Mercy's Blessing - Part 2

Story by KiDra on SoFurry

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#2 of Mercy's Blessing

Part 2 of my gift to besonik. It is the first time I ever wrote an adult story. That is what I refered to with "jumping over my shadow" in the dedication at the beginning of part 1.

Mercy's Blessing

Part 2

It was in the early evening when they sat besides a crackling fire, bare fishbones piled to one side. Kendrik, Corwin's netherdragon and Harro were playfully fighting over a piece of fish as Allard and Corwin rested, well satisfied and comfortable.

"Ah, that's the life. You know what I would love now, though?" Allard asked.

"Nope. What's that?"

"A strong, dark brew. It's been too long since I had a proper beer."

"Dammit, now I want one, too... but well, I guess tea has to do." Corwin took a sip from his cup.

Allard was quiet a moment as he thought to himself. "You know, every time I eat fish it reminds me of Chani."

Corwin choked on his tea and spluttered into a fit of coughing. "Wha... What?!"

"You remember how we were fishing once and Vayle and Chani nicked the fish I caught? They put it back in the water. I caught the same fish three times before they let me in on the joke."

"Oh... oh right, yes, I remember."

After a moment Corwin began to snicker.

"What?" Allard asked.

"You remember what Chani made us swear to never tell anybody? Especially not Aldreda?"

Allard pondered for a moment, then he remembered and covered his face with his palm. "Oh, hell... You mean when we..."

"Yup, exactly that. When we had to..."

"Dammit, I tried to forget about that!" Allard interrupted him.

"Don't bother, you will never forget." Corwin laughed.

"Not when you keep reminding me!"

"Poor thing, she was so embarrassed after she came to her senses and we released her. I mean, Aldreda had just appointed her the rank of a druid."

Allard sighed. "Yeah, I feel sorry for her, too... but what could we do? We had to tie her up till her potion wore off."

"It surely would have ended much more embarrassing for her had we not tied her up. I mean, seriously, how could she mix up recipes so badly..."

"It must have been the strongest..." Allard could not finish his sentence.

"Whatever... I am glad it was over in one night... Say, did you also get the impression that she kind of grew fond of ropes and such afterwards?" Corwin wondered.

Allard blinked and turned towards Corwin. "You noticed that, too? I mean, I would rather think it was always there and just surfaced that day."

"Maybe... whatever... but I wonder where she is now and how she is doing. It was years ago that she left on her pilgrimage."

"Yeah, it was so strange to see her go and head out into the world alone." Allard looked up into the cloudless sky. The full moon was basking in the dark blue, making its lonely rounds. 'You wander alone forever, too, don't you? Have you seen our Chani? Could you tell me how she is doing... or if she is even still alive?'. The moon had no answer. "It must be difficult for her, travelling all alone," he said... "Vayle's death hit her pretty hard."

"Not only her." Corwin replied.

"No... it was hard for all of us. Carvel and Lilita, I miss them." He kept on looking up at the moon and let his thoughts wander. "Do you think it is true? The story that Aldreda told us that evening we bid farewell to Vayle?"

Corwin sighed. "Who knows... Maybe we'll find out one day."

Allard stretched his hand out in front of the moon, gazed at its outline and mumbled "Everything that is stems from what was." After a moment of silence he yawned and put an arm around Corwin, giving him a friendly squeeze.

Corwin smiled. "Feeling affectionate today?"

"I am just glad I have you with me, no matter where we go."

"So much more fun with a friend at your side?"

'Not just any friend...'

Corwin poked him. "Are you falling asleep on me?"

Allard jerked. "Huh, what? Oh, definitely more fun!"

"Jeez, you should head to bed when you are falling asleep on me like that."

"Well, guess you are right." Allard sighed. He got his bedding ready and put his sword besides it.

As he turned towards Corwin, he saw that he had wrapped himself in their cloaks and was frowning into the dwindling embers of their cookfire through sleepy eyes.

Allard sat on his bedding and watched his friend for a while. He thought about their day, and the brush with the bear. It was getting cold quickly, and Allard did not like seeing him sit there like that. He cleared his throat. "Hey, come on, take my sleeping bag. I owe you as much. Can't let you sit there without feeling guilty."

