The Eighteenth

Story by TheFurryAngel on SoFurry

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Preface: No kids around here, this is an adult entertainment story. People will swear, there will be sexual activity. GAY sexual activity. Please be prepared for background info. This is all fiction, what TFA did is s pseudo reflection of what I might have done or might have happened to me. Also, the characters ToraKuma (referred to within this story as ToKu) and Rodney the Rottweiler belong to the writer ToraKuma, please credit him with the character's creation. As yall know I don't usually dedicate stories but this one, like some of the others I've written, is special. This story is for all the people out there who have been hurt by suicide. Survivors, those who have friends and relatives who killed themselves, and those who took their own lives. Why would I do this? I tried to kill myself, but my friends stopped me. Thanks for keeping me here guys, this story is also for you. :)

Also, God shows up here, no not "God" as in Christian God or Jewish God or Islamic God or (Insert religion here) God. I decided that since everyone else got to make up a supreme deity that fit their ideals of a divine creator, then why the hell can't I? My point exactly! Having said that, I currently identify myself as a very accepting atheist who loves cock. God shows up here simply as a literary element/character. Worship whoever you want; I respect your right to. Time for fiction!


The Eighteenth

TheFurryAngel sat on a bench, 5 feet away from a pair of vixens who were slobbering over each other. TFA pulled a small black book out his pocket and opened it, feeling the smooth dark leather of the cover. A gold number, 18 to be exact, shone on the top right of the cover, he had 17 more identical books waiting for him.

He causally flipped through the pages, the book was almost full. The pages were a stark white and the text was faded into a light grey. He could still read the information but the assignments were completed. Except one. He turned to the last few pages. The text was dark and bold, a picture of a rather handsome tiger looked up from the first sheet. ToraKuma, also referred to as ToKu. A resident of California. A tiger. A sociophobe. And now TFA's assignment.

The exhausted cat leaned back against the bench and massaged his temples. He still had concerns about the motives of his superior.....

(TFA slapped the book down excitedly in front of the humanoid figure. Behind the desk a man, approximately mid 30s but one could never be totally sure, with giant eagle wings, lifted the book and skimmed through it.

"Very well. Your assignments have been completed, please wait for the next figures to be chosen for you."

TFA left the room, the accountant scribbling numbers and digging through paperwork. As the tiger left another man stopped him. This one had long vibrant gold hair. He wore a pair of scrubbed khakis and a t-shirt for the 6th Harry Potter movie. He smiled at the feline.

"Congratulations Brother-

TFA flinched visibly, "You don't have to call me that Gabrielle."

The angel smiled, "I see no reason not to."

"If that is your idea of humor, do yourself a miracle and change it."

"Forgive me Jimbo-

TFA jerked around toward Gabriel, his eyes flashed "I told you never to call me that."

"You won't forget, so why should I? Why should anyone?"

"Everyone has forgotten. It passed by them like wind through the trees."

Gabriel chuckled. "I guess you'll be like this until after your help?"

"My sentence you mean."

"No, not a sentence. You chose this."

"And you're saying going to Hell was a better option?"


"I'm not your damn brother!"

Gabriel's face softened "Calm yourself, I mean you no disrespect. I call you ‘Brother' because we are."

"No, you're an angel."

"And you then are?"

TFA turned back toward the wall. "An imposter, just like...

Gabriel sat down in a chair that appeared next to him. "Jimbo, I know what you did, you know what you did. But you were told to forgive everyone."

"I did."

A clanking sound rang down the hall and an angel in full armor approached TFA. "Jimbo, you have been assigned a new list of figures. You are to begin number 18 immediately. Return after you have finished."

The tiger snatched the black book out the angel's hands and pocketed it. He turned back to Gabrielle. "Got to go. And I told you, already forgave everyone who hurt me." The tiger vanished.

"Everyone but yourself, Jimbo, everyone but yourself.")

As his supervisor Gabriel was in charge of selecting the people Jimbo was sent to assist. Usually it was predictable, people whose ethics were wavering, people who had drinking or drug problems, potential suicides, Jimbo thought he knew what to expect. Until now. He was so close. Finish this assignment and he was free. Except Jimbo had no fucking clue how he was supposed to help ToKu. The tiger had changed his meds, bought himself a birthday present, and got a good bj from a cute Rottie.

What was wrong? Besides the tiger's fear of people. Jimbo stood up and popped his back. He might as well go through ToKu's recent events.

