There's Always More to the Storefront

Story by Casca on SoFurry

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Hexel sighed as the sun appeared just below the tint in his windshield. The damned thing was much too bright that day; it was hard to believe it was still February. The cat tried to drive a few more yards in the glare, thinking he might be able to get into the shadows of the buildings but once he did it seemed they all conspired to flash their mirrored windows into his eyes. Soon enough he surrendered to the light, reaching for the visor overhead. Once his fingers finally reached the felt device, it swung easily with the weight of forgotten and discarded papers. They fell like an avalanche into his lap making a mess though protecting him from the sun.

Old receipts and faded fliers flopped into the feline's lap but Hexel let them be, at least until he reached the next stop light. The busy cross traffic gave him plenty of time to wonder why he hadn't thrown most of it away but as he was sifting through a small card caught his eye. It couldn't have been bigger than an index card and easily as plain but in unassuming text read: "For the richest treats west of east, take a peek in the House of Sweets!"

A horn behind him spurred Hexel back along the road but the cat pondered the invitation and the hastily corrected address on the back. He couldn't quite remember where he'd found it but it seemed like something he would have investigated sooner. He snickered as his mind went for the dirtiest connotation and suddenly he realized that Fayk Street as it said on the card was just a couple blocks away. There wasn't anything else to do or anywhere else to be so what better way to recover from the DMV? He thought to himself.

His car slid easily onto the side road then slowly into an empty parking lot. The lot waited sleepily in the afternoon light, surrounded by a mostly abandoned strip mall off in the corner, a window said "House of Sweets" in cozy white letters over a little neon "open" sign. Hexel, pushed all of the stray paper to the seat beside him and hurried out of his car, scarcely remembering to lock his door before walking across the empty pavement. Most of the shops were empty or abandoned, odd considering how nicely cared for and lit the bakery looked from the outside. At the window he peeked in and perked his ears with excitement then raced to the door.

Hexel stepped inside, greeted immediately by a cornucopia of of sweet smells: Fresh cookies, warm doughnuts, spicy gingerbread, baking pie. It smelled like pastry heaven and the feline's eyes lit up. Against the wall nearest the door hung big chalkboard signs with colourful menus and drawings over a counter overflowing with baked goods. The kind of thing you'd see out of a movie rather than real life.

Most notable was a cougar slumped over the register. He obviously took good care of his body, looking at his sandy fur and its healthy shine or his generous frame of muscles. Even slouching he was taller than Hexel, not a difficult feat considering the size of the young feline but he seemed so statuesque that it was all the more impressive. Suddenly it dawn on him. Other than a white apron this puma was quite nude.

Hexel stepped closer, blushing a little under his grey fur but too entranced by the sights and smells to be embarrassed. "I really like the uniform," he called out to break the ice. "Am I over dressed?"

The cougar looked up with a dreamy, casual grin as he erected himself. His muzzle was coated with flour which made his teeth seem to dominate his face. "Of course not. We don't even have a dress code around here." The clerk's voice was languid, drifting across the room and it's empty tea tables as if time no longer applied. "But if you want there are some cubbies by the door and you can dress down as little or as much as you want."

It was relaxing to listen to the larger feline talk, making it entirely too easy for the grey cat to strip off his shirt and tuck it away. Content with his clothing out of the way, Hexel eagerly approached the counter and its smiling attendant, "It smells so good in here. I didn't know there were bakeries like this anywhere. Especially not in this town"

The cougar laughed again, tossing his unruly hair back as the smooth sound escaped his muzzle. "With naked bakers? There might be a couple. I'm Scott by the way and this is my little shop." He leaned forward again, resting his chin in his paws. "I'm really glad you came in. I've still got another hour and I've hardly had any customers. Not to mention it's not every day I see cute kitties take their clothes off"

This time the little feline couldn't help himself. He ran his fingers through his spiked hair and returned the compliment with a bashful smile. "You're a pretty rare sight yourself."

Scott purred, at least as much as any big cat could, and stared for a moment. Then a light clicked on in his head. He pulled a plate piled high with doughnuts from the case beside the register, breaking off a chunk of one as he did, and offered his guest some. "how about you try this and see if you might make it more regular?"

A free sample is always hard to turn down so Hexel Graciously accepted the offered sweet and tossed it gleefully into his mouth. This was no common doughnut, it wasn't even an uncommon doughnut. The Grey cat's eyes went wide at the heavy, rich taste, the thick texture that yielded so easily to his teeth and tongue. If there were ever such a thing as a perfect doughnut this was it.