"You, feeling guilty? Don't make me laugh."

"Hey, for real now."

"It's okay. Really, Allard. I'll be fine."

"Then I will sit beside you and we will share warmth. Fair's fair."

Corwin sighed. "So you would rather have an empty sleeping bag lying there, instead of just using it and letting me sit here in peace?"

"Yes, or would you prefer if we shared it? We could put the cloaks over it, too and have it warm instead of freezing our balls off while sitting here like idiots in the night."

Corwin looked over at Allard, looking even more grouchy. "I won't have any peace here until I get in that sleeping bag, right?"

"Yup." he replied with folded arms. "Can't let my bro' sit here through the night."

"Oh, for crying out loud. Fine, fish face! At least you took a bath today!"

Allard grinned, triumphant.

"After you." Corwin made a servile gesture, hinting a bow. The sleeping bag was not meant for two, but leaving the sides open and covering them with the cloaks they managed to comfortably fit in. Lying on their sides and facing each other it was quite cosy.

Corwin had his eyes closed, but Allard was again lost in thought about their travels and the events of the day. He felt for his sword that was hidden besides him under the cloak. Knowing it was nearby gave him a feeling of security. He sighed.


Corwin was still awake. Allard opened his eyes and took a moment to admire his friend's features against the shine of the fire and had to smile when he saw how relaxed he was. "See? Not bad at all, right?"

"Pah!" He replied, but the wide smile on his face belied his feigned disapproval.

"Corwin, we have been traveling for so long to find what Aldreda could not teach us. Do you think we will ever find it?"

"Who knows. For how well I know druids it wouldn't surprise me if she sent us away for nothing." He chuntered in half sleep.

"Hey wait, what?!" Allard moved and woke Corwin fully, who groaned and opened his eyes.

"We are Warlocks, we are no different. We sometimes speak in riddles, too."

"Nah, some teaching stories might be annoying, but our Eldest would not send us away for nothing."

Corwin sighed. "Yes, you are right of course." He paused and his eyes became sleepy and the corners of his mouth drooped. "I am just tired."

"Tired of what?"

Corwin lowered his eyes and did not answer. Allard felt a heavy weight lasting on his friend and without noticing it he reached for his hand. Corwin looked up at him and drew Allard's hand close to his heart, pressed it against his chest. His eyes got wet.

"Hey... buddy, talk to me..." Allard said in a soft tone.

Corwin just embraced him. He pulled him in close and hugged him. Allard was perplexed; worried, but the same time it felt really nice. The warmth of his body, feeling his breath and his chest rise and fall, he enjoyed it. It took him a moment to hug Corwin back. "Talk to me..."

"Do you know why I chose to become a Warlock, Allard?"

Allard shook his head.

"After Vayle's death I was afraid. The lightheartedness of my childhood was gone. I learned what loss was. You and I, we spent every minute together..." Corwin had to swallow.

"I... I was aware I could lose you, too and... I wanted to..." He had to exhale, eyes pressed shut. "Allard I became a Warlock to protect you, to fight for you, to heal you, to be a light in the darkness for you..." Corwin sobbed once. "I am tired... so tired of keeping this last bit of distance to you. I am tired of being expected to hide how I feel for you and I am tired of all this judgemental bullshit in the world. It sucks! I don't want to care about what was and might be, I only want to care about what is, here and now. You are such a beautiful soul, Allard..."

Allard's jaw dropped and he was speechless. He felt heat beneath the fur of his face as he kept trying to speak, but words would not come.

Corwin's eyebrows rose, the corners of his open mouth dropped and tears build in his eyes. "I... I am sorry... Allard... I should have kept to sitting there with the cloaks. I will leave you alone."

Corwin lifted the covers to retreat, but Allard was faster and wrapped his arms tightly around him, pulling him close. "Don't you dare leave me now..." He sobbed at a near whisper.

Corwin's eyes were wide, but a smile formed on his face as he hugged Allard back. He was careful at first, but soon squeezed Allard all the tighter.