He appeared at the Temple of Phear in StonePier Colorado. Several weeks ago a rave was held here. ToKu was raped and, while Jimbo had been working on another assignment at the time, the angel had stopped to help the distressed male. Jimbo had not been expecting to ever have to work with the tiger, particularly as a job. And he was so close too! Jimbo could taste the sweetness of escape on his tongue, or rather, the tiger's tongue. Gabriel had said that his old body was being held, complete the master task and earn a second chance.

Jimbo stared at the pavement, here, here was were the angel had picked up ToKu and carried him back to the tiger's hotel. Jimbo vanished again and appeared in the empty hotel room. ToKu had used it and Jimbo could still remember the warmth of the feline's body as it lay in his arms. He walked over to the bedroom and stared in. He had laid ToKu down there and felt the desire. The desire to remove his clothing and mate with the tiger. The passion had burned in his chest while he restrained himself. Instead he had kissed ToKu and slipped a set of musical albums and an invitation to a date into the cat's pocket. ToKu never showed up for the lunch date.

Again he appeared elsewhere. This time it was a piercing parlor. Stepping inside, no one noticed him. A raccoon was sitting on a stool, stoned off his ass, while another coon discussed marijuana related issues with a customer. TFA used to feel a giddy excitement when he became unperceivable but now he treated it like an article of clothing, put in on and take it off.

He padded across the white floor, ignoring the smell of rubbing alcohol and incense. Two badgers were talking and one was attempting to convince the other to get a Prince Albert. TFA ignored them as well and phased through the black curtain. Here. A Rottweiler was piercing the ears of a female otter. She had her eyes squeezed shut and the dog smiled good naturedly. "No worries, ‘s alright babe."

TFA felt a surge in his limbs. What was it, jealousy? It was in that chair that ToKu got a blowjob from the horny Rottie. TFA curled his paws into fists. Definitely jealousy. Sparks danced around TFA's claws and the angel immediately brought himself under control. He shook his head, ToKu had every right to choose his own sexual partners, but still the angel felt like he wanted a chance.

NO! First rule, never get emotionally involved with an assignment. TFA swallowed the bitter lump in his throat. He was here for reconnaissance.

The angel turned on his heel and left. He phased through the curtain and resisted an urge to poke the baked coon and watch him fall off the stool.

Only one place left now.

TFA reappeared a few feet away from ToKu. In response the tiger yipped and stumbled back over the chair he was in and bumped his head on the floor. Whimpering as he rubbed his skull, ToKu looked up in fright. TFA smiled as he got down onto his knees, he touched the top of ToKu's head and the pain melted and the bruise vanished. He helped the feline up and ToKu stepped back, his face confused and defensive.


"Yeah, um, it's me again." TFA tried a weak grin but ToKu's expression didn't change.

"Why the hell are you in my house? Who are you? What the fuck is going on?" ToKu took another step back as he glared at the angel.

"I am here to help you, my name is TheFurryAngel, and you are now relishing the pleasure of my company."

ToKu's gaze remained centered on TFA. "I don't need your help. Thanks for what you did, but now please leave."

TFA shook his head, "Not an option, I know this is weird as hell but please, you need to trust me."

"Trust you? I don't even know who the fuck you are or what you want! You show up and carry me back to my room then disappear. What the fuck are you? What is going on around here?"

TFA felt a sliver of panic in his stomach, he needed to calm ToKu down. "I told you, I'm an angel. I help people and now, it is your turn."

"Why me?"

"I don't know, I just do what I'm told."

ToKu stared at the other tiger. "Well...

"Great! Think of me like a roommate, except I won't eat your food and I pay the rent and utilities."

ToKu blinked "Wh-what?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I don't need to eat, immortal you know? And I'll cover rent for your apartment until I leave."

"When will that be?"

"When I finish helping you."

ToKu sighed, the tiger was attractive but the scared feline could feel worry pounding in his chest. Who was this guy, really?


Later that evening, after TFA had brought back Chinese takeout for ToKu, the mortal cat sat before his computer trying to write while TFA slipped through his notebook. ToKu was a special case, he didn't have any specific orders, just stay with the tiger until further notice. TFA groaned to himself, how long was that going to be?

Racking his brain the angel got an idea.

"Hey ToKu?"


"When's last time you went on a date?"


"Date? Boyfriends? Sex? Cum? Condoms, fun, sweaty in the back of a car hoping you don't get a ticket for indecent exposure? Food and a Movie? Date?"

