The Trials: Sub Zero (Part 1 of 3)

Story by Anonyma on SoFurry

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#2 of The Trials

I would recomend that you listen to 'Ice Demon' and 'The Hive' by Kevin Macleod whilst reading this. It helps set a mood.

Sure, its short, but its not over yet.

The air was dry and frigid. A low white fog crept over the thick layer of ice and snow that blanketed the floor below. Pristine white snow covered the frozen evergreens like a christmas decoration. Cold. So cold.


Entry 1 - ??:?? AM/ ??:??PM - ??/??/2016

How did I end up here? Where is here? It's really cold. My fur is doing little to nothing to help. I'm writing in this journal as a structure to shield me from possible insanity. I need something to help keep me occupied as I try to escape this hell. I'll be sure to write in this every morning. Er-- Every time I think it's morning.


Entry 2 - 4:00 PM - ??/??/2016

It feels like its only gotten colder...I can see my breath, that only frightens me more. Ive walked for a while, and strangely enough, this must be a synthetic forest. Its too cold, yet the trees are thriving, and there's a wall surrounding me. Whoever did this has probably done this before with others. What a sadistic fuck.

Its really fucking cold. I should probably mention that I was supplied a watch. Digital. There was a sticky note on it, written in pink ink was the word, 'Watching'

I can guess that was some shithead's idea of a clever pun, but I doubt that was the intended effect. I don't feel like I'm being watched.


Entry 3 - 8:32 PM - ??/??/2016

Well, I wouldn't say I wasn't surprised. I was more than surprised, I was quite shocked. I know a fairy didn't MAGICALLY put these clothes on me, so I can only assume my captor did. Ski pants, a warm jacket, and a pair of mittens. No hat, but I'm not complaining as long as my ears don't get frozen over. I almost forgot, another note was sticking out of the snow. It said, 'Supply = Work' now, whoever is pulling these strings, either is pleased with my efforts of exploration (which I doubt quite highly) or is trying to persuade me to stay here. But what would I work on? How much would I need to work in order to get a certain amount of supplies? What would I be supplied with? I'm still a little cold, and a bit hungry.


Entry 4 - 3:05 AM - ??/??/2016

Nothing. Just a vast expanse of nothing. Seemingly infinite, yet there's walls of a thick, hard, ice blocking my way in east and west. South seems infinite, but I might be able to find it soon.

Entry 5 - 4:00 AM - ??/??/2016

I don't know what to think. It's only been about an hour and I found a note, a cabin, and the south wall. The note was written in green ink, and said 'You are alone. But soon...' Whoever is doing this, they're not very clever. Taking the obvious choice, I head inside the cabin. Sure enough, it's deserted. A warm fireplace resides in the only room. Next to it, a bed and an odd painting. Abstract I believe. I'm a bit suspicious, but I've only been sleeping in cold snow before, so something like this is nice. Taking the sticky note though, I'll be writing on some questions for whoever is behind this.


Entry 6 - ??:?? AM/ ??:?? PM - ??/??/2016

Great, my watch broke. Some jerk shattered it while I slept. Their boot prints are still here, barely melted. The fire is almost dead, and I see my sticky note hasn't moved. I decided to follow the tracks, they stopped in the middle of nowhere. Genius plan to go out in the middle of a fucking blizzard. Sure, it's a small one, but the point still stands, I write this as I wander around in the middle of a blizzard, trying to find the cabin. Im exhausted and I think I might c--(the rest is illegible, just a line of ink)