Roi des Voleurs Ch. 2: Question and Answer

Story by BlinkTheFox777 on SoFurry

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#2 of Le Roi des Voleurs

Same warnings as before, the themes are only going to get more prevalent and religious people may wish to look away this chapter! Oh, and if you didn't look it up already, le Roi des Voleurs is French for the king of thieves, or at least it is according to a translate service! Once again, feel free to correct me if I'm mistranslating!

The fennec and silver had tried to converse on their ride to Prisa, but as it so happens, dialogue while riding a feral through the desert was nearly impossible as each bounce cut off words at inopportune moments and even carried away entire sentences. Blink began cursing the damned thing as though it were trying to sabotage communication intentionally. After several hours, sunrise came and the pair broke for a quick meal. Temmy sighed relief that he would finally get questions answered by this odd.... he actually wasn't sure what species fox this was, but that was one of his questions. The two set out a small oil pot and metal plate as a makeshift stove. Temmy cracked two lyra eggs onto the plate and cut four slices from a bread loaf in his pack, placing them one by one on the plate. As he began laying strips of porca meat between the loaf slices, he lit the top pan of oil to begin heating their breakfast. Blink found the smell intoxicating, and as little ribbons of drool began to form at the corners of his muzzle, he wondered when he'd last had any form of proper meal. Temmy noticed, coughed, and pointed at his muzzle so the other boy would know to wipe his muzzle. He laughed as the poor thing jumped out of embarrassment and hastily wiped his muzzle. Clearing his throat, the fennec made to begin.

"Soooo....." he began, appalled at his own failure of articulation. "What were you doing at Castle Bellemont?"

Blink stared into the slowly cooking meal, pondering how much he should entrust to this other fox. After a moment or two, he decided upon an appropriate amount of information. "I suppose you could say I was employed to the Duke."

"With a cushy gig like that, what on Terra would you want to leave so damned badly for?" Temmy asked this with honest confusion striking his face.

"One could also say the employment I faced was not strictly voluntary," Blink said, emphasizing the last word by looking up into the fennec's large black eyes with his own burning spheres of amber.

Realization clicked in Temmy's head causing his ears to prick up in shock. "You were a slave?" Blink merely nodded in response. "Well you're more protected there than out here, mate, why would you wish to run off like that?"

Blink snapped his entire body to face the boy, eliciting a frightened yip from the smaller fox's muzzle. At this, Blink's eyes and body softened, resigning himself to a full body sigh as he looked to the ground with ears flat to his head. Temmy cocked his head, one ear flopped over on the side of his face and the other pointed straight to the sky. One eyebrow shot up and a puzzled look tensed the boy's muzzle. The two were like this for a few minutes as Blink drew up the resolve to show just how much "protection" the devil boar had given him. Temmy tended to the breakfast once or twice before Blink stood up and turned to show his freshly cut back to him. Temmy looked up and gasped at the sight of it.

"What's all that from?"

"The Duke," Blink snarled as the name dripped from his fangs, "is fond of leaving scars that cannot be seen normally. There are more from the places he's had me cut for tardiness, burned for speaking out of turn, not to mention the internal scarring from beatings administered for 'general misconduct.' There are others still from where the sadist did.... unspeakable things for his own pleasure. Let's not forget the mental scars he leaves you by forcing to watch and perform acts yourself. I don't even have real meals, clothes or sleeping space. Had to share with the feral pests."

"What kind of acts," Temmy's inquired, "were going on there?"

With a grimace and a humorless chuckle, Blink replied, "the unspeakable kind. At least, until I know I can trust you, they're unspeakable."

The fennec quickly jumped to his pack and fished out some bandages and what appeared to be a thick swath of navy cloth. Blink lifted his arms, allowing the fennec to deftly bind his wounds and tie off the roll. He found himself wondering where a thief had learned how to play nursemaid or doctor, but decided to not yet question the good fortune that this particular thief could. Temmy began unfolding the cloth, revealing it to be an old Breton dragoon's frock coat, straps and all. Blink's head bobbed back with no small amount of shock as the lithe fennec draped it across his shoulders, nudging him to put it on himself. Temmy gave a dry snicker at the larger fox's surprise.

"A trophy I picked up over at a retired colonel's house, figured you'd like something to wear and that'll look good on you when go to meet Le Roi."

Blink nodded his thanks and slipped his arms through the surprisingly well-fitting sleeves. "I'm assuming this wasn't a gift then, hmm?"

"Shove off mate, like you've never knicked yourself a bauble or two with those soft paws," Temmy snapped.