"This is incredible," Hexel mumbled through the last vestiges of his sample. "How do you make these? I have to know."

"Well I can't give you the recipe but I can definitely show you around," Scott offered with his lazy smile and enough pastry in his mouth to be muffled but with a big enough mouth to be clear. The cougar lifted a section of the counter, then ambled out and toward the door, turning the sign from "open" to "we'll be back later". His tail flickered back and forth while his butt cheeks shifted like pistons as he moved. He was powerful and his body wouldn't lie about it even if he acted like he weren't. The smaller feline couldn't help but be enthralled by Scott's body. He lost his concentration when a paw landed on his shoulder and turned him toward the back door. "Go ahead. I'll join you in a second" instructed that smooth, easy voice.

The door swung easily on its hinges into the cozy workspace. Intimate lighting illuminated big mixers and deep, cooled ovens. It was still warm, though, in the little room from the last batch, making the kitty glad he'd already taken off his shirt. He smirked to himself as an idea ran through his head; Hexel turned to check the door then unbuckled his jeans, giving a little wriggle of his hips to let the pants fall to the floor in a pool of denim around his ankles. The grey feline chuckled chuckled softly as he stooped down to gather his things and his tail curled over his back to tickle his shoulders. Definitely a smirk worthy sight.

"Now there's something that makes you glad you got up this morning" Scott said once both of little Hexel's feet were clear of his jeans. "Anyway, it's not a very big space but it more than works for the needs of our little shop" Another day, Hexxy might have laughed and blushed shyly but today the attention just fueled his lust. He curled his jeans over his arm and sauntered toward the large cougar who was still munching it seemed but this time on cake.

Every inch he moved increased the cat's burning need, swelling deep inside of him until it became a very real pressure. Hexxy had known blue balls like any other male and suddenly he knew that was what he felt. Only this was worse and kept growing until he felt someone was trying to fill him with three times his capacity in his balls and prostate.

"Good doughnut huh?" Asked the smiling, cougar, finished with his cake and closing the gap. "My own design. I thought 'if you cum more when you get blue balled, why not take the hard part out and just cum like a hose?' and now my pastries are better than I even hoped."

Hexxy opened his mouth to comment on such a sudden, lewd remark but instead of words a desperate purr rolled off his tongue and a wad of pre leaked off his hardening member onto one of Scott's oversized paws. The smell of it was almost dangerously potent, tainting the hot air with the flavour of kitty passion.

Then there was a flash of white. The floured apron was off. Scott was truly naked, his chest and abs were chiseled and lean like an ancient Olympian and the whole package swept gracefully to the middle. Scott was huge. Not just huge but monstrous. A fat pillar of flesh hung down from his groin, flopping against each calf. Not to be out-done, oversized fuzzy soccer balls jostled against the puma's powerful thighs, rising and falling with his slow easy breaths. It was impossibly for a feline to be so mastodonic but Hexxy and his ever leaking erection weren't concerned with logic anymore.

He feel to his knees and pulled the spongy length toward his face. It was so warm and it pulsed in his grasp. Both felines purred deeply, over come by the power of puma pastry, and watched as the titan pillar grew. "Don't worry, cutie," Scoot offered with a gleeful shudder. "You'll be back to normal in a little while. Just enjoy the extra libido for a while."

Hexxy wasn't entirely sure what he meant but he had quite possibly the largest cock in the tristate area and wasn't going to let that chance get away. So he opened his muzzle wide, as wide as it would go, and wrapped his lips around the swelling crown. The lightest hint of sweat, added to its naturally musky flavour, tugged hard at the little cat's loins. The pressure inside him peaked and he knew that he was close. One way or another his body was going to release. And soon.

And like a message of mercy from heaven, a slick, supple, smooth paw pad pressed against his desperately throbbing tool. The gentle toes curled over every facet of Hexxy's head only exactly the right amount of sensation to drag his body wildly over the edge. The kitty whimpered at the paralyzing moment those toes touched his meat and lingered, pushing over that tense plateau just before climax but soon enough his body surged.

A wall of pressure rushed through his lions then up his length until finally it erupted with a cat's version of a roar. More cum than Hexxy even though possible gushed out of his cock, blasting between toes and jetting out in every direction it could find. It kept coming, painting his belly and even his chest in pearly white cream and soaking Scott's leg up to his balls. Everything seemed to slow down as cum sputtered all around, making loud splats on the floor and floor and into fur.