The tiger huddled in his chair. The angel's voice was smooth but the sociophobia screamed inside his brain. "Uh, uh, I don't know."

"Hmm, maybe I should set you up, what arouses you?"

"What? What kind of question is that?"

"A simple one, do you have a bondage fetish, do you like feet, are you an anal addict, need to know these things before I find someone for you. You like good thinkers or good fuckers?"

"Don't you already know? Aren't you a real angel?"

TFA flinched and was silent. After a few minutes ToKu turned around but the angel was staring in the opposite direction.

"TFA? You alright."

"Fine." His voice cracked and he tried to hide it.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, fine. So! I'm thinking-

"Wait, you know me, you got a book about me. I don't know anything about you, maybe you could tell me about yourself."

TFA shook a little. "It's not important."

ToKu got up and sat down next to the angel. "It's ok, just tell me, I won't judge."

TFA looked away. "I, uh, fucked up a lot."


"Ancient history, don't matter."

"Tell me."

"It's not pretty."

"Neither is my life."

TFA turned back, ToKu's eyes were soft and shining.

"Ok, but, maybe it's better if I show you." The angel slipped a paw around ToKu's waist and they dissolved into mist in the blink of an eye.

(ToKu was sitting in a classroom. He blinked once, then realized no one could see him. TFA sat next to him and the angel pointed at one of the humans in the class. A young man sat at the back and to the left. In jeans and a hauntingly familiar grey hoodie. ToKu's stomach clenched, it couldn't be. The human remained impassive the entire class. Students around him hummed with conversation.

They vanished and reappeared later, now the human was sitting with several other humans, friends maybe? The group laughed and engaged each other but the guy in the hoodie never seemed to really connect and get involved.

Flashes dropped before ToKu, the scene repeated as time went on. Similar events. But each time the human seemed to smile a little less, say fewer words, fade into the background.

ToKu could hear it, the storm inside the man, rumbling and screeching. Desiring release.

The storm broke. A week before prom he couldn't take it anymore, the feelings, the insecurities, the machinations of the soul for which there are not words to describe. ToKu could feel them. The hate and the lust and the misery and the longing and the endless searing pain.

He tried, the human tried, but he couldn't keep everything choked down forever. He sat there, midnight, an hour ago he had swallowed a bottle or two of aspirin. He didn't remember, it didn't matter.

ToKu held his breath as the guy pulled a razor blade out of his pocket. "No" the tiger breathed. His words were swallowed by the memory and were flung beyond space and time.

The cold steel winked luridly and then it sank in. It tore with an unholy hunger and the man cut, splatters of hot blood, in thin red lines, flattened against the wall. ToKu's chest felt like it was churning, he tried to avert his gaze but he couldn't look away. The gory sight filled his eyes and hot tears burned his irises. The man collapsed in a crimson puddle. The warm blood staining the tiles and walls.

They were gone, TFA and ToKu. Now they stood somewhere else but the mortal tiger couldn't think of the place. It was a hallway, a long hallway with dull gold bricks. A figure shrouded in a white robe stood there. He was talking to another angel who was smiling gently.

"I'm proud to welcome you Brother. Complete what you have been assigned and you are free to go. You're record will be purged."

The shrouded figure trembled a little. "What, um, about me and not, uh looking like I used to."

The angel's face turned grave. "I'm sorry, but you know the law. You have rejected what you were given once, now if you want it back you will have to earn it. "

"So I'm stuck like this?"

"Until after you fill every book."

"Fine" The figure pulled away the ivory cloth and ToKu's jaw dropped. It was him. TFA. "How many books?"

"Eighteen. One for every year you cast aside."

TFA accepted the black book from the angel's hands.

"No idea what I'm supposed to do by the way."

The man smiled, "You'll learn as you go Brother. Good luck.")

ToKu blinked and rubbed his eyes. He was back in his apartment. "TFA. What the hell...

The angel was gone.


Across town TFA hid in a Starbucks. His stomach burned and he was furious. He had sworn he would never go back to those memories, but he had, and he had shown someone else. He sat there cursing himself and his pocket buzzed.

He opened it and the caller i.d. indentified his caller as ToKu. Sighing the angel answered.

"H-hey ToKu."

"TFA, you alright? I didn't mean to make you feel, you know, uncomfortable or anything."

"It's fine, it's just, I really don't like going back there."

"Why did you do it?"


"Why? Is there something wrong?"

"Fuck it, no, it's just, I don't know." TFA's stomach was twisting into knots.

