Earning yoru SatisFaction

Story by catprowler on SoFurry

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#4 of BLFC stories for Conbook.

This was the submission I made for the conbook BLFC '16

Sadly there was no conbook, or at least not one yet. It was supposed to be digital but never got done.

Earning your SatisFaction

Skiff kept his legs moving as he ran his second lap around the outside of the course. Some of the faster creatures had already lapped him once before they headed for the inner agility course. Breathing hard the little gray mouse slowed down, sliding on the loose gravel as he gripped the post that was the start of the obstacle race.

This was one of the initiation trials to become part of the Freepaw Faction. True Skiff could just sign up and pledge himself to the faction but he wanted to be a member, he wanted to make a difference.

After the major fall and minor wars, factions popped up and broke down each with its own agenda, motives, and speakers which worked hard to create the best life and lifestyles for its members. The young initiate however didn't care about any of them because in his mind only the Freepaws had the right idea. The accepted anyone and worked to help everyone.

Skiff scrambled under the wiring finally having his chance to shine on the agility course; up the cargo net and over the wall, slipping between the smallest posts where other went around, and across the hanging ropes above a mud pit. This was were the rodent pushed even harder hoping to catch those that had gone before. He did pass some and gained on several more but when he got past the the finish post instead of slowing down and resting with the others Skiff tore back out onto the track little legs pumping fiercely.

The physical trial was a compound of two parts; the first was at least two circuits around the outside of the course, then at least one lap through the inner obstacle course and all it if had to be finished with in ten minutes. Anyone still left out on the course received a serious dock in points and was not allowed a mark no matter how well they did. The bonus was that each additional lap either inner or outer received extra points.

Skiff knew he had done well and if he could make the third lap he would gain extra points and gain back much of what the faster animal had taken lapping him before. Unknown to him a few others had seen the mouse sprint back out and followed but only the cheetah in the group came close to catching up to the little rodent. He put out everything he had into moving forward trying to stall the feline from passing him yet again. Even though he wasn't able to succeed, coming in a full pace behind, it did give him the spur he needed.

As Skiff stumbled to a halt and collapsed to his knees shaking and gasping the buzz sounded ending the ten minute limit leaving more than a few initiates on the track who quickly went to protest to their instructor.

He didn't bother to listen as the rules were read off, he knew that they were allowed to do the course in any order they wished running first, last, and even though it hadn't been done before, in between.

Skiff did pull himself back to his feet when the other two instructors drew moved to the group calling everyone in. It was no surprise Collen, the cheetah, came in first along with the others but he was as surprised as everyone else when he was called fourth earning him a passing mark. Not only that they gave him a second mark for full use of the time and the extra effort.

The rodent nearly collapsed, two marks gave him seven total, you only needed eight marks and to pass the advance test to become a member. He smiled accepting the congratulations from several of his class, they were all working hard but he had done his very best.

"Skiff.. Come with me." One of his instructors called before leading him away.

The Freepaw Faction had a huge complex with multiple building and enclosed areas covering more than fifteen acres in a quieter section of the city. Skiff, who had spent the last five months living in the initiation dorm, was quickly lost as he followed through buildings and covered walkways. "You have done a good job, showed spirit, engaged in cooperation, and put out a great deal of effort." His instructor suddenly stated as he stopped at the end of a long walkway in front of a solid metal exit door. "But even with all that you know we won't allow anyone to be a member without passing the final test."

"Does.. Does that mean you want me to take the test?" Skiff suddenly asked shivering with excitement. Often times initiates were lead away, sometimes to come back as members, other times they failed and were transferred to another special area for more advanced training. "But..." He stated slowly knowing the truth, "I don't have the eight marks yet."

He tried to suppress his excited squeak and act serious when his instructor just smiled. "I know eight is the norm, but several of us hope you are ready." He was silent as he started pulling back the first thick sliding lock wiggling to get it to move. "Now we have to go off complex. Most of the time the last test is done here but things have been changing the last few months. None of you have been told that several factions have begun attacking those that will join with them, there might even be another war coming." The instructors hand came up quickly waving him to silence. "Don't. It was decided that the possible danger would make the test more difficult. You should be more than capable of getting away should something happen so in a sense this is two tests. ONE you are to say by my side and keep quiet as we go to the other hall, TWO once we get there you will do what ever they say. Do you understand Skiff?"


"Don't worry there hasn't been much violence except in the inner city, but were going to play it save. There will be no faction marking and we're not leaving by a normal exit." His instructor spoke taking off the vest he wore and setting it on a small box next to the door. Skiff gave a shiver as his instructor flipped the second lock and pushed the door open talking quietly. "Remember follow me and don't talk. Stick close." Was the only other thing said once his instructor had closed the door and used a key lock it.

Besides a large wooden panel the door was the only thing Skiff could see in the narrow space beside the brick walls that went up several stories advancing dozens of yards down the alley. Once his instructor had squeezed past the barrier and had mouse joined him they moved swiftly going past several gap openings between buildings moving up the narrow alley. It was just as he would imagine a dirty alley way to be. Garbage collected here and there along with long neglected boxes and abandoned lengths of wood it seemed even here near the Freepaws stronghold the world still needed help. The young rodent kept pace ears picking out the sounds of the city that he had not heard in months. It was exciting and slightly worry some feeling the tension his instructor put out as his paws quickly slapped the pavement keeping pace.

Just as they were coming up on the first real street something off the side moved. "Help." Came a weak voice.