Finally it ended with the sound of Scott's laughter. The smaller feline looked up at him to speak again but another eruption rolled through him. This one pushed the cougar's foot right off and sent a big rope of seed right into his chin. His cock waved out of control thanks to the second wad, washing the pair in heady scented frosting. Scott's massive shaft swelled with each whip of cum, bobbing and throbbing with his quickening heartbeat, nudging and tapping and smearing Hexxy's face with precum. Thick, hearty beads of glistening arousal, mixed with the kitty's sticky spunk. Each one bigger than the last, pouring generously over his panting tongue and fueling his third wad of jizz.

The cum stained cat didn't want this fantasy orgasm to end. So much release. So much cum. But his third jet didn't last as long as the first two and only reached his chin. It felt good to have goo oozing off his body while his mind reformed so relaxed and easy. Still there was a lot of cock to play with. Hexxy grabbed at Scott's dick and giggled when it jerked away. More and more precum whipped through the air and added to the swampy feeling of the room. The juice was warm in his fur and delicious in his mouth; He had to witness this feline cum.

Lifting his tail to to tease the head, he used every extremity he could spare to work over the enticing monster. His paws couldn't meet fingers even at the most narrow spot near the base. Thick veins pulsed so warmly against his grasp while precum gushed like a country water pump. There was just too much to swallow so it cascaded from his chin and escaped from the corners of his mouth to join his now fourth shot of dick butter.

"Here it..." Scott managed before his voice degenerated into a growl then crescendoed into a real wall shaking roar. The precum stopped for a moment and Hexel knew to hold on as tight as he could to the hot, swollen flesh. It jumped hard, pulling the cat to his feet despite the white torrent trying to push him off, spoo erupted making the gallons that Hexxy made look like a drop in the bucket. In just one jet of white-hot puma milk, Scott had out paced the smaller feline latched to his cock head. He purred watching streams of juice escaping in every direction from Hexxy's face. Heavy ropes sprayed back up the cougar's body to be smeared between his strong fingers against his toned body, painting the creases of his muscles while Hexel's orgasm ebbed away.

There was too much to hold onto and at the start of the second blast, Hexxy found himself flat on his back pinned under gallons of hot, sweet cum. Flood after flood after skin-tickling flood soaked his fur and waved up and down his body. Against his still hard rod it felt like a shower massager and sticky twirling tendrils along his length. Hexxy mewled between gasping cum gargled breaths and writhed in the growing collection of cum. Every other scent was completely washed away by Scott's cum while the unmistakable smell etched itself into the kitty's brain.

Over and over the constant cloying stream drew lines and arcs and whimsical chaotic designs on the smaller feline; Scott's soft, lazy laugh joined the mad splatters of his incessant seed flow. He let go of his monolithic penis to let it sow as it pleased and give Hexxy a little break with denying him more cum. Scattered utensils plopped into the love batter and the appliances were coated in a new ivory colour. Little escaped the the flood but the cougar was unconcerned. His attention was more focused on the kitty trying to get up from the goop.

"Just a little more little guy, then you can get up," implored his sweet, lazy voice as his stream finally began to weaken. At this stage though, 'a little' was a very relative term and there must have been a few more gallons that poured out of Scott before his cock slumped half limp and dripping big drops of milky seed that fell with a splash into the very slowly draining flood.

After a moment to catch his breath and to slurp up a couple more mouthfuls of the cream dripping down his face, Hexel, tried to stand again, slipping and sliding until the glazed cougar standing over him offered a paw down. He gripped it as tight as he could with the slick viscous seed rubbed into the sandy fur. "What was in those sweets? I need to make some."

A slow easy laugh filled the musky, heated room as Scott wiped Hexel's face idly. "Can't tell you that. Then who'd buy my pastries?" Suddenly an idea popped into his head and fumbled around to find his apron int the muck and extracted another doughnuts from its folds. "How about I make you a deal? You take this and have a little snack and when your ready head to that big vat back there and give me some... 'kitty extract'. Good to have different flavours after all."

The little feline blushed a little realizing what one of the secret ingredients was. He smiled back to the larger cat who sighed gently. "I'd love to help but I gotta close the store properly. But you can handle yourself right? You'll kinda have to if you eat that."

Hexel was sure he'd be back to this store. He was even tempted to ask for a job just to learn what else goes into it but for now the little grey cat had a mess to make.