It was the first time Allard felt so close to him. He pressed his nose against the base of his neck and inhaled deeply. With any other venkat he would not have felt comfortable like this, but with Corwin it was somehow different. The warmth of his body, his scent, the feeling of the soft fur and strong muscles... he longed to never let go. Just so, time passed by and for how long they hugged, he did not know. When Corwin finally broke their embrace, Allard looked into his eyes. He got lost in the depth of those vast, green emeralds. The smile on Corwin's face, the sheer joy radiating from the portals to his soul, Allard felt they mirrored his own feelings. Emotions, he always had kept hidden.

"Allard... you... you got what I said, didn't you?"

"Yes... I understood you."

"And you don't care that I am male?"

Allard shook his head. "I love you for who you are, not for what you are. I always have."

Corwin sighed and reached for Allard's hand.

"Remember when my parents went on vacation with me for a month, after Vayle was gone?"

He lowered his eyes and he slightly nodded. "Yes, I do. It was the longest month of my life."

"My parents thought a change of air would help me come to terms with Vayle's death. But honestly, that was the month where I learned how much I would miss you."

Corwin hugged Allard around the waist and rested his head against his chest.

"Was that when you decided to become a Warlock, Corwin?"

"Yes... it was."

"It was the same for me. I don't remember a single day we were separated and suddenly we were apart for a month... it was horrible... I was in pain from the loss and imagined what it would be like to lose you, too. Even more than the same pain again... So I, too, decided to become a Warlock, to protect you." He held Corwin close, brushing his cheek against the top of his head. "I did not know what to make of what I felt for you. I only knew, that there was nobody else that could take your place."

Warmth settled in his chest as he felt Corwin's palm on his cheek, and how his thumb caressed him so gently. Allard reached for his hand and held it, exchanging soft gestures of affection.

"Allard... what if I had not felt the same way?"

"Well, you know what they say, Corwin."

Corwin sighed and chuckled, a smile forming on his face before he rested his head on Allard's neck, brushing his cheek along it. "No, I don't. What do they say, Allard?."

"Love is when the happiness of your beloved is more important than your own."

Corwin slowly let go of him and leaned on his arm. "Allard... I..."

When Allard saw the honest joy in Corwin's eyes and how broad his smile was, he moved closer and embraced him again. This time he rested his head on Corwin's neck. He brushed his foot against his companion's. Never before had he exchanged affection like this. He let his foot slowly and carefully wander over Corwin's. Brushing it against his leg felt like a bold move that gave him butterflies.

Corwin just smiled and played along, seeming to enjoy Allard's affection. He so carefully touched the fur on Allard's neck and down to his shoulders, that it made his skin tremble. He moved his finger claws up and down, barely touching his fur. The softer the touch, the greater the sensation. When Corwin let his claws wander further down to his chest, Allard felt hot shivers in his lower belly.

"Well, you know what they say, Allard."

Allard blinked, taken off guard by his remark. "Um... no, I don't. What do they say, Corwin?"

"Love is friendship that caught fire." He whispered and after a short pause continued, "Have you ever kissed somebody?"

Allard got goosebumps. "N... No." He exhaled in a rush of excited nervousness, his ears getting hot. "N... not the way I want to kiss you." Allard's heart jumped as he dared to speak these words.

Corwin smiled even broader at Allard and placed a palm to his cheek. When he closed his eyes and slowly moved his lips close to his, Allard's body trembled and he felt heat rise beneath the fur of his face. As Corwin drew ever closer to him, the moment stretched out to an eternity. When their lips finally touched, jolts of excitement shot down Allard's spine. He never knew how much he had longed for this kiss.Their hands had a will of their own as each wandered to stroke the back of the other's head. They ended their first kiss and looked into each other's eyes. Allard felt so wonderfully close to him. He massaged Corwin's shoulders and pulled him in closer, not leaving any space in between them. Corwin leaned in and tilted his head to which Allard willingly replied by opening his mouth a bit. With closed eyes he focused on the touch of their lips, still hesitant to let his tongue slip into Corwin's mouth. As Corwin became more passionate and kissed him over and over again, Allard huffed and made the leap to brush his tongue over Corwin's.

Corwin inhaled through his nose and moaned into his mouth.

"Hmm.... Corwin..." Allard huffed.


Allard broke the kiss, panting and caressing his chest.

"Thank you, that you love me the way I am."

Corwin grinned and touched his nose to his. "Is there any other way that is worth calling 'love'?" He gave Allard a swift kiss.