"Don't stop." The instructor hissed moving closer to the wall and away from a lumpy mass of what looked like dirty clothes.

Skiff had of course heard the order but he also heard the near silent moan. "Oh stars, it hurts." Louder the voice called. "Please, help me." The mass rolled over and one grime covered arm rolled out showing a matted paw and shredded sleeve.

"Skiff!!" The instructor had turned back barking at the small mouse who had stopped and crouched down. "It will be okay." He carefully touched the back of the paw hoping to convey some level of comfort or support.

He was totally unprepared for the strong paw that grabbed his arm and yanked him forward as the dirty pile exploded outward, one large rag covering his face.

"Dirty little rat!" The blow to his head stunned him and with his ears still ringing and head covered he was hauled back to his feet. Skiff's weak struggle finally caused the rag to fall and he stood looking into the face of a snarling wolf.

"You..." He wasn't able to get more out as he was propelled backwards hitting the wall hard enough to nearly knock the breath out of his body and made his back to protest in pain.

"You and your other stupid friends are FOOLS, only the strong should rule, only the ALPHAS!" The smaller rodent began to panic when a strong paw clenched around his neck making him gasp for air as it tightened. His eyes darted past the larger figure desperately searching for his instructor or some kind of help or rescue.

"HA! That other one bolted... so much for helping others right? You're stupid and weak, your faction should be burned to the ground." Each point was made by slamming the rodent back into the wall shaking him up more as he cut off Skiff's air supply keeping him from crying out. He did utter a cry of shock as he was literally lifted up a foot off the ground and tossed back out onto the pavement landing hard.

"Come on then tell me the Alphas are the best and I might take you back to our faction house. A weakling like you could never pass for a member but we still need bodies to clean our cloths, take out the trash, and scrub the toilets." It was a deep gruff chuckle as the small mouse tried to get his arms in position to get off the ground.

"You're wrong." Skiff was still trying to get his breath back wheezing as he breathed. He almost made it to his knees before the foot on his back forced him back down again.

"Wrong? What your little magical 'We help all.' is working!!"

"You don't.. under.. stand." The broken words came out each time the paw pressed in forcing air out of the rodent's body.

"Oh really, and what is it that I don't understand." The wolf asked snidely.

The foot eased off allowing Skiff several breaths before he tried to answer. "Your way is going to lead us back to what we all fought against. Oppression, distrust, having your life lived by someone else's wishes." He pushed hard against the paw that kept him down straining to rise.

"So what! We will guarantee our survival." Skiff felt the paw rise and fall on his back, once again pushing him back down.

Skiff continued to struggle with all he had including words. Whether it meant anything at all to the canine he didn't care the words were all he needed to keep going, to keep fighting. "But if we all work together, if we all try to help each other, then we will all survive. Not only that we can make sure no one suffers and everyone is cared for. It's not about who rules and who is the best. It's about Everyone stepping forward and helping each other so no one will ever be in need."

"Nice thought mouse." The paw was still at his back but didn't have the same pressure as before. "Problem is there will always be those who take advantage and those who hurt others. What are you going to do then, ask then to stop?" The foot lifted some only to come back down again hard making Skiff cry out.

"We will stop THEM!" He pushed back again finally getting up enough to lock his knees under his body. "And we will help everyone that they hurt!"

"You will huh, you can't even stand up." The wolf chuckled as he once again stepped down on the other. As the pressure on his back abated but before it came back Skiff lurched to the side throwing his body away from the other and rolling away. With his back aching and his body trembling he scrambled to his feet trying turning to face the other.

"I Won't Give UP!" He shouted. Skiff stared at his tormentor stunned to see the wolf wore a Freepaws uniform and behind him stepping into place were others including his instructors all in the Factions uniforms. He stood there staring trying to reason out what was happening when someone he didn't know stepped forward and spoke. "Skiff... Why did you disobey? You were told the rules. It was explained to you what could happen. If this had been real, likely you would have been seriously hurt... or worse."

"But I wasn't really hurt." Knowing how stupid that sounded and the fact his body ached from all over he added on. "It could have been someone who really was hurt. We can't... I can't just ignore that."

"Even when you were warned, even when our instructor told you not to?" It was the wolf who spoke this time.

"You sounded hurt." Skiff accused. "Why all the training and classes. Why keep telling us how important it is to help people if you don't want us to when it's time!" He nearly shouted in frustration.

"Why indeed." It was his instructor who spoke this time stepping forward to stand in front of the young mouse. "There is no right answer to this test and everyone person reacts differently. Some pause, some beg their instructor to help, some.. like you, ignore everything they were told and try to help, some even ignore the hurt and keep walking. This is the test to check your character and attitude, a test of intelligence and... commitment. The Freepaws would be honored to have your join our ranks, but also offer the greatest of cautions, it's foolish to rush in without considering the conditions. You need to learn caution and use your eagerness in appropriate situations."

Skiff stared in shock as a vest was handed forward and passed to him. The rodent quickly put the garment on feeling a growing sense of pride and joy. He had woke up this morning knowing that this would some day come but he had expected it to be months away, now as an intern he had one more year of work before he was permitted to be a full member who would work for the good of his fellows and indeed the rest of the world.

"Hurry up now Skiff, there is a lot more to learn." The surprise was clear on his face and several chuckled quietly. "Everything up to now was to test you and your character. Now you're really going to learn what it means to be part of the Freepaw Faction and how we plan on fixing the future." Seeing the rodent take a few shaky steps forward the instructor added. "But first we'll make sure you actually don't need help first."