"I'm not mad." The tiger's voice over the phone was like cool water.

"Hey ToKu?"


"Um, I was thinking, you stood me up for lunch, how about dinner tomorrow night?"


TFA smiled into the phone, his stomach turned over again in agonized anticipation of the truth.


ToKu sniffed and sneezed. He yawned deeply and got out of bed. He scratched his head as he headed for the showers, TFA was sitting on the couch, the angel hadn't moved since he had returned last night after their phone conversation.

The cat stripped and entered the shower. The hot water ran over his back and down his chest. Bathing had been difficult due to soreness from the piercings, but when TFA had healed the tiger's head, he seemed to have healed the tiger's chest as well.

Tiger paws rubbed shampoo into his fur, the clean smell permeated the bathroom and he sighed heavily. He had an unexpected roommate with more baggage than the JFK Airport and no clue how to get rid of him. Hell, even the angel wasn't sure when he could leave. ToKu scrubbed the soap from his wrists and stepped out onto the mat. He toweled off quickly and slipped into some boxers.

TFA was still on the couch, now seemingly asleep. ToKu crept into his room and dressed. He pulled on a pair of denim shorts and a Guns and Roses shirt. He left and was perusing through his kitchen for breakfast when the doorbell rang.

Rodney's cheery face greeted him.

"Hey ToKu, sorry ‘bout dropping in early, wanted to catch you when you were home."

"It's cool, I don't work Saturdays."

"Great! Um, by the way, I'm going to see District 9 tonight, any chance you want to go see it and grab some dinner afterward?"


The Rottweiler winked and left, leaving ToKu with a warm floating sensation that bubbled down to his toes. TFA lay on the couch, awake and trying to ignore his heart as it jumped into his throat.

ToKu was too excited to eat so he sat down at his computer and stared at his latest story. 4 hours later he hadn't written a thing. TFA left and told the tiger he wouldn't be back till tomorrow. Angel business, nothing wrong. ToKu bid the other fur goodbye and returned to Microsoft Word.


TFA stood back in the hallway. Inside his book the text for ToKu had faded out to the light grey. Mission complete. He handed it in and the bile rose in his mouth.

"Book 18 is finished." The angel looked up at the tiger, his face was as sterile as a doctor's, "Gabriel has requested to speak to you." His voice was a monotone, no more emotion than a dead body possesses.

TFA wandered through the halls to his boss's office. The name "Gabriel" stood out in big lavender letters on the door. Knocking once, TFA entered when he was called.

Inside Gabriel sat smiling. "You finished Brother, all 18 books are full and you have done what was requested."

"You set me up."

"I'm sorry?"

"You assigned me to ToKu on purpose."

"Of course I did, it is my job to select-

"No, you wanted me to see him again, taunt me with what I couldn't have, make me feel like shit all over again."

Gabriel sighed. "Brother, you have always been overly emotional, it is your flaw. I had hoped that seeing ToKu reject you would break anything left that held you back."

"So now what Gab? I go back and kill myself again? Another 18 books for you?"

"No, it is not my intent that you return just to slit your throat a second time, we get enough of your kind-

"What the fuck do you know about me?" TFA's voice lowered, "What do you know about pain? You don't feel, you don't cry, you don't love. You just machines."

Gabriel's eyes narrowed to slits. "You're treading into dangerous ground tiger."

"Does it matter you bastard? I can make a Heaven of Hell and Hell of Heaven."

Gabriel sighed and leaned back in his chair, the smooth fragrant leather holding his body in a soft embrace. "You didn't learn a thing did you? You think you're the only one with problems? You had everything Jimbo, everything! And you threw it away; you knew you needed help, why didn't you ask for it? Why didn't you go to a doctor when you knew you needed protection, from yourself as much as anyone else? I have no sympathy for you anymore; you squandered your time and embarrassed yourself. You don't deserve to go back."

The door opened abruptly and a tall humanoid walked in. His wings filled the doorway and his armor gleamed. He was decked out in metal plates, each seamlessly fitting with each other to give him complete protection and an air of invulnerability. Across his back was a sword as long as the angel was tall. The blade was almost 2 feet wide.

Gabriel stood up to bow. "Michael, to what do I owe this visit."

"Change of plans Gabriel, Jimbo is being transferred to my jurisdiction."

"I'm sorry but I must protest-

"I outrank you Gabriel." The angel behind the desk almost spoke again but he bit his lip.

"Very well, Jimbo, go with Michael, you report to him now."

