david's collage days part seventen

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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Upon coming home from holiday David and Sarah now had a pet horse, a young shire horse by the name of horse and at £50 squid no questions asked it was there's and from a distance it looked healthy.

After the long ride home the horse was eating grass buy the load.

"But is it healthy?" Asked Sarah

As soon as they got home Sarah gathered some water in a bucket for the horse to drink from whilst David gave a check over, it seemed to be a healthy young foul but just in case Sarah said to David

"Take it to the vet for a proper check up you only know some stuff these guys know what there doing"

And that's what David did, only a little hoof problem but nothing else, the vet cured this and gave it a shot just in case he hadn't had one, now it was time to think of a name for the horse.

The old owner said

"The mum died back in the last winter and the dad hated it so we call it horse it was easier on the foul then anything else because the father didn't know witch one I was calling if he did he'd come over and shoo it away".

The horse was a 2 year old stallion shire horse and was a nice little horse very tame and not at all wild it was not biting at everthing that came near it would just sniff and eat or run away.

Sarah had thought of two names for the boy horse number one amber, but David said that's more of a girl's name.

The next one was better, Joey after the guy from friends but David had a better name

"How about........erm,"

David was good at naming things but this one had stumped him seeing as Sarah said no to ponyta the Pokémon and as for rapidash that was banned as well.

This went on for a long time of names that would be good but in the end David said that Joey was the best name they had said and now it was time to find out where to put the horse unfoundedly the new owner's of the house when Sarah and David where poor had removed the metal fencing going around it for no reason they just had, possible for scrap or to melt them down into things.

David went to the local scrap metal place but they had melted them down into other things and they didn't have any odd bits or any thing to work from just very little bits that were no good.

So now it was a case of making a new one but where to get the wood/metal David said

"Haverhill, I know someone in Haverhill who has lots of old wood plus my dad's a good friend of him".

Off David went to get the wood and after an hour the horse was getting use to being called Joey not horse and it was tame not at all mad or biting every thing that comes near it was very tame.

Two hours later David return with a boot full of pellets boards and started to break them up into long bits and getting rid of the square bits after an hour of hamming and bagging David was ready to start putting the fence in, after three hours of digging and cutting the back the hedges the fence was ready to be put in place but it was a bit late to be hamming posts in now.

Sarah had found a cork-screw thing that could hold Joey in place until David had finished the whole fence and by now it was also time to find some where for the horse to go in the wet weather then David remembered from there wedding the old under shelter or awning witch was perfect for now until he built a proper shelter.

In the morning David woke up to find the horse had got off its hook and was walking around in next doors yard eating anything that it could for some reason rose bushes were good, David rushed out and put the horse back in its place and started on the fence but half-way thought David ran out of posts and only had little ones or broken ones so it was another trip to Haverhill to get some more wood but this time he'd take the caravan.

After a long time David returned with a caravan full of wood he found a local lumber yard and brought a whole load of old pallets and started to break it up as well and after a day of doing this it was now looking like a fence and by the end of the day David had finished the sides and would now start on the front because you need a gate on the front.

So the next morning David got started and had finished just by the end of the day all that was left to do was hang the gate witch David said he do in the morning and he did but he first got some hinges and a lock quite a hard one not an easy one this was a yell lock and it was a big one.

So now Joey could not go any where and with all the left over bits of big wood David started to make a proper shelter and by the end of that day it was time for bed and Joey went straight into the shelter and started to go to sleep standing up and that night he looked happy and in the morning he was a lot more active.

Next time David and Sarah went to a Carboot sale they would look for some stuff for a horse but for now Joey is quite happy and likes to run around the yard and play.

After a few weeks it was getting used to the new smells and sights like other horses that went by every day and that the car was a good thing to scratch your rear end but you would be told off and the old shed was a good place to eat and bite but it was a good life and every night he thought of his mum, and was always happy with new owner's and loved them.