"I've taken coin before," Blink said with a chuckle. "Was saving up a stash to buy my own name again, but someone blabbed so...."

Temmy nodded. "So that's all gone then, and you see a thief, think to yourself, 'He's gotta have a ride out of here, better tag along afore my next beating and hope it works out?'"

"Pretty much."

Temmy chuckled as he pulled two smaller plates and forks out of his pack to serve breakfast with. "Well, you don't hafta explain those unspeakable things just yet, but a few answered questions would be nice."

"Ask away, s'long as you can answer one or two yourself."

Temmy nodded. "I'd like to start with just what in God's name are you, I've never seen that fur pattern before after all."

Blink chuckled as he spoke. "First of all, I'm nothing in God's name, my family are Talis." He fished out a pyrac's foot with multiple colored feathers attached by some sort of twine, a common talisman of the spirit Fina, Tali spirit of the swift and unwanted, from his rugged pants. Often this was considered to be a blessing for... well beggars, gypsies and thieves, though Temmy could see why this particular fox would have one anyways and simply nodded before Blink continued. "Second," he began, replacing the talisman in his pocket, "I am a silver fox. The fur pattern is a rare mutation, something to do with odd breeding outcomes between reds and silvers. It's unique, and I rather like it, just wish people cared less about it. I hate staring." He snapped the last part to break Temmy out of trance he had dozed into tracing the red streaks in Blink's fur.

"Sorry, mate, it's a bit hypnotic is all. I'm a -"

"Fennec, yes I know. The cream fur, black eyes, and, oh yes, giant ears give it away a bit," Blink said with a smirk.

"Alright, smart arse, knock it down a peg. Your question."

"Fine then, who's this Le Roi you keep mentioning?"

"Ah," Temmy squeaked, giving rise to a chuckle from the silver next to him. He gave him a silencing glare, Blink raising his paws in concession. "Anyways," he continued, "that would be Le Roi des Voleurs."

"The King of Thieves?" Blink allowed sarcasm to drip from his tongue as his muzzle formed the words.

"It's just a name, mate, the bloke runs the guild to which I belong."

"And what guild might that be?"

Temmy smirked. "The one where it's my question now."

"Fair play, ask on."

"Why Fina?"

"Why God?"

"It was just an expression, I personally don't believe in anything I can't do or see being done, but it's not your question, is it then?"

"Right, right, then. Well, Great Gran was a circus performer, an acrobat, and Fina is patron to traveling outcasts, the swift and the unwanted and all that noise. She tried to buy this talisman, but couldn't afford it and ended up indebted to a baron's court, so all her children have worshipped Fina as slaves trying to make their way out. I'm the first pickpocket, grandad was a beggar and Mum was a grifter. Card and game scams were her specialty whenever the master was out, but when she went out on errands she would use a limp to get more coin. Regardless, we've passed down Fina worship, kind of like it's the Vesper birthright."

"That's a bit of a shit heritage."

Blink let out a low, fierce growl in warning. Temmy jumped up startled, paws raised defensively and waving frantically in an attempt to make peace.

"The slavery, not you're religion! I swear!"

Blink relaxed, his paw and teeth unclenching.

"Right then, my question."

Temmy breathed a heavy sigh of relief. The last thing he wanted was to offend his new companion when they were just getting to know one another.

"What's the name of your guild?"

"The Thieves' Court, and yes, we all have a title when we convene," Temmy said with a sly grin.


"Bite me, smart arse."

"I would if you let me," Blink murmured low enough he thought Temmy wouldn't hear. The fennec did hear the comment, his ears, like all fennecs', being very sensitive, and filed it away for later use as he smiled into another bite of eggy toast.

"Your turn, mate," Blink said as he slurped down a porca strip.

"Anyone you're leaving behind? Friends, family, lovers?"

"No family left, Mum was all was left but she died when I was twelve. She.... couldn't handle being a slave anymore, made a go to poison us both, but I smelled it and wouldn't eat. Couldn't save her by that time."

"I'm so sorry mate," Temmy nearly squeaked from the pain his new friend felt.

"S'alright, I guess. Only had the one friend, the cook at Castle Bellemont. She took care of me after what happened, but she wanted me to make it out almost more'n I did. No lovers, though, no one there worth falling for."

"Not your type, huh?"

"What, broken and miserable and longing for death? No, not my particular cup of tea."


"So no, no one I'm leaving behind."

"That's good, cause you're at the point you'll likely never see any of them again."

"Wasn't planning on going back ever, suits me just fine," Blink said nonchalantly.

Temmy began to stare at his new friend, studying him as he wondered if this fox really had enough strength for the road he would soon undertake. Blink seemed to have read his mind as he proceeded to answer his question.