The tiger and the angel left and, as TFA walked beside his new supervisor, the tiger's guts were jumping around his midsection.

After a few minutes of walking and silence TFA couldn't stand it.

"What was that for?" He blurted it out in a high pitched squeak before he could stop himself and to his surprise Michael started laughing. Weirded out, TFA stood there watching the angel pull a handkerchief from his belt and dry his eyes.

-Hehehe- "Warn me -he- next time before you do something funny." TFA couldn't speak, words caught in his throat and he choked out gobbledygook. Michael smiled as he looked down at the tiger. "Cheer up, switching to my department is a good sign. Now you're a free lance agent."


"No more filling up books. You get to head out and work on your own schedule."

"Why didn't you just call me?"

"I had to escort you."

"Where?" The archangel stopped and TFA turned to read the name on the door. His blood froze and his head swam.

"Good luck Brother, God will see you now."


ToKu bounced around his apartment. Any minute now Rodney would show up (Damn these new meds are working great) and they would be leaving for the movies. The tiger checked his clothes; he hadn't changed all day since he hadn't left the house. He made sure his fur was brushed and nervously skittered around his home.

The doorbell rang and he jumped off the couch.

Rodney's broad grinned stood in the door.

"Ready ToKu?"


Rodney drove and ToKu tried to make small talk. His heart pounded as the door cheerfully replied. After parking Rodney got out but as ToKu got out he slipped and fell to his knees.

The canine immediately helped him up and the tiger shivered in pleasure as the dog's thick arms held him.

Across the street a horse scoffed. "Fucking faggots, they're everywhere." In response Rodney pulled ToKu into a kiss, the Rottie's pink tongue slithering into the tiger's maw. The horse turned red and muttered something in disgust as he sauntered off.

Rodney held them together for a few more seconds before breaking apart. The dog blushed slightly, "S-sorry, he just, I thought, um, maybe we should get to the movie."

ToKu started turning a little red himself and followed the dog into the theater. His tiger eyes following the firm buttocks of his date, the tense muscles shifting in the shorts.

The movie seemed to pass in a blur, aliens, humans, bitching back and forth. ToKu felt his heart racing and he turned to Rodney. The Rottie turned to the tiger at the same moment with a comment when the faces met and their lips touched. ToKu didn't hesitate. In the dark of the mostly empty theater he scooted onto Rodney's lap.

ToKu sucked on his lover's tongue while the dog ran his paws over the muscles of the tiger's back. ToKu nibbled on Rodney's ears and licked down the side of his muzzle, nipping at the dark neck fur. Murring quietly Rodney ran his tongue over ToKu's face, tasting the delightful tang of kitty.

"Mmm, hey babe, how about we skip the movie and head back to my place for dinner?" The Rottie whispered in the dark, grinning. ToKu licked the canine's nose in response.

Rodney led his tiger out of the theater and back to his car. He drove back to his humble apartment as fast he could, his sex drive flaring and his feet tingling.

ToKu followed Rodney up the stairs to the dog's apartment. The Rottie unlocked the door and ushered the feline inside and as ToKu moved out of the entryway and into the main living area he sat down onto a couch. Rodney hurried into the kitchen and began cooking, soon the mouthwatering smell of steaks and corn emanated from the kitchen.

ToKu wandered in and the Rottie was busy cooking. With the moderate warmth in here, Rodney had removed his shirt and donned a "Kiss the Cook" apron. As he turned around ToKu hugged him close and kissed him. Their tongue squished together in their mouths, saliva mixing.

"Damn kitty you taste good."

"You too doggie" ToKu winked.

Rodney blushed and turned back to the food as ToKu wrapped his arms around the canine's thick waist and purred into his lover's ear. The dog murred back and rubbed his muzzle against the tiger's.

The steam from the stove and the scent of the meat wafted up and across their snouts, ToKu couldn't hold back a small contented sigh. Rodney kissed him on the side of the muzzle and the tiger broke their embrace.

"Beers in the fridge, babe. Grab us a few please."

ToKu opened the white machine and plucked 2 cold bottles from the top shelf as Rodney moved the steaks out of the oven and onto the plates next to steamed corn and rice pilaf.

Rodney led the feline over to the table and put the warm plate in front of him. ToKu's stomach growled in anticipation and he tore in hungrily. The steaks were medium rare, still juicy but cooked enough to avoid salmonella. Rodney stifled a chuckle as ToKu ate with great relish.

"So kitty, I guess I should ask you tell me about yourself."

