Study Group

Story by steb on SoFurry

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#1 of Hanging Out

It was my last year at high school and I was at one of my friends house trying to cram some much needed study before my HSC exams next week. And typical of a group of teenagers we were doing a really bad job at it, putting little or no effort in. Personally I think studying is a waste of time. If you can't remember something from a week ago what's the chance of remembering it 12 hours from now with a hundred other things at the same time?

At this point in time I was trying to work out a complicated maths formula. Trigonometry, the worst thing ever to prove in maths. Out of the corner of my eye I saw it coming. Interrupting my train of thought for what must have been the 30th time in the last 3 hours a paper plane made its attack on me. A quick puff of fire set the plane smouldering to the floor. I heard laughter from behind me. Turning my head I eyed the culprit, a Raccoon named Max. I never saw the second plane coming until it hit me between the eyes. This brought a chorus of laughter from everyone else in the room. Growling, I stood up and stretched. This brought howls of protest from the three other people in the room.

"Oops, I forgot how small this room was." I said, my voice dripping with fake innocence.

"Yeah," Max said, "it's a small as your brain!" this brought on another round of laughter from everyone including me.

"Well then how big is your brain?" I questioned, walking over to him and poking him in the gut.

"Hey! Come on! Raccoons are naturally fat!" Max said in self-defence.

"Yeah right!" a Husky named Patrick yelled, "I bet if we were to compare you to another Raccoon..." He never finished the sentence because a big ball of paper hit him on the muzzle. Faster than I could blink Patrick leaped across the room and crash tackled Max to the ground and started to wrestle with him.

Chuckling to myself I stepped out of the room and started to walk down the hallway to answer the call of nature. Having been here a few times before I knew my way around the place pretty well. I stopped, opened a door and stepped into a small bathroom.

After answering the call of nature I washed my hands. As I stood there washing my hands I gazed at my reflection in the mirror above the sink. Two piercing blue eyes stared back. My hard red scales that went from the top of my head, down my back and to the tip of my tail glistered in the light. Softer pale pink scales flowed from the underside of my snout down my stomach and my tail. A mess of pale blond hair sat upon my head.

Someone started pounding on the door, "Hey! You wanna take any longer in there? I'm busting!"

Realizing I was lost in a moment of self absorption I opened the door and stepped out

"About damn time!" exclaimed the grey wolf standing there and hurried into the bathroom and slamming it behind him. A loud moan of relief could soon be heard.

Walking back down the hallway in the direction of the kitchen I soon saw that everyone had joined me on my little break from study.

"You'd better Alex to stop trying to take the doors of the hinges. My parents would kill me if they came home and found the place destroyed." Patrick told us.

"Meh," I said shrugging my shoulders, "What's for lunch?"

"Well it would appear that SOMEONE has raided the food in the fridge." Patrick said eyeing Max suspiciously.

"Well you did say ‘foods in the fridge, help yourselves'."

"Not meaning eat everyone's share as well!"

"Guys!" yelled Alex the wolf, stepping into the room and into the middle of the verbal fight, "Isn't there a cafe down the road? We could all do with a walk after sitting around for so long." shooting a glance a Max.

"Yeah, that's right. Blame it all on the fat guy and then tell him he needs the exercise. Gee, what a good group of friends you are!" wined Max, clearly trying to make us all feel guilty.

With a sigh, Alex turned to me and asked "What do you think Rex?"

"Hm? I think we should. We all could use a break."

This comment was met with a loud groan from Max.

"Though he might need to be flown there." I said pointing at Max.


Alex, Max and I waited outside because Patrick needed to lock the place up before we left. It was a hot December day. Being a dragon the heat didn't affect me too much. I stood there slowly warming my wings up after hours of laziness, watching the heat rise in waves off the black road while Alex and Max stood in the shade of the front porch.

Patrick walked outside and asked "So how are you going to fly Max 200 metres down the road?"

"I have wings don't I?" I responded

"Yeah, but you gotta lift the weight of a small truck" Alex pointed out

"He can't be that heavy" I said as rapped my arms around Max stretched my wings out and started to flap them, slowly at first then faster and faster. I heard Patrick whisper something to Alex though I couldn't make out what was said. Slowly we started to lift up into the sky. I managed to get up 1 metre before my left wing started to spasm uncontrollably. The result was Max and I falling to a heap on the ground. This must have appeared funny to Alex and Patrick because they burst out laughing.

"Ow!" Max exclaimed as he got to his feet. I continued lay on the ground rest my hurting wing.

"That-was-freaking-hilarious!" Patrick managed to say in his fit of laughter. Alex had since stopped laughing as he pulled a $5 note out of his wallet and handed it to Patrick. He stepped up to me and gave me a nudge with his foot.

"You all right down there?" he asked his voice full of concern.

"Yeah, I think so. Help me up." I held my hand up in the air and Alex grabbed it and pulled me to my feet.

"What happened?"

"Big time cramp" I slowly massaged my cramped wing.

"Looks like I won!" Patrick taunted as he waved the $5 note in Alex's face.

"That was a stupid idea, you really doubted me flying Max to the cafe that much?" I questioned

"Yep" Patrick agreed

"Stupid that only happened because I handed moved for a few hours" I pointed out. I started to stretch my wings with more care. I took my shirt of which allowed me to move more freely. Doing this exposed my finely sculpted body, complete with six pack. A wolf whistle broke through the air.

"Helloooooooo sexy!" Alex taunted. I promptly shoot a death stare his way. I walked up to Max

"Ready for round two?" I questioned Max

"Not if involves more pain"

"It won't" I rapped my arms back around him and started to lift off again.

"We'll meet you down there" Patrick said. I nodded. Being a wolf and husky, Alex and Patrick could run on all fours and would probably beat us there. This was one race I wasn't willing to lose.