technology. The rabbit can join you if he wants."

"When do we get underway?" asked Anna, her mind still thinking about Silver.

"The liberation of Terra will begin first thing in the morning, get some rest."

* * *

Location: Unknown

"The favourable timelines are increasing. The resistance and the Alexandrians pose a significant threat to the Asgard."

"So there are no counter indications?"

"None so far, my lady"

"With the destruction of both the Terran Empire and the Asgard, Yggdrasil will be relatively unprotected and we can complete our objective. The formation of the Nul-Universe shall proceed as planned."

"Not to spoil you two's party but how can we preform the ritual of emergence with us being light years away from each other."

"We have come up with a solution, Odin is in the dark about the fact that we have Freyja."

"Yes and they have not got a hope of stopping us without the four divine treasures. Of which the resistance already has one and is not aware of its power. If they did, it might have won the war but in typical corporeal fashion they rely on technology."

"Will the war have a favourable outcome Ada?"


"And Galladia how is emergence ritual going to take place?"

"Do not worry, Ada and I will come and get you."

"I hope so... Apocolyptija must be reborn in order for the assimilation of Yggdrasil to take place. There is also the small problem of Terra."

"That is one problem that has already been solved for us."

* * *

Location: Resistance Cruiser Valkyrie â€" Deck 5

"Ahhhhhhh! GET OUT OF MY ROOM" shouted Anna as she woke up to a curious looking hybrid of a tiger and fox looking down at her. "Were you watching me sleep!?"

"Ah... Don't flatter yourself" said the Tiger-fox as he looked down at her. He had the colour pattern on his fur of a typical tiger, black and orange but with scruffy brown hair that looked like it had seen better days on his head. He was wearing some sort of black jacket with loose blue jeans. "I just came in to see if you had got up. Commander wants you up on the bridge."

Anna sighed as she pushed the Tiger-fox into the bathroom and closed the door so that she could get changed. The rooms on the Valkyrie were small and closed in. She almost felt as if she was inside a box. The whole room stank of new paintwork and the walls were a very bland shade of pure white. There was only one window that looked out into space and even that was like a small porthole.

Anna chucked on some casual attire a let the Tiger-fox out of the bathroom. "Ready to come up to the bridge now, m'lady" he sneered sarcastically at her.

"Who exactly are you?" she asked as she walked out into the long and equally bland corridor. It seemed to her that this ship used far too much white and not enough interesting blend of colours but then she had understood that it had been made on a budget.

"Well, the name's Miles" said the Tiger-fox as he called for the elevator on the far side of the bland corridor. "I'm chief of internal security on this crap-heap"

"Oh... I see" said Anna, rolling her eyes and getting into the small, cramped white box which was the elevator. Miles followed her in which instantly made Anna feel trapped in the corner of this small box. Miles looked at her and then chuckled.

"What!?" she shouted in annoyance.

"Nothing, you just look like I'm gonna rape you..."

Anna just faced the the wall and looked down at the floor. "Oh grow up" she muttered.