ToKu swallowed a mouthful of steak. "Um, I'm a tiger," Rodney smiled "not sure what else there is. I mean I'm a fan of music and I love to write."

"Really? What do you usually write?"

ToKu blushed a deeper shade of crimson around his orange muzzle. "Um, adult fiction."

"You write erotic fiction?"

ToKu steadily turned red. "Y-yeah." He stared down into his empty plate. He wasn't embarrassed about his writing; it was just that he posted it online so he never had to speak face to face about anything he wrote.

Rodney rose from his seat, the delicious dinner left him feeling full and the scent of the tiger was getting him going. "Then" the Rottie took ToKu's paw and pulled him into his huge arms "maybe you could show me what fantasies are made of."

ToKu kissed Rodney and the dog slipped his tongue into the tiger's mouth. Without realizing it ToKu started purring slowly in his throat and the canine smiled through the kiss. "Hmm, tickles when you purr kitty." ToKu smiled back. "Come on, maybe we should retire to more comfortable scenery."

The Rottweiler lifted the feline's legs so they wrapped around his waist and ToKu put his arms around the dog's neck, nibbling on the dark fur and causing his lover to murr contentedly.

Rodney easily carried the tiger, weaving past the couch and into the bedroom. He set the tiger down and they shared another kiss. (Fuck, oh Rodney you taste so good)

The Rottie broke their kiss and sauntered over to his dresser ToKu curled up on the bed and started purring. The dog pulled out some leather bracers and rope as well as a leash and collar. He clipped the collar on and put the leather around his wrists while ToKu watched.

"Um, hope you don't mind, but, uh, I kinda like being, you know, tied up when I'm bottoming."

ToKu's face got hot and he blushed again, he had almost assumed the Rottie would be on top but if the dog wanted to be submissive the tiger wasn't going to argue. Rodney climbed into bed and ToKu tied the dog's paws to the bed posts. He purred and rubbed his muzzle against the dog's.

ToKu slipped a claw into the waist of Rodney's pants and pulled the off in one flick. The dog's boxers were already starting to tent and ToKu kneaded the shaft through the fabric, Rodney murred in deep canine fashion.

ToKu removed his lover's undergarment slowly, stretching out the moment until the Rottie hood was free and slapped back against the dog's belly, a thin clear thread of pre was flung across his fur. ToKu shifted to kneeling at the canine's feet and started to undress. He pulled his shirt up over his shoulders and took his time. Rodney growled in pleasure and his leaking member throbbed and drooled a healthy pool of clear sweet pre over his pubic fur.

Toku removed the shirt and cast it aside. He felt partially exposed but the Rottie just grinned back at him, waiting for more and enjoying the tease. Trying not to blush ToKu unbuttoned his pants and moved them down. His boxers were pressing against his tiger hood and there was already a dark wet spot on his boxers.

Rodney licked his chops, salivating in anticipation as the kitty slithered out of his pants, brushing up against the horny dog and blowing softly into his ear. The Rottie's cock jumped and left another line of pre across his belly. ToKu ran a finger across the canine stomach and lifted it to his lips. He sucked on the digit with great apparent relish, savoring the taste of the dog's juices while Rodney panted excitedly.

The tiger's boxers became too confining so he began taking them off. He slipped them down over his backside, giving Rodney a great view of his beautiful orange ass. The dog barked joyously and ToKu giggled. The boxers came down further and past the tiger's ankles. The now free kitty hood pulsed and ached with need for release.

ToKu grasped Rodney's shaft in one paw and jacked it. The dog leaned his head back and murred, he was in ecstasy. The tiger dipped his other paw in the slick of pre on the dog's belly and pressed a digit up against the canine tail hole. Rodney yipped as the finger worked its way in, stretching him open.

"S-sorry babe, haven't bottomed for a while, might be kind of a tight fit." ToKu licked his lips and grinned.

"I better open you up then" and he pushed a second finger in. the dog panted and his tongue flopped and he closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensations. The pads of the tiger's paw worked over the delicate flesh of his masculinity and ToKu leaned down and licked it. The dog hood jumped and rewarded the tiger with a taste of pre.