"I have endured far more than some rogue's life can throw me, I'll survive just fine, Temmy."

"You can't possibly know that, Blink."

"Look into my eyes."


"Just bloody do it, mate."

Temmy repositioned himself so that he was looking into the larger fur's eyes. He yelped as Blink yanked his face and held their heads such that their foreheads touched and all Temmy could do was stare into the burning chunks of amber he had for eyes.

"What do you see?"

He saw the blazes of Hell licking at the irises less than an inch from his own. He saw the flames that consume men and their conquests in unbridled fury. He saw the tongues of pyres formed from vengeance unsought. He saw a raging inferno of untold strength whirling inside this boy.

"I see..... a great fire burning inside of you."

Blink sighed content as he released the smaller fox. Breakfast continued in silence with the exception of the scraping of forks on plates and muffled chewing noises. Neither of them even made an attempt to speak until it came time to break table and clean the dishes before leaving.

"Temmy," Blink said.


"I believe there's time for one more question and answer."

"What is it, then?"

"Do you doubt me now?"

"No," Temmy said, a soft laugh catching in his throat. "Not even a little bit."

A smile spread across both their muzzles as they packed up the feral horse and rode on for Prisa once more.


The ride went as smooth as can be expected. With a few stops at oases to water their horse along the way, the pair made short work of the rock, gravel and few dunes of the Allerian desert. With more than a little luck, the two foxes made it to the middle of the Prisan Fields by sunset, allowing them to make camp for the night before they rode on to the main city. Temmy began to set the tent and tie the horse as Blink fished a hunting dagger out of the pack and slipped off to fetch firewood and the evening's supper. By the time the lithe fennec had made camp, Blink returned with a night's worth of logs and a half dozen pyracs strung up on a line hung over his shoulder. Temmy looked on with slacked jaw as the silver began cleaning the small, hare-like mammals. Upon noticing, he merely chuckled at his friends shocked maw.

"I would make long treks sometimes, under strict guard, to retrieve parcels for the bastard Duke. While his brutes excelled at ensuring I was wounded deeply for even pondering escape, they were shite at hunting. If any of us wanted to eat, I had to learn the necessary skills to allow us to do so, and rather quickly. So I did."

"Makes some sense, I guess, I couldn't even hear your steps and I can hear a heartbeat underground if I listen for it."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, it is. Another interesting fact is there's a few hours more til midnight draws upon us. How would you like to spend the remaining time before sleep?"

"I suppose another round of questions and answers is in order. I believe it's your go."

"What's the biggest load you've ever made off with?"

"A diamond rhined claymore with a jewel encrusted scabbard once owned by the dread viking Erik Jarbur."

"No shit?"

"I mean it!"

"Well tell us the story, now, can't hold that tale back."

"It was a prize of the master's; he fancies himself a collector of fine artefacts and all that. Well he hosted a party where he lorded this and a few other pieces over the lesser nobility and even insulted one of the more vengeful lords attending with a rather swift weasel for a manservant. Well surprise of ages, later on the damned thing goes up missing and who does the disgusting boar blame? His own slaves! Now I could have just let it go, but I didn't feel like letting everyone get beat for something the idiot caused to happen. So I snuck out down the spire and out to the lord's manor where, lo and behold, the sword was hanging in the master bedroom. It was a simple snatch, no one was any the wiser. He didn't even have the damned thing secured in a room without a window. Quick as can be I hop on back to the castle and present it to the boar."

"What?! You didn't pawn it? You could've bought your freedom twice over at least with that!"

"And Bellemont would use the sudden wealth as proof that I stole from him and I'd rot away in a cell. A marginally better fate, but I was saving for something real. Plus the rest of the house would have been beaten severely for it, and I'm not for others suffering like that, especially cause they'd kill me and bury me in the walls for it. Anyways, I present it to the boar and he blames me anyways, straps me to a wall in the dungeon halls and has one of his brutes beat me for the night. Healed up fine, and now I have a story."

"I've never stolen anything quite that valuable, let alone stolen it back, but I've done rather well in my sixteen years."

"I'll bet. What's the horse's name?"

"You're wasting a question on that?"

"Yes, now spill."

"Chancy, he's a Clydesdale. Worst punishment you ever received?"

"The Bent Maiden," Blink said with great heaviness in his voice and sorrow in his now distant eyes.

"What the hell is that?"

"It's a device that holds you in a..... presenting manner. It was a preferred method of... satisfaction for the master."

Silence gripped the suddenly stale air for a while as the two worked up the composure to say something. Temmy was the first to do so.