"Heh, you are right." Allard whispered in between kisses. An itch was building in his lower belly and he felt how his ears got hot. "Corwin?"


"M... may I touch you?"

Corwin's ears blushed and he turned away for a moment before nodding. He reached under the covers. When Allard saw how he pulled his loincloth out, his heart began to pound. He was so nervous. With shaking hands he removed his own cloth, leaving the two completely bare together. "Never again anything in between us."

"Never again, Allard. I loved and will love you through all times bright and dark." He whispered back.

Allard embraced Corwin's waist, pressing his cheek against his chest. He kissed Corwin to the heart and felt his way down. He started by stroking Corwin's chest and moving over to his side. The softness of his fur, his scent, the change in warmth as he moved his paw, his heartbeat and the rise and fall of his chest... the blissful symphony of life. He let his palm wander lower, leaving the well protected area of his rib cage behind and brushing along his fur, to his belly. Corwin began to caress Allard's ears, stroking along them and nuzzling the top of his head.

Allard closed his eyes and sighed as he felt the muscular form under his hand. He heard how Corwin's breath caught pace and only reluctantly dared to move sideways. Ever so slowly caressing his friend's hip, he could feel the shape of his pelvic bone. He allowed himself a few moments to enjoy these new sensations, taking in all the details his senses could make out. He slowly directed his touch back to Corwin's belly and his nervousness surged up.

Corwin huffed and squirmed.

"You sure you don't mind?" Allard whispered.

"A... Aye." he breathed.

Allard had to swallow. He felt Corwin caress his cheek and kiss him on the head. When he looked up he saw his friend's ears were bright red and he was breathing nervously, but he also saw a deep and abiding faith shining through his eyes. Such deep love, hidden away for too long. Finally, he saw the truth.

Allard smiled at him and closed his eyes. He moved down to his lower belly and his heart pounded wildly when he felt wet spots on Corwin's fur. He shuddered and decided to take his time. He drew it out by moving not straight down, but past his nethers to touch the insides of his thigh, right at the joint. Corwin moaned and trembled. Allard smiled as he explored Corwin, moving his hand further, halfway to Corwin's knee and onto his tail.

"You are such a tease... I thought you would go right for my..." Corwin half complained, but was silenced by a kiss. Pressing his lips onto Corwin's he smiled and moved his paw up on his tail, until he felt a very warm spot. Corwin's eyes widened and he breathed strongly through his nose. Allard teased his love by moving his fingers in a circular motion. "You like that?" Allard broke the kiss and asked with a wide smile.

"Hah... hah... I thought you wanted to touch my...", but Allard could not help it and kissed him again.

"Yes... that, too... Will you relax for me?"

Corwin's eyes widened and he nodded. Soon his body quaked and he exhaled just before a moan escaped him.

"You are so warm and soft, Corwin." Allard carefully felt around inside Corwin, quickly finding the right spot. He savored hearing noises of pleasure from him as he massaged that point.

Corwin gasped and panted, his grip on Allard's shoulder suddenly tightening. "Go slower." He exhaled, his steamy breath well visible in the shine of the fire.

Allard carefully retreated his finger and waited till Corwin caught breath, resting his paw on his upper leg. "You good?"

"Yeah..." He panted. "Give me a moment to calm down."

They smiled at each other and exchanged little kisses until Corwin's breathing eased. "I think... whatever... go for it."

Allard looked Corwin in the eye and felt like melting. "Al... alright, let's see what we have here." He said and moved his paw.

A moment later Corwin trembled and moaned out loud, panting.

Allard's eyes widened. "You gifted bugger!"

Corwin half laughed, half moaned and pulled Allard on top of him. "Then let's compare, shall we?"

He got hold of Allard's tail base and grinded his nethers firmly into Allard's. The sensation sent jolts along his spine making his body quake. "Hold on... holy bugger, stop! Can't hold it back much longer when you grind against me like that..."

Corwin stopped moving and just slowly stroked along Allard's back. The nervousness between them was fading and they just enjoyed feeling each other in such an intimate way.

"You good?" Corwin huffed.

"Ye.. yes. I think so."

Corwin smirked and reached down in between them. Allard's eyes lost focus for a moment and his heart jumped at the touch.