The Rottie's knot began swelling and ToKu squeezed it gently. He opened wide and took the organ into his mouth as he pushed a third finger in his lover's warm rectum. Rodney murred loudly in appreciation and the tiger smiled with a mouthful of cock. The phallic flesh was turning purple and was hard as steel, ToKu bobbed his head up and down as best he could, his tongue teasing over the piercing in the Rottie's meat. Overall though ToKu could only get about half of his doggie into his mouth, his gag reflex was in full effect.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, ToKu gripped his lover's shaft firmly and forced it into his lips and down his gullet. Rodney yipped in surprise as the tiger teared up and tried not to vomit. The warm kitty throat squelched across the dog hood ToKu swallowed whenever he could.

"Please babe, m-mate me." ToKu pulled the sloppy cock out of his maw and dipped his second paw into the puddle of pre on the dog's belly again. He coated his own tiger hood in slick fluid, pulling jacking the shaft.

Rodney was gasping and grinning as ToKu lifted the dog's hips to allow easier access. "You're sure this is ok Rodney?"

"Do it, babe" Blushing a little ToKu pushed again against the pucker and Rodney barked as he was penetrated. The thick invading tiger cock stretched him open his murred happily.

Dots of light swam in ToKu's vision as the sensory overload hit him. The feel of the dog's ass, so warm and wet and inviting. It was blasting his mind apart and he let out a loud purr.

"Fuck yeah kitty, fuck me harder!" As ToKu pulled out he thrust his hips forward again as hard he could, hilting himself in one go. Rodney barked as his guts were invaded but the pain gave way to pleasure and he whined and murred deeply. Every fourth or fifth push ToKu hit the dog's prostate, making the hard Rottie hood pulse out a continuous stream of pre.

ToKu could feel himself sweating as he moved back and forth in a steady rhythm. His waist bucked, almost by instinct as he bred the Rottweiler, the smell of furry musk mixed in the bedroom atmosphere.

ToKu leaned over as he humped and kissed the dog, the Rottie's tongue snaked into his lover's maw and delighted in the taste of tiger. The feline sucked on the dog's tongue and released it. The kitty moved down the Rottie's neck and shoulders, sucking on the fur and nibbling on the tattoos.

"Oh fuck ToKu, yeah... oh..." Rodney could barely speak as the feline plowed him but he didn't need to, ToKu purred in response as he felt his climax rising.

"I'm, I'm close, babe... oh ToKu. ToKuuuuuuuuuu!" The Rottie's shaft erupted as hot waves of cum splattered up and over. The steaming translucent seed drenched ToKu's chest and hung in thick whitish ropes as rivers of doggie spooge soaked into the fur across Rodney's massive pecs and firm belly.

The dog's tail hole clamped down as he came and ToKu exploded inside his lover. He didn't purr this time, he roared. The deafening sound waves reverberated off the walls as ToKu felt his claws release, his chest and limbs filled with a bestial mating vigor and his head cleared, he felt invincible and complete, dominant male and master of this canine.

Hot gushes of tiger spunk flooded Rodney's ass the dog was dimly aware of the gel filling him as he was washed in his afterglow. ToKu panted as he growled, his vision went to black as he nerves struggled to deal with the impulses coming in. He collapsed, exhausted, onto Rodney, and enjoyed a face full of Rottie cum.

"Fuck, just... fuck. That was... fuck" ToKu struggled to put words together but he couldn't.

"Mmm, amazing babe." Rodney licked the top of the tiger's head. The scent of sweat, spunk, and animal musk clung to the air molecules stubbornly but neither of them cared. ToKu rolled to the side and untied the Rottie, enjoying his kitty afterglow.

Rodney turned onto his side, his stomach sloshing as he could feel the ocean of steamy tiger seed still in his ass, he felt full and content.

ToKu snuggled into the Rottie's tattooed arms, kissing his lover under the muzzle and on the chest.

"Thank you Rodney."

"Anytime, babe."


TFA opened the door and entered the office. Inside was slightly different than what he was expecting. It was a giant white room, expanding into infinity. There was a white table with two bottles of Mountain Dew, a laptop, and Morgan Freeman.

TFA cautiously approached. The man appeared intent on focusing on his computer and fiddled with the head set he was wearing.

Attached to one of the bottles was a card that had "TFA" scrawled on the side. The angel picked it up. (Though you might be thirsty, enjoy)

TFA picked up but the bottle and Morgan shouted.


The man looked over at the angel who was hiding behind a chair.

"Hello, Jimbo. Glad you could make it. Raiding, or trying to raid Naxx. Had to PuG it and the raid leader is being a total asshat. YEAH? WELL DO ME A FAVOR, TAKE A STEP BACK, AND LITERALLY FUCK YOUR OWN FACE BITCH! I DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHAT YOU THINK YOU MECHANICAL DOUCHE MONKEY. One sec Jimbo, calling this bitch out. FUCK THIS MAGE; GET ME A DPS WHO DOESN'T DICK AROUND. OK fuck this group." Morgan tapped some more keys and closed his laptop.