"That... vile.... monster... can't hurt you anymore, Blink. I won't let him, and neither will the guild when we get there."

Blink smiled with renewed brightness at the sincerity in his newfound companion's voice. His face returned to a more stoic composure as he began to ponder his next question.

"Why did you take me with you?"

"Are you complaining I did?"

"Don't avoid, just answer," Blink snapped. Temmy resumed with a sigh.

"Well, there were two reasons. One, no one's been able to sneak up on me since I was seven, and when you did I knew the guild needed you."

"And the other?"

"I saw a fur looked like he hadn't dared to hope in some time and I would never have forgiven myself if I let a good fur like you fall back into that."

Blink stared, searching for any sign of falsehood in the fennec's features. Satisfied there were none, he allowed his own to relax into a content smile once more.

"You're a good friend, Tem."

"Thanks, mate," Temmy said with a half grin born on his muzzle. He allowed the fire to paint their countenances in hues of orange, red, and yellow as he thought up another inquiry. He smirked with mischief plastered across his maw as he thought of a perfectly mortifying thought. "What's your secret talent, the one that you hide from everyone?"

"Hmmmm, I'm not sure I'd like to share that just yet..."

"I can sew. As in, I can sew far too well for a young man like myself. In fact, I made that jacket, I just tell people I stole the clothes I make cause they take it better."

"Well now I'd be a right arse if I didn't share, and I don't quite find that fair."

"Tough shit, mate."

Blink let out a few deep breaths and leaned his head back, pointing his muzzle to the moon in preparation. When he opened his maw to begin, Temmy was ill prepared for the song that flowed from him.

"Little babe of golden fur,

Rest ye weary eyes once more.

Morning comes anew too soon,

And you must greet it at the door.

Skylars sing of days gone by

As noctrines wail for lovers dear,

And way along the garish moor

The pyracs quake in wanton fear.

But you are here with me sweet babe,

In my arms I keep ye,

And evermore I'll hold you there,

S'long you ne'er do leave me."

As his echo caressed the night, Temmy was temporarily at a loss for words. Blink's voice had sounded of the way a warm swatch of velvet greeted the fur on a cold night, and Temmy could only look at him in awe. The silver slowly lowered his head to look to his friend before quickly turning to hide the blush spreading in his cheeks at the sight of his friend's slacked face.


Temmy shook the shock from his face before responding.

"That was something truly beautiful, Blink," he said, deepening the silver's bashful blush. "What song was that?"

"It's a lullaby Mum taught me a long time ago. Silvers are born with bright brown kit's fur, and the rest is to teach the little legends of the Breton moors. Little things like how a skylar's song is some fur's regret, and the noctrine's call is a death wail after a loved one dies. The last bit is a solemn oath between a Moorlander and her young. As long as the kit will hold onto his mother, so will she hold onto him. It's a.... very personal thing."

Temmy nodded with great understanding.

"My Mum never taught me much of anything. She was too busy gargling rackmead and... well you can infer the other half, the point was she couldn't be bothered with raising a boy. All she left me with was what I saw of her abilities as a seamstress. Watched and learned what I could before she vanished off and left a six-years old Temriel alone to fend for himself in a large house with no life skills. So I learned to steal by taking food from vendors so they wouldn't notice. I'd make clothes when mine wore thin and I'd eat whatever I stole. Then I got caught and was stuck in a cell two years later. Discovered I could hear what the guards' pattern was and used it to get out. When I got there, Le Roi was waiting and whisked me away to the court. They raised me, and now here we are."

"The rest as broken as the two of us.... Temriel?"

"Don't call me that, I hate it, first of all, and yeah, pretty much, mate."

They sat content with each other's company and full bellies for some time. As the stars came into view, the smaller fox yawned and the larger one laughed a wry laugh at how childlike it was.

"Think it's time to turn in then, Tem."

"Yeah.... Just one thing."

"What's that?"

"There's only one roll, and these plains get too cold to lay outside without one, so......"

"So we'll hafta sleep close, then."


"Right then, just..... let's try and keep a bit of separation for modesty's sake, good?"


"Alright then, let's do this."

The fennec crawled quietly into the tent as the silver collapsed and drowned the roaring fire. Shortly after he entered the tent to see Temmy huddled beneath a thick brown roll blanket drifting off to sleep. He smiled at the sight of his childlike companion and knelt to join him, facing the opposite wall of the tent. Soon he drifted off to sleep, and where once he dreamt of horrors and unspeakable nightmares, his dreams that night were populated by visions of adventures to come with the lithe fennec at his back