"Huff... see... here ends your's and here mine. May not be much of a difference, but still, fair's fair!"

"What do you mean 'fair's fair'?!"

"You are taller and I am bigger." Corwin poked his tongue out. "But hey, size doesn't matter!"

"Pff... who says 'size matters'? That's ridiculous."

Both had to snicker, but Allard could not resist and pressed his lips onto Corwin's, then beamed at him with a wide grin. "You know what I want now?"

Corwin shook his head, huffing after the kiss.

Allard gave his lips a soft lick and kissed him to the neck, then vanished under the blankets. He kept on looking at Corwin from below while sinking deeper and deeper. Corwin's eyes widened and the corners of his mouth rose in anticipation.

"Hmmm... the scent reminds me of fresh fish." Allard said in a lecherous tone.

Corwin's eyebrows rose and his mouth nervously contracted. "Erm... you will be careful with your teeth around my hnnnnghh... ooohh... yes."

Allard had never thought he would enjoy this so much, but then again, he loved everything about his Corwin. The velvet and warm, the soft and furred, the slick and smooth, it was all him.

Corwin panted and little moans escaped him as he reached for Allard's hand. Corwin Angled his legs for him. Holding hands Corwin breathed stronger and stronger, the moans almost echoing in the forest. With his other hand Allard massaged and stroked Corwin's lower belly, feeling how he began to pant faster and more shallow. Allard had to swallow a bit. The last bit of his reluctance was swept aside by the sheer pleasure he experienced from Corwin's moans and huffs and the strange and exciting taste of his friend. Intoxicated with lust, he pressed his lips all the way down, suckling on his lover and began to eagerly bob his head. Corwin's moans and his quaking body urged him on. Allard's paw wandered under Corwin's furred, plump sack, gently fondling and playing with its contents.

With Corwin's expressions of pleasure his own lust grew, finding pure joy in how the body of his lover responded to his actions. Never before was he one like this with him and when Corwin squeezed his hand, he pressed down. He felt Corwin's stomach tighten as his drawn out, wailing moan echoed across the valley.

With the rich and heavy taste filling his mouth he felt almost woozy with love for Corwin. It was such a wrong thing to do, but the same time, so exciting. Receiving so intimately from his lover, the feelings of guilt and shame only added to his lust.

Corwin fell back, a wide smile on his open mouth, eyes only half open. Twitching and jerking as Allard cleaned him eagerly.

Allard panted heavily, licking his lips as he crawled up to face him, smooching his lover with small kisses.

"By the tree... bugger me... wow." Corwin squeezed him while his breathing eased, but Allard nipped on his neck and could not help but to grind on him. Corwin seemed to understand how badly Allard needed release. He kissed him and guided him to lie on his back.

'This is so wrong... Oh tree, but I want it. What would they think of us?' Allard beamed up from below, diving into the green emeralds and feeling the butterflies in his belly go mad. 'Remember what you were taught... block out everything that's foreign and look at the truth without fear...' In that moment he found the truth in the depths of Corwin's soul... in these beautiful, green gems and the last chain broke. 'Love does not judge.'

Corwin leaned forward and kissed Allard. He kissed him with such a pure love that Allard was overwhelmed by the innocence beneath the passion. Innocence, because there was no doubt, no fear and no judgement... no difference. For the first time he felt free. Truly free in its purest sense. They were travelling for so long, were free in body to go wherever they pleased, but they never were fully free in mind. Invisible chains that only the wearer can break. Allard felt accepted... fully loved in his entirety. There was nothing left that needed hiding and he could share it all with Corwin. Times of sorrow, times of joy, pain, luck, love and lust. He felt comfortable laying his soul bare in front of him.

While they kissed Corwin's hand brushed along his belly and further down till Allard quaked and moaned into Corwin's mouth.

Corwin sat up and huffed, displaying his full size while he slowly lowered his bottom onto Allard.

Allard winced at this new sensation, feeling the slick heat engulf him.

Corwin stopped once in a while, clenching his eyes and mouth.

Allard panted and had trouble keeping his tongue in check. "Donf't hurft youfelf."