"Sorry about that, the group was being a bunch of asshats, but enough about them." Morgan pulled a folder out of jacket and opened it.

"Let's see. You love cats; you're gay, and used to be a human. I don't see any problems." Morgan stamped some documents and handed the folder to the stunned angel.

"What the fuck is going on?" TFA blurted it out a little more directly than he had intended but Morgan just laughed.

"Bout time son, was wondering when you were going to say something. Freaks most people out when they see me but after that movie, whatever the fuck it was called, I usually just walk around as Morgan Freeman. Makes people feel ok to visualize me as a badass actor."

"Um, so, what do I now? When do I get my body back?"

"You already have a body."

"But Gabriel said I would get my old one."

God raised an eyebrow. "Son, we both know you sure as shit don't want to be human again. I'm placing you in Michael's department; free lance work is bitchin' yo. You get to call your own schedule, just dick around if you want to, it's fun! Call me if you start playing WoW, I'll gear you if you can do decent dps."

"Um, thank you?"

God laughed again "You sometimes the best part of being me is getting to see yall shit yourselves when you meet me, it's fuckin' great."

"Ok. I guess I'll go now."

"By the way, about ToKu."

TFA froze.

"Let him go, sometimes things work out, sometimes they don't. Don't go chasing a night with him; you'll just hurt both of you."

TFA blushed "I wasn't...

"Um, yeah you were. You've been trying to get in his pants and up his ass since you met him. Just back off a little, but good idea for a bday gift anyway."

TFA scurried off and out the door.


ToKu raised his head and yawned as the dawn light filtered in through the window. A sea of dried cum made his fur stick to Rodney and the sheets. As the tiger rose the Rottie woke up.

"Morning babe, damn you're good in bed."

ToKu turned a little red around the whiskers. "Th-thanks. Um, thanks for everything, I don't mean to rush but...

"It's cool, let me grab my keys."

ToKu dressed and Rodney drove him back home. They stopped and kissed. Their tongues curled around each other and the tiger sighed. Rodney's eyes were shining in the early morning.

"See you later kitty."

"You too Rottie."

ToKu crept up to apartment for a relaxing shower.


TFA watched the Rottweiler drive off. The tiger angel smiled to himself and picked up a piece of chalk. He had everything ready, now he just needed to finish the design. He drew with practiced skill and was shortly done.

Turning back he smiled and picked up a bouquet of flowers.

"You guys ready? I want this to be perfect for him."


ToKu stepped out of the shower stall onto the tile. He dried and massaged his fur, drying it until he felt fluffy and clean. He picked up some clothes and was pulling his shirt over his head when he heard it.

"Sweet wonderful you,

You make me happy with the things you do,

Oh, can it be so,

This feeling follows me wherever I go"

That voice, it tingled in the tiger's ears.

"I never did believe in miracles,

But I've a feeling it's time to try.

I never did believe in the ways of magic,

But I'm beginning to wonder why.

Don't, don't break the spell,

It would be different and you know it will,

You, you make loving fun,

And I don't have to tell you you're the only one."

ToKu ran to the window and hoisted it open. Down in the parking lot TFA was standing in front of a giant chalk message.

(Happy Belated Birthday Sexy Tiger)

The angel was holding a bunch of flowers as Mick Fleetwood and co. stood behind him playing.

"You make loving fun.

You make loving fun."

ToKu was down the stairs in an instant. TFA smiled at him as the tiger padded over to him.


"Happy Birthday" The angel handed the kitty the flowers and grinned "I'm no musician so I asked some friends for help."

ToKu felt his eyes grow wet and he jumped into the angel's arms.

TFA smiled back at the band "Thanks Mick."

"Anytime man." The musicians faded away like smoke on the wind.

"Th-thank you TFA, but how did you know?"

"I have a whole book on you remember? Just picked a band and brought them in. Happy Birthday Big Sexy Tiger."

The rays of the sun fell in gentle patterns around then as ToKu nuzzled against the angel.


Finally! 18 pages, holy fuck this is the longest thing I've ever written :O Happy Birthday ToKu! Hope yall like this, if you haven't go to ToraKuma's profile and read the story "Piercing Parlor Panic." It is the precursor for this story.