Corwin had to chuckle. "No worries... This feels... Ohhh... great...", he lowered himself fully onto Allard and moaned out. "Fuck yes... that's the right spot". He reached for Allard's hands and placed them on his hips, shuddering while rolling his pelvis.

Allard hackled and moaned with every thrust, feeling dizzy with lust. He pulled Corwin down to kiss him, his claws burying into his fur as he pressed his lips onto Corwin's. Their tongues danced in passion and lust while Allard did small, deep thrusts into his beloved. He sucked on Corwin's lips and tongues brushed along each other, the joint sounds of pleasure growing louder and louder in the night.

Corwin sat back onto Allard, taking him in all the way, showing off his own sizable facilities in the faint shine of the glowing embers.

Allard reached down and stroked Corwin's length. Feeling his pulse pounding in his paw and his appendage swelling harder he aimed him for his mouth in unmannerly anticipation. Before he could receive again from his lover a merciless torrent of heat and relief shot through his body. He whimpered out and quaked under Corwin finding release in Corwin's depths. When Allard felt his lover suddenly clench tightly around him and shudder he quickly opened his mouth wide in naughty expectancy while enjoying the sensation of his climax fading into the afterglow. Soon he wondered, though. "Nothing?" He panted.

"Hnnnngh, dry... one... fuck yes." Corwin moaned out and his gasps faded into easing panting. Catching breath he leaned forward and rested on top of Allard, both hugging and wallowing in the afterglow. The valley grew silent once more.

In slow movements Allard stroked along Corwin's neck and back, tracing his form with his palm. He had expected to feel guilt, shame even, but none of these emotions dared to come around. Instead it was a load off his mind. He felt free and loved.

Steam emerging from under the covers the joint heat engulfed them in a comfortable, timeless moment that was all of existence for them.

Carefully he pushed Corwin's chin up and kissed him.

"Hmm, still cuddly?" Corwin asked.

"I cannot get enough of you, I am a greedy bugger after all."

"Nah, if at all, you are my greedy bugger." Corwin chuckled, then yawned.

"Want to sleep?" Allard whispered in a warm tone.

Corwin only nodded and so Allard carefully rolled with him onto his side, bedding his love for the night. Both got comfortable and the last of Corwin he saw for the night, was the most gentle of smiles as he faded into a deep sleep.


In the middle of the night, Allard began to breath heavily and his hackles rose. His eyes squeezed shut and his jaw tensed. He woke with a jerk when a cold shiver crawled down his spine. His eyes were wide open in horror, his breath visible as if it was freezing cold. He saw the echo of his dream, two trees besides each other, branches intertwined, but one was dead. A three eyed raven sat in its crown. The image slipped his grasp no matter how hard the tried to hold onto it. The dream died away and only the glaring eyes of the raven remained, burned into his mind.

'No! No, this can't be. Not him...' Allard did not move. He was frozen; did not even blink. 'It was him... the three eyed raven.' Tears ran down his cheeks.

"Alacor...". He whispered and he felt his heart was about to break.

That moment Corwin moved in his sleep and snuggled up to him. With a peaceful smile he whispered a so very warm "Allard... love you." and was fast asleep again.

Allard felt the words tighten around his throat like a rope. He kept Corwin close and began to silently cry.

'No... no... don't bring me the dreaded message... Alacor, I beg you, don't take him from me. By all that is holy I plead you don't do this, you can have everything the fuck you want, just don't take him away.'

He just held his Corwin and wanted to somehow hide him away.

Soon shock and fear turned into anger and hatred. 'Not him! I won't let you get him... I'll find a way. You rotten son of a bitch, I'll chase you down the deepest hell if I need to. I'll make you pay thousandfold. I swear, Alacor, I'll kill you!'

Awake for the rest of the night, his eyes lay motionless upon the dying remains of the fire. He gently caressed Corwin and held him close. Once in a while, his ears turned, hearing something deep in the forest and every time his heart skipped a beat.

Soon Allard decided to sneak out of bed. It was painful to let go of Corwin, but he had to do something. He turned one more loving gaze upon his beloved before rising to get his gear and stand guard over his Corwin; to place himself between life and death. No matter what, he had to try. A part of him knew better, but he would not forgive himself if he did not try.

"Corwin..." he whispered with a breaking voice, suppressing tears